did the bible ever says that the world will end in 2012?
By freakingman
@freakingman (239)
September 7, 2008 7:21pm CST
it seems to me that more and more people are believing that the world will end in 2012. some even told me that the bible had already hinted that the world will end in 2012. but when asked where, they can never give me a convincing evident.
to me, i believe that the world will come to an end as randomly as when the universe starts. no ones will knows for sure. the god never tell each and everyone of us when we would die, i believe he will not let us know when he will come to take us back.
how about you? do you believe that 2012 is the year where everything ends?
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34 responses
@animeniak (425)
• United States
8 Sep 08
that's a HUGE nonsense.. and that just makes me laugh.. LMAO
what is bible, some kind of book that predicts the future or some kind of prophet??? I really don't believe anything that bible says, it's just full of myth to me... well if the world will end in 2012, if that's really the case, then i would be more than happy to hear how and why the world will end in 2012.
p.s i really don't enjoy my life right now, but i believe i will be enjoying my life after i get a decent life myself... haha
but world's going to end in the next 4 years?!?! who is the bible kidding -_-;;
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Sep 08
You've never read the Bible have you? There's nothing in the Bible about the world ending in 2012. As a matter of fact, the Bible says no one will know when the end will come. Why don't you read the Bible so you'll know what it really says?
@animeniak (425)
• United States
9 Sep 08
oh i have read the bible alright, and i know that bible does NOT state that the world will end in 2012, and i know that the bible says no one knows when the world will end... what i am trying to say is that I don't believe in ANYTHING that says in the bible. are there some historical facts in the bible that is real? of course there is, but i don't believe in those, i KNOW them.
besides, are there some texts in the bible that really makes sense? no there isn't. the texts inside the bible seem so idealistic, instead of realistic. Are there any of the events stated in the bible can happen in the real world? are there?? i don't think so!!!
@kipluck (143)
• United States
8 Sep 08
That's a lot of COMBINING of beliefs. The Mayan calendar and writings hint to the ending or at least big happenings at the year 2012... that's when their calendar ENDS. Sort of their version of the Y2K crisis.
Anyway, whether you BELIEVE it or not, it is not in the BIBLE. As for knowing an exact date or time from the bible, while we are certain clues to the end of times, I always go back to Matthew 24:36.
"...no man knows the day nor the hour..."
@JabbaB (2)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Everybody must listen. Christianity is just like any other belief we are born and raised upon. Much like learning to walk or understanding yourself and deciding if all men were created equal. But the wierd thing about this particular date is the evidence behind it. Now hear me out, I do understand scientific evidence has been wrong at times, and many of the more important topics we still use and fluorish upon today are not 100% proven. But is the Bible we cherish so deeply a book of 100% truth? EVERYBODY makes mistakes, not god, but any being of lower power, at any time.
I have a link to go to what may just cringe that Mayan Calendar "Hoax" into reality, history a better term. I've read it, and I have combined science and christianity to state what I sadly believe no human should have ever known. That is why I believe the anti-christ just may walk the streets as we speak. The time upon us today, a new leader of extreme importance promising "change" and "world peace." It is all upon us VERY soon. Believe it. Read the article and take this belief with you. When the day comes, we will all know. If it comes and goes, life so does as well. http://www.viewzone.com/endtime.html. Read it, love one another, and live everyday as if another second afterwards is just as important as that before it.
@JabbaB (2)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Go to viewzone.com/endtime. Maybe that will change your mind. You know, that is todays problem. The Bias of the human race grows, and religion is a block on many. Do you think Christianity is the only "religion" we should base beliefs off of? Would that be in any way educational? No is the answer. Religion changes. Almost all of this madness makes no sense, no offense intended. I am a christian, and a believer that christianity needs a new chapter. The Bible is old. New things are happening. God is fed up with our people. So much that this will happen. People that have a passion and hunger for love and life will see beauty in the future. Read this, and tell me now that this is myth, I hope somebody does...
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Sep 08
As Kipluck said, the Mayan calendar is where the 2012 "end of the world" thing comes from. The Mayans had a very meticulous calendar system that rivals any modern one, but it just ends at the equivelent of our "Dec 12, 2012". No one knows why. The theories run everywhere between "the end of the world" and "The Mayan calendar makers just got bored and turned their attention to other things". ;~D
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I don't believe it any more than I believe those who say the earth is only 6000 years old. They use the bible to try to prove that one too. They supposedly base it on the begats in the bible. Pure nonsense.
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@remorex007 (599)
• India
8 Sep 08
I'm not sure that world will be end in 2012. But may be i will be end in 2012 because of effecting the green house the snow mountains in north america and in atlantic was become water because of high sun heat. so when we control the damaging the green house then we will live after 2012 also.
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@freakingman (239)
• Singapore
9 Sep 08
but i believe that the green house effect will take more than four years for it to fully affect us.
@freakingman (239)
• Singapore
9 Sep 08
i certainly hope it will not end in 2012. i had spend the past 10 years of my life studying. the moment i get a breather, people is telling me the world is going to end. definitely hope not.
