Campbell Brown's Questions Leads to McCain Canceling CNN Appearance
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 8, 2008 1:00am CST
John McCain had been scheduled to appear on CNN's Larry King Live but that appearance has been canceled as punishment for what his aides said was an unfair interview of a McCain campaign spokesman by the network host Campbell Brown on Monday night. All Campbell Brown asked McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds Sarah Palin, as commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard was an example of executive experience that Senator Barack Obama of Illinois did not have.
Here is part of the above article:
“Can you tell me one decision that she made as commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard, just one?” Ms. Brown asked.
Mr. Bounds responded, “Any decision she has made as the commander of the National Guard that’s deployed overseas is more of a decision Barack Obama’s been making as he’s been running for president for the last two years.”
Ms. Brown pressed again, saying: “So tell me. Tell me. Give me an example of one of those decisions.”
To which Mr. Bounds said, “Campbell, certainly you don’t mean to belittle every experience, every judgment she makes as commander.” The argument devolved from there, with no real resolution.
(End of excerpt)
Here's what CNN's Wolf Blitzer had to say:
"A senior McCain adviser tells CNN the interview has been pulled because of a segment CNN ran last night during Campbell Brown’s ‘Election Central'. CNN does not believe that exchange was over the line."
McCain spokesperson, Maria Comella, had this to say - "As a presidential campaign, we reserve the right to adjust Senator McCain’s media schedule in order to ensure the most effective use of his time. After a relentless refusal by certain on-air reporters to come to terms with John McCain’s selection of Alaska’s sitting governor as our party’s nominee for vice president, we decided John McCain’s time would be better served elsewhere."
What do you think. who was right and who was wrong? After I'd posted an earlier discussion about Palin's conspicuous absence from the Sunday talk shows it was brought to my attention that Charlie Gibson of ABC News has landed the coveted first interview with her. This could be either extremely interesting or totally boring. It seems nobody dares say anything negative or ask any questions about this "pit-bull with lipstick". Maybe she just seems tough when she's reading a scripted speech?
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10 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Well I see that the conservatives have rang in to tell you basically that the liberal media is unfair to republicans. lol No surprise there huh? Off topic here for a few seconds, but do you think Bush running to fox news with every "big" story has created the media's distaste for the conservatives? The media is a business they are not non-profit organizations, and when fox gets to "cash" in on all the big stories I'm sure that it ticked a lot of media outlets off. Why should the media promote the party that isn't giving them the time of day?
I am really disappointed that her first interview will be with Kitty Gibson. I love him but he is not a reporter to ask hard questions, and he isn't aggressive at all, if his questions aren't answered he just moves on. I still believe that she is just a Yorkie with lipstick not a pitbull.
On another note, I thought you might be interested in this. It's "Sarah Palin's Real Record on Abortion" it's interesting to say the least.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Sep 08
"do you think Bush running to fox news with every "big" story has created the media's distaste for the conservatives? The media is a business they are not non-profit organizations, and when fox gets to "cash" in on all the big stories I'm sure that it ticked a lot of media outlets off"
Thats not only a very intriguing implication, zeph, it's a pretty hefty one. I presume you have links waiting in your clipboard to paste, in anticipation someone asks.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Sep 08
eesh, gotta make it complicated don't ya ;)
Ok, the link to an official investigation in to the charge that FOX news is getting exclusive information and news releases from the white house and whithholding it from all the others with the interest of furthing FOX's cash flow. Any verified source will do.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Links to what may I ask? I have lots of links and I need to know exactly what you are looking for? That Bush ran to fox all the time? You'll have to be extremely specific and you'll have to tell me which sources are considered news worthy to you so that I can plan accordingly.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Annie Do you have a posting questioning why it took Senator Clinton and Obama so long to appear on Fox News - on the O"Rielly Factor? Both of them agreed to appear only when they had their back to the wall.
Considering some of the things the press has done to the Republicans I would be very careful who I gave interviews to. I know you will want some examples and you only have to go to NBC and the Presidents speech where they broadcast the speech but not the audience reaction. Look how after Gov Palin was announced as the VP Selection the Media had all kinds of "dirt" on her. Yet they have failed to investigate or even report on questions about the Obama/Biden ticket.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Sep 08
She wouldn't appear on any network, not even Fox where you know they'd be kissing the ground she walks on. Anyway, what does that have to do with McCain canceling his appearance on Larry King's show because of a question asked by Campbell Brown? I didn't see the media having all kinds of "dirt" on Palin, unless questioning her experience and stating the obvious, that most of the nation was unfamiliar with her, is dirt. What have they failed to investigate or report about the Obama/Biden ticket?
I must add, any Democrat that appears on Fox News has to be much tougher than a barracuda or a pit-bull. Talk about a hostile environment, to go on someone's show who has run a witch-hunt against you for months if not years!
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Fox news is equally tough on all political candidates. They want to hear the facts and not political mumbo jumbo and talking around the issue. In research study after research study Fox is seen as leaning slightly to the left but as they claim they are view by the American people as Fair and Balanced. Even my liberal friends agree they get better news coverage on Fox than any other network.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I'm going to give you a second shot at this in the name of being "fair and balanced"; did you actually mean to write that Fox has been shown to lean slightly to the RIGHT rather than left? If you did mean left I'd really have to see that study and ask to the left of WHOM? WOW, could it be that even Fox is slightly to the left of Palin?
