Hit and Run

September 2, 2008 9:03pm CST
At work the other night a stray dog was brought in to us along with a car's numberplate. I asked why the numberplate was there. I assumed that it was from the car that hit the dog but couldn't understand why it would be sitting next to his cage. It turns out that the good samaritans who brought the dog in witnessed a car swerve to miss the dog, then straighten up and speed up at the last minute, aiming for a direct hit. The dog was hit so hard that the number plate fell off this loser's car so the witnesses picked it up as well as the dog. It sickened to me to think that we live in a world with people who would choose to do this. I live in the same city as this person! The dog was microchipped so we contacted the owners. It turns out the dog's name is Yowie and he's a big old beautiful Golden Retriever. Thankfully he will be ok, he's in with the specialists having surgery on his displaced hip and he has a few cuts and bruises, but he's expected to make a full recovery. I really do hope the owner takes legal action against these losers. My question, if you were in that situation and you knew that taking legal action against the perpetrators would cost you money, would you still do it? My answer is yes. I love when justice is done to animal abusers and I hate when it's not. I hope these people go down. What do you think?
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33 responses
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
3 Sep 08
How horrible! I would think that in such a situation, the law would be able to press cruelty charges and it shouldn't cost the owner a thing. If there was a witness that is willing to give a statement and testify, it should be a clear cut case of cruelty.
5 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 08
Judge Judy would slap the dog owner with a fine and make them pay for a new number plate too!
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• Australia
10 Sep 08
Well the surgery and hospital bills are going to come to over $5000 so they should be made to pay that on top of the court costs.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I would truly sue the pants off of who ever hit the dog it was purposefully done and that is just disgusting to me. I have no clue how people can be so cruel to others and their animals. grrr. I don't know what else to say other than I would sue the pants off of those people.
4 people like this
• United States
9 Sep 08
Cruelty: Fine of $50-$75, imprisonment up to 90 days. Kill, Maim or Disfigure Domestic Animal: Fine of not less than $500. Kill, maim, mutilate, torture or disfigure any dog or cat: Fine not less than $1000, imprisonment up to 2 years. this is for the state of pa. http://www.straypetadvocacy.org/html/cruelty_laws.html
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• United States
9 Sep 08
Pennsylvania http://members.aol.com/StatutesP7/18PA5511.html 18 PA Cons. Stat. 5511 Cruelty to animals is defined as: “wantonly or cruelly illtreats, overloads, beats, otherwise abuses any animal, or neglects any animal as to which he has a duty of care, whether belonging to himself or otherwise, or abandons any animal, or deprives any animal of necessary sustenance, drink, shelter or veterinary care, or access to clean and sanitary shelter which will protect the animal against inclement weather and preserve the animal's body heat and keep it dry.” This is a summary offense with a fine of $50-750 and/or imprisonment up to 90 days. It is a Misdemeanor in the second degree if a person: “Kills, maims or disfigures any domestic animal of another person or any domestic fowl of another person; administers poison to or exposes any poisonous substance with the intent to administer such poison to any domestic animal of another person or domestic fowl of another person; harasses, annoys, injures, attempts to injure, molests or interferes with a dog guide, hearing dog or service dog.” This is punishable with a fine of not less than $500. It is a Felony in the third degree if a person: “Kills, maims or disfigures any zoo animal in captivity; or administers poison to or exposes any poisonous substance with the intent to administer such poison to any zoo animal in captivity.” This is punishable by a fine up to $15,000 and/or up to 7 years in prison. It is a Misdemeanor in the first degree if a person: “Kills, maims, mutilates, tortures or disfigures any dog or cat, whether belonging to himself or otherwise; or administers poison to or exposes any poisonous substance with the intent to administer such poison to any dog or cat, whether belonging to himself or otherwise” This is punishable by a fine of not less than $1,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 2 years. A subsequent conviction is a Felony in the 3rd Degree, punishable by a fine up to $15,000 and/or imprisonment up to 7 years. Exemptions to these clauses are veterinary care, protecting other domestic animals or fowl, game laws, pest control, and farming.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 08
you would really waste the courts time and money with a frivolous lawsuit when in fact, the fault is yours for not properly maintaining control of your dog?
4 people like this
• Canada
3 Sep 08
What kind of stupid jerk would deliberiately hurt an animal like that Makes me absolutely sick! I'm glad the dog was microchipped, and that you have the licence plate to use to help nail the bugger who did it. Thanks for sharing this story with us, and I am glad that you are involved in helping the dog recover.
