Favorite Application on Facebook?

Hong Kong
September 3, 2008 7:41am CST
Do you have many applications on facebook? Which one is your favorite? Mine is bump sticker for now since I found a lot of funny stickers with good/ humorous sayings. Have been enjoying it so far. What about you?
7 responses
• United States
4 Sep 08
I have about 10. For now, my favorites are Knighthood and motorcycle madness. I find these two applications are really good to create new friendships and have lots of fun with the friends you already have. Plus, the more you play them, the more you want to keep playing them.
• Hong Kong
6 Sep 08
Ah, thanks! Let me check out those and see how I like them!
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
3 Sep 08
I had a cyber pet -- an adorable kitten I named Conniption, but I don't think anyone has petted or fed him in a long time. Hope the little fella didn't croak.
1 person likes this
• Hong Kong
6 Sep 08
*laughs* Let me take care a bit of him if I remember today *smiles*.
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
My favorite application is chinese astrology. It is cool to take a look at what does your astrology says of you. :) Though some may not believe in them, I just find some resemblance on what it says to my personality.
• Hong Kong
6 Sep 08
Right I have the horoscope one and it was quite fun! I really remember to check everyday!
• United States
3 Sep 08
Mine is the flair application. It is actually really similar to the bumper sticker one. They use a lot of the same images. But I think the bumper sticker app takes up too much space, while flair is really small. I think its really fun, and the flair can be really funny.
1 person likes this
• Hong Kong
6 Sep 08
Yea! Let me check out that one too! It might interest me! *smiles*
• Canada
3 Sep 08
My favourite was scrabulous...until they banned it. I used to play with my wife's aunt who was recently widowed :(
1 person likes this
• Hong Kong
6 Sep 08
Really? They banned it? Too bad!
@Crazysah (176)
• India
3 Sep 08
Mine would probably be the slicethepie application!
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Sep 08
Mine is the Greenpatch application because you can save rainforest land through it.
• Hong Kong
6 Sep 08
Wow save rainforest! That sounds meaningful!