Throwing Away Wrapped Packaged Food, Not Donating To Hungry Or Needy!?! Why Not?

Gerber Graduates Meals - Picture of Gerber Graduates Meals
@schulzie (4061)
United States
September 2, 2008 9:30am CST
Ok, I am so angry right now! My toddler likes to eat Gerber Graduates meals and I get them regularly so that I have something nutritional on hand that she will eat, is easy to prepare, and I have just in case she doesn't like dinner. Well, anyway, last night I was packing up the kids' lunches and the only thing my toddler will eat is Gerber Graduates Chicken and Mashed Potatoes or the Beef Ravioli meals. They make about 5 other varieties but she will only eat these 2 varieties, with the chicken one being her favorite. Well, I found out she didn't have any so I raced out to Walmart last night while I was sleepy and got 4 packages of them. When I got home and put it in her backpack I saw that I had gotten 4 of the turkey dinners. Well, she will NOT eat this variety, absolutely nothing from it. So, this morning after dropping her off to preschool I went to Walmart to exchange the dinners for the chicken ones. I got through the return process and the cashier put defective tags on every single dinner. Then they destroyed the packaging, etc. I mean I never even removed these items from the bag and they destroyed them! I told them there was nothing wrong with the food, just I bought the wrong kind as the packaging and picture looked so similar. Well, they said because of potential contamination or tampering they are required to destroy it and throw it away. I could not believe this! I said what about all the starving children out there? What about the homeless or needy? Couldn't they donate it to a food bank, etc. They said no, they could not. I just cannot believe this. I felt sick to my stomach - I could not believe that they had to throw it out. How embarrassing in this country that we Americans are so rich, etc. that we can have the luxury of throwing out food that has never even been opened and have starving people that we "cannot help" because there are not enough resources. That just disgusts me. If this were another country that would have never happened. What kind of world is this that we throw out perfectly good food that someone could have eaten and yet have people dying of starvation every day? I just had to get this off my chest - it upset me so much. I could understand if it visibly looked tampered with, but these meals were in cardboard boxes and then they are vaccuum sealed with tamper evident packaging. What a waste! Have a nice day and happy myLotting!!!
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31 responses
2 Sep 08
i understand both sides to this argument, but at the end of the day, its down to the individual. If you want to recycle, then find an outlet, don't put the blame on someone else not wanting to recycle for one reason or another (such as its un-hygenic). Too many people find excuses not to recycle and help others. Just get past that and help yourself to help others! dont rely on a 3rd party
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
The only reason I shop at Walmart is because I am not rich and their prices are affordable. It is not because I love the store, that's for sure!
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• United States
3 Sep 08
you shouldn't rely on Wal-mart to recycle, or really do much of anything beneficial anyway, it's wal-marts, it's not like they care
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Some of the rules or laws created just don't make any sense. I agree with you. There are people who would love to have those. I hate to see food thrown away anyway. I get mad at my husband because he rarely ever wants to eat leftovers.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I did not like leftovers growing up, but we seldom had enough to have any left. As an adult I found I love them, because I like my own cooking. One solution to my adult clients not liking "leftovers" is to jazz them up. I will make mac and cheese, for instance and stir in the leftover taco meat, little extra cheese on top. We seldom have leftover veggies. I have to be real economical in shopping and cooking for them.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
My husband hates leftovers too. I don't love leftovers but I eat them. It is so wasteful not to do so. I feel that if you waste food like that then one day you will probably go hungry due to what goes around comes around.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I would check with WalMart's manager to see if what they did was actually the right thing to do. They might have done that unnecessarily. If something is returned still vacuum sealed, I cannot see any valid reason to destroy it. It that's they're policy, then if I were you, I would NEVER return any item, but would instead either sell it online or give it away through FreeCycle rather than have it destroyed for no reason. I can understand if they tossed opened caselots - they might not be able to determine if they were tampered or not. But, a case that is still shrinkwrapped is evidently NOT opened and still shelf-ready!! The manager might not know they are doing this.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Yes, I think next time - hopefully if I am not down to my last pennies - that I will sell it online or donate it. I just cannot see wasting food like that. An animal had to die for that food to be made. What a waste!
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• Australia
2 Sep 08
Even if she sold it online though, she couldn't get the money right then, she would have to wait, and as it was her last $9, it wouldn't be convenient would it.
