Big Brother 10: Will Dan's luxury competition twist help him?
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
September 7, 2008 9:27pm CST
If you didn't watch tonight's Big Brother episode on CBS, don't look any further because, otherwise it will spoil the twist with the luxury comp that Dan won. Well, that may have ruined a part of it for you too. If so, sorry! But, I am warning you that there is more so, stop reading if you haven't had a chance to see the episode yet., for those of you who did see it...what do you think about the twist where Dan is taking Michelle to the private beach for the day? Do you think it will help, hurt or make no difference at all?
I hope it will help him but, I don't really see how it can. Unless he is allowed to share with her the fact that he was AP and that is why he voted Jessie out. But, even then, she can take the fact that he won $20,000 as AP and think he doesn't really need any more money than 2nd prize will afford him if he gets that far. And, even if he can tell her about being AP, that pretty much seemed to be bygones already so, it may be a non-factor.
How could he possibly justify backdooring her to her and get anywhere with her?
I get why he picked her to take with him to the beach but, I just don't really know that he will do any good and score any points with her. Granted, she did get the Hawaiian vacation taken from her by Libra and, this will be one day in the lap of luxury for her...I am sure. That could butter her up a bit.
What if he had chosen Libra, April, Ollie or April? Would it have done him any better? Libra doesn't entirely seem to hate him so, it may or may not have helped because I am not clear about what she thinks about him. Renny...whew! She has a love hate relationship with him and, I sort of think that if it is Memphis and Dan in the end, her long lasting dislike for Memphis might already have her gearing up to give her vote to Dan. So, he may not really need to butter Renny up anyway. April...he backstabbed her boy toy but, I can't recall if she dislikes him for her own reasons. Well, he also went against her wishes with her HOH noms by sending Jessie home over Memphis. So, she may still hold that against him. But, up until he backstabbed Ollie, she seemed to be ok with Dan. Ollie...yup...need I say any more about him?, I don't know if he made a good choice by chosing Michelle over one of the other jurers or not. I am looking forward to finding out though!
What do all of you think? Do you think he made the right choice with Michelle? Could he have made a better choice?
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14 responses
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Hey Star Reporter/Brain Twin! Well thanks for the update!
I forgot to watch again! I swear my bf gets me so crazy
that I forget to watch. He said to me at 11:15 "You don't
watch Big Brother anymore?" Thanks alot! I totally forgot!
If I had a brain, brain twin I don't know! I just have
lots of stuff on my mind, sorry. Anyway, wtf is this crap
about Dan & Michelle and some private beach! What is he
nuts? He'll be lucky if he still has his after that fun
day! Damn, that sure isn't gonna be a fun day at the beach!
She really hates his guts! Did he make the right choice?
He didn't really have much of a choice to begin with.
Who else was he gonna pick Apy, Ollie, Libra? Renny just
left. He pretty much had to pick Michy, Good luck Dan!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Hey Brain Twin! LOL! Sorry to hear you missed it! And, sorry to hear you have so much on you mind! I hope it is all good stuff!
As for Dan, he could either chose to take one of his fellow remaining HGs on the private beach trip or pick a jury member to go with him. He didn't tell his fellow remaining HGs about the deal to possibly take a jury member. He just told them that he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and, that his choices were to either take one of them or go alone and, in order not to step on any toes, he chose to go alone.
So, he chose Michelle because he felt he could work her best.
I hope they had security there for him. LOL!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
9 Sep 08
Hey Opalkitty let me know and I'll email you to remind you..bad thing is i won't get to see Thursdays 10 yr old grandaughter has a play that night and i'm torn from the show and being with my grandaughter..thats sad huh? of course my grandaughter wins so thankfully i get to come here and see what i missed...
love you Hunny
@pinkpassion5 (351)
8 Sep 08
Is it Tuesday yet lol...........the suspence is killing me lol
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@pinkpassion5 (351)
8 Sep 08
Dan is back from the beach and brought back shells and rocks for them. No talk so far as to how his day went. I will keep looking to see if he's said anything.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Ill be glad to see Michelle go with him and I think it will work. I think shes a softy deep down and will forgive him. It would have been funny had he picked Renny though. I mean he could have drove her insane lol. If he had choose April I would have refused to watch that episode. That girl would have probly just said it was a cheap vacation and a wast of time. As for Ollie I dont think anything would fix that one unless dan could have choose to give the vacation away to ollie and april then they may have both forgave him.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Oh your hatred of Apey is so funny i love it. Im laughing so hard it may put me into labor (I wish).
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I just hope that he comes clean later with memphis and tells him that he didnt' choose him because their alliance would be brought out. It is going to come up when they talk in the jury house.
I do think he was smart not to take anyone in the house. Thinking about it, I guess Michelle is his best bet. He seems to be a smart cookie, so he knows what he is doing.
I don't think telling that he was AP would help him in any way! The money he made doing that for only one week would have the jury go against him.
I hope he can get Michelle buttered up so she votes for him if he is in the final 2.
He has showed his talent in this game these past few weeks~ he is a great player!

@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I think if he took Jerry, his luxery prize would be ruined! Jerry is a stick in the mud!
