Sarah Palin, the racist
By shamsta19
@shamsta19 (3224)
United States
September 6, 2008 4:04pm CST
After reading this article, it changed my view of the newly appointed vice presidential candidate. I mean she is a politician in competition for the highest office of the land, use some tact! We could have done without the outright racism. What do you think of this? Does it change your opinion of this woman? Does it bother you at all?
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24 responses
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I would doubt the source, but that doesn't prove it's not true. Who knows? The McCain camp has been hiding her for some reason. Perhaps it's because of what comes out of her mouth when it's open? It would not surprise me if it was true; I flat out don't like the woman. I think McCain is a dotty old fool for selecting her to run with him. She has no idea what is going on, and has proved that several times already by saying stupid things.
No, it wouldn't change my opinion of her. Yes, it does bother me. I noticed that someone said they would have to hear it themselves. Well, it would be a wonderful thing if everything a politician uttered were taped, but that is not the case. So saying that doesn't really fit.
I think she is a self-righteous b*tch of Biblical proportions. But then, that's just my opinion.
Wouldn't it have been nice if all these conservatives who want to play fair now would have felt the same way when all the ridiculous rumors were spread about Obama? It was ok with them then, even if half the things they believed and still believe (and are still posting here) came from some conservative blog or viral email. Now they want to play fair. lol
I'll be voting for Obama/Biden come November. I hope the majority will have the good sense to do the same.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Sep 08
"I would doubt the source but that doesn't prove it's not true."
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@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I don't know how much of that is true, but either way I don't like her for many various reasons. I don't really trust McCain either so it's no loss for me. I have a feeling that they're only in this for themselves, not the good of the country. They also seem to have little passion, unlike Obama, who seems to care.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
6 Sep 08
Can't argue with that one. The thing is I am sure a lot of politicians have feelings like this. They are just smart enough to keep their opinion private. I mean does she want to be the vice president?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Sep 08
I think it's an absolute outrage! I didn't have a very high opinion of her to begin with, or at least once I checked into her a bit and heard her more than once, but it certainly makes me dislike her even more. It bothers me, alright, and what really bothers me is that it won't bother some people in the least.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Just like I said should I believe it? Should I not believe it? That is the real question here. I am not taking this for face value but I am not discarding it either until I have solid evidence to prove one or the other.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I was wondering if I'd get one of those responses... We will have to wait and see I guess. I am sure she is not the only person with these types of opinions.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I have no opinion of her yet, so this does not change my opinion. It does bother me to think of a racist person being in a leadership position. On the other hand, I am not taking the entire article at face value. Some of the statements were admittedly speculation, some I suspect to be speculation, and many were merely opinion. Face it, we are not going to find people who don't have people speaking badly about them, who disagree with what they do, and who will do what they can to put a negative spin on things because they don't like someone.
I was concerned about the quote at the end that said "everyone who isn't aboriginal or Indian in Alaska talks that way." That is a pretty generalized and stereotypical statement and is really not fair to Alaskans. The person who said that is biased. I hate those kinds of generalizations because it is simply impossible to say with absolute certainty that it is true. People make those kinds of generalizations all the time not realizing that it makes them just as guilty as the people they are criticizing.
If you look, you will find information that is equally negative about each and every candidate, because people will print it whether it is true or not, to try to sway public opinion their way. I'm not defending her or the statements she allegedly made. I'm just saying be objective and look at all sides.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
7 Sep 08
You are right, racism has always been present in leadership. My point was I am not going to necessarily take this one blog entry at face value and assume that Sarah Palin is one of them. Maybe she is and maybe she isn't. Part of the problem today is too many people making snap judgments after reading articles such as this one, assuming if someone wrote it that it must be true. We need to be discriminating and do some research and gather all the facts before making decisions- especially decisions as important as choosing our leaders.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
And I respect your stance on the matter. It bothers me just as much to think of a racist in a leadership position but I KNOW they do already exist. I mean remember slavery? Remember the Civil Rights Struggle? All of that came from racist political policies. I know this is 2008 but there are STILL racists in the world and most definently in government.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I agree with you as I have dug deeper into this myself. I am finding conflicting stories as well, though I still do not put it past her to have said these things. We will see.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I think it is more of the same "let's get Sarah" mentality. Until and only until someone has concrete proof I'll treat this one with a grain of salt. Most of what is being said has been proved to be either lies or half truths.
