Noise Of Pebbles!!!
@tamarafireheart (15384)
September 5, 2008 10:38am CST
Hello Mylotters,
Last night or should say early this morning I was Mylotting way past midnight, I picked up a glass of water to drink, as I raised my glass up I noticed one of my photos that was hanging on wall was very crooked, so I got up to straighten it, then half hour later, I felt tingling all over my body and I wodered what was happening to me. Then I thought there is something strange is going on because I felt my hair being touched and then I knew there was someone here in the room with me, I was not afraid. I kept on Mylotting and responding and having a laugh, I forgot the time the about 3.a.m. there was an almighty crash and it sounded like small pebbles being thrown on my conservatory floor and I was just sitting 3 feet away from it, I jumped up and thought my glass table has smashed because my cat usually sleep on it but then again my cat couldn't break a heavy table, I went to look what is was, but there was nothing, not a sausage nothing on the floor I went outside there was nothing amiss so what was it, it baffled me, so I sat down carried on Mylotting then suddenly I looked up to where the photos was hang on the wall and there it was again the picture was crooked again, so I logged off and shut down my LapTop and went to bed. This morning I told my husband what I haved heard and my husband told me that he heard the noise as well, typical he didn't come down to see if I was alright. I told him there was nothing that broke and nothing the floor. He got spooked and yet he was in bed when that happened, then he told me his died two years ago today and I have forgotton all about it and also my mother being burrie this time six years ago but how strange. Have anyone experienced anything like that before? please share.
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15 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
5 Sep 08
Hi Tamara, 3am is in fact the time of night that I am usually awakened by something if I am going to be. I have had many strange experiences during my life time and most haven't frightened me but on a couple of occasions it has not been so pleasant but I won't go into them now. One occasion though similar to what you are describing was I was already in bed and it sounded like someone coming up my stairs, I had heard a crash in the kitchen and then heavy footsteps, I got a hammer out of my bedroom draw ready as I was expecting someone to enter physically only they didn't but someTHING did and it didn't feel pleasant so I told it to F off in the name of God and leave me alone so I could get some sleep. I thought maybe I had imagined it but the following day my next door neighbour complained about the noises thunping up and down my stairs during the night as it had kept them awake too so I knew I hadn't imagined it at all. Strange one that but has never happened again. With yours though many years ago my step father had a picture of a lighthouse that would never hang straight and he went to a Spiritulist church one night and the medium said to him that he had this picture on the wall that wouldn't hang straight and it was an unlce of his that moved it each time he straightened it for some reason and gave him a few messages so maybe it was you or your husbands relative comuicating in some way eh! Huggles. Ellie :D
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@mands61123 (2098)
14 Oct 08
holy crap ellie that would have scared the bjesus outta me
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@mands61123 (2098)
14 Oct 08
oooh i got shivers reading this hun i knew i hadn't read it stupid notifications unless your still in the pile i've yet to get to. So it was your late step father huh How did you find out it was him?
@tamarafireheart (15384)
15 Oct 08
Hi mands,
I found out who it was when I went to my friends house for meditation circle and one of the ladies turned to me and said she sense someting has happened to me, I have not told anyone about this at that point and she told me exactly what I experienced and described the person to a tee, then I knew who he was, my step father. i waaen't even scared, but it was nice to know. Thanks for looking up this discussion and hope you liked it. Your third eye is wide open girl and its a gift. Love and Hugs.
@mands61123 (2098)
15 Oct 08
[b]Your third eye is wide open girl and its a gift[b]
Caught me off guard there hun what made you say that? I'm curious
@balasri (26537)
• India
15 Nov 08
I am very sensitive to noise.Everyone in my house knows that and avoid making unnecessary clutters,and jarring noises.The ghost in my house may also know this.It has been a good silent one so far.I will let you know the day it changes it's mind.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
15 Nov 08
Hi balasri,
This ghost is very real, now intead of making that awful racket, he goes around moving my picture on the wall, its always the same picture, no matter where I move it, he keeps moving that same picture. I think its my late step-father thats doing it. Thanks for your response.
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@aidenw (632)
• United States
5 Sep 08
wow tamara, that sure sounds spooky. i remember you said you were going to tell us a real ghost story and at first i thought this was it. then i read it again and realized you said it happened this morning so this must be something new. have you experienced something similar previously? i have not. i know my 6th sense is not that strong but i don't know if that's the reason. whatever it was i hope it won't bother you again.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
5 Sep 08
Hi aidenw,
You remembered that I was going to tell a ghost story, well that is still coming but last night I was not scared I think because it was my relatives and they won't give me that feeling of fear so I thanked them. Thans for responding.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
6 Sep 08
That was kind of spooky! I'm glad nothing was damaged or hurt. Since they were messing with the photo on the wall it sounds like they were just trying to get your attention for some reason. Either that or they were having a laugh at your expense. 

