Seat Belts - Should Adults be Forced to Wear Them??
By showpup
@showpup (232)
United States
September 7, 2008 1:49pm CST
I think most, if not all, of us would agree that children should always be safely strapped in. After all, we are responsible for them.
However, what about us adults? Should the law be able to dictate if we should wear seat belts? They say it's to save our lives but is it anyone's business but our own if we wear them or not? After all, it's just our lives that are at risk, right?
Let me share the story of why I started this discussion.
When I was fresh from taking medical courses in college, I was driving down the highway and came upon a car wreck, just seconds after it happened. A three car pileup mess of a wreck.
Vehicle #1 - young parents and very young son. Scratches and shook up. Thank God for the topper on their truck that took the brunt of the force.
Vehicle #2 - Sadly driven by a girl I went to H.S. with. Her leg was wrapped up and around goofy. Obviously broken and she was pinned. No seatbelt. It took several surgeries and pins and physical therapy to help heal what a seatbelt could have prevented. It was later learned that she caused the wreck as she applied her makeup going down the road and poked her eye with the mascara brush.
Vehicle #3 - A small car. Two women. An older lady (Mom) was the passenger. Young woman about my age (daughter) was the driver. Mom wore her seat belt but the daughter didn't. Daughter landed on top of her Mom from the force of the wreck, killing her. She was internally decapitated. Had she worn her seat belt, her Mom would have lived through the wreck. I had to care for the daughter who was pinned on top of her Mom until the ambulances arrived.
Imagine this next time you wonder what choice you should make... seat belt or no seat belt... These decisions can affect more people than just you!
Now, who's in favor of seat belt laws?
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32 responses
@jstmarfz (1498)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Putting seat belt's on is my hubby and I problem. We never do that not unless we see police car..hehehe. We are not comfortable putting seat belt's on. For me, if i have it on I can't move properly although its a way of safeness if ever accident may occur. We are trying out best to do that now, especially me coz I am starting my driving class next week. I am excited about it!
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@showpup (232)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Once you start wearing them regularly, it doesn't feel so odd. Think of it as protecting each other, not yourself. How would either of you feel had you been the pair in vehicle #3? That alone should be enough to wear one and put up with a tad bit of discomfort.
I bought little faux sheep wool velco covers for the seat belt. Nice up by the neck to avoid that rub.
@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Hi showpup; cute hat.
Wow, tragic story indeed. Thank God you were there to assist the young daughter in #3 vehicle until the ambulances arrived and most of all that you had prior training in your medical courses that equipped you to be able to assist.
Rules, laws are meant to protect people and keep them safe from harms way. Reminds me of when some idiotic came over into my lane because he wanted to turn and was almost in the intersection when he did. My entire family in the car. Everyone was fine thank God, and the butt head drove off from the scene. Everyone was wearing their seat belts.
You know on some of the newer model vehicles, the seat beat chimes when it isn't activated within 45 seconds of the ignition starting up, and it keeps chiming until it is put on. An annoying thing at times, but very useful and safety conscious.
So they should recall all vehicles to come to the manufacturers in order to have this safety featured added to their present vehicle no matter how old it may be.
Curious to know, why did you post this discussion in people, verses life?I'd be interested in seeing others responses as well. Happy Sunday!
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@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
7 Sep 08
No injuries to any passengers, just to the Toyota Camry we were driving at the time. The insurance idea would work, only if the people actually worn their seat belts. Some folks would try to get the discount without having to wear the belt.
But I guess to cover themselves, the insurance companies could have a clause that says, in the event that you do have a accident and you are caught not having worn your seat belt that part of their policy automatically doubles their insurance premiums.
It is unfortunate that many people have to have a tragic event or something totally hideous in nature to happen before they will listen to reason or better yet, totally make the change in bad habits that they weren't taught as a child. I grew up in household like that, my mother was a heavy smoker, and she occasionally drank. I just thank God I never picked up that bad habit. I did pick up the drinking habit attempting to be like the other young guys or in the "IN CROWD" at that stage in my life.
I'm very thank-you to God that I never had acquired a strong taste for that stuff, and I never tried smoking period. Besides I could barely breathe when I was in the room, so I think that had a lot to do with it.
Sorry didn't mean to get off topic so much.
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@showpup (232)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Better yet, have an insurance clause that says if they aren't wearing it that it doesn't get covered at all. That may be incentive enough.
I never took up smoking or drinking. Though I did work as a bartender years ago. I got lots of great tips due to being so ignorant to how to make drinks when I first started. 2 shots in that drink? Okay. ROTFL
@showpup (232)
• United States
7 Sep 08
You're right. I should have posted it in Life section. I'm still a mylot newbie and there are so many categories, my head is really spinning!
