Got a question for the Tarot? Just for Fun!!!
@chameleonsdream (1230)
United States
September 7, 2008 8:52am CST
I've been reading tarot for many years, and I really enjoy drawing cards and interpreting them for people. I don't do this professionally, and would never charge money for it, but I'm in the mood to read this morning. Got a question for the Tarot? Want advice on something you're thinking about? Post a response with your question and I'll draw a card and give a quick answer. I can't promise total accuracy, but it might give you a different way to look at things! So come on - hit me with a question!
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2 responses

@mssaranya (193)
• India
8 Sep 08
Itz really awesome!!!!.great yar..What you have mentioned is exactly rite.You know am at the beginning of ma carrer and i have got a recognition because of ma placement.....INCREDIBLE......
can you please also suggest that will i have a bright future or i have to struggle a lot in the journey of life ?and ofcourse regarding ma future life partner..
Thanks in advance...
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
7 Sep 08
The tarot isn't usually best for answering something that specific, though there are some people who seem to be able to reach beyond the card's meanings. I'm not one of them - but I did draw some interesting cards on your question.
First, there are three of the four pages - the Page of Wands, the Page of Pentacles and the Page of Swords. That many pages suggest that you are at the start of your career, or still a student - the Pages are learners. Your studies are in the areas ruled by Earth (practicality), Fire (inspiration) and Air (philosophy). In addition, I drew three Sixes - Cups (for childhood dreams), Swords (for traveling to safer places) and Wands (achievement and recognition). Those three suggest that you have recently achieved an award or recognition (or are working toward one) in something that you have always wanted to do. It also suggests that you may have traveled to take up your new position. The final card is an Ace of Pentacles, again suggesting that you are at the very start of a career, and one that can be lucrative for you - the Ace of Pentacles is also know as the Ace of Coins, and is the seed of money. It's also interesting to see which of the suits did not appear in the cards that I drew - the only Page missing was the Page of Cups, which is the suit of love and emotion, so I would guess that a relationship is not an important thing in your life right now. The only six missing is the Six of Pentacles, which is the card of giving alms. Its absence suggests to me that these achievements are things that you have accomplished on your own, not as a result of aid or gifts from someone else.
Be gentle with me, mssarnya! As I said, the Tarot is not best in these kinds of questions, and I don't know you at all. It's very easy to make one wrong assumption and have your entire reading go completely in the wrong direction.
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@kreations (37)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Okay, lets see what do I want to know....I don't believe in reading my own cards and my friends use crystals to tell the future to get answer and I don't trust them (the crystals why would I call people I don't trust friends?)......okay got it.
I recently started a new job working from home and I want to know how long I am going to be doing it.
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Good morning, kreations! I'm not sure how well this answers your question about time but...
the cards I drew for you were the Queen of Wands, the Ace of Wands, the Six of Cups, the Eight of Pentacles and the Queen of Swords. The first Queen suggests to me that you were inspired to start this new job by someone very persuasive, someone whose own enthusiasm for things draws others into being enthusiastic as well. The Ace supports that - you've taken up the torch, so to speak, and are very enthusiastic about it, and feeling inspired to do well. The Ace of Wands is all about great beginnings, being ready to 'set the world on fire', and it's always promising to feel that way when you're starting out on a new path. The Six of Cups is in the center position, a sort of balancing point, and it stands for the things you carry with you from childhood - more specifically, you may find that siblings or old friends support you in your endeavor in unexpected ways. The Eight of Pentacles is in the position of advice, and it stands for practice and/or apprenticeship. It's the time you have to put in learning your craft before you can be a Master and stand on your own. You'll need to just keep chipping away, and a lot of the work may be boring, but it's all about learning and paying your dues right now. The Queen of Swords is far less flamboyant than the Queen of Wands. The fiery queen is a great starter, but she often rushes off once the fire is started and leaves others to keep it burning. The Queen of Swords, by contrast, is persistent. She has the strength and the skills to accomplish what she sets out to do, even if it comes at personal sacrifice. In fact, her persistence often comes from loss - she's popularly seen as a widow or woman who has lost a child. Because she has been there and survived, she has the inner strength to go the distance. She also, by the way, has a keen, analytical mind, so I suspect that you'll put your whole self into this until you have enough information to decide if it's work that will be successful for you.
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@kreations (37)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Thanks for the reading!
Really it is amazing how accurate the cards are. I do feel like I am chipping away literally, but I am really phased by how much work I have to do. I guess if I finished it all I would just find something else and there would be more work until I die.
I haven't lost anything but I have come to the realization that I can't hold a real job. I have two slipped disks and I fought for 11 years to work and go to school and now that I have had a successful pregnancy poof, the fight is gone from me. I don't care to fight any more. The facts are I can't work I have to take it slow I have to go to physical therapy for the next 60 years. I have morned the self that would fight and moved on.
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Oh, heavens - no wonder the Queen of Swords kept inserting herself - she practically jumped out of the deck at me. Learning to live with pain and accepting how it limits your life is exactly the kind of loss she stands for. Knowing that also gives me a different perspective on the two cards you drew the last two days as well --
the five of cups very clearly says that you've had to relinquish some old dreams and that you don't have all that you used to have (i.e. - the physical ability to go out and get a 'real job' - and don't let anyone kid you, kiddo - working at home is every bit as real as anything else you'll ever do), but that you have reserves of strength and abilities that you haven't called on and recognized yet.
The three of wands is as much about work as it is about life and creativity. If you look at the two and three of wands in the Rider-Waite deck, they show the same figure. In the first one, he is standing behind a wall, looking out over it toward the sea. ( ) In the next card, he has stepped outside the wall and is out in the world. ( ) It shows that you're prepared to take a risk to accomplish what you want to do. Good luck!