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@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
3 Sep 08
If they swerved to miss the dog, why on earth did they straighten up and then aim straight for it? Makes no sense to me, but I know what I'd like to do with the b***ds. Cowards, that's what they are, taking it out on a poor defenceless animal who did nothing to them. It was lucky there were some witnesses and they retrieved the number plate from that car, because if I was the owner of the dog, I would DEFINITELY take it to court, no matter what the cost. People who can do this kind of thing to any animal need to be punished; they should NOT get away with it. I hope it does end up in court, and they throw the book at whoever did it.
• United States
3 Sep 08
I think you started to see the truth, then got caught up in the misplaced hate. The car maybe did try to miss the dog, and the dumb animal moved back into the way...because, as you said, "Makes no sense to me...", and if it makes no sense, it is probably not true.
3 people like this
• Australia
10 Sep 08
It was definitely deliberate. They said they sped up and went straight for the dog. The accident took place in a poorer part of the city where there are ferals with no morals everywhere you turn. I'm not suprised. And I don't know what you're trying to prove, Mikedotcom. It's like you're trying to challenge everything everyone says and it's kind of annnoying.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
3 Sep 08
Hi dear thanks for the post well the way people who bring the of and number plate , it describe that they hit the Dog intentionally, and its not good, sure i will take legal action as they hit the PET. and later may recover the charges from them as well Take care
3 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 08
i would freak out so bad if i hit an animal.. i would run it to the vet or whomever i could get it to to help it then look for its owners.. god help everyone if it didnt make it because i wouldnt be able to live with that i dont see what is wrong with people
4 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 08
that is so sad but i am happy the dog will be ok..For your question yes I would take him to court.Prison time is to good for that person..they should let all of us animal lovers take him apart pieace by pieace
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• United States
3 Sep 08
and the court would find you liable for damages to the car and fine you severely...
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Heck, the police can take action, I sure the good samaritans would be glad to witness the actions of the car and then I would sue to cover the medical costs for my dog.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
3 Sep 08
It was a heinous act. I would have to do a bit of research first if I were in that situation, which I would hope never to be. Common sense would suggest that such behavior would be criminal, so it should be more an issue of time than money. But as citizens, we really cannot stand by and let that sort of thing happen with no consequences. I would certainly go out of my way to try to rectify the situation in any way possible. If someone would do that to a four-legged animal, on wonders what would happen to a child. Of course, one wonders, too, what the dog was doing in the street, as pet owners have responsibility here too.
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@debny711 (264)
• United States
3 Sep 08
cruelty to animals is a crime. Watch the news, didn't you see Michael Vick having dog fights, he was arrested. So many others were charged for hurting or killing animals.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Excellent example, and that is why I question why the dog owners should have to be out of pocket for going after the perpetrator/s. Someone who would do this to a dog, would also think lightly (if at all) of harming a person!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 Sep 08
You better believe I would!! How can anyone be so damned mean and cruel is beyond my understanding! If it were to cost me money instead of winning monetary damages then at least I got my point across that enough already and there are people who WILL take action! So in saying that, I hope the owners do something but only after the dog is well enough and at home.
3 people like this
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
Good day.. That loser is sick, A murderer in the making. Who in their right mind wanted to hurt and even kill a helpless animal who had done nothing wrong. I mean can that loser simply avoid the dog? It's a scary world out there. Some people would just try to quench their thirst of violence by chancing on helpless creature like that dog. What if it so happens that it was a 2 or 3 year old child? Lost, walking alone in that street? what do you think this loser would do? If he can hurt and kill a pet, that loser is a step away from killing a fellow man. Yes, I would pursue a legal case against that person and also hope that some branch of the Government would also assist me in doing so. I'm doing it not only for my pet but for the might be victims that this bozo might chance upon. That loser's head needs to be evaluated.
• Australia
10 Sep 08
Well Mike, then you get into the argument that the owner shouldn't have had vicious dogs capable of attacking a child in the first place. If you hate animals, don't post in this discussion anymore.
• United States
3 Sep 08
my neighbors 5 year old was attacked and KILLED by dogs allowed to run free, I wish someone would have run them over before they attacked him on that day...
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
Hi there! Well if it happens to my dog yes I would but if I'm just a witness I wouldn't be able to extend my help financially. I'm not that rich. But I will be willing to help the owner in any way I can. Like what happened to my neighbor's dog who got hit by a "jeep", a kind of public transportation here in the Philippines. I saw what happned and it was the driver's fault but he wasn't willing to help the owner about the dog's condition and just left. I came over to the scene and saw the dog has a broken front and hind legs. It was really awful to see and the dog was so much in pain. The owner talked to me asked what he can do. You know there's no animal rescue in my country and I am a member of a kennel club and so I helped him. I contacted my vet friend for him but the owner is so afraid of the expenses. So I asked the doctor where can we bring the dog for a surgery and maybe put cast on his legs for free. Fortunately there is a well known veterinary school where my friend vet studied and the students can learn from the dog's condition. We brought the dog and everything went well. He now has several pins on his legs because the bones were broken but his perfectly alright now. It's always a nice feeling to be able to help someone and their pets. As for the driver, I can't do anything about him cause animal laws in my country aren't enforced well. But someday I hope it will be. Ciao!