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• Australia
2 Sep 08
When i was little my mum made us sit at the table and eat what was put in front of us, if we didn't like it, well too bad. In the end we usually ate it because there was nothing else, we knew if we didn't, we would go hungry. We all grew up to like all food groups and we don't have any dislikes. It's sad that you have to go out and buy different food for your child than the rest of the family eats. Unless she has an allergy i would try to incorporate your cooking into her meals, otherwise she will grow up being a picky eater. That's what happened to my cousin, and her mum could never get her to eat anything. In the end, by the time she was a teenager, she would only eat mcdonalds or kfc while everyone else got homecooked meals.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Well, I do cook dinner and she does eat most of the stuff I cook. She eats spaghetti, pasta, macaroni and cheese, meatloaf, chicken, etc. However, she does not eat sandwiches, or hamburgers, or steak, tacos, salads, etc. I get these meals in order to make sure that she eats something and doesn't go to bed hungry. I would not send my three year old to bed without supper just to prove a point. I really don't think it is sad that I buy her these meals. I am happy because I know that she is eating something good for her and that she goes to bed with food in her stomach. I do not force her to eat food that is too spicy for her or that she has not developed a palate for. I do not believe in doing that. Also, she does not like the crap that they serve in the school cafeterias, you know corn dogs, canned chili, etc. I am very happy to know that she gets a hot meal at school and that it is far more nutritious and delicious than what is served at school. I am sorry to hear about your cousin and how she loves McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken, but that is not the case in this family. Have a nice day.
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• Australia
3 Sep 08
That's great, you have a nice day too! :)
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@mikinikih (201)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Isn't the whole point of tamper-proof packaging to prevent something like this from happening? I could understand it if you'd opened the packages, or even if it had been a while since you'd purchased them, but less than 24 hours later? That's ridiculous. At least now I now if I buy food at WalMart that we don't need, to just donate it to my church or local food bank (even though then I still have to pay for the replacements)...because I can't justify that extent of wastefulness. It's sad that our country is so untrusting of people that they feel it necessary to go to those lengths.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Yes, it is very sad. I would have donated it too but I really didn't have any extra money to buy another set of them. If I had the extra to buy more food for my daughter I would have gladly donated the ones she wouldn't eat to a shelter.
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• United States
14 Sep 08
With 3 little ones, I can understand the plague of the tight budget--and those little meals are expensive!
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• United States
12 Sep 08
I can understand why they would do that. Its baby food to start with ,people dont wanna take even the smallest chance of giving a baby contaminated food. There have been countless articles in the news where small children have gotten ahold of some contaminated food or other items and they have gotten very sick from it. Im sure it is some sort of FDA type of policy. Alot of donated food in food shelters is now government packaged you know like the food products the had during the food rationing. Anyway the only way people starve in america any more is if they dont seek the assistance to help or if they just dont want the help. Alot of people are to proud to take the help its sad but thats how it is .
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
That is not true though. Even if you are on food stamps or Welfare you can still go hungry. Trust me, my mother was on Welfare and food stamps when I was little. There were many nights that I cried because I was hungry. We bought the cheapest, generic food, etc. No chips, no candy, no cookies, etc. The bare basic foods. There were many nights I had macaroni with ketchup on top and I was happy because I wasn't hungry that night. It is not always that you are hungry because you are too proud to ask for help. Trust me.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Augh, there's a way to examine the packaging to check if its been tampered with, especially when its built to prevent tampering -- I bet they just don't wanna spend the extra buck hiring people to do that, and its EASIER for them to just toss it. It is despicable. Seems like, if people're that worried -- and they often are, they should just buy locally (which is much less likely to be treated with chemicles, and since it travels less distance its less likely to be diseased, or with pests)...or online and get their name brands shipped directly from the company to their house. I'm sure the homeless and needy don't mind the small, tiny risk these they're increasing in numbers. But no, I don't think they care. I wouldn't be surprised if this was just walmart, myself. *sighs*
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
5 Dec 08
It is horrible and what is even more horrible is that there are ppl in the world that would buy a child's dinner as you described, take it home, use a hypodermic needle to pierce the box and the container putting God knows what in it. I know it's wasteful and it's horrible to waste it but it's also for the safety of the public. About the only thing that can be returned and safely resold is things that are in cans...only b/c tin is incredibly hard to tamper with and not leave any evidence. [b]MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG AND TRUST IN GOD**[/b]
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I guess that is true, it is just very sad. Oh well, it is a shame the world is the way it is these days. Thanks for your comment and have a great day!!!
