Big Brother 10: What are you two thinking?
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
September 8, 2008 4:24pm CST
Ok sort of looks like the boys (Dan and Memphis) intend to send Keesha to the jury house instead of Jerry because they feel like they can beat him in the final HOH competitions. They intend to just watch him drop during the endurance comp and one of them will drop right after. Then they can beat him again in the second endurance comp and it will be the two of them in the final part of the 3 part competition. I don't know what I think about this idea. I get it. But, you never know if Jerry might be able to pull through on one of the endurance comps and, this may be a really poor idea. However, he hasn't been all that successful with the endurance comps...that I can recall. And, Keesha is stronger.
I guess we'll just have to see if they do evict Keesha and if so, if they can keep Jerry from winning the final HOH.
So, for those of you Jerry lovers, you may not have seen the last of him after all!
What do all of you think about this turn of events? D you think it is a good idea? Or, do you think they should have stuck to the original plan of getting Jerry out first, then Keesha?
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19 responses
@platinum601 (276)
• United States
9 Sep 08
The best big brother ever was Big Brother All Stars. Other than that it is really whack man. I cant stand watching it because its soo boring!!
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I didn't like BB All Stars much. I liked the Valentine's special BB and hope they take this twice a year from now on. There were lots of crazy HG created twists in that one with Natalie and her ideas. And I like this one because it has changed so much as house guests have left. Especially after Libra was evicted. All the fighting basically stopped once she was out. Wonder if they are fighting in the jury house!
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Is it guarenteed that it is going to be a physical competition? If not, they better get rid of Jerry because he does well on the other competitions.
I think it is a sucky idea! I really want to see Keesha in the final 3. I have been liking her since Libra left.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I totally forgot about this until last night when the competiton began. I think that Dan was smart for telling Keesha about Michelle before she left. Maybe it will help him get Keeshas vote if her now hating Memphis already didn't.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
It isn't guarenteed that it will be physical but, it always has been that way. Every single season sees the same pattern of the 3 part final HOH competitions. The first 2 are physical and the last one is a q&a. And, so far, it is holding true. The first was endurance. The second will likely be a timed physical comp.
I started to like Keesha too but, I think that Memphis and Dan have a better chance against one another than against Keesha. She didn't tick as many people off in the house as Dan. I don't know what they think about Memphis in the jury house.
I can't wait to see how this pans out!

@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
9 Sep 08
It sounds good too me but thats cause I want to see Keesha gone. I will be hoping that Jerry does not pull thru of course but you just never know. Either choice they make is a risk for them and well I think this one sounds the most logical. And well so far they have done some good things they are still there.
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@Reesers (1387)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I just read that and my jaw dropped. UGH!
I want Jerry gone. It's waaaay past his time to go. He's just a leech, latching on to whoever is HOH each week. I think it's too risky because even though he's an old man, you never know when his second wind (or first?) will kick in and he'll somehow pull through. The plan could always backfire and he could be in the final two. And you know there are idiots in the jury house. Jerry has done nothing, yet they'll vote for him because Memphis won a car or they hate Dan.
If I were them, I would stick to keeping Keesha. Yes, she may be a bigger threat than Jerry but if Memphis and Dan weren't able to take each other to the final two, who would you rather sit next to? The old leech who has done nothing but suck up or the girl who also has enemies sitting in the jury house? I think chances are better with someone who also has enemies because the vote could go either way.
Also, Memphis needs to think about this. He could lose a vote if he evicts Keesha. She may go away mad and decide to give her vote to Dan. If Memphis wants to be that stupid, that's fine with me.
This is killing me. They have less than 24 hours to do a u-turn and get back to the original plan of evicting Jerry.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
LOL! It is a risky plan. Sorry this is late as we now know that they did evict Keesha.
I am just hoping that it pans out for them. So far, so good.
If, in the end, it is Memphis and Jerry in final 2 (Please don't let that happen) that is so hard to figure out. I can't get a good read on the jurers opinions of Memphis. I know that Jerry annoyed all of the jurers and Memphis did tick Keesha off so, he lost her vote. Renny never liked him. But, the rest...I have no idea.
Anyway, I just really want Memphis and Dan to take this.
Here's to hope!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Hmmmmmm! Interesting! I don't know! Being that Jerry really
hates Dan I just don't know how this will really play out.
I haven't been sure about anything with this whole BB10.
They could change their minds back and forth until it's
time for eviction. I feel bad for Keesha. She's getting
a raw deal. She didn't backstab anyone, at least no one
that I can remember. She just hated Apy, but so did everyone
else except stupid Ollie and he really is stupid! Still
don't know wtf he sees in that twit! I guess I'll have to
wait for your next report!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Sorry this is late since we know how it panned out.