It's way too easy to automatically believe something about someone when you want to. A lot harder to actually hunt out the truth.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Okay I do agree with that fact. But I am not making this up. The brother who posted this in his blog wouldn't lie about it. So this leads back to the original reporters of the story. Are they too lying? I know we cannot believe everything we read as the media is also biased but is this an untruth? In a country where we are guilty until proven innocent shouldn't she be made to address this and prove it to be untrue?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I often wonder if we haven't taken the political correctness to the point of being afraid to say anything to anyone. I don't know if she said it or not. I don't take one source as being fact. I would be less likely to believe a liberal source as I would be less likely to believe a conservative source such as newsmax. Both are only for their own side.
No one should have to put it with being called names and it doesn't always involve color where these statements are concerned. I've heard comments about my autistic daughter. "Freak, stupid, Rainman, retard." Some of these have been said in her presence by some of the white and black kids in my neighborhood. If name calling is wrong for one it is wrong for all.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Of course. It's not even the name calling that concerns me it is the heart of this candidate. We may all have made racial slurs in our lifetimes, that doesn't mean we are racist. Maybe it was a joke, maybe among a certain group of friends it was accepted, I do understand this. But we are dealing with a political candidate! It would be mete to understand her character as she me be one of the future leaders of the "free world" and I have to be concerned with where her heart lies and what type of person she is. Ignore the pretty face, I know a lot of cute racists!
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
6 Sep 08
There are so many reasons not to vote for her. One of the most interesting is that even the Republicans are afraid to let her be interviewed by the press. They don't know what she'll say. She is against everything I'm for. She is a very very scary barracuda.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Personally I have never heard of her before this year/last year. Who is she? And now I read this. It's not like I was a major supporter for the Republican Party or McCain's campaign but here's more reason not to.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Well, personally I am not sure where she lies in all of this. I just know that when there are people Praising her, I think if McCain and he win we are just going to keep the USA going downhill instead of change, and she will care even less about people who need the help even more. She is so inexperienced and so little is known about her. Why are they not letting her speak for herself? To blind people. I think her True colors will show in the Vice Presidential debates. I personally do not Trust her either.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
9 Sep 08
Is there a legitimate source for this?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
10 Sep 08
That's what I mean. Anyone can make up a statement, attribute it to a candidate and spread it like a virus over the internet. If the only references to it are bloggers quoting each other, I wouldn't base my vote on it.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I wouldn't expect anyone to base their vote on this but I just want people to be aware of things going on. If this is proven to be untrue so be it, but if it is in fact true I have to resent this woman for her opinion. As of now we have no REAL evidence this has been said. SO until it is properly investigated we will never know.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Apparently not. Just blogs but it apparently came from something. Was it just made up? Was this waitress a witness to this? Have any reports come out to support this claim? I wonder...
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Sep 08
"So Sambo beat the b!tch!"
If Sarah Palin speaks this way in public, I wonder what her private thoughts are.
I know many people want Sarah Palin to be the first ever woman Vice President, but this isn't the right person.
Not only is she very divisive, she's now appears to be a bigot. You have to dig deep down in your racist past to relive the era when words like "Sambo" were used.
Sambo is a racial term for a person with African heritage in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is considered a racial slur in the US.
She might have well said, "So the Nig--r beat the b!tch."I don't like this woman and never will.
I hope everyone comes to their senses before putting this moron in such a powerful position.
She can run roughshot over Alaskan natives, but she'll never be able to do that with America's vast and diverse population.
And to think. This is the woman so many of you admire.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Lloyd, I think you're a smart enough guy that you should know blogs are utter garbage when it comes to politics. It's a bogus story with absolutely no facts to back it up. There are plenty of reasons to hate every candidate without using lies to smear them.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
And if she speaks like this in public, I dare to think what her private thoughts are. I have spent a lot of years now in the South, much of which is still very racist. Spending time around people like this, women like this has made me see a dark reality about some people. It's not beyond some people to think like this and I know they exist. It's really not hard for me to believe she is really like this. I will investigate further but I really don't need much convincing.
