Is your CAT a killer?

United States
September 6, 2008 3:47am CST
Yes, that is right, I want to know if your cute little kitty is a murderer? Be honest. Give me numbers if you have any. My cat, Dubby, is lethal. He loves killing rodents and anything smaller than he is that is not a cat. My cat has been known as a "bully" and a "killer" throughout my neighborhood, and people and animals know not to mess with him. I feed him, give him water, shelter, whatever he wants, and he still "kills for thrills". So, does your cat kill?
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34 responses
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
8 Sep 08
My cats are...and honestly thats what i have barn cats for. I'd freak if i had a live mouse turn up in my house. I appreciate when they bring me a "gift" because it means theres fewer mice on the farm to get into the furniture stored in outbuildings...poop all over things and transmit hantavirus.
3 people like this
• United States
8 Sep 08
Yes, it is good that you bring this up because cats are very good barn animals. They keep the rodents from eating food that they should not eat. Most farmers know this, and that is why many of them will get cats that they know can hunt.
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• United States
8 Sep 08
Yes, they do.
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• United States
8 Sep 08
And that's precisely why I always keep a cat, anywhere I live. And vigorously train that hunting skill from kittenhood. I've never had a cat that didn't kill. Whether it be bugs (and they're funny trying to climb walls to get flies!) or spiders, or wild birds outside or any rodent. Nothing has ever been safe with my cats. When I get the choice, I always go for the little spitfire in the litter! They usually make the best hunters!
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• United States
8 Sep 08
Of course, both my cats Rocky and Oliver love to chase and kill small little creatures. I also have a sugar glider, and they know to leave him alone. In fact, the sugar glider is just as deadly as my cat. If you put a mouse in his cage, it doesn't stand a chance. But killers or not, you've got to admit they manage to keep killing cute. My cat likes to bring me the birds he's killed, like he's feeding me and the family.
• United States
8 Sep 08
They do, they bring them home as gifts or as food for the whole family. It is a sign that they love you. It is rather cute when you think about it.
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@eds28b (126)
• United States
8 Sep 08
hmmm... i dont know about this but i just got a cute kitty (7 weeks old) a few days ago and he is very mellow and he just love to sleep and play with my 7 months old yorkie. his name is kevin and he is very sweet. i dont know if he will change when he grow older... hehehe
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• United States
8 Sep 08
My Dubby was sweet and mellow as well when he was a kitten, but once he got older, that hunter came out. Cats can change as they grow older.
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• United States
8 Sep 08
My Dubby is declawed and he can still catch other smaller animals very well.
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@eds28b (126)
• United States
8 Sep 08
opps! :( well, i guess it their nature to hunts for rodents and etc. by the way, we are planning on cutting his nails because we are afraid that he might claws our puppies eyes.. he might still hunt but he is staying inside the house. :):)
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I have a bug killer that about it my older cat just likest to play with the bugs but my younger kitty is a dedicated bug killer she kills fly and spiders and what ever seems to bother her that day.
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• United States
9 Sep 08
A bug killer is not bad, someone has to do the job.
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• United States
11 Sep 08
yep thank goodness it's my cat she's way more accurate than me and more calculating and cold about it. LOL!!!
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@jsmith12 (438)
• Canada
10 Sep 08
Our cat hunts bug, but Oscar is a strictly indoor cat, which helps. Oh he sneaks out from time to time, but he never seems to want to wander, just sit by the door a chill.
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• United States
11 Sep 08
That is rather rare for a cat to just sit by the front door and not want to wander a little bit. Your cat is pretty mellow.
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• United States
14 Sep 08
Abuse can really destroy a cat's personality. Your cat has every right to feel that way then.
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@jsmith12 (438)
• Canada
11 Sep 08
No I think it has more to do with his history. He was an abused cat, who was thrown out of a car in front of the humain society when he was like 3 years old. Guess he sees our house as his refuge, and is just scared of everything else. the fact that EVERY house around ours has a dog dosen't hurt either.
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@Ina926 (172)
• United States
8 Sep 08
yes, I only have one cat and he is a real killer. I have found feathers and beaks in my house where he kills birds and then eats them inside. He also kills rats, tarantulas, lizards, and pretty much anything that moves. Since my surrounding neighbors' have passed away, their homes and our now condemned by the city, their grass gets really high, higher than my 6 ft. fence. My cat kills whatever comes from over there.
• United States
8 Sep 08
Another true hunter. One of the people on here suggested a cat mafia, but instead I think these cats should start an assassin's guild.
