Women in the Ministry
By clrumfelt
@clrumfelt (5490)
United States
September 2, 2008 11:59am CST
Some Christian denominations that I am aware of do not allow women to be pastors and ordained ministers in their churches. In their churches it is okay for women to teach children's classes but they won't put women in any position that she would be ministering the gospel to men in the congregation because they believe it would amount to women usurping authority over the men. I believe that is a wrong interpretation of the scriptures and God can use anyone he chooses in any ministry he wants them to do. What do you think?
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22 responses
@pythia7 (139)
• United States
3 Sep 08
In the Catholic Church (which is the oldest) only men are priests, but women participate in all other areas of ministry. The reason for this is that we believe the Apostles were the first priests, and Jesus empowered them to conduct Mass. This is called Apostolic Succession, and it comes from our Jewish roots. A rabbi recieves a special laying on of hands and a blessing called a "smicha" when he is ordained. This ties him to the lineage of the sages. In the same way, Jesus instituted the priesthood, with the similar tradition.
It isn't a simple matter of preaching for us. For us it is the Mass, the Eucharist ('Behold this is My Body") which is the heart of our worship.
As we all know, there is nothing special or more holy about a priest, they are like everyone else, but they have this special commision to cunduct Mass, which is why when they are bad people it is that much more sinful.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
8 Sep 08
[eFundamentalist, hmmmmm. Anybody else notice one of the main words in there? FundaMENTAList. Or is it fund a mentalist? Not sure I want to fund mental people.
I grew up catholic and seriously, I think most religions are a crock and just used to control people.
And if there is any confusion who was there first, I got you all beat. Pagans were there way before all of this other stuff. Nuff said 

@pythia7 (139)
• United States
3 Sep 08
What a minute....YOU apologize for MY comments and imply that I brought the conversation away from the subject? YOU should apologize to me for how offensive your comments are about my faith. I didn't, nor will I attack yours, but you seem to feel it's AOK to say disgusting things about the Catholic Church. And FYI? I spend many many years in Fundimentalist churches and I know the drill.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I think women are equal to men and have the same abilities as men and therefore the same rights.
Keeping women down and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, seems to be one of the churches favorite things to do. Yet another reason why I swore of that belief.
Women are strong and smart and everybit as capable of being ministers, just like a man.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I agree. Of all places where discrimination against women shouldn't occur, it is the Church. The Church are to be examples to the world and it is a bad example to deny ministry opportunities to members on the basis of gender. Plus, it cuts in half the numbers of people God can put into the pastoral and evangelistic pulpits. Not a good thing.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I think its absolutely ridiculous that women arent allowed in some churches do become ordained..In fact i actually think/believe it sends a very negative message in all honesty...We are ALL CREATED EQUAL are we not? So whats the problem..not to mention the fact that in this day and age that sort of "women are less than" attitude is just SO outdated..
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I completely agree. God made it clear in his Word that he is no respector of persons and doesn't look on the outward appearance of someone, but the heart. I guess long-held attitudes are hard to change. Thanks for your input.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Like any subject, as long as the students Can learn from the teacher that is all that matters.So it should be left to the churchgoers to choose their pastors or ministers. There are many Christians who would love female religious leaders and others wouldn't. I know there are enough churches for everyone to find one where they are comfortable with their teacher.The most important thing is to learn the Word , not the teacher.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Thanks for your comments. You have some wise thoughts on this topic. Churches shouldn't criticize each other over minor points of doctrinal disagreement. They should act and speak with love rather than let petty disagreements cayse division between them.
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I believe God can and will choose whoever he wants to spread his word.
Women in the ministry is fine with me.
Some women are good teachers of the word, and they should have the right to minister it. I have been to churches with female ministers, I have been with male ministers. I got something out both their teachings.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
2 Sep 08
God can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants. My church is pastored by two lady pastors and I wouldn't toss them out for anything! I'm glad they have dedicated their time and talents to the Lord's ministry, and they do a great job with our church.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I agree with you. There are many truly gifted women who are knowledgeable, good speakers and, I believe, have been called by God to preach His word. I think it's a shame in this day and age when woman have made such headway in other areas that use to be denied them, some denominations are still operating in the dark ages. Didn't the apostle Peter say that all types would prophesy?