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@ElaanR2 (277)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Lloyd, the word 'moron' is not a word I appreciate for a political opponent. It has been over-used here on mylot for Obama and his supporters. Don't let us learn from the conservatives. That said, I don't really believe in the blogs but I also wouldn't put these words past her. After all, she declared that the mission in Iraq is a mission from God. Until I find solid evidence that she made these remarks, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
12 Sep 08
And there's nothing wrong with that either.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I doubt any of this is true. I quoted what she allegedly said and not one credible source came up in the search. Therefore leading me to believe this is a lie. When people start creating lies it makes me want to vote republican.
If it were true credible sources would have this information posted and it would be all over the television.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
7 Sep 08
So the way one should address this discussion is, I can't believe that people would do such a thing to try to ruin someone's name. Who knows if the waitress even exists. It is a shame that so many are foolish enough to fall for such a scam.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I also looked and found nothing credible.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Yeah I kinda wish you had put a ? after the title too. But I've read all of the comments so far and I must say You are one of the most Open minded People I've seen on myLot. This is also one of the most civil discussions I've seen,too. You seem fair in your not judging this story too quickly.
I don't think it's true. I'll say that right out front. The paradice blog is filled with racial slurs,
"No wonder the vast sea of white, cheering faces at the Republican Convention went wild for Sarah:" I heard a similar comment from Randi Rhodes the day after the RNC opened. "They searched and searched and couldn't find a black person till they focused on the cameraman." (Reminds me of someone who said the only black people at the RNC are the help, back in 04). So I made it a point to watch that night and it couldn't have been More wrong. There were lots of Black people, women, black women, Asians, It looked like America. Bobby Jindal is the first Indian American Governor in American history but you don't hear much about him because he is a Republican. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Allen Keyes, Lt.Col Allen West. All very successful Black people in the Republican party. Time/Warner, Am/EX, and Meryll Lynch Have all had Black CEO's. This is not the fifties or a hundred years ago, And there is Nothing that can be done about the past. Nothing. It's gone. We need to move forward.
Democrats show up in your churches on election day and then preach Separation of Church and State the rest of time. Then they tell you that you can't compete in the job market without a little help. Someone remarked that "...the Repubs aren't racist, they're just 'anti-Affirmative Action!'" I think AA cheats black people. It's what Bush called the "Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations." He was being polite. Democrats don't seem to expect much of black people,except on election day. =) And do you want to talk about racism in Democrat party? Right now the person next in line for the WH after Nana Pelosi was a Grand Wizard of the KKK. Robert Byrd.
"They adore the type, it's in their genetic code." This statement is the Epitome of racism. It should be in the dictionary as the definition of racism. See, the problem with racISM is that we are all the same race. Human. We all bleed red. Dr. MLKing said that we should judge each other by content of character not color of skin. This statement goes completely against that. It's also Self Defeating. The entire human race has about 99.99% of our DNA in common. So if it's in MY genes Pal, it's in yours,too.
I read the letter from Anne Kilkenney:
And it seems like a load of malarkey that the left will use against her whether it's true or not. it might get her on a few talk shows. but it's all hearsay. this whole article is hearsay designed to get into the conversation, things that are true but can't be proven to be not true. It's been the in liberal playbook since the beginning. Most people won't believe it But a few will believe it so much they will never let it go.
I also read about her supposedly Censoring Books at the library. I got news for you. Librarians, in all of their piety, are Professional Censors. That's what they do. If a library director doesn't want a book, he or she doesn't order it. They don't have to make a big deal out of it and sure someone can request that it be brought in or buy it and donate it but that doesn't mean it will ever make it to the shelf. I remember a few years back when I looked for a book by James Dobson, He had plenty of books out But the only book in our system wasn't By Dobson. It was ABOUT Dobson. And not at all favorable either. Just like this article.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Sep 08
First off thanks for your remarks. I'm a little confused by what you've said here though. I don't even want to make this an argument for the democratic party either. I disagree with politics as a whole. Republican, Democrat it doesn't matter. Most people have taken this as a personal attack against their party. Yes there are racist in the Democratic Party, I have already gotten into hundreds of political debates and this one was more about the character of this candidate.
