being a mom
By march13rr
@march13rr (4)
United States
September 4, 2008 3:55pm CST
so i was just wondering if anyone has or is expecting a second child? i'm waiting on my second child(only 4 months to go) and how are you feeling about giving the same amount of love to the second child. i didn't ever think i could love another child the way i love my son.... i'm a little nervous about being a mom again and not being able to love my second child as much as my first. anyone else feel that way?
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13 responses
@jessigirl116 (848)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I wasn't sure I had any more room in my heart, I was afraid I wouldn't love the 2nd as much as the 1st. Have no fear. You have more room than you could possibly imagine. You have like a 'terrabyte' and a half of space. When my 3rd came along, I knew that even if I had 100 kids, I'd love each one as much as the first. Though, I'd never walk again, and some would definitely have to be adopted in!!
Good Topic!!
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@melanie1208 (133)
• United States
4 Sep 08
Hi there, I am a mom to a 2 year old. Me and my husband is planning to have another child soon, but have some second thoughts, because we have the same feeling as you have. Especially my husband, he loves our daughter sooo much ! he keeps on asking me, what if he could not give the same love to the second sibling ? For me, parents love is unmeasurable, we could give sooo much without us knowing it. Eldest is always a favorite, but I think when time comes, you could always, give them both LOVE that they both deserve. Goodluck to your second baby !
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@lowery1101 (95)
• United States
6 Sep 08
bugbaby, the single most important thing you can give them is your love. make sure you say it again and again. I know that men arent usually comfortable doing this, but you would be surprised how much it means. I'm proud of you for being so conerned for your family. ;)
@lauriehomebusiness (656)
• United States
5 Sep 08
HI there.
I'm a mom of three girls myself. My girls are 7, 3 and a 8 month old.
I have been through that block before and I was being mean to my oldest at the time.
My kids just love their little sister so much sometimes too which is just great.
I try to give each of my kids equal amount of love and let them have their own independence on things too.
I believe that you would do fine on giving each of your kids equal amount of love.
At first, your firstborn will feel neglected because you are with the baby almost all of the time.
It all depends how old the child is that you have already. Some cope better being a older sib compare to others.
@Sparkee73 (125)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I have to agree with the previous responses. I have a daughter who is 14 years older than my little boy. For so many years, she was an only child and you get used to the idea of having just one that it's hard to imagine how another little one will fit into your life. Especially after so much time in between. It took a little getting used to after my son was born, but the moment I laid eyes on him I fell in love. I felt like I never realized that there was something missing in my life until I had him. Congrats on your second little one and enjoy it! You'll be fine. :-)
@cats_eye (2)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
i have 2kids,5yr old girl and 2yr old life makes me complete when my 2nd child is a blessing for me and for my husband..coz i dont have any brother(we are 7 sisters).the gap of my 2kids is so hard to care my eldest daughter because she is so much jealous with her baby brother..she dont want to share things like toys or food..coz she is our only one baby for 3yrs..we give all the attention,love and care.. my baby is also jealous when his sister sit on my lap he is crying.he wants to sit also on my lap.u know it so hard to take care 2 kids at the same time but it so enjoying.i love them both.u try to give equal love not to have favoritism because they are both from my womb,both ur children.good luck and congrats!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I've had 3 kids and even though while preg with my second child I did in fact have the same concerns you are having right now, it was just natural worry I found out after she was born...I love all my kids equally adn i'm quite sure that you will too..
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
4 Sep 08
I remember worrying about that when expecting my daughter, I now have 4 children. I was an only child myself so I think that too played a part in the worrying I did then. I am so close to my mother, and I couldn't imagine that we'd be as close if I had had siblings. But sharing love isn't like sharing cookies. When you share cookies, the more you give away the less you have- when you share your love the more you give the more you have to give again. My children are: 19yo son, 15yo daughter, 6yo son and 9 months old daughter. I have a close, unique,loving relationship with each of them as individuals and as a family. You'll see in a few months, it'll be different but equal- they'll each be your 'favorite'.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
4 Sep 08
I have two children with a 12 year gap between them in age. My oldest son is 13 years and my youngest son is 15 months old. I love my children the same but each one has different interests and needs. When I was pregnant for the second time I really hoped I was having a girl and I was disappointed when I was having a boy. But I loved the little child that was growing inside me and I couldn't wait to meet him. I found it so easy to look after my second compared to my first. Second time moms know most things and have a more relaxed less worrying time caring for the second baby. My younger son has a sweet smile and I love him dearly. My older son delights me with his speech and knowledge. I love him just as much and so I am sure once he or she is born you will feel the same way about your children. I still dream about having a little girl. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and when you meet your dear little baby boy or girl.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Don't worry. As soon as you see this new baby, your love will be overwhelming. That is the great thing about being a have enough love for tons of children.
I have 4 children and have never thought about not being able to love one as much as another.
My friend only has one child and the reason is because she had the same fear that you are going threw. Now she regrets not having more because of the joy each child will bring to your life.
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Your concern is very normal. Most people experience the same fears, but fear not! Once that little one arrives, its just like the first time all over again. You will love your baby just as much as the first one. Even better, is that now you can appreciate it more. For me the big discovery is wondering how siblings, brought up in the same environment and with the same parenting can be so totally different. You are in for some beautiful times ahead, Enjoy!
@shen25 (141)
• Philippines
5 Sep 08
well i have 2 kids.. and my second child is already 3 years old, but when she is still in my womb i also felt nervous having her, and i also didn't expect my second pregnancy, i just felt nervous and scared, but she is out in my womb i really felt happy and all i know that loving them both is a great joy and blessing to me
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Oh, darlin'. I've raised five beautiful children and I remember wondering how I could ever give the second on the same amount of love I gave the first. Sometime after my fifth, someone asked me how I divided my love up among them all and I gave the only answer I could think of - love doesn't divide, it multiplies. You will look into that new baby's face for the first time and wonder how you could ever have doubted that you could have enough love for her or him.