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Yes the Apostle Peter said that, and the Prophet Joel, too.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
3 Sep 08
i do not follow denominations I follow Christ who thought women important enough to appear first upon his resurrection to the women and tell them to take the good news to the brethren!If women are important enough to take Christs message given by his own mouth then who are men to deny them that?
Matthew 28: 8. So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.
9. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him.
10. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."
11. While the women were on their way,
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I appreciate your reasoning on this. When people try to form rigid rules in the church to decide this issue, I think they are telling God who he can or cannot use for his ministries. People should allow God to be God and not limit him.
@trieschman (272)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I actually belong to a church like what you describe. We are Reformed Presbyterians. We do allow women to teach adult classes, so it varies a bit from your explanation but all else is on target. Does it bother me - No. Do I agree with it - sure. My husband has a stronger feeling about having women in the role of ministering and I don't mind the restriction. If we attended a different church that allowed women elders would it bother me? probably not. I never have so I am not sure. I am comfortable with it the way it is. I am not strong to recite the scripture but I have seen the doctrine to back up our churches beliefs. I will have to look for it and come back and post.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I'm glad you are firm with your belief on this and are in harmony with your church and family on it.
@littleowl (7157)
2 Sep 08
Hi circumfelt..I agree with you, we are all equal in this world and women are not under dogs to men and it shouldn't be seen that way in the church...I don't go to church but know that God is one deity and loves us all therefore he will use anyone wether it be man or woman to help beleivers of any deity..unfortunatley the church has too many rules and regulations to be able to see this..littleowl
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Some churches do. There are only a couple of denominations I know of that still keep women out of the clergy. But God says in the scriptures that he is no respecter of persons. Even though men discriminate, God does not!
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
8 Sep 08
If you read the Bible, God used many women in leadership roles and in ministry.
Deborah was a prophetess. None of the other judges bore such a title. The Bible says that Deborah heard the Lord as judge, but as prophet too. Deborah also was a war prophet, a role many would think inappropriate for a woman. She was definitely a leader, with the authority of two offices granted by the LORD. God doubly blessed Deborah. She was a married woman, but her husband received no other mention than to establish he is her husband.
Biblical scholars note that Aquila was never mentioned without Priscilla, and that Priscilla was always mentioned first. Unlike our western society, the woman would not have been mentioned first unless she had more value in the ministry. It's at least likely that the two were equally valued in their ministry roles.
Anna – the woman who became the first missionary. She was a prophetess. She was one of the holy women who devoted themselves to continual attendance in the “night and day services of the Temple.” It was not in some nook of the Temple, or in the corner where females only supplicated God. Anna joined with others openly in the presence of the congregation and poured out her soul audibly in the Temple. She prayed and fasted.
Anna was one who told of the coming of our Lord. When she heard Simeon’s praise for prophecy fulfilled, she went out to declare the good news. Her long years of faith and waiting were rewarded and she became the first female herald of the Incarnation to all who looked for the Redeemer in Jerusalem.
Phoebe – the woman who wore the badge of kindness. Phoebe was not merely a confessing and active believer, she was also a “ministrant of the Church”. She was a deaconess, allowing her to teach and to be active in the relief of the temporal needs of the poor among the flock. She was one of the first deaconesses in the Christian church. Paul urged the believers in Rome to “receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints.”
In Galations 3:28 it says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
I believe that each one of us are given gifts (or a mix of gifts) that we are to use for the Lord, no matter whether we are male or female. I also believe that if we have been given a gift that is supposed to be shared and we're not doing so, then we are stealing from God and from our fellow believers.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Thank you for your in-depth scriptural analysis of the topic of women is the ministry. I agree with your thoughts and you have made the case better than I ever could have.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Thanks! It saddens me that so many women who love the Lord have been held back from what they might have actually been called to do.
On the evening when I was driving to my first "lay speaking" class, I had a Christian radio station on, and don't you know it was a message about how women should never speak or lead (anything) in the church. This particular local pastor wouldn't let a woman lead the choir or even the children's Sunday school classes. (As a result of that, the church shrunk because the men didn't relate well to toddlers and babies.)
