have you ever experienced sibling rivalry?

@glay22 (512)
September 3, 2008 12:18pm CST
I personally experienced that. My brother and I have always been compared since he is smart and he is the favorite child (in chinese: eldest son is the favorite)I have always been the second prority and my parents admit that. Well, now things changed. He wasnt able to finish school. I became the top student of my class when I graduated. My parents have realized they have made a mistake.. though now, sometimes they still take my brothers side when we fight.. this is some kinda unfair.. have you ever experienced this?
2 responses
@titagdl (136)
• Mexico
3 Sep 08
Yes of course,i´m the middle child and yes, the eldest is my mom´s pride and joy and the youngest well, will always be her baby. So that has always left me kind of left out of her affection. As kids, the same thing happened to me,my brother was the genius the child prodigy, and even if i got good grades it didn´t matter,he would get all the recognition. Now as adults,my mom still has too much consideration towards him,even though like you,I finished my carreer first, gotmarried first and everything. But at the end,none of that really matters anymore. As adults, I don´t mind if she has her favorite child, as long as i don´t do the same with mine.
@glay22 (512)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
i understand how you feel.. now, im just doing good with my job and if ever il have a family of my own.. il do my best to be fair to my kids. I know how it is to feel the Middle Child Syndrome. You are left out by parents and their focus are the eldest and the youngest. It hurts coz it is very obvious
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Sep 08
Oh boy ahve i ever!! I was always compared to and never even remotely as worthy as my older brother and sister....In fact I'm the bad seed and black sheep and always have been....As far as sibling against sibling/sibling rivalry..My brother and sister hated each other for yrs and were always trying to one up each other and cut each other down in one way or another every chance they got...Now apparently they are speaking again and closer for the first time in 25+ yrs...Whereas I am the outcast...but I USE TO be very close to both my brother and my sister...Problem wiht my family is, they want to keep the skeletons in the closet and I stopped doing that several yrs ago...
@glay22 (512)
• Philippines
3 Sep 08
oh..too bad.. it took them that long before they got the chance to talk with each other again. Sometimes it's the upbringing of parents that affects the siblings' relationship to each other