It will be interesting to see if Dan and Memphis are the final 2, who Jerry votes for.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I hope he comes clean to Memphis too. And, I agree that it was smart for him not to take anyone in the house. As mentioned by someone else above, the only person who he might have benefited from taking from the house would have been Jerry as he is likely going to the jury house this week. If he took Jerry, he might have had one more vote in the jury house. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been of any potential benefit to him.
He really has proven quite the great player!

@Reesers (1387)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I was going through all the jury members one by one to see who would be the right one and I think Michelle is the one.
Renny...she just left the house. And even if he does drive her crazy, she loves him. So I think that would have been wasted. The same with Libra. I don't think she really has anything against Dan. We know Ollie does. And April...Dan probably would have buried himself in the sand if he had to spend time with her.
Michelle is and has been looking for answers. Maybe Dan was able to give her what she needed. It could go either way with her. She could still hang onto that grudge or come away thinking okay, I got what I needed. So he really is a good player. Sometimes she's paranoid but other times she can be level headed. I guess we'll find out which side showed up tomorrow.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I think I agree. And, it wouldn't have done Dan much good to take any of the remaining HGs so, I think he made the best decision.
I am looking forward to finding out how Michelle handled it and if she came around to being ok with what Dan has done to get him where he is in the game.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
8 Sep 08
jeeze i have no idea.. michelle looks like a person that could hold a grudge though and if she is this trip is not gonna do anything to help that.. really there was no one else he could take jury wise.. keesha said last night that libra would prob vote for dan so that wouldnt have been worth it.. ollie i dunno if that would have helped or not but he will prob vote how ever april does so he would really need to hit up on april on that one.. renny wouldnt be worth it since if keesha is against him in the last two then obviously her vote is with keesha..
i am surprised that jerry and keesha are so stupid that by him not taking memphis that they actually are buying into that whole "they dont have a deal thing"
i think dan is seriously just screwed.. anyone with any amount of iq should not trust him.. i seriously think he will screw over memphis in the end but its a game right?? sigh
i used to like jerry but i watch the bb after dark on showtime and he drives me nutz so no matter what PLEASE dont let him win!!! lol
if it comes down to dan and memphis in the end i would like to see memphis win ONLY because he didnt have to play as dirty to get it.. but i still like dan though
and well even though every one hated memphis dan has pissed off a lot of people so it will be interesting.. oh well i will stop rambling now.. this is only my first season to watch so what do i know??

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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Well...Welcome Newbie BB watcher! I hope you are a permanent fan now that you have seen this season!
I agree about Michelle. I think she can hold a grudge too. And Libra would probably vote to give it to Dan in the end. And, Ollie is going to do whatever April tells him to do so, he is a non-issue. Renny would likely vote for Dan, as long as Keesha isn't still there so, the only other person that could have been a good pick would have been April. But, she is really smarting from his double cross with Ollie so, I think Michelle would have been the easier sell for him.
As for Jerry and Keesha thinking that Dan and Memphis don't have an alliance, I am glad they are that stupid! LOL!
But, I don't want Memphis to win over Dan because, Memphis didn't do very much of anything but let other people get him as far as he did. He finally started showing his worth by winning the POV's but, Dan worked far harder to be where he is in the game so, that is why, I not only want to see him win it, he deserves to win it.
And, treachery is the name of the game with BB. You can't be nice and expect to win. You are going to have to get your hands dirty and sully your reputation a bit. Otherwise, you end up going home with nothing. LOL!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
9 Sep 08
yeah i know.. niceness and honesty arent the way to win but it would be nice for someone to get rewarded for not being as deceitful.. but like you said its not the way the game is.. but yeah dan does deserve it.. he has done well.. i just wanna know what his work is gonna be like afterwards.. i wonder if they will take him back haha
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I think he made a good choice. Who else would he pick. Renny will vote for him anyway. As for the other ones....would you want to spend the day on a beach with April, Ollie or Libra? Not me. Dan has been playing this game so well, lets hope he keeps it up.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
8 Sep 08
I don't think taking one of the remaining HGs would have done him any good or any harm. The only way for it to help his game would be to pick a juror who he think he could sway. I think Michelle is that girl.
I don't think Dan is allowed to reveal his participation as AP. Besides, I think that would do more harm than good because of the money he got for doing it. This has been an amazing season in that the house guests have voted out the player the HOH wanted out that particular week. All the votes have been pretty much unanimous. That is a first. He could stir up some real trouble and say he went with what the HOH wanted. Who was HOH at that time? I can't remember. I think he can do some real damage control for himself if he is convincing enough. Michelle isn't easily taken in though. She'll agree with you, then turn around and roll her eyes.
I think Dan made the best choice he could make. There is no other person to take. No point in taking anyone else. He couldn't possibly sway April or Ollie no matter what he does or says. Libra is probably already on his side and Renny is too... at least in that if Dan were in the final two he would probably get their vote (unless it's Keesha, then Renny would vote for her but Keesha has been sucking at competititions).
