If you can time travel, would you go to the past or to the future?

@tidgea (355)
September 6, 2008 12:55am CST
I guess I would choose to travel to the past. It would be fun being personally present in a historical moment. Or watching the times when your parents were young. It would be frightening to see the future for me. And what thrill and excitement would there be left to live this life if you already know whats going to happen. How bout you?
2 responses
• Russian Federation
8 Sep 08
Hi, tidgea, I would go to the past as well. I'm interested in our true history and I would take a jump to very deep past - tens and hundreds thousands years ago. Well, I'm not so much interested in Napoleon times, Roman times, may be a bit more in Sumerian times. But the biggest interest of mine are the prehistoric times. You can find out from my discussion why: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1690933.aspx?p=0
@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
6 Sep 08
Like you, I would choose to go in the past, too. There are a lot of historic moments I would cherish to be a witness of, such as the moon landing spectacle and celebration of Neil Armstrong's foot-setting on the lunar planet! I would love to have been in the audiences addressed by Dr Martin Luther King, and perhaps even witness the parting of the Red Sea. How about being there when Jesus was being flogged and offer myself to help him carry the cross, and perhaps change history too! I guess it would be fun!