What Makes You Doubt the Existance of God
By 6precious102
@6precious102 (4043)
United States
September 2, 2008 9:59am CST
Having grown up in a Christian home, getting a lot of Christian training in Sunday School, church, Bible studies, etc., and having thought about how incredible all creation is, it's hard for me to understand how anyone could be an agnostic or an atheist. I will confess that there are times when I get angry with God, but I could never not believe in Him. All creation just seems to complicated, to me, to have evolved without the help of some intelligent being. Those of you who are agnostics or atheist, what caused you to come to that point?
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13 responses
@runner0369 (641)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I am now a Baha'i but I was an atheist for most of my life and only recently came to accept God into my heart. I was forced to go to church (out of love, my parents thought it would be good for me and I in know way blame them) and I could not find any suitable explanation for all the suffering in the world, as a science geek I can totally explain how life could come about without God (although I know believe that God did create life). When I was 12, my best friend was murdered and the pain felt unbearable so I tried praying, asking God to help alleviate my sorrows, even a little bit. And I got no response, or at least not one that I recognized and I concluded that God is either cruel or does not exist. But now, in the Baha'i Faith I have found all the answers I have sought and so much more so I am happy now, and I think God did answer my prayers, just in His time, not mine. :)

@runner0369 (641)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Thank you! The Baha'i Faith believes that Christ has returned in the form of Baha'u'llah (which translates into English as "the Glory of God") in order to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, as foretold, which He said would take about 1000 years, it has been about 150 years since He proclaimed this message. He correctly predicted the dates of WW1 and WW2 and said many other great wars would follow before the Most Great Peace could be established. It is a beautiful Faith which accepts all major world religions as truth if you look at the Manifestation and not the followers of the religion. It has brought me so much joy and peace! I wish I could share that joy and peace with everyone who is struggling, unfortunately, people today are very scared and suspicious so it is hard. I am so blessed to have found my path so early in life! I hope God guides you to truth, love and peace in whatever path He has chosen for you!
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I'm not familiar with the Baha'i religion, but it seems to have something in it that you needed. I hope you'll continue to study spiritual matters and will ask God to lead you to all truths.
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@mr9317 (15)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I do not intend to bring down anyone's personal beliefs, but the predicting of major world events before they happen has been discussed and debated before. I don't know if you have ever read about the controversies on Nostradamus' predictions, they say he saw the coming of Hitler and 9/11 and so forth but alot of it is just very flowery language that people have found very weak correlations to events that have occurred in the past sixty or seventy years. The relation to 9/11 goes something like a large bird will strike two pillars and the sky will be lit with fire. I mean, considering he wrote this in something like 1100 A.D., there was bound to be an incident where a plane hit a building. But the point I am trying to make is that people see what they want to see. By all means you are entitled to believe what you choose and I have nothing against that, but we also cannot forget that these scripts were written by ordinary human beings with no divine power, and I DO NOT condone claiming that because there may be meek connections between something written 1000 years ago and something that took place fifty years ago, that that is evidence enough of a divine being. I think if people want to "find god," it should be on their own terms, not people feeding them "facts" about prophecy to yank them by a chain that their definitely is a God.

@mrowland (14)
3 Sep 08
I have no religiopn but am open minded I think science even is a form of religion. I mean years ago science siad the world was flat! So science is not infalable and is frequentley being prooved wrong.. anyway what makes me dobt god? if you mean the christian god I dont believe in that guy at all? mabe there was some form of creator. but then who created hi? but then again if there was a big bag who put the gasses there for that to happen?
@mr9317 (15)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I cannot agree with your "science is a religion" theory, yes it's true that some 500 years ago people said the world was flat...but soon that idea was challenged and corrected! Thats what makes science, science and religion, religion. Science is any number of studies that are constantly being challenged, corrected, and changed. Religion on the other hand is a universally accepted belief by a group of people, and while people do interpert their religious scripture, it can never be changed.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
The question of "where did God come from" is one that's been around probably since man was created. Years ago I read a book titled, "Does God Play Dice." In it the writer talks about the four dimensions (up and down, back and forth, inside and out, and time) and I came to the conclusion that the "beginning" in the first verse of the Bible "In the beginning,God..." were those dimensions. With our four dimensional, finite minds it's hard to conceive of a time before "the beginning." If God was the creator of time, He had to have existed before time. Therefore He always has been.
@shana123 (2095)
• India
4 Sep 08
I never doubt my Almighty GOD ,though i was following some other religion and now i understood the truth and power and i can say i understood who the true GOD is.My life has totally changed and i dint know how it happened to me but everything in my life has been touched by GOD and now all doubts in my heart which i had earlier had been removed.. i dont doubt the existance of GOD i just came here to read how and why people get doubts on GOD.
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
3 Sep 08
Hi ,
While I do believe in God ; or the Higher Power , at times I do disbelieve him .
When I see people suffering and that too good people ; bad people achieving their Goals ; I wonder what is God doing or whether he is there or not .