When I arrived at the church where the class was scheduled, I discovered 40 people there - the biggest class our denomination had ever trained at one time. Half of us were women and we had all heard the same message on the radio as we drove to the church. Most of us did question what the pastor said and prayed on our way.
But we were all so blessed to be a part of that. I later became a District Lay Speaker and taught that basic class myself. And as a certified lay speaker, I've spoken in churches in 4 different states.
Trust me in this. If I were to choose a gift on my own to use for the Lord, it would not be speaking. I was the kid who never spoke up in class, even if it meant getting a poor grade.
But I have learned that if I truly feel that God is trying to use me, not to say no. Moses didn't feel that he was qualified. Neither did many whom God asked to serve in ways that were not what they would have chosen.
My grandmother taught me that tithing is about more than money. She taught me that everything we have belongs to God and all He asks for is 10% back. She taught me that I should give Him 10% of my time, my talent and my treasure...and if I didn't have a lot of treasure, I'd better make up for it by giving Him more of my time and talent.
People who discover the gifts God has given them and then use them for His glory never get tired of serving. It's refreshing to be doing what one has been called to do.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
2 Sep 08
Hello there drumfelt the ones that you are talking about is the Church of Christ churches. Now in the old testament women were not allow to participate in being a priest example Moses, Joshua etc. If you read the book of Corinthians it specifically tell us that women job is to teach the young ladies how to behave towards their husband, and family life. In the book of Ruth you can see that although she was anointed she did not do the things as what the Prophet would have done. Now in Corinthians it also say that were the man is not doing the work of God, then the female get do so. I baptised in Church of Christ but I did not like that women was only allow to teach Sunday School but when I read the bible it was there so I could not dispute God Words. It is just that persons are not trusting these Pastors who are males and doing the wrongs so the female started to Preach. I would encourage you to read and understand this.
Now that we are under the blood of Jesus Christ there will be persons who will say that we are not under the old Covenant (LAW) but we should remember that Jesus Christ did not come to change but to fulfill and because of the severity of the old Law God has establish the New Covenant which is Jesus Christ which through his blood we are saved. I am not against women preaching and prophetising, what I am against is them wearing those long fingernails and false hair and saying that they are doing the works of God. They need to look inside of the bible and see that as a representative of God she is not of world but instead she is a symbol of what God is.
Yes God can use anyone he chooses in any ministry he wants them to do and he has been doing that since bible days isn't it. Ruth, Mary Magadelene, Noami etc. He does but do you see them being on the pulpit preaching. No my dear they were not. But they were used in the way God wanted them to.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Thanks for your comments. I believe the New Testament teaches that women are to be in subjection to their husbands. It also teaches that in the church there is no difference of male and female before God. Also women and not to adorn themselves to stand out and be noticed to the extreme with fancy jewelry, hair, clothes, ect,.
The Bible gives these guidelines for the New Covenant and since there is ample reasoning for either view in the scriptures, I think people basically just have to listen to the convictions of their own heart and if God tells them to do somenthing, they should do it.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
3 Sep 08
You keep on saying that in the church and in God eyes there is no difference between men and women. Can you please tell me where in the bible I can find this because I grow to know and while reading the bible there is always a different. It is always good to learn so I would like to know where I can find this.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
I belong to a Baptist Church and we are one of those denominations that you are talking about. Yes, women are not allowed to take the role of a Pastor but we can be Sunday school teachers to children and to adult ladies.
1 Timothy 2:11-12 proclaims, “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” In the church, God assigns different roles to men and women. This is a result of the way mankind was created (1 Timothy 2:13) and the way in which sin entered the world (2 Timothy 2:14). God, through these passages directly restricts women from serving in roles of spiritual teaching authority over men.
The reason is very clearly and perfectly given. Because - "Adam was created first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived." That is the reason. God created Adam first and then created Eve to be a "helper" for Adam. The fact that Eve was deceived is given as a reason for women not serving as pastors or having spiritual authority over men. Women are not to teach or have spiritual authority over men because Eve was deceived. so God has given men the primary teaching authority in the church. Any teaching that would involve mixtures of men and women it is the men who has the authority. However, most women are gifted with qualities like hospitality, mercy, teaching and helpfullness. In fact women play vitals roles in most ministries of the church and they are not deprived of that role. Women in the church are not restricted to public praying or prophesying as written in1 Corinthians 11:5, it is only to having spiritual teaching authority over men. The Bible never restricts women from exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians chapter 12). We can always minister to others and demonstrate the fruit of the holy spirits Spirit we have acquired through our relationship with Jesus.