@cuttyrish (2667)
• United States
8 Sep 08
i do not believe in these predictions anymore, since the bible is mixed with stories.. some are facts and some just stories..its manmade.. there's no exact chapter in the bible that says these.. the end of the world might be included in the bible, but no date was given.. don't worry yourself too much with these "end of the world" predictions, its better to worry about the problems human are causing that might lead to the end of the world like global warming and etc.. science answers this things..
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@the_dreamer2005 (1175)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I hope the world isn't going to end in 2012. I have heard of others saying in that year it will be over. But who really knows? I've just started reading the bible myself.
@glay22 (512)
• Philippines
8 Sep 08
hi, i think the world, just like any other living creature will come to its end but not on 2012. If the world will lose its life, maybe by that time when there is no living creature left in the planet. God will not allow lives to be lost as He allows the human race to enjoy their life here on earth.
No matter what people say, the bottomline is, we must learn to treasure and love our life and be grateful for all the things that we have right now
@levisgirl01 (139)
• India
8 Sep 08
I don't believe this or any kind of presumes that one makes from Holy books or some stupid astrologers.. i do believe in GOD and will let him only decide what going to happen n not!
Moreover I am Indian and here in my country ,we have more than 28 religions and all have their own Holy books but neither one says so.. bible is included in those 28+.. THANKS
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@dhisaw (304)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I am sure that the bible never said that the world will end in 2012. The bible does not say when the world will end. It says there will be signs as it gets closer to the end of the world but not a year or date. So, when people say that they know when the world will end I usually do not believe them. I know people said that they have seen some of the signs already beginning but I do not know that for sure.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
8 Sep 08
I'm not so sure that I beleive in that myself! I do remember something about Nostradamus though! Perhaps he predicted the end of the world for that period! If the world is going to end then I believe it will do so on a scientific basis! That is, the Sun will come crashing to the Earth and destroy it! That's in about a billion years from now probably. I personally don't think that the end of the world is going to be anytime soon. Andrew
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@jujay_san (21)
8 Sep 08
no that's not true.... there isn't anything said in the bible about the date of the end... the savior will 1st come before the end and there isnt said either about Jesus second coming i only say that it will come like a thief... so no can say when it will come
@isaiah12 (416)
• United States
8 Sep 08
The Bible tells us to always be ready, for no one knows when the end days will come. No where in the Bible does it give us a date when Jesus will come back.
There have been times in the past that people have said the world would end on a certain date. Only to have that date come and go.
We have been promised that Jesus will come back. That there will be an end to this world. But it will be in God's time, not our's.
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@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
8 Sep 08
This is a topic that has been coming up over the last week now along with some other prophecies that have seemed to endured the generations. As you may know there is some theoretic and scientific experiment supposedly coming through this coming Wednesday.
I basically live each day with faith that the world will come to its demise when it is supposed to. I thing that all of this is causing undue worry. I believe that we are not supposed to know when the fall of the world will happen.

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@hippyman27 (76)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I read on the history channel that the world will end then... but i don't believe it.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
9 Sep 08
The Bible does 'not' give a year that the wold will end. If more folks would read it, they'd get some of these issues settled.
Many today are going by what is called th "Mayan Calander" which ends at {I believe around Dec. 20, 2012 or 2013.}
There are many places in the Bible that tell of many events that are to take place BEFORE the so called 'end' comes. Actually the earth won't be destroyed, but rather "cleansed by fire." It may have to do with both nuclear war, and the judgement spoken of in Revelation, where fire is to come from heaven with other things as well. It's too long to go into all of it.
But for now - - watch Israel - - many nations are going to form an alignment to destroy her people, and when that war starts - - the unbelievers will see for themselves, what the truth is.
Even the weather patterns are a part of the warnings in the Bible, and the world wide violence, and disease.
It says that in the latter days, men's hearts will 'fail them' for fear, looking after those things coming upon the earth.
No need to argue about who is the right God or anything - just watch the future unfold before your very own eyes - read the prophecies in the Bible. You will see them come to pass. 'nuff said.
Classy Cat
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
8 Sep 08
I actually read the Revelations book. And no, it did not say that the world will end in 2012. About the hints, well, we've been complying more and more to those "hints". Those hints or prophesies as the more religious would call them may be interpreted in different ways and most of us believe that one of the prophesies or signs of the end of the world are what we now witness as wars. However, we HAVE witnessed a lot of wars and we're still here. So I guess we're still not quite there yet.
No one will ever be able to convince you that it's the end of the world because you're right. How can we believe a fellow person to tell us when the world ends. Is he more special than us? Did God reveal something private and personal to him but not to us? Is he that holy? God didn't even reveal the end of the world to Jesus, his son. That's in the Gospel btw but I don't quote verses.
However if you're interested it was when Jesus was asked when the Kingdom of God will come and Jesus said that only the Father knows. If God didn't disclose that information to Jesus, there's no way he'll tell us.
Further more, when are people ever going to learn? Do you remember the 20k mania? People actually thought that the world will end when it reaches 20k. That was really stupid. They don't even know that we're ACTUALLY 7 years behind the real year.
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