Dan has been playing an EXCELLENT game. He has used every opportunity to his advantage. I don't doubt any decisions he makes. He knows what he is doing and he deserves to win!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Sep 08
You're right! He does seem to have a knack for knowing what to do to get him further in this game and he hasn't made a wrong decision yet.
And, to answer your question...April was the HOH the week that Dan was AP. She put up Memphis and Jessie and wanted Memphis out but Dan was told to vote out Jessie so, he went against the HOH. That would not work for him. And, by going against the HOH, he then voted out Michelle's best buddy in the house too.
But, I do trust that he has some charms that he might have been able to work Michelle with.
I think you might be right about Libra and Renny but, Libra is such a wild card right now.
Anyway, I don't doubt Dan either. He really has been the best of the best and I have loved his fresh way of playing this game!
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Im kind of on the fence with the choice he made. Are the other jury members going to know about the trip? If so they may all choose to not vote for him because of this. I think it was a good choice to pick Michelle out of the jury members but it could bite him in the bum.
If he would have taken someone in the house he should have picked Jerry.......just because he is the next one to go *crossing fingers* and that might have gotten him another vote.
Well I guess we will just have to wait and see. I think this is one of the better twists that BB has done though.
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@kimberlylynn (978)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Jerry totally called him out when he said that the competition said it would give him an edge and he knows he wasn't telling the whole truth. No too bad for a guy in his 70's! I think he is onto him and it will bite him in the booty in the end if they find out that he chose a juror and lied to them. That was a tough one but out of the jurors he probably has the best chance of changing Michelle's mind.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Sep 08
He sure did! They didn't show it on the show last night but, Jerry also told Keesha and Memphis that he thought Dan was lying. At least, I don't think that they showed when he talked to Keesha and Memphis about it. I might have missed it.
Anyway, I worry that it will bite him in the butt too but, I think that Memphis and Keesha have a bit of a more level head and, they might think, "I'd of done the same thing as Dan" if either of them are in the jury house at the end. So, we'll have to see. I think Jerry will call him Judas again but, I think that Memphis and Keesha might understand why he did what he did.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
9 Sep 08
I agree with him not talking Memphis or Keesha and of course we know that he wasn't going to pick Jerry. He would be an idiot if that happened. We know they don't like eachother and that is fine by Dan I think. He really don't care. However I think taking Michelle is the right choice for him. She did lose the Hawaii trip and I think getting out of the Jury House and being able to get pampered might help and I am sure she will be happy with Dan for taking her. However she was pretty PO'D with Dan for backdooring her so it might hurt him in the long run. I guess we will see how the trip goes for them as well as final night on the 16th. We are drawing closer and closer to see who the winner will be. I am getting pretty excited.
I don't think that Libra didn't have a prob with Dan. Just the fact that everyone thought that he was AP. Which was true. I am sure he will tell the others on the 16th. Cause they usually can't indulge that information till the show is over. April and Ollie have alot of hate towards Dan. It was funny April talking about Dan when they were in the Jury House. He is a weasel and I don't like him. I didn't see Dan picking either of those 2 to come on a trip with him. Neither of them deserve it as well. Makes me sick to see them dating now. What does Ollie see in her?
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I think I agree. I think that Michelle was the best choice he could have made. Keesha and Memphis would not have been of much use and, Jerry is such a jerk that, he would probably have been thinking "a vacation with Judas...great!" the entire time. LOL!
Apey was killing me with her calling Dan out like she did. Righteous indignation is not becoming on a liar! LOL!
As for what Ollie sees in her...I don't know. She must have something special down south or something because, it certainly isn't her glowing personality! LOL!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
9 Sep 08
What i can't wait to find out is how does Michelle explain to the jury where she's going?? and with whom..Do you think they find out or will it be kept a secret from the house also till the end???
This is the best BB so far and love all this twist if they weren't so boring at
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I am looking forward to finding that out too. I don't know if Michelle will be allowed to divulge to the other jurers where and with whom she is going. I would think that that might create more drama for Dan and leave him at an unfair disadvantage. We all know how this group of HGs likes to hold onto a grudge and how jealous they can get.
BBAD has had some moments but, is mostly fast forward worthy. LOL!
@truemoney4u (16)
8 Sep 08
no, he will not help him, why u think that he will help him ?
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@pinkpassion5 (351)
8 Sep 08
I don't think he could have made a better choice. Gosh that hurts to admit that because I'm not a Michelle fan. She seems to be the type to hold a grudge. I like Dan's game play so I really hope this helps him. I don't think Keesha, Memphis and obviously Jerry are dumb. I think they all know there is more to it. He made a smart move to pick a juror. To bad he couldn't take Renny because he would have had a fun filled day with her lol.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Sep 08
LOL! I don't really like Michelle either. I didn't, then I did but, then she got all "Poor me" and victimy and she turned me off. But, yea...I think that he did make the best choice he could have as far as who to chose. And, I have really admired how he has played the game so, I am hoping this helps him too.
Renny and Dan together on that trip would have been funny and fun to watch. Michelle was probably a bitter Betty nearly the whole time. LOL! Luckily though, Dan has a lot of patience. Judas my butt. The guy is practically the Parton Saint of Patience.