Have a Nice Day

@p1kef1sh (45681)
September 5, 2008 5:15pm CST
How many times a day do you hear this said. Store clerks, bus drivers, the bank! Have you ever met anyone (in commerce) that said it and you went away feeling that they said it sincerely and genuinely hoped that you WOULD have a nice day. Cheer me up. I have cynical disbelief in the phrase.
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52 responses
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
5 Sep 08
Generally, when I say Have a nice day, I mean it. I'm a very upbeat kind of person and it's what I feel. However, if someone gives me crap and has made my day horrible, I do give them my biggest fake smile and say "have a nice day" which is a euphomism for "phuck off." they don't know, don't care, and we all walk away satisfied. LMAO
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Sep 08
So you are one that doesn't mean it... aye. HaHa. I am pretty much the same as this. However when I grit my teeth telling you have a nice day, you know I DONT mean it. However about 90% of the time that I tell someone have a nice day I mean it. I will go out of my way when I see someone down just to tell that have a nice day, week, evening..... I am a firm believer that one day when my times are tough, or my families someone will have smile and heartfelt smile.
@debny711 (264)
• United States
6 Sep 08
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Sep 08
Seems a good ploy. Only you know what you really mean and they have heard something that is usual.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Sep 08
hi pikey let me tell you about the have a nice day and how are you, me and my husband had been talking about how so many people use these phrases without any meaning at all. so we were out for a walk, and met a casual acquaintence. she said how are you Mr Hatley? and my husband winked at me. Oh he said, I have been having a pain in my side, plus I had sciatica today, then I got this pain in my knee, well you just wouldnt believe, but then my neck got to acting up and my shingles came back, then maam you know I have this allergy that when someone says how are you, I break out in hives. the lady backed up then moved off at almost a trot. then we went into the ice cream store and had some of our favorite ice creams. on our way out the manager called have a nice day, and my husband winked again.he went over and said, and you too you have a real nice day because if you ever say that to me again I am going to spit in your ice cream. the man turned red and went into some inner room. my husband came out laughing and I tried to scold him but I burst out laughing again. Oh my Garland you wouldnt have really done that, and he laughed, no but the guy seemed to think I meant it. this is the man who when he saw a journalist pushing a microphone into the face of a mother who had just lost her son in a diving accident. the journalist said, mrs. soso how do you feel about your sons accident? and my husband grabbed the microphone and said, how do you think I feel, you moron, how would you feel if your son was killed? the woman took off and dropped the mike at my husbands feet. another journalist picked it up. My husband just hated the questions the media asked of grieving people. So you can always say, if you ever say have a nice day again, I am going to spit in your ice cream. that would make most anyone back off and think, oh gross.lol.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
Good for your husband Hatley. He was a sensible man, unlike many of the automatons that spew the words out without thinking what they are saying.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
6 Sep 08
Hatley..kuddos to your Husband..he's my kind of man! I dispise that phrase so much that i usually tell a stranger "How dare you tell me what kind of day to have, If i want a lousy one i will and if i want a good one its my choice but a Good Morning or hello is all you need to say" then I watch what they do as they run away..lol..and bust a gut from laughing.. I've decided to write a book of stupid things that people say as a habit and almost have 10 pages now..lol.. Huggs and Love
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@gemini_rose (16264)
6 Sep 08
I have been sitting here trying to think of someone that may have said this to me. I have come up with nothing, no one has said this to me. Perhaps they do not want me to have a nice day!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
Maybe folk are more down to earth in your part of the World. Next time I'm in Staffs I shall listen carefully!! LOL. You've not missed too much.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
6 Sep 08
Awwwww, thanx!
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
6 Sep 08
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (((((((((((gemini))))))))))) Have a Nice Day.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I mean it when I say it, unless it's said through clenched teeth and I am ready to bite someone's head off. LOL I think some people use it more as a "goodbye". Some people say it so much, they can't possibly mean it. I think the reality though, is most people mean it when they tell you to have a nce day. Just look for the clenched teeth and fists, and you will know for sure Have a nice day! (see n clenched teeth)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
LOL. Yup I do believe so Dizz. Have a nice day yourself!!
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
6 Sep 08
no clenched teeth that is
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
6 Sep 08
... and would you like fries with that?
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
No thank you. Just sincerity!! LOL.