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@Ina926 (172)
• United States
8 Sep 08
lol :) i agree rogue
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• United States
8 Sep 08
An assassin's guild. My previous cat, Midnight Star, definitely would've fir into that one!
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• United States
7 Sep 08
mine are bug hunters,that's about it for the most part. the one boy caught a field mouse in the house once,and looked absolutely disgusted. he gave me a look like "mommy,toy went squish" and ran away from it poor thing,i think he thought it was a wind-up mouse.
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• United States
8 Sep 08
Even though it was one mouse, at least he caught it. He knows what rodents are.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Only killed a rat and ate a lizard! Some raccoons tore him up, so he is more careful now! Stays home more often. we need some cats to help control rodents, as they are full of diseases.
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• United States
14 Sep 08
Rodents are full of disease, and that is why cats are so useful in getting rid of them. If the cat has all of it's shots and has what takes to catch a rodent, then let the cat have at it.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Yes, I agree it is a good thing!
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
6 Sep 08
All of our four cats are indoor only so even if they would want to kill something, they don't have an opportunity. The are very good about finding insects; and if they can't get them, they at least tell me where the bugs are.
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• United States
7 Sep 08
See, this is what happens when cats are reduced to being indoors, all they can catch are bugs, but that is okay because not very many of us are friendly to bugs.
• United States
7 Sep 08
So, your cats have not threaten to pee on your walls if you did not let them outside. Dubby has peed on my walls every time that I did not let him outside.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Yes, she was, my Birdie was a cold blooded killer and she was proud of her "kill".. We would be in the living room with the front door open at night and hear a "thump-thump" on the front door, it was Birdie with her "kill".. She would catch little moles in our yard and bring them to the door and "throw" them at the door until we came out to brag on her.. We also came home one day and as we were walking up the driveway to the house, she was in a "smacking" match with a huge snake of some kind and she was getting the best of the snake.. She would raise her paw and smack the snake senseless before it even knew what had hit him.. I am not even going to mention the birds, I am ashamed of her for these "kills".. She is no longer with us but I enjoyed her for years, she was a "Killer" friend..
2 people like this
• United States
8 Sep 08
That she was, she really gave that snake Hell. My cat, Dubby, has never come across a snake, but if he did, he might be a legend like your cat is.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Sounds like Dubby is the perfrct match for my Miss Kitty She actually went for someones throat on day. My friends had come over with their cat to have a playdate. When they were ready to leave, dude got down on hands and knees to look for their cat under the furniture. Out came Miss Kitty fangs and claws exposed. Headed directly for the throat. Dude jumped up and shouted "Your cat is trying to kill me!" She normaly tolerates most people but she has certian people she does not like no matter what. I allowed her to have kittens once and kept two of the babies so she would have bloodline playmates. Lol! Wasnt till Bubba got bigger than her she stop slapping him around. She still slap Sissy around. She loves them sometimes too. When ever one of them come close to her they just stop till she makes the first move. You never know if its really Miss Kitty or Syble. Even if people come to visit. Its "is this the pycho cat?" I just tell everyone if she comes to you for attention its ok just dont go to her. She is the ruler of her world. It's all about Miss Kitty. She wont take no for an answer. If she gets in trouble and i get after her and one of the kits around she slaps them coz she got in trounble.
• United States
8 Sep 08
If Dubby was not sterile, I bet his a Miss Kitty's kittens would be unstoppable? We will never know though because I had to neuter him, and you had to spay your cat.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Actually Miss Kitty is fertile. I have two of her kittens. Already a yr old now. Their father was a sissy. Miss Kitty used to slap him around too. They are not killers like her either. Except they keep down the spider population in my basement apt. Bubba is more like her than Sissy is. Sissy not only looks like daddy but is a sissy all the way around. Lowest cat here on the domanation ladder.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Bubba has a thing for troll dolls. He will go into the grand kids toy box and get out every troll in there. I gave him some of the trools but that is not enough for him. He wants them all. i try to keep a lid on the toy box. I also collect trolls he eyes them like they arer mice. If you saw him playing with one youd think it was alive. Bubba is a nut case for sure. I have pics of my cats on my page.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Hunting is a cat's natural instinct. Remember that they are related to the big cats (lions, tigers, etc) who have to kill their prey to eat. Most "house" cats who are allowed to go outside will do this. My cat is not allowed outside, so he pounces on any kind of a bug that ventures into our house. A fly drives him wild. Sometimes he will actually catch it.