God has ordained that only men are to serve in positions of spiritual teaching authority in the church. This is not because women are inferior or less intelligent. That is how God designed it to be. Men are to set the example in spiritual leadership. Women are to take a less authoritative role. We can teach teach other women as written inTitus 2:3-5. The Bible also does not restrict women from teaching children. The only activity women are restricted from is teaching or having spiritual authority over men. And I do not find this questionable at all. I am very happy with my role in the church. And I feel very much respected by our Pastor and other males in the congreation just as other women in the church are. I am very happy that God gave me gifts so that I can teach the adult Ladies and the children alternately. I can also sing solo during special numbers and can sing in the choir as well. I also serve as the Church Secretary and do a lot of paperworks for the church. I don't need to aspire the lead role of a Pastor in order to serve Jesus more. I believe I can always serve at my best no matter how small the role is for as long as my heart is sincere in my every endeavor meant for God's glory.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
You make a very compelling argument for the doctrine you support. I'm glad you are happy with your role in the church and find it fulfilling.
@jojofun (18)
• United States
3 Sep 08
The following statements are not to anger anyone or to dispute with anyone; for there is nothing to dispute about when it comes to the Word. There is NO private interpretation there of (2 Peter 1:20).
The problem i see regarding this issue is one based on heresy (individual opinions). Philosophy and religion is not the same thing as the Word of God. Remember, our thoughts are not His thoughts. Please, instead of talking discussing our personal opinions regarding the Word of God, let's just discuss what the Word of God says (nothing more). If a man/woman is an atheist, then his argument should be taken very lightly. When we all get the chance to refer to the Holy Scriptures themselves (KJV), please... read the 1st epistle of Timothy, Chapter 2. That chapter is from which the instructions to not let women teach in churches come.
Now please understand, there are many/diverse ministries within the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ (children ministry, prison ministry, musical, poetry, books, ministering to other women, youth camps, young adults, etc.). However, for some reason, people want to be in a pulpit and own their own churches. This seems more like the work of Satan through our pride and desiring to have a position of authority. Moreover, when it comes to women pastoring churches, I see it as more an issue of submission, not to men, but to the Word.
-- Nothing but love,
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
4 Sep 08
The issue is not one of pride of women in wanting to preach to men from a pulpit. The issue is I have known women who felt the call of God (I suppose many people wouldn't believe God gives such a call to women) for preaching or teaching, not just to men or children, but to the Church. As you said the word is of no private interpretation and also the saints are to avoid contentious arguments that divide instead of unify. Some of the women who have been thus called have been criticized from every corner just because they are women, even though they were humbly and effectively preaching/teaching the Word of God. It isn't right,as only an individual can know what God is saying to their heart and they will be just as accountable for their actions as anyone else if they ignore his call.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
8 Sep 08
jojofun, I hope you'll read my response below. It lists just a few of the women God did use - as leaders and in ministry. One only has to explore the Bible to see that it is so.
People get confused, thinking that Paul didn't want any women to speak in church or to teach, especially not to teach men. But he did affirm that Phoebe was a deaconess. As a a deaconess, she was allowed to teach and to be active in the relief of the temporal needs of the poor among the flock. Paul urged the believers in Rome to “receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints.”
Paul also affirmed both Pricilla and Aquilla. The Bible certainly appears to refer to them as equals in ministry.
When we read the Bible, we are wise if we use a commentary along side it as we read, so we can discern what Biblical scholars can tell us about the times. Often times, a particular passage appears to be more an admonishment of a particular church and not of everyone of the Christian faith. Where women were being disruptive - because of their newfound faith and feeling that God was leading them to teach - Paul admonished them. But, it's obvious that he did not mean that NO women should EVER speak in church, else he would not have affirmed particular women who did that very thing.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
3 Sep 08
The groups that do that have their own Bible and don't use the Holy Bible much if at all.