I like the annoying chime for the new vehicles. I doubt they would do a recall but maybe if insurance companies gave discounts for such a feature, more people would look into having them put in.
Glad nobody was hurt in that near accident of your's. Scary!
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I agree, seat belts should be wore. Now I will bring up another issue, for discussion ONLY, not for arguments. Showpup your illustrations were correct and reasons why everyone should wear a seat belt.
Now, I would like to add to your discussion about the person who is wearing a seat belt, and their vehicle ignites into flames, or goes into water. They are now panicking and can not get their seat belts loose. time is not on their side, they have to get out fast and they can't, because now the seat belts have become restraints.
I live in New Jersey, and I bring this up because about a year ago, two young ladies were driving home late one night. I'm not sure, if the driver fell asleep, but their car ended up in the river. A witness, heard the crash and ran out of his house. He dove into the river trying to help. He said that the door was locked, and the women were frantically trying to get out of the seat belts. He ran to call for help, by the time help came it was too late.
So wouldn't you say that seat belts have their advantage and disadvantage?
All of these examples are tragic or could have been tragic stories. I agree seat belts save more lives than not to be wearing one.
What do you think about the scenerio I just gave.
Thanks for reading my response, and have a great day.
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Wow, so sorry to hear about your accident. So, glad that you and your husband survived it, and luckily at that time he was not wearing his seat belt. Yeah, why wasn't or isn't that person in jail. Poor little girl, how dreadful. My brother was also in an accident, where the car ignited into flames, he was knocked out from the impact, and a passerby, was able to pull him and his passenger out before the car went up in flames. Seat belt laws were not mandatory then.
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@showpup (232)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I wish I knew why. Maybe because it was viewed as not totally his fault.
How it happened was that this little girl's Dad left her in the car while he went across the street and into the bar. When she got upset at her Daddy being gone, she decided to truck over there and find him. She came out between the closely parked vehicles and into the road right in front of this guy's vehicle. Likely not much time to react. And drinking means less reaction time. I bet her dad has a heavy heart to have to live with after that as well. Totally heartbreaking!
@mscott (1923)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I never really liked wearing seat belts, I don't even know why other than maybe I was just lazy or stupid. Now I always wear them. I have two main reasons why. First, I have a son and I want to set a good example so I wear it so he will wear his and stay buckled in. Second, my car makes an annoying beeping sound until I buckle the belt. Statistically people are better off wearing them and it is easy to do, so now I always do. 

@sleepyredd (201)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I agree about the children. They need to be safely secure. I seen many films when going through EMS of children gone through windows. However for adults i believe it is the individuals decsion. I was trapped upside down in a river bed once and could not get the seat belt undone. Thank goodness there were people around. I hated the feeling of being trapped and possible drowning. I do where them when i am on the interstate or its icy. Mainly for the reason i do not want to be knocked away from the steering wheel. I thank goodness live in a rural area and do not usually where one close to home. There are pros and cons to seatbelts. But in the end it is my choice.
@teamloud (91)
• New Zealand
7 Sep 08
Hiya, Here in New Zealand seatbelts are also mandatory for ALL occupants of the vehicle ,its a $150.00 fine if one is caught without a belt on.
This also applies to ALL vehicles here, Large Trucks as well.
And thats the way it should be! Cheers MrL®
@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I have always been in favor of seat belt laws. It does save lives if you are buckled up. Who started many years ago on my husband and I wearing seat belts was my son. He got on our case every time we got in the car if we didn't buckle up. So after many years it is a habit with us. The car doesn't move unless we are buckled up. I am all for the seat belt laws. It saves people from getting badly hurt if they have their seat belt on. Yes, adults should also be required to wear them and the law helps to insure that they do.
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@showpup (232)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Out of the mouths of babes... I hear often that people wear their seat belts because of children encouraging them to. That should tell everyone something. Even children realize how terribly scary it is not to wear one. And they love us. Imagine how rough life could be for them should we be taken away.
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@Galena (9110)
7 Sep 08
I'm in favour of laws requiring the wearing of seatbelts, because there really are people out there stupid enough not to automatically put their seatbelt on as soon as they get in the car.
and it's not just the individual who doesn't wear a belt whose lives can be destroyed if they end up smeared on the road.
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@Rintis (646)
• India
7 Sep 08
Wearing a seat belt while in a moving car is like wearing a helmet on a bike. It ensures safety when driving. Not just an accident but a sudden brake or turn can send our heads banging on the glass windows or hurt our neck. Strapping ourselves saves us from minor as well as major setbacks. I think it is very important for people to be educated about safety. Wearing seat belts should be made mandatory while driving.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
7 Sep 08
wearing seat belts is for safety or kids needs to use it!in germany you pay lots of euros if you dont use it while the car is running.
