How long should a panic attack last????

@joekid (87)
United States
September 5, 2008 9:38am CST
I was wondering how long a panic attack should last??!?!?! Is there not really a specific time frame?!?!?!
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2 responses
19 Oct 08
There is no real specific time frame for a panic attack. Whenever I have them they can last from 5 minutes to an hour :/ Since it's you thats causing your panic attacks, you are the one that decides how long they last. x
@joekid (87)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Thank you, you are so right.....I have figured out that im the one behind the panic....they have become ALOT more easy to deal with now that I know they last because of me.
• United States
12 Jul 09
panic attacks dont really have a time frame. Ive had tons of them, ranging anywhere from a few minutes, to a few hours. It all depends on how long it take you to get yourself under control. Normally, panic attacks can come because youre thinking about what if i have a panic attack right now? and the next thing you know boom youre having one. and the more you think about it, the worse it gets, but if you find something to get your mind off of it, they tend to go away. I taught myself how to cross stitch. Now if i have a panic attack, i turn on spongebob, sit in front of the tv and start cross stitching this winnie the pooh ive been working on. Ive found that if you watch something silly, you start to feel better faster. And also, if you can find something to eat, maybe a piece of fruit or a piece of bread, that will help too. Sometimes when i get a panic attack, my blood sugar will drop, and if i can raise it back up, the panic begins to subside.