I do agree with your reasoning cause somehow we do share the same genetics. The point I see you trying to make here is racism and how ignorant it is, and how rampart it is in our government cannot be denied though.
And MLK was a Republican you know? I really don't believe it is a race issue as everyone has made it. There is only a race issue during this presidential race because of Obama's ethnicity. The issue is continually diverted from politics and taken to race, which should have nothing to do with one's ability to run this nation.
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Man, I am disappointed in you. I have read a lot of your posts and I have participated in a few, and this, in my opinion, is beneath you. You quote a blogger who is quoting another blogger on a statement that is so unbelievable that only those who are predisposed to dislike Mrs. Palin would believe it.
In your replies to those that question the accuracy of the quote you say, "I don't 100% support it" (the blogger) but in your original post you say that this comment "changed your view" of her. Come on.
Posting this type of post only furthers racism. I am not denying that it exists in some areas. I live in the south and I run across it often and I can only imagine what you have experienced, but let's focus the debate on REAL racism and not imagined racism. In my mind it is like the issue of health care. The politicians are crying about how we have to provide health care for all Americans when in fact 95% of people who want health care, already have it. (Remember not everyone wants a health care plan. Many who are young and healthy prefer to pay as they go.)You can not find support from those who already have adequate health care plans. If they would shift the debate to the real issue, and that's the 5% that need health care, they would be able to find much more support. They are trying to get support for the wrong problem. Fix the real problem, the 5% who want it and don't have it.
I see racism the same way. There is enough real racism out there that we don't have to focus on fantasy racism. If we can take our eyes off of the positioning of Rev. Jackson and the sensationalism of Rev. Sharpton, we can focus on the real racism that exists in real America. These leaders take our eyes off of the problem and make us focus on them and their political agenda. This article that you quote and the post that you started to the exact same thing.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
12 Sep 08
And YOU know the type of discussions I start. I said earlier in this one I regretted not putting a question mark after my post. Sarah Palin, the Racist? would've been more appropriate. I am sorry about the simple punctuation mishap. But it doesn't change the fact that someone posted this to begin with. I just like the debates my friend and welcome all opinion as it only strengthens my world view, opinions and paypal account. Much of this political campaign is about taking our minds off the real issue and worrying about petty marks in one's past, and nonsensical mudslinging.
I am not one to start gossip or anything or spread false rhetoric. I found this blog and reposted it. Maybe I should have been a little more explanatory in my posting to begin with to avoid the argument to begin with. But then again you know how I do!!! I love to get it started i here as long as everyone keeps it respectful. I, am in no way, labelling this woman a racist, but I wonder who she is. this little gem of info/rumor was an attempt to learn more about her as well as start one of those debates I love. Think I lost a point in my ranking or something. Got a little 7 in the star instead of an 8. Did I lose some cool points or something?
Truth is this HAS changed my view of her as I didn't know who she was to begin with prior to this election campaign. Why should I believe some random blog? Why shouldn't I? I don't have any regrets about posting this just not adding the question mark (and I meant to just hit enter too fast).
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Oh and I know of NO ONE who doesn't want Health Care. Who are these guys? Almost everyone I know can't afford to go to the doctor, dentist, and has no health care. We can't afford the medications or visits. We are only five percent? I can't believe that when everyone is getting laid off and how much did gas jump to today?
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@2minicoopers (239)
• United States
7 Sep 08
You can not make a judgement of someone by a he said she said blog. People can blog anything in order to get the votes they want for the right candidate. Watch who your sources are.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
And let me make it clear that I am reposting someone's blog, that is a repost of an article I believe. I am not saying I am standing behind this 100% I am just reacting to what I have read and shared it for discussion. Just as you cannot make judgment on someone from a he say she say blog, you cannot cast judgment on someone based on the color of their skin!
I understand it may be hard for Palin supporters to accept this news if it is true. I will delve deeper into this and find out more about her though, especially after hearing this!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
7 Sep 08
And IF this is true, She is a great choice for Vice President. She'll fit right in.
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@2minicoopers (239)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I highly doubt it is true being that McCain has a adopted child of color, I doubt he would pick a racist VP.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Certainly, this article gives anyone reason to look into this further, but seriously, there is a big problem with the article's believability. Why would a racist marry a man who is part Yup'ik Indian?