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@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Sep 08
Hi fwidman,
The movement of the photos has happened before and I knew it was one of my relatives who had passed done that bu the noixe of pebbles being hrown on my conservatary floor was new to me and it was so loud but the strangest hing was my cats, one was sitting on his scratch board and he other one was in the conservatary and both didn't move a mucle, usually they would run if there was any loud noise, you would think they never a noise, may they didn't, it was just meant for us because my husband heard it from the bedroom upstaire and the bedroom door was closed, he is a septic and even he could not find a logical answer to it. Thaks for your response.

@henryjoe (249)
• Malaysia
7 Sep 08
This is a scarry and spooky encounter.I'm feeling relief and glad not seeing this myself now nor in the distance future.According to Chinese belief,we celebrate "hungry ghost festival" yearly and this is the day whereby the spirit from the underworld roam earth.You will probably hear a lot of spooky encounter with spirit and supernatural sightings during these time.Usually,there will be spooky and haunted movies shown in our local TV or cinemas just to make the festival more meaningful.To be frank,I'm so scare that I haven't seen 1 of these movies myself.We usually offer prayer for these "spirit" to console them and hope they don't disturb the living. I'm sure other culture have different rituals for spirit.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
7 Sep 08
Hi henryjoe,
Yes it sounds very spooky but at the time I was not afraid but just sort of shock and wondered what it was that fallen on the wood flooring making such a din and there was nothing on the floor and also the photo that was on the wall that was crooked and the feeling that someone was playing with my hair. We believe 30/31 October all souls day and my believe is that is when the spirit world and our the veil are very thin and the spirits comes and visit us and we in turn welcome them here, the spirits are free to roam around our world because it was their world when they were alive.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
11 Sep 08
Hi henryjoe,
I don't think all spirit gets reincarnated, I think its their choice but my father has been gone for over 40 years and he still lets me know he is around us. The spirit have their own place in another dimension but they can come and visit us from time to time. I don't think I got your message Joe.
@henryjoe (249)
• Malaysia
8 Sep 08
Just curious,buddhist believe in reincarnation but somehow spirit exist and can leave so long(ie after 10 years,would your ancestor be around?).Maybe I got the wrong idea these spirit are new ones waiting for reincarnation or when they reincarnate,their spirit are left behind or go together with a new form?. Anyway did you receive my message in myLot?.
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@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
6 Sep 08
That was an scary experience.. I'd be totally terrified but curious at the same time. Or when I'm alone. I'd act brave turning off the computer and sleeping with my mom and sister that time.. LOL I'm one of those scaredy cats for I have experienced things that is like that of yours as well. Maybe a diffrent situation but still creepy,spooky and scary. Or maybe it's just me..LOL 

@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Sep 08
Hi Kharen,
What ever happened to you, you must have been so scared to sleep with your mom, you mus tell us about it some time, and no its not jus you, it is a scary when you cannot see anything but things are happening around you. My husband is sceptic even he couln't find a logical answer to that one. Thanks for your response.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
5 Sep 08
oh my goodness, dont even get me started
i live in a mobile home that seems to come alive at night! it was empty 7 yrs and i dont even know its history. its a '87 built. i believe in ghosts but am not afraid of them. im afraid of real alive people
so sometimes its hard to sleep here alone in the place as my little dog is getting used to most night noises. the only thing i tell myself in order to sleep is animals are probably getting up under or the place is settleing. sometimes the tv when off pops so loud you'd swear its going to blow!

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Sep 08
well like i said, i'd be ok if i thought they were ghosts. but i worry about real people.
but yes, i finally sleep.