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I do understand your anger and being upset. I also find it a waste especially when there are so many that go without food or very little food. It is not because the country is so rich that we can just throw away food like that it is because of all those horrible people out there who do bad things to food and try to harm others, it is just a trust issue I guess. There have been too many horror stories out there about something in foods even the packaged foods. I see that it is just easier to buy new and give the other away to someone who can use it.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
It is just sad that there are people out there that are so evil to tamper with food and then as a result we have to be wasteful. I just don't know what is wrong in this world anymore.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
2 Sep 08
It's the kind of world where sickos have contaminated food in supermarkets in order to sicken or kill random strangers. It's the kind of world where our food needs to be temper proof or we won't buy it. It's the kind of world where even with the temper proof stuff still in place somebody in the convenience of their home can find a way to still inject poison into the food or find another way to spoil it to make the child sick (storing it out in the heat will do it for this type of food btw, won't break the seals but spoil the food inside). It's the kind of world where the supermarket will be sued for millions, if somebody gets sick because a contaminated product is on their shelves and they didn't catch it. Yes, it's a waste and not only happens to baby food but it's supposed to happen to any food item you return, no matter how unopened the box and otherwise completely sealed the container may be. Even if they hand it on to a food bank, they would still be liable. Stores won't take that risk. There is millions at stake. Can you imagine the jury waiting to 'stick it' to places like Walmart and award millions? That's the problem in our lawsuit happy society. That's the problem if you have sickos around who think it's fun to do stuff like that to people. Next time, knowing this will happen, take it to the food bank. Maybe they are not as strict. We dropped our baby food (jars, later the microwave dinners) into our church food pantry donation box, when our kids outgrew it and we still had some left in the pantry. We were never told that they don't take it. I don't return any food item to the store unless it's visibly spoiled and nobody could eat it anyway. Everything else goes into the donation box.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Well, that would be nice to be able to take it to the food bank or donate them myself right now, but these dinners are $2.25 each and I spent my last $9.00 last night buying them. My husband doesn't get paid until Wednesday and I needed the food to last through Wednesday, today being Tuesday. With only $1.18 in my pocket until Wednesday I really didn't have the luxury to go buy more of these dinners. I had to use the refunded amount to purchase the new dinners. If I thought my daughter would have ate the meals I would have kept them myself.
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@Natara (169)
• Canada
5 Dec 08
You're right- it is a HUGE waste. And you're also right about the not being able to help. The USA and Canada, as well as many other countries, have enough money to donate food to other countries in need. The problem is, the governments are just too greedy. Instead of a few children in Africa getting their first actual meal, we'd rather put the money towards a new subway station or something that's not necessary. I'm almost ashamed to live in Canada right now. We waste so much. I remember in grade 7 and 8, and younger grades, kids would throw out their whole lunches just because there was no chocolate or candy in it! What brats. Don't they realize the people who make the chocolate are the ones who need that lunch the most? It's our fault that children in Africa are dying and it makes me feel terrible. We'd rather waste food than actually help people that need it..
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Yes, I know. I remember the same thing in school. Kids would get the meal and eat only the dessert and throw out the main course or whatever if they hated what was there. Think about all of the food that was wasted. It is so sad. Thanks for your comment and have a great day!!!
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@onlydia (2808)
• United States
3 Sep 08
You see they have to distroy it as they can be sued other wise. I know you would never do thid but there are people out there that have. Tkae a niddle inject something into food. Do you know how hard it is to see a needle hole.Don't be mad at the for trying to protect other people from other people. That is why. I know it is sad. But look at it like this how well, do you check Halloween candy. I did. My girlfriend used to take hers to haspital to be exrayed. that is where all that stems from. They don't mean to make you mad or hurt your feelings it's just safer that way because of all the crazy people that have done that to the homeless and kids. Stay calm and take a min. breath. laugh. Americans we are lucky but then all's you have to do is turn on TV and see what is going on. I live in Minneapolis. StPaul oh what a time here. lol I trust you however. take care hope to see you soon.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I guess - I mean I know there are a lot of people out there who would tamper with food to be evil. It is so sad that someone would even be so bad to think to harm another like that. I just know that it is wrong to waste food. Waste not want not.