Think of every family as a team, and God chose the man to be the team captain. It isn't because God thinks he is smarter or anything, just in order for things to run smoothly, everyone needs to have their own role in the family.
Mom is co-captain and if something happens to dad or he is unable to be a good captain, then its her duty to step in.
There was a time when men and women didn't sit together at church. So God said ok the Man is going to hear the preaching and then go back home and tell his family what he learned.
It's just gender assigned roles, people take things too far. God also tells the men, team captains, to not be mean to their kids and wives.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
We're in agreement. Men are to be the leaders of their homes and women are to be submissive to them. However, women do not need to learn the gospel and take part in the church only at home. Women are educated now whereas once they were not and had to learn at home to maintain order in the church where they wouldn't understand much of what was being said. Women can have a much greater role in the church now than they did when those words were written. However, I disagree that groups who allow women in the ministry have their own Bible or don't honor the Holy Bible. I know of too many examples where that is simply not true.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I was explaining how it was back then. I am not saying women shouldn't be in church or anything. I am just saying why God said those things at that time.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I see nothing wrong with women in the ministry. However, there is a place in the Bible that specifically says that women should not do this. I do not remember where specifically, but it is there.
That said, I think fundamentalists should learn to decide what parts of the Bible were written applicable to the time frame in which it was written and don't apply today. Women in the ministry is fine today whereas a long time ago this would not be okay. A similar such topic would be polygamy which in the Old Testement is practiced by many, but is not acceptable today.
The Bible is a very old book. Some parts no longer apply today no more than all parts of the Koran apply today.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
2 Sep 08
There are texts in the Bible both for and against women ministering, and I think the part against was written because at that time only the men were educated. It isn't that way today, and all the texts must be taken in context. Thanks for your input.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Sep 08
Our Church takes the view that it is not right for a woman to usurp authority over a man. Our women can minister to other women. Women are good at volunteering, understanding others, etc. Men are at a loss, but they are good at getting people to do what they want. We have women's society whereby the woman can teach other women about God, but we would never have a woman minister or a woman preach a mixed crowd of men and women. For one thing, there would be resentment and men are better being bosses and get more people to obey them especially when it is something very serious like telling them not to do bad things.
With a woman preacher she is likely to say that perhaps the reason someone does something wrong is because she is upset and gives the latter an excuse to do it, but a man is different. No one listening to a man preach would get the impression that God excused that other person's wrong doing. He would tell that person to confess their sin and pray to God for forgiveness while a woman preacher would say "when yu are ready."
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I think people take the scripture to the extreme when they discriminate that way in the ministry. Galatians 3: 28 says there is no difference in the church of male and female. I understand that people may be more comfortable with the way they were raised and taught concerning this issue, but I personally don't believe there is justification for the view in light of the whole body of teaching in the Bible. I guess that's one reason I like the church I attend, because I believe it is biblically accurate to allow women to pastor and I have 2 lady pastors. Thanks.
@jaypeemanuel (1005)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
Yes, I believe it is a wrong interpretation. Studying the verse that encourages men not to put women in pastoral positions are those who don't take the verses in light of the Jewish custom.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Thanks for your insight on this topic. Going back to the source helps clarify many Biblical teachings.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Sep 08
hi cirumfelt I think God moves in mysterious ways,his wonders to perform.And why would he not use a woman to preach as well as
a man. God was not racist. Here in the Us there are a few'
women pastors and thats great in my eyes. like women doctors,'I have had two women doctors who were better doctors'than the guys. lol.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Thanks, Hatley, I completely agree. God does work in mysterious ways, and he doesn't want us telling him who to use or not to use for which ministry.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Thanks for your input. I believe God can use whomever he wants any way he wants and we should let God be God.
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
2 Sep 08
The Bible does say that women shouldn't have high levels of leadership. I think women can be ordained and be ministers but not the senior pastor like an assistant and associate pastor. That way there is someone above them. I am a minister but there are three others above me.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
2 Sep 08
I wouldn't have reservations about a woman being a senior minister. God says there is no difference in the church, but I also think people should be in agreement on that point and if their denomination doesn't allow it they should comply or change churches if it is a major contention with them. Thanks for your comments.