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
7 Sep 08
I deeply and sincerely wish to know whether you'd desire some fries, sir. And whether that would be a small or a large. Or whether you'd like to be upsized. Or upgraded. Or upended, even! I will deeply and sincerely grant you any desire you have regarding the successful and satisfactory completion of your food order. Unless you don't want any fries. In which case I'll be deeply and sincerely pissed off. We get commission, y'know?
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6 Sep 08
Hi plkeflsh, When I was working in a electrical shop one of the sales assistant and I was just having a chat when this lady came pay her goods and the sale assistandt handed the chage and I wraped her goods up in the bag my sales lady said to her "have a nice day" the lady smiled and walked away, my sales lady tuned around back to me and said "the silly old cow" I then told her that was not nice and she shouldn't told her to have a nice day when she didn't mean it and shes says it because she had a sale. I don't think that was very nice calling the lady a silly old cow, she didn't even look like a cow. Tamara
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@nannacroc (4049)
5 Sep 08
Sorry I can't cheer you up because I rarely hear this said in this area and when I do I really want to ask if they care. There is actually one bus driver that says this on occassions but not to everyone and not by rote, she really means it but she is in the minority.
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@nannacroc (4049)
6 Sep 08
Letting your imagination run wild again or maybe thinking of the town in your younger days.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Sep 08
Ah but Beduff is an imaginary place where everything is sugar and sweet. Grandmas are soppy and nobody has any problems. They don't need to say it, you just "know". LOL.
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• Canada
5 Sep 08
Same goes for "how are you doing, today?" Yesterday I have that question asked of me by a doctor and a pharmacist i went to to get some meds the doctor had just prescribed to me. I remember thinking "with the education that these two have had, and the professions they are in, you think they'd know what kind of a day I was having, or how I was feeling. Were I feeling any better, I woudln't have come to visit either one of them!" LOL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Sep 08
But they were following store policy. That's why they said such a daft thing. Mind you, I'm not sure that I would want the pharmacist calling after me "Hope the piles ease up today" either. LOL. Personally, I think that a simple "Thank you" does admirably. But then I'm old fashioned.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I "love" that especially when I go to the store, all I have bought is maxi-pads, Midol, and PMS instant heat pads. ~SMILE~ "How are you?" I glare at them, look at what is on the conveyor belt and glare back up and them and say "You REALLY have to ask?" ~Smile spontaneously mysteriously disappears~
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
6 Sep 08
For some it is just part of the customer service training. Then it just becomes habit. For my part, I try and mean it when I say it. Hopefully people can feel the difference.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
I think that you can tell when someone is sincere and when they are just saying it because the boss says so! Too often here at least, it's just an auto-response.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
6 Sep 08
I hear it so often, I don't hear it anymore, if you know what I mean. I have to tune it out the moment I hear the word 'have' or one day, I'm going to respond with "I'd rather have a lousy one thanks, if only to relieve the boredom of hearing that same damned phrase over and over!!!", by the end of which I'd probably be yelling. Not a good way to make friends and influence people, do you think? ROFL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
No, but makes you feel better. I know that it's not meant offensively, but it is wearing at times.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Sep 08
Hi P1kef1sh, I think with any phrase some say it sincerely and others because it is something they have been taught to say as part of customer service. If I were to use that phrase I would mean it but I have come across others and it is almost said with a smirk and think 'yeah right' and what do we reply automatically on these occasions? 'yeah you too' and how sincere are we being then? I don't like the phrase myself and would much rather use something else. I hope you have a great weekend, mine has been pretty eventful so far and I have a new puppy but not the planned one arrived home so will be busy training him for a while. Ziggy a collie born on 18th July 2008 as spaniel x was pure spaniel and they now selling rather than just rescue fee. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Sep 08
picture of ziggy Jacob already in love - picture of ziggy jacob already in love
They are both sleeping peacefully at the moment bless. Have uploaded a pic so you can see them both. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
Wow Ellie, what a wonderful time you are going to have. Ziggy (plays guitar) sounds great and I bet Jacob is already in love - and you no doubt! LOL. Have a great time with the training. You will have a great day - I'm sure of it.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
A very cute pair Ellie. In love already.