@tamarafireheart (15384)
5 Sep 08
Hi bunnybon7,
Oh my God! your all alone in the mobile home and all these noises going on how can you sleep? as for the television now that will really spook me out. I would just say a prayer and tell them to go away and sometimes just shout at them and they will leave you alone, if they don't I would get a meduim in to send them to where they belong, unless you don't mind they'r being with you. Thanks for responding, its great reading about yours.
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@loveromances (89)
• United States
6 Sep 08
3AM is the time passing, so they say. I live in a newly built house, and I live 2 blocks from a city cemetery, and I live a few blocks from a historic cemetery. My house is always full of activity. My favorite shoes will be missing for a long time. I looked everywhere in this house for my shoes. I accused my girls of doing something with them,and one day, my shoes are in the middle of the floor. My friend was over when this happened. I said, 'there's my shoes!!!'. I asked her if those where there when she came in and she said no. They were in the middle of walkway to the front door. My girls weren't home to put them there, and I was glad that they came back. I thanked them out loud. But now, my house shoes are missing. They just so happen to be my favorite ones.
I also have a child spirit in my house. I'm the type of person to tidy up after the kids are asleep, and before I finally crash for the night. The house will be picked up. One of two things will happen in the night. It happens more when my girls aren't home. 1) toys will be scattered either in the hallway, or livingroom where toys are forbidden. or 2) I will hear toys being played with. Elmo will start giggling in the middle of the night. I'll get up and every one is sound asleep, and elmo will be in the floor giggling away. It's never the same toy. I was using elmo for an example. But, there is this one doll that my girls don't play with, but I'll find that doll in weird places, and it's always when the girls are gone. Either to school, or if we leave for the weekend. There's that doll. I threw it in the trash, and it came back. I did it when the girls were at school, the same day the trash came. It's back. No human could have done it.
I'm not scared, I just accept the fact that I may be living where they used to and it's their house also. If the little girl, I'm assuming, wants to play with that doll, it's her's , she can have it. I put it on a bookshelf for her, and I'll find it other places. I've asked her to put her doll away when she's done, but it never happens.
So, to add to the discussion, ghosts are people too. They can't hurt, but sometimes do try to get our attention. I can be scary, but just say hello, and aske how they are doing. They'll usually go away once approached. But always be possitive. They have feelings too. :)
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Sep 08
Hi loveromances,
Wow! what an experience you are having in your home and you can live with that? its fantastic, keep asking for your shoe back and the little girl may give it back to you, I think is great. I am not scared at all because I know it may have been my mother or my mother-in-law and I have to tell you that I am a spiritualist medium and I do understand, I know there is nothing to be afrain of and its a blessing, enjoy your Elmo sounds like shes fun. Thanks so much I really enjoyed your story and thanks for responding.
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Yes, My daughter passed and was alway's near my son her younger brother. His cousin told him that he couldn't go into her room as she lived with us. Her friends were over. Her stero went up I yelled at her she comes out telling me she didn't touch it. It went down when she told my son agian to get out it went back up then way down. They all screamed for my son he goes in stero was fine after that. She used to hit her in her back. everytime she said something smart to me or my son. I told her come on now be good. worked. My granmother used to answer phone in her house after she passed on. People would just call back. Was a little freaked out however.
I loved it. But then my son has been talking to spirits for ever.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Sep 08
Hi onlydia,
That is so wonderfuly, our loved ones are still with us after they have passed over, their bodies have gone but their spirit and they still likes to have jokes with us, I am glad you are not afraid and it great your granmother used o answere the phone he he it must have spooked the other person on the other line and it is great the your son speak to the spitit. I was not scared because I new it was my relatives just came to say hello or goodbye, they do that sometimes, after the have passed they stay around you for a while and hey peick an annervisay to come and say goodbye.
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@magna86 (1786)
• India
6 Sep 08
thats would have been the scariest moment of your life !!! well i do always have the feeling that somebody is watching over me!! i could even sometimes fell the warm presence!! some one who is standing at the back of me!! and sometimes i feel like someone 's pushing my head!! like giving a beat on my head to move front!! thats really awful and i feel that its just my imagination!! coz i don want to fall into a belief that there is a ghost that is roaming around me!!! hehhe that would really make me mad!!!
@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Sep 08
Hi magna86,
Well if you feel there is someone watching over you that is great, do not be scared because you feel a presence, they are letting you know that they are there, if you feel really annoyed with them just tell them to go away, I like to call them spirit and not ghost because that is what they are spirits, I was not scared in the least just a little bit annoyed for disturbing my peace. Thanks for responding.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Sep 08
Hi Chevee,
Not everyone experience this such things like spiritual encounter, some people have their eye open and are sensitive to the spirit world and some people don't know there and get frighten when they feel or sense them, if you are not open then you are ok, no spirit come will and disturbe you.
@dark4eyes (161)
• United States
5 Sep 08
I've gone into several "haunted" places and lived in two apartments with SOMETHING around, but I've never been scared of them.
The first one was an apartment in south Austin. I was on the first floor on the slab, so it we ruled out vibrations. I left the oven or pantry door open - it would always swing shut quietly whenever I or my totally blind roommate went near.
One night the door burst open and a man was standing there - before either of us could move, the door slammed shut and the man started hammering on the door, but it wouldn't open. He finally left and the next time we tried it, the door opened normally. Somehow we took to calling the ghost "Beau" and I honestly missed him when I moved.
Some years later, I was living in a duplex in north Austin. I had a two bedroom and was sleeping in the larger of the two bedrooms and had my "office" in the smaller one. I have a HUGE collection of video tapes and they were standing up on bookcases. One day I came in to find a lot of the tapes on the floor. I put them back and went to do laundry. I heard crashing and sure enough the tapes were on the floor. I didn't sense any danger so I stood in the middle of the room and told whoever it was to knock it off because they were breaking my tapes. The radio turned on by itself. After that, as long as I left the radio playing low on a classical station in that room, the tapes stayed on the shelves. I don't know whether it was the same ghost following me or a different one, but I wasn't scared at all.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
5 Sep 08
Hi dark4eyes,
Wow! you actually saw a spirit of a man? you must be very sensitive, he may have followed you to where you are because they do that you know, as long as you are not afraid its ok to have them around, thanks for telling me your experience and thaks for your response.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
7 Sep 08
Hi CKasulka,
Thankss for your response, yes it seem spooky but I was not scared really even though I did feel something or someone was around me,
@tamarafireheart (15384)
6 Sep 08
Hi neeens,
You are very lucky that no spirits disturbes you, and yes I know some meduims and I will speak to them about it, I was not scared because they won't harm me only the living can do that to me. Thanks for the response.