as i just mentioned, i am on seminars the whole week. on our day one which was last Monday, we were taught of doing CPR or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. and part of the said process is doing a mouth to mouth resuscitation which i found so awkward and partly i was embarrassed since the mannequin assigned to me has a bigger rubber mouth that i couldn't seal my lips on. OMG, i was in the middle of around 50 participants who at the same time witnessed my difficulty sealing the dummy's mouth. some of my friends were giggling and shouting "Change Roles" meaning to shift roles since if it happened in real life scenario, my patient could die at any moment from me having smaller lips. they even exclaimed "Bad Kisser" as they were all laughing which in return placed me to blush so much

. and so to prevent further humiliations i replied, the rubber mannequin is far different from real patients whose mouths are softer and can be manipulated.

i was so embarrassed.
how about you? have you ever been embarrassed recently?