a magic picture that can test the ways of your thinking

@izhuce13 (158)
September 6, 2008 2:30am CST
in this discussions you can see a picture, it a magic one. because it can test the way that you think. in the picture every people can see a woman ballett is turning. the difference is that different people will see different direction.please choose the rotation direction you see at the first sight.if you see the picture is anticlockwise ,it mean that you love to use you right cerebrum,and you thingking is entwickelt, on the contrary, if you see the woman is turning clockwisly, you love to use you left cerebrum, and your thinking is nonobjective. i saw the woman turning clockwise!wthat about you!?
2 responses
6 Sep 08
Hi izhuce13, That was very clever and yes it was magic because everyone can see that magical picture of a womean ballett and yes I can see her turning clockwise and she is smiling. Tamara
@izhuce13 (158)
• China
7 Sep 08
en ,thanks. i just want to know who make this magic picture.
@Beaver72 (446)
6 Sep 08
Where's the picture? I dont see it
@izhuce13 (158)
• China
6 Sep 08
is it ? i do upload the picture! let me have a check