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Good point. We have already stated here that there was no proof whether or not this is in fact the truth. We have at least agreed on that. I am in no way labeling this woman a racist as I have no proof at all.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Sep 08
ok, so somebody said that somebody said that somebody said.......... No this doesn't change my view. Until I hear her say it, I do not believe that this is how that came down. People are continuously trying to knock her down. I think we are going to hear much worse before this is over. She is smart, qualified, and tenacious. They have to try to discredit her in another way...

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Boo Hoo for her. Has she been labeled a terrorist? Mudslinging is unfortunately a part of political campaigning. If this is false then prove it so if it is true then prove it. I thought it would spark a pretty good discussion and once again I was correct. I personally wouldn't vote for team McCain/Palin but let it be known I don't mean to unfairly label her a racist if it isn't proven to be. Though now I really would like to know it isn't true.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Laglen, I think you are entirely correct! Those that don't want the McCain/Palin ticket to win are going to new heights to try and see it never happens. There are going to be worse smears about her, I think. If one thing doesn't work, then they will try another. One of the first thing that Kondracke, of the Beltway Boys and The Roll Call, had to say was, and I quote: "If Jindal had been Governor of Louisiana in 2005, everything would have been different and he would be John McCain's running mate instead of this wacko right-winger."
See, he says she's a wacko: In other words, she is eccentric and doesn't hold to his way of thinking!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Dude, you're using a myspace blog as a source. I mean, blogs are already useless as sources, but myspace blogs are even worse. I'd say they're like half a step up from DailyKOS.
Either way the original claim came from a liberal blogger at the progressive curmodgeon. It's absolute garbage and the character "Lucille the waitress" was actually a fictional character.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I know where this came from and again I am not standing by the validity of the blog, just posted it for discussion. I only regret not adding the question mark "Sarah Palin, the Racist?" would have read better, or at least not implied that she was. I am still not putting it past her but I will agree to not label her as such (or "un"label her either)until I have more proof.
Does make for good discussion though and thank you for posting
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
7 Sep 08
For all those that believe what is written in that blog and will use those statements to cloud their opinion of Sarah Palin, line up ...
I have a bridge to sell ya.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Some say yes some say nay. Time will tell the truth.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
1 Nov 08
What do I think of this? 1) Some blogger said it and it has not been verified by anyone else. So I dismiss it as being false. 2) Does this change my opinion of the woman? Absolutely not. Governor Palin is an awesome woman. 3) Does it bother me. What bothers me is that you would post this without finding out if it was true first. What bothers me is that people would right away believe something like this.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
1 Nov 08
You are late on this one. I have already stated that I didn't say this was true. I was reposting the article. We don't have any proof whether this is true or false for that matter. And I have yet to hear any statement to defend her from this except the lone blogger defense. So as of yet it still remains to be seen. Thanks for posting though.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Smears! It angers me that they have gone after this strong woman with such statements and won't even give their full names! If they wanted to be credible, why not give their names. They are all out to try and stigmatize her name and ruin her reputation. Don't play into their game and let them rob you of the vote you was going to cast. Get out there, learn the truth and find out who is lying and who isn't. I've heard so many great things about this woman from people who really know here and especially a friend who lives in Alaska. He said they come no finer than Sarah Palin, and I think he is a guy who can be trusted to know if something was wrong with her. She's a strong Christian and some do not want her in the White House no matter what it takes to keep her out!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Wait we're not superior? LoL. This may be the case. Maybe a woman in the Oval Office would be the change we need. I just don't believe it is Sarah Palin. I'd be more willing to stand by Hillary than this woman who I know so little about. Not saying she is a racist but if these allegation hold any water then I definitely have to decide against her.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I agree with that! Some people may be threatened by the thought of a women in power as it is. Maybe she is a racist, maybe she is a saint. I won't formulate any strong opinion about her until I even know who she is.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
9 Sep 08
shamsta, you might have something there. Every one thought that Hillary Clinton had the chance to become the first woman president but her own made sure she never made it. She got the smears from her own people! Maybe the men just don't want to give up the territory. After all, they are 'supposed to be' superior to women, right? 

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