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• United States
2 Sep 08
That is just awful! What a waste is right. That is horrible, what goes around comes around, you know? I don't know why they couldn't send it back to Gerber or something or just put it in the dumpster area so someone could get it. That is sad, I know there are so many starving people in the world, let alone the United States. There will come a day when we will not have the luxury to throw away food. It will I just know it. This society is a very wasteful one with priorities in the wrong places.
• United States
2 Sep 08
i know that alot of people disagree with walmarts policys on the disposal of foods as do i. i am an ex grocery department walmart employee. i also worked in the frozen foods department and in produce a bit as well as other random areas. but what i have to say is while i think it is bad that they dispose of foods returned like in your case i can also see their point as there are alot of sickos out there that could find a way to tamper with foods even while sealed. what i think is worse yet though is how something that is shipped to the store in a dented can or in a box that is crushed or slightly torn is also claimsed out in the same fashion. I didnt much like working there for this and many other reasons as on an average night i had to pull 30 to 40 cans/boxes off the shelf and fill out a claims form stating why i pulled it off the shelf. then all they do is scan the barcode and pack them into boxes to be sent off to be destroyed because god forbid they discount it and sell it. Id say on an average night we threw away enough to feed several families for a week. granted none of the meals would have been fantastic they would have however been good filling meals. Also in frozen department we did basicly the same thing with boxes that were open or damaged except we literally threw the food away first. I asked more then once why we couldnt donate some of the foods to our struggling local food shelf but never got an answer. and to comment on what someone asked about other stores doing the samething, im sure they do i know our local grocery store does because of too many chances for people to sue. I work for lowes now and while i dont handle food of course i will say that they are still very wasteful.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I don't understand why this country is so wasteful. In other countries I am sure that they are not so rich to be this wasteful.
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• United States
2 Sep 08
oh and dont get me stated on the produce department.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Sep 08
You can thank the needy consumer for this one. Litigation being what it is, the big companies have had their charity and generosity thrown back in their face so that they are now not allowed to donate overstocks or waste to the poor....not even animals.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I know, it is just so sad to be wasteful like this. I wonder if they would throw out canned goods as well. How could you tamper with that?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Sep 08
This country is so paranoid about everything! But the biggest barrier to donating food is lawsuits. People here will sue for anything and always looking for easy money. This is most of the reason why stores don't donate food such as what you returned. It's a shame people are so greedy.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Yes it is. It is so bad to have to be in this whole situation. I will never understand why people would damage food or hurt others. I will never understand wasting food. Uggh!
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@mtrekster (179)
• United States
3 Sep 08
if the food is nice and easy to use, there are many homeless around who would not mind to have something to eat.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Yes, I totally agree with you. It is so wasteful.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
3 Sep 08
They have to do that because of the world we're in. What if someone had tampered with the package and they put it back on the shelf or donated it? They would be responsible. It's better for all of us that they do it that way. (And again, it's society's fault, not the store, because people do tamper with packages.) It's one more reason why we have to be careful when we're shopping to make sure we get the products we intend and don't have to return them.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
It is such a sad state of affairs, really. I just don't understand people sometimes.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I agree 100% with you. Have you ever seen that TV news story about dumpster diving? It's a sin how much food we waste in this country. And you know it's not just other countries that have a hungar problem, we do also. I guess the dumpsters and the starving are just not in the same place. Maybe it wouldn't be bad if we could get them together. The bigest problem is the risk of being sued. What if some one got sick? Anyway that's what the big companies think and so it's just easy to put it in the trash.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Yes, it is easier to waste stuff than to be liable for it later when someone gets sue crazy. I just think it is so very sad.
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• United States
3 Sep 08
I know how you feel thats just awful right now I am trying to help my sister with grocery etc and what we dont want we give to other families every little bit helps so next time now that you know what there do just give it to someone who needs it
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
13 Sep 08
If I would have had the extra money to buy more food for my daughter I would have donated to my church or a shelter. Unfortunately my family's financial situation does not allow me to do that. I only had $9.00 to my name and had to feed my daughter. If I had donated food to a shelter I would not have any money or credit to buy her food.
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