• United States
3 Sep 08
I have swerved to miss a dog only to have the dog re-move back into my path, so I straighten up to NOT hit the dog...maybe this is what happened? It seems all the responses were so hateful - wow, I guess that tells me a lot about Mylotters. What about the responsibility of the owners to keep the dog out of harms way? Are they not at fault here for letting the dog free to roam? Should the dog owner be liable for damages to the car? The stupid dog should not be running around, it is dangerous out there...would any of you let your dogs run the streets? I say, if a dog is loose, and gets hit, it is the dog owners fault, and they should be held accountable for damages to the car as well as dog neglect.
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@debny711 (264)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Don't be picking on Mylotters, the dog obviously ran away. Happened to my dog, he got out of the yard and someone took him to a shelter. According to witnesses this car aimed directly at the dog. You can't blame the owners.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Sep 08
yes we should blame the owners, it is entirely their fault. they alone are responsible for the damage to both the dog and the car. you have allowed your dog out of the yard in the past, and don't think you were responsible? oh, it is the DOGS fault, right? no, not "bad dog", "bad owner"!
• United States
4 Sep 08
I agree - if you hit something (even something not alive, like a house or a fence, or a parked car) you should stop. I get upset with comments like "they should be shot", or "lock em up and throw away the key", while ignoring the responsibility of the dogs owner (who is at most fault). Maybe in the foreign country where this happened, they will catch this vicious criminal, and remove his arms so he cant ever drive again. (hmmm) Dogs can learn, and folk should teach their dogs to not go in a street. I am curios to see how this turned out...
• United States
3 Sep 08
I think the same! animals should be treated just as well as when it is a hit and run for people,poor dog..:{ I am so glad that it is ok
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@shana123 (2095)
• India
4 Sep 08
Oh thats really sad how is the dog now as it has been one day since you have started this discussion have you claimed money from the person who hit the dog? what a pity the same happens in my place life is same to all but people who have done it without knowing should have some courtesy to look forward and help the animals.. what they do to a dog will be done to humans if this is not well enquired and fined ..
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@debny711 (264)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I love all animals. I can't believe someone would intentionally run over a dog. I would definitely take legal action no matter what the cost. My dog is part of my family and I would pay anything to take care of him.
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• United States
3 Sep 08
including a fence and/or leash?
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
6 Sep 08
What a horrible person..Yes i would do whatever i could to make sure they pay for that,even though the dog may live .he will suffer later on as he ages from that broken hip,probably get arthritis in it..Its a good thing they have a witness too,thats a big plus...I think People like that pay big time later on down the road.....I am a believer in whatever you do you reap those bad things you do...Those Golden retrievers are such a sweet dog too,they are such wonderful pets..Thank God he will live ,but yes i would try hard as possible to do something to that b@stard that did that....
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@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
4 Sep 08
Hi friends, As a matter of fact, this very thing happened to my Golden Retriever. He didn't come out good in the end though. He was running free because, anybody who knows Golden's knows that they are runners. Any given chance they have to run, they will. Well my girl Shelby was in fact running (at the side) of the highway and this lsjfjflkj came along and aimed at him and hit him. We were absolutely horrified. Of course the f... coward kept on going. These people should be shot, I mean it. What have these innocent little animals ever done to them? They are sick and in my eyes, if they will kill an animal, they will kill a person. |They have hate in their heart and thats all there is to it. Cheryl
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 Sep 08
How awful, that poor dog, that is just so cruel. How can people do that and feel good about themselves when they look in a mirror. I would have caused an accident rather than hit anything on purpose. I remember years ago now, having driving lessons and this huge wood pigeon landed in the road in front of me, I checked my mirrors and actually stopped the car. The driving instructor looks at me and says "errr what are you doing?" to which I replied "I am stopping for the pigeon, I did not want to hit him" The driving instructor was absolutely gobsmacked and told me that the pigeon would have flown off before I got there, yes, but what if it did not and I had hit it!! I really hope that the people that hit that dog get what they deserve. I also hope that the dog is OK.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Sep 08
hi coffeeshot it takes a real special kind of meanness to deliberately try to hit and hurt a dog. I hope the police p;ut him in prison and throw away the key. If I were in that situation I would surely take legal action against the man or woman who deliberately ran over a dog even if it cost me big time;no excuse for hit and run on animals or humans either.