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@lifechanges (21)
• United States
8 Sep 08
It can get a little frustating to have someone telling you what
to do. We grow up with our parents telling us things to do and
things not to do.
When we get older we think that we can do anything we want and
forget what our parents have told us.
We think we know all when we're young and that nothing will
happen to us. Our parents will take care of us.
The decission to wear a seat belt should be something like in
the younger years. Others are looking out for us like our
parents did growing up.
God loves all and he will lead you to the decission that is
right. To be like the child is the way to the lord.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
7 Sep 08 mean in america no seat belts for adults?sorry if i am wrong.
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@JLMack (68)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Because of all the traffic that has come about in the last 40 years we have needed to change the seat belt laws. YES! We all must wear our seat belts to not only save ourselves but others. And Walso need to stop putting on make-up and talking on the hand held phones, reading, and other distractions that are causing us to become distracted. We are all in a hurry and people are literly killing each other. If we can't make the decission for our selfs then the lawmakers have to make it for us. This happens to be a good one. I know I hate that thing across my chest too, but it saves lives so I will make sure every one in my car has one on at all times. Hope you all do too. God Bless
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@showpup (232)
• United States
8 Sep 08
yes! I agree. They are talking about making it illegal to talk on your cell phone while driving, too. I hope that passes. It's really frustrating to see someone talking on their cell while driving and taking all our lives in their hands to do it. If it's that important of a call, they can just pull over!
@lusitania3000 (8)
• Portugal
7 Sep 08
I live in Portugal and here the seat belts are mandatory!
In the beginning the people didn't want to use it, but now, several years later everyone uses it!
The young never saw adults adults without it and for them the seat belt is to wear all the times by nature.
The adults behavior is the way to tech the next generations.
The airbag without a seat belt is a considerable risk!
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@showpup (232)
• United States
7 Sep 08
Thank you for responding. I wonder how many other countries have seat belt laws. I'm in the US. And you are so correct that adults need to set examples for our children. I used to tell my kids (including my day care kids) that my car would not start until all the seat belts were locked on. I would even fake a false engine start and 'then discover' that someone wasn't wearing it. LOL Worked like a charm on little kids! ;)
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@nicecedron (235)
• Canada
8 Sep 08
i think everyone, adult and children, shuold be safely strapped in. you cant avoid things to happen so its really safe to prepare. accidents are accidents, it choses no one :)
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
7 Sep 08
In a great many states, it is already the law that adults wear seat belts. In some states you can not be stopped for not wearing your seat belt, but if you are stopped for another violation, you can be ticketed for the seat belt violation. In other states, you can be stopped and ticked for not wearing your seat belt whether or not there is another violation.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Sep 08
showpup if you insist on driving on freeways going 80 miles
an hour you need to buckle up as anything else is brainless.
If you live out in the tullies where theres no traffic you
could take a chance, but I dont if there is a seat belt to be had.
Being torn to pieces in a car accident is not myidea of a good'
time. wear your seat belt. have seat beltlaws and obey them.
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@jfilips (261)
• United States
7 Sep 08
why not wear a seatbelt?, it can save your life. Actually one friend of my brother was in a horrendous car accident and they told me that the seatbelt saved his life.
AND if you don't wear a seatbelt they would most likely make u pay a fine. (at least in the country where i live they do it, dunno in the USA, and they make u pay 75 bucks so yeah !).
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@chinniR (661)
• India
8 Sep 08
hi showpup. i think it's really important and necessary to wear a seat belt,especially the one driving. it helps a lot of people from getting hurt during accidents. once, i read in the paper regarding an accident in which the one driving the car was thrown out from the front when a lorry hit the car from the back. it was said that if he had worn the seat belt he wouldn't have suffered from injuries. lot of people don't really now it's use. thanks for sharing.
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@kreations (37)
• United States
8 Sep 08
As far as laws, I think that since the government provides a service by maintaining the roads, providing police, signs, paint, traffic lights then they get to make the rules. Most states have seat belt laws that were actually on the ballot so they were voted in by the majority.
That is how I think about laws in general. For example I think since the government doesn't provide health care they shouldn't be allowed to outlaw transfats for the purpose of reducing health care costs.
In general I wear my seatbelt all the time. It is just like I don't smoke or drink and drive that is how I am.
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@Chandrani12 (52)
• India
8 Sep 08
i am in favour fr seat belts as it is a precaution we must tak so that there we wont get injured if an accident occurs
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