I do have to say, thus far, their plan is working. And, the added faux argument between the two of them is working like a charm on Jerry. He is eating it up and buying every word of it. He thinks that he and Memphis are going to the end together and, the plan is to try to talk him into throwing the final HOH to Memphis so that he can evict Dan. I hope that they dupe the crap out of him so he does throw the comp to Memphis and then they can toss Jerry out!
As for Ollie...I don't have a clue what he sees in Apey. She must have something special down south is all I can figure. LOL!
As for Keesha, it's true that she didn't backstab anyone but, that is sort of the name of the game of BB. The nicer you are, the less likely you will survive.
@Sarah1108 (310)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Wow a BB10 fan! I watch the show all the time. On sunday i was thinking that Dan's plan is going to back fire. I think keesha might be able to win POV and that way locking in dans votes now if she is stupid she will vote jerry out of the house but she should kick out memphis then fight like crazy for that HOH and get dan out but i doubt that will happen i almost see Keesha and Dan at the end. Dan may keep Jerry though because he thinks he can win and he might be right but Dan has also made a lot of people mad. I guess the game really might change a little with is little beach trip. I was not a fan of Dan when the season first started but now i kinda like him and would not mind seeing him win. I really dont like Jerry and Memphis just bothers me.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Sorry this is late since we now know that Keesha was evicted.
I have been a fan of Dan since fairly early on. Not right away but, for longer than not.
I don't like Jerry. He bugs me. As for Memphis, I don't like him but, I also don't dislike him.
As for Dan keeping Jerry, I don't see that happening. He really does want to take Memphis to the end. And, as far as I can tell, Memphis wants to take Dan to the end too.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
9 Sep 08
OOOh Big Brother ... my all time favorite show :)
I kind of hope Keesha wins the POV and sends Memphis home . I like Memphis but would like to have their game plan messed up . I do like Jerry and would still love to see him win it and unless him and Keesha can somehow figure out what is going on then the guys are going to win . I believe if Dan and Memphis go to the final two that Memphis will win for sure just because Dan did upset a lot of people although his taking Michelle on the trip will help him win a vote there , I don't beleive it will be enough for him .
Their game plan does sound like it would work better only because Jerry hasn't done very well in any of the competitions and I don't expect this one to be any different especially if it has anything to do with speed . He has a disadvantage automatically because of his age and he has played well considering he is still there . And if they keep Keesha she does have a chance of winning because she is a fierce competitor .
I actually hope they keep this game plan because I would love to see the tables turned and there is a possiblity that Keesha would realize the guys are playing her and then she would align with Jerry .
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I hear ya! This is my favorite reality show! I love it!
I am really hoping that Dan and Memphis pull this plan off. So far, so good. But, you never know what might happen. Jerry could pull through in the end. I just hope not.
And, I think that Keesha would have both a better chance of winning the final HOH than Jerry and could win the 1st prize against any of those guys because she hasn't ticked the jurers off as much. They don't love her but, they don't hate her as much as they hate Dan, are annoyed by Jerry and, well, I don't really have a good idea of how they feel about Memphis but, I don't think it is entirely favorable.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
9 Sep 08
I honestly don't think it will matter if they take Jerry or Keesha to the final 3. They are both going to be fighting their butts off no matter what. Jerry wants to go to final 2 and of course the house would vote for him. However if he were to go up against Keesha I really don't know. Most of the Jury House would probably want Jerry to win it now. However Jerry really hasn't done too well in the endurance comps so it might be better and wiser for them to keep Jerry and then vote him out the next round. That is if he doesn't win any of the 3 part comp. Should be intresting to say the least. Guess we will have to wait till Thursday and see who they vote out.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I don't know about the jury voting for Jerry over either Dan or Memphis. They were all pretty annoyed by Jerry. However, Dan has really ticked some people off. Memphis is sort of one of those people whom I can't figure out as far as what the jury thinks about him.
I can say, so far, so good for their plan. Let's hope they can keep it up!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
9 Sep 08
I've been wanting Jerry gone for the past few weeks and he's like the Bunny that keeps going and much as I want Dan and Memphis as final 2 I'm kinda worried about Jerry since he's been working if its one like eveldick had with water just staying on him for hours, I think he would drop and Keesha wouldn't be able to handle that either..she maybe strong but she's ditsy too and they can always make her
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
LOL! I wish that Jerry was gone but, we can't always get what we want. LOL! However, I do sort of think that they might have been onto something. As it stands, things are going well for them. And, their mock fight is working. Jerry is buying into it so far!