Then ; I think that God is not there to work on our everyday life little things ; but he has many more bigger things to attend to.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I disagree with both your theories...so called "bad things" happen because we need them to....they are our lessons, they give us balance and wisdom...Truth be told there is good and bad in EVERYTHING...and thats as it should be..
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
It is my opinion that Satan is the cause of bad things happening in this world because he tempts us to sin against God and do very ugly things whether its to our fellow man or to nature. I believe God has give the world the formula needed so bad things don't happen. The problem is everyone thinks his religion is the formula that's right.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I believe God gave us a brain and expects us to use it, but it's nice to know that we can go to Him in times of trouble.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I don't think you need to feel like a sinner. I don't believe God has a problem with our questioning Him. That's probably why Jesus said, "Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you."
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I'm not agnostic or atheist but I dont believe in the CHRISTIAN God by any means and havent for many many yrs...Why? because there is no logic, truth, honour, love etc etc in christianity, the bible or the christian god IMO..HOWEVER that does NOT mean I dont believe in ANY god or godlike being...thats not the case at all..
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Having read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), it's hard for me to understand how anyone could find fault with Jesus. Unfortunately many so called Christians have not followed His teachings and have given Christianity a bad name.
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
2 Sep 08
There is nothing that doubts the existence of God. I can speculate with what non-believers could doubt with the existence of God. I think they want to see something big instead of all the small things that God does. Or that there are so many bad things happening to good people and bad things happening to children.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I think some people claim to not believe in God because they don't want Him to exist. I think they think that if He does exist, they'll be bound to a set of rules.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
I'd like to see Him in person in order to believe that He truly exists. But who am I kidding? God is everywhere-in nature, in my family, in me. Sometimes I doubt that He's real though when there's violence. I don't understand why children suffer. Why the innocent go to jail. Why there can't be peace in this world. If He was truly powerful and loving then He ought to do something about this. Of course, many philosophers have different explanations and theories to reconcile God's existence with violence and oppression. But even if it's enlightening, I guess I need to experience God in order to truly believe.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I believe suffering in this world is because of choices mankind makes. God could have created us as mindless puppets, and loved us like a child loves his/her toys, but puppets could never love Him in return. Just like the parent who lets the child walk on its own, God is there to pick us up when we fall. If you're looking for God, you might try asking for the help of His Holy Spirit.
@megaman2000ph (343)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
Every human has different beliefs, atheist have their own beliefs also. Even if they
eat doctrines, they shouldn't believe in you. They are proud what they are doing but sometimes it is illogical for some reasons of what they believe in. I sometimes debate with atheist but there ears will surely out of reach if you explain to them.
That's a fact about it.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I don't know any atheists personally, but the ones in the public forum seem to be unwilling to listen to the other side. I would love to see a debate between someone like Richard Dawkins and Ravi Zechariah (I'm not sure I spelled his name correctly). I bet that would get some blood to boiling and hearts pounding.
@freakingman (239)
• Singapore
3 Sep 08
actually, every religion itself claim that its own god is real. but to me, all religion simply is there to promote the fact of after-life and doing good. so the moral of the story= doing good get you a better after-life.
by the way,i believe there is god. to me nothing happen without a purpose. so for us to be here, it could just be a coincidence that led to our creation. or there could be a somebody that is behind it all.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
You're right, we all believe ours is the "true" religion. Maybe the only way to know which is right is to test them. There is always going to be things in any religion that cannot be proven, but what's the track record regarding things that can be proven? Is there prophecy in religion? Has that prophecy been fulfilled or is it being fulfilled? I believe there are answers out there and that God wants us to look for them.
@mr9317 (15)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I don't believe in God...I believe that the scientific reasoning that people have researched and developed for different happenings over the past two and half to three thousand years is ample proof that man was clearly not just "given" the answer. The Bible, or should I say Torah (it did come first) was written...by man. These scripts were written because these people did not yet have the means to answer the phenomena that went on around them, and I can respect that. As a race we have always been looking to solve the riddles of our Universe and our own existance. And at the time these scritures were put to paper, they did not have the technological, and maybe even psychological means to come up with an answer, so they turned to an ideology. Personally I don't understand why people choose to REFUTE the idea of evolution, who could look at an early homminid skull and say there is no way that was a human being in its most primal stages. I accept those who believe in God, but I do not accept those who are ignorant because a book, that was written by a MAN, "tells them" to be.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
4 Sep 08
It's funny how we can look at the same things and see them so differently. I look at every aspect of nature, see how intricate it is and am convinced that it had to have been created by an intelligent being. I think about the position of the planet and how precise their placement has to be so they're not crashing into each other and am convinced a higher power had to have put each of them exactly where they belong. Science might be able to manipulate nature, but they've never been able to duplicate it. God is the only Creator. As far as the writing of the Bible, it was not writer by a MAN, but by MEN over many centuries and each was inspired by God. This is my opinion (which I believe to be correct), but I respect yours. Thanks for responding.