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• United States
8 Sep 08
Yes, cats are related to the big wild cats, and thus, they are hunters like their wild cousins. They really would not be who they are if they did not kill, or try to kill, something.
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@eztuner (450)
• United States
6 Sep 08
You have made laugh hard! Yes my Spottie girl is a killer. Birds, some mice but mostly the poor lizard community has suffered the most casualties! It's their nature And when she brings her catch to you is her way of saying: Mommy I love you, see Iam a great hunter! It does not matter how well feed she is.
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• United States
7 Sep 08
It is not, she is just showing you that she is a good cat. Cats think that they are good when they can kill animals smaller than themselves.
@valanthe (50)
• Poland
6 Sep 08
My cat loves caching insects and eating them. Flies, butterflies, bees ever wasps (despite the fact he was biten by one). He also loves 'hunting' birds. He chaught two - one from our balkon (and this sparrow survived) and the second he killed and brought home to show us... But he doesn't attack rodents - when he was really little he was bitten by our degu and from thet time he leaves rodents alone. He doesn't even reacts when my rat sits on him.
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• United States
6 Sep 08
And people say that cats are not smart. What do they know? Your cat has obviously learned a very important lesson about rodents from being bitten by one, and I do not blame him for reacting that way and wanting to be safe than sorry. It happens. My oldest boy, Frisky, and my little girl, Goldie, do not mess with other animals because they do not see the need for it. They are happy being in the warmth of my house, comforting humans. Dubby, he loves to be held, he loves to hug, he also loves to give you a "love bite" (I swear this cat is a vampire), but when he begins to feel that hunger, he cannot help but kill that mouse.
@mari123 (1861)
• China
7 Sep 08
My cat is an indoor cat,she is a cute cat. I don't get many gifts to her. i like my cat very much,When she was a kitten she would chase bugs and catch them and then eat them. I didn't mind, although it wouldn't be good if she ate a poisonous one. However, now she hardly ever catches any bugs she just plays with them. some cats are outdoor cats,they catch gifts from other family.
• United States
7 Sep 08
At least she is catching something.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Yes, my cat is a murderer. I call him my hired killer. I pay him in milk and he kills mice for milk. He even says, "Mil" for milk. His most interesting prey were the kangaroo mice (front legs small, bag legs long and they hop) and some bird of prey that upset me because it's illegal to hunt birds of prey for people here, so he could have gotten us into trouble (baby bird with sharp beak and tallons, not sure what it was, maybe it was defective and the mother threw it out of the nest or maybe it fell out or maybe it tried to fly and wasn't ready), it was the same size as my cat. Told him to take it to the woods! Everything he brings in he calls "Mou" which we think is milk, but he must be translating it as food. He wants "mil" for all "mou" (food).
• United States
8 Sep 08
Woo! A bird of prey, that is one experienced cat. Even though it may be a baby, and the cat might have gotten it on accident, that is still something special. I do not think that any of the cats on here will be able to top that.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Sep 08
My cats are indoor cats. No hunting experience.
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• United States
7 Sep 08
So you think?
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
7 Sep 08
Well, my youngest cat from my girlfriend's parent's house is a real killer. It has a ratio of 2 night butterflies per night, 1 frog and one mice per week. Also in the summer it kills crickets
• United States
8 Sep 08
Frog? Wow! That is one that we have not heard on here, until now. People have said rats, mice, possums, rabbits, birds, moles, reptiles, bugs, spiders, and you name it, but I have not heard of frogs until now.
@dark4eyes (161)
• United States
7 Sep 08
We've got a couple of "mighty hunters" - Rygel in particular. The cats spend most of the day outside in what we call "the playpen" (We had it built along an inside corner that was pretty much a mud pit) and sometimes a gecko or the occasional mouse or rat will very foolishly wander into the playpen and, well they don't always get out alive. The cats have pulled a couple of rat corpses into the house and Elic always makes me deal with them.
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• United States
8 Sep 08
"The playpen" is kind of a "mouse trap" then for those cats. Well, they know a great opportunity when they see one.
• United States
19 Sep 08
lol, I had a cat like that. I think its instinct, because he normally wouldn't even eat it just drag it inside to show the family his accomplishment. He always looked upset that we were not more appreciative!
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• United States
19 Sep 08
Yes, when they bring those rodents and birds home, it is a sign that they can hunt and provide food for the family. It is a sign of their abilities to be good cats.