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@littleowl (7157)
6 Sep 08
Well am sad to say but I think it is just out of habit that it said most of the time p1ke..it is just a polite phrase when saying goodbye..sometimes I think it will meant espeially if you know the person...littleowl
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
I am sure that in the main that it is Little owl. Although look at Tamara's reply above.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
6 Sep 08
First Dear P1ke..please forgive me for not answering the phone..I've had my grandbabies with me and working the store with them has been a picnic for the past 2 days by the way they are back with mama and daddy..lol..so i wanted to say that before i got into my rant..lol.. Ok being in retail i hear it from The bank..salespeople...and worse customers..now maybe i'm weird or old and will do what i want but if someone asks me that question..darn it they are going to hear my answer and better not walk away..lol..You should see the looks i getI always tell them "then why did you ask?"..Its a program that is beaten into their heads to automatically say like Hello or Good Morning!..if a freind asks then i figure they at least really mean it but a stranger..come on? So be like me..old and senile to get away with it..and the next time someone asks. Tell them! Huggles and Luv you
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
Never mind Rosie. You had lot on on by the sound of it. I'll try again next week. Good advice though. I shall say something next time. I'll sat that you said to do it! LOL.
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• United States
5 Sep 08
I have had a few experiences where a clerk or someone I was doing business with said it in a cheerful manner. However, for the most part, I think people just say it because they are trained to say it. It's sort of like people asking you, "How are you?" and you saying, "Fine." It's just a routine that doesn't mean anything. People very rarely want to know how you are really doing. In the same way, most people who say Have a Nice Day! really care what happens to you after you leave their store. Sorry to not have a cheer-you-up kind of answer, but that is my honest answer.
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• United States
5 Sep 08
Oops, I meant to say Most people who say it DON'T really care what happens after you leave!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Sep 08
I think that your answer nicely reinforces my cynicism. People say it because it is expected and demanded by stores. "Thank You" would do just as well. Thank you. LOL.
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@dorypanda (1601)
6 Sep 08
Sorry Uncle Fishy, I'm afraid I'm a little cynical on that one too. I've not been told that phrase very often, but when I have it's been in somewhere like McDonalds, I do find it very annoying, firstly, what if I don't feel like 'having a nice day'? Secondly, if it's said with sincerity and actually meant, it makes me feel better (but I've only had that said to me by family who really meant it), thirdly, it's the kind of thing shop people (you know people who work in shops, I can't remember the word for them), say to you because they're told to say it, I even had someone say it to me in the most dreary, unimpressed, unhappy voice I've ever heard, he seemed to say it in a way that was actually saying, 'I don't want to be working here, I don't want to tell you to have a nice day, I want out!'
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
Precisely Dory. That's how I feel too. I'd prefer them just to say "Thank you".
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 08
I don't think I have ever heard that specific phrase other than on television. However, I have heard similar phrases such as "enjoy your meal" or "enjoy the rest of your day". I think I may have heard the latter once in a genuine tone but otherwise, I am as cynical as you. People say these things because they feel they have to or, I suppose, some are instructed to. I would rarely think that people actually sincerely wished you a good day. People just aren't that nice any more.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
Certainly employees of big concerns aren't that bothered I think. Maybe small shops etc where the need for you to return is greater are more sincere in their comments.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Sep 08
To me it sounds like it is automated when they say it even on the Phone It is not meant, I normally just say you to So sorry I can't cheer you up on this one as I believe the same as you in these phrases
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
I've not read anything yet Gabs to make me change my mind. LOL.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 Sep 08
[i]Hi p1, When I arrived here that is the first thing I have noticed since in our Country, we are not used to hear it, only "thank you" with a smile for every transactions like in the bank or mall but most of the time clients will say it before departing! Anyway, when I got here, I was irritated at first since I cannot feel that they are sincere of what they are talking about, sometimes they are eating the words and looking at the different angle! LOL! Well, if it is really part of their training, I wish they will try to put their heart on every word so that it is always nice to hear and it is really a very great day!LOL![/i]
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
I wish so too Checapricorn. I am sure that there are some people that do mean it. But many just say the words without any thought at all.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
6 Sep 08
I tell people at work to have a nice day or have a great weekend...but i never say it if i dont mean it. Otherwise i tell them thank you for coming and to come again soon. I hope others mean it when they say it too!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
You can tell if it is meant genuinely. In those cases it is an entirely acceptable phrase.
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• United States
6 Sep 08
i dont say it usually and i dont beleive people when they say it because its usually just a habit so it doesnt mean much
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Sep 08
My thoughts entirely.
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