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Have you ever compared an interview with O'Reilly to any interview you see on CNN. I watch him on very rare occassion because he can never let anyone finish a thought without cutting them off. It almost looks like he is manipulating the interview for a sound byte to get people to look like they are saying something they are not.I never see this behavior from Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, and most certainly not Campbell Brown. Her question was legitimate, and deserved an answer. I know it was important to me, and all I got was the usual run around, just solidifying my support for Obama/Biden more. Tucker Bounds danced around that question more than a kid at a hip hop concert, and again left us to our own devices when trying to figure out exactly what Palin is all about. I couldn't believe how defensive he became when Campbell pointed out that the examples he was giving has more to do with the Pentagon than her duties as an Alaska governor. And please let's keep in mind she was specifically asking about foreign experience, not offering the Alaska National Gueard for domestic emergencies.
I am not impressed by her record as Governor. She cut funding for the special needs programs she promised to advocate for by 62% in her state. As Zephyr's article shows the abortion laws she swears to make stricter have actually been loosened under her watch, Alaska ranks #1 in earmarks.
Anyway, back to the conversation, I am really miffed by the McCain campaigns "take mt toys and go home" attitude. It is childish, and to me shows their not as committed to "Country First" as they claim, otherwise they's have no problem answering the questions, even the tough ones. What I find funny is that we haven't seen Palin because she is under intense tutoring to prepare her to answer questions. Why couldn't he pick a running mate that was ready from day one? Isn't that what he said he was going to do? And look waht we are getting from his "pitbull", all bark and no bite. Shame on McCain for thinking that women are that stupid not to see right through this.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Sep 08
Great point about O'Reilly. If I were in politics, even if I were a conservative, I wouldn't be too anxious to be interviewed by him. I don't like rude and arrogant behavior whether the person acting that way is from the right or the left.
I'm so glad also to see you and a few others point out Palin's actual RECORD regarding programs for special needs children. Exactly HOW would she be a friend and advocate? As for her being a "pit-bull", since when do they need to be protected so much? She's more like a little dog that prefers to hide on the porch.
"Shame on McCain for thinking that women are that stupid not to see right through this."
I saved your best for last. I guess we all should have already known about McCain's attitude towards women. After all, didn't he pretty much say we don't deserve equal pay for equal work because we need more training? I guess Sarah's now getting her training and they won't put her out there until she completes it.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
8 Sep 08
It think that this quote from one of McCain's advisors says it best: “We run our campaign, not the news media. And we’ll do things on our timetable.”
All of these politicians, regardless of whether Republican or Democrat, should be in control of their own campaigns and not be pressured into doing various show or interviews by the press. They are, in no way, required to do any of these things - and if a candidates prefers to make his/her views known in other ways (town hall meetings, public appearances) instead of using the media, then that should be their choice.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I don't see the media as being a true representation of the people as a whole. I also don't agree with your comparison to a regular employment situation. These candidates spend much time away from their homes and families to campaign for office, and will be living a life that is pretty much an open book for the time they are in office. They have other duties besides jumping whenever a reporter wants an interview.
Both candidates are "on the road" right now - meeting and speaking directly with the American public - I personally think this is a far better use of their time that subjecting themselves to the scrutiny of party-biased reporters.
@philjas (1134)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I'm probably a little late with my answer, but I had to watch that particular interview twice to realize it was NOT Campbell Brown's fault. She simply asked a question and he didn't answer it. Then she repeated the question and he started getting defensive.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I think she was really rude...the way she kept interrupting and demanding answers that were pointless. Obviously she has the experience or she wouldn't have lasted this long as governor. As for her daughter being pregnant and how Palin shouldn't have taken the job b/c of it (as talked about in the video), I don't see how one has anything to do with the other. Palin took the job b/c she believes she can do a good job and the fact that her daughter is pregnant has nothing to do with it. The next thing you know, they'll be saying she shouldn't take the job b/c she's got a baby with, I think it's, Down Syndrome. Ppl need to look more at the issues and less at the little pieces of cr*p that keep getting tossed about.
@dark4eyes (161)
• United States
9 Sep 08
They don't like being asked unexpected questions. They might have to actually think.
Their handlers don't want them talking to the press without pre-scripted answers. Barbie and Methuselah haven't got a CLUE about what's happening.
They've BOTH been caught in SEVERAL lies - hell, McCain can't even remember how many houses he has OR where he is half the time and now Barbie is getting caught in even more lies every day.
She claims she sold the Governor's plane on eBay - lie - she sold it through an aviation broker.
She claims she stopped the Bridge to nowhere - LIE - she BACKED it til she got caught.
She claims she fired her chef - LIE - the chef is now working in her campaign.
If she's lying about minor things - what's to stop her from lying on BIG things.
You gotta see that Republicans can't breathe without telling lies.
@truemoney4u (16)
8 Sep 08
ya, i know, campbell borwns questions leads to mc cain canceling cnn appearance. but what can i do , it will happen what god has fixed before, so do not worry