Done more in less time - discipline yourself

@welawai (102)
September 3, 2008 7:20am CST
What are you doing to have more done in less time? We all have 24h a day and what we do with it is our resposibility. I try to do more things at once but I don't get it done anyway. I tried to do just one thing at once but it can boring sometimes. I do things I shoudn't do and I wondering how to stop it. I tried to make some list - to - do but it doen't works anyway. I tried to set a list - to do + alarm in my mobile phone but it also doesn't work as it should. I say more than often that I am going to do this tomorrow or well I have time to do let's do something like eat, watch a movie, drive a car, talk to somebody, well everything but not the thing I actually want to do. It is no discipline so how do you discipline yourself?
1 response
@titagdl (136)
• Mexico
3 Sep 08
I guess it´s different for everybody but making a list has helped me get organized and do more stuff. Like when you go out in your car, with the price of gas so expensive I try to make a route and do all the stuff i have to without spending too much gas. And at home I usually follow a schedule, I do my chores in the morning,pay my bills around noon time,pick up kids from school later, in the afternoon plan some activities. And when there are more stuff to do,i try to fit it in anywhere i can in my schedule,,,,it´sjust a matter of getting organized, and doing the most important things first.