@capirani (2840)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I have been turning this idea over in my head for the past few days. Which one would be better to take with them to the final 3? I think honestly, Keesha is the bigger threat as long as they can maintain their status to the final 2. If Jerry gets in the final 2, he is gonna win. It won't matter who is up against him, if he is in the final 2 he will win because he doesn't have the enemies the others do. I would hate to see him win. At the same time, it would be so cool to see an older person win one for those of us older folks. He has 20 more years on him than I do, but it would be cool to strike a blow for the grandparents. I think Keesha would easily win over either of the guys also if she got in the final 2, so it is hard to figure. I think Keesha would be stronger in the endurance competitions than Jerry would and I don't think he has a chance at all of winning the HOH and she might. All 3 play the first round....he would probably not make it as long as Dan and Memphis. Winner of the first round sits out the second round, am I correct? Then winner of the second round competes against winner of the first round in the final competition, correct? So play it out...Keesha would stand a good chance of playing in that third round. I don't really think Jerry could do it. Do they get much of a rest period between rounds?
Now, BB is known for its twists. All BB's previously have used endurance contests for this final HOH, right? What if this year, they change it up a bit so Jerry has more of a chance? Since no one knows what to expect...this decision of who goes to the jury house this time is crucial. I have almost totally come to think Keesha needs to be evicted this time if Dan and Memphis want final 2.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Final HOH goes like this. All three play the first part. The two losers of the first part play against one another in the second part. The winner of the 2nd part then plays the winner of the 1st part to determine the final HOH. Thus far, as shown last night, the 3 part HOH comp is following it's same pattern with a big endurance comp in the first part. If it holds to its pattern, it will be another physcial (probably timed) comp as the second part. And, the 3rd part should be Q&A.
It would be cool to see an older person win the game but, because I like Dan, I can't cheer for Jerry. I also, frankly, don't like Jerry so, that is another reason for me to not cheer for him. And, it isn't because of his age. I just don't like the guy. LOL!
The 2nd part of the comp should likely be played some time today. I keep checking in on Mortys site to see if it has been played yet. Last I checked, it hadn't been.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Hi Star Reporter,
I guess all we can do is hope for the best. I really don't see Keesha as being much stronger than Jerry if any, but there is always the first time. My concern is that when you alter from your first plan or decision it's quite often a mistake. We'll just have to keep our fingers crossed. Thanks again sweetie.
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@tiff1984 (385)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I am a Jerry fan so I hope they keep him instead of Keesha. I would be nice to see Jerry in the final two. Keesha should of listened to Rene when she wanted to put Memphis up and get rid of him. Memphis has been playing them all. I would like to see Memphis against Jerry in the final two that way Jerry will have a better chance of winning.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Another Jerry fan. You aren't too many! LOL!
So, I agree that Memphis has been playing them all but, that is the name of the game. But, I want to see Memphis and Dan in the end. I think that Dan deserves to win this thing because he has been the best player this season. As for who between Jerry and Memphis would get the votes, I don't know. Jerry has annoyed the crap out of all the jurers and, I just can't get a read on how they all feel about Memphis.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I think they should stick to the first plan and get Jerry out first. They keep playing around, it might back fire on them. Wouldn't that be something if they screw up and Jery wins it all. Jerry might be old but he still has some umph left in him. Keesha deserves a chance at it, Jerry doesn't. Jerry was nasty to both of the guys, get him the heck out of there. Game play is fine, but you don't have to be nasty.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I do agree here. Nastiness tends to turn me off to a player. I think that is part of the reason I have liked Dan. He has been kind. Yes, he has lied to get where he is but, that is as much a part of the game as the name and the fact that it is on CBS.
As far as the plan, I hope it works for them. I really hope it doesn't bite them in the butt. So far, so good.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
8 Sep 08
I haven't really watching this season's big brother. I just didn't get into it this year. But i have watched past seasons. i think that it sounds like a good plan. i really can't see jerry holding out longer then the other guys in any type of endurance competition. But you never know with big brother, sometimes they surprise you. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Sorry to hear that you haven't gotten into it this season. Hopefully you'll get more into it next season again!
Sorry that this is a little late but, now that Keesha is gone, evicted last night, I am sort of agreeing with the boys' plan to keep Jerry around so they can beat him in the HOH comps and take it to the final 2. I just hope that their plan comes to fruition. So far, so good!
@pam210 (344)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I think it is the best move for Memphis to vote out Keesha. Jerry could win the last HOH comp but the chances are that it would be endurance and Keesha would have a better chance. If Memphis or Dan were really smart they should take Jerry to the end just because I don't think Jerry would get anyone's vote. He really didn't do anything to get anywhere or made any big plays. Memphis and Dan have really had a plan and played the game. Jerry just went along with whoever was HOH.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
One thing, Memphis really didn't play the game either until the last couple weeks where he has won some POV's and the car in the beginning. He never won an HOH. But, yes, he has had a plan with Dan and has managed to see it all through really well. So, while I don't agree that Jerry hasn't really played the game because he has won more than Memphis, I do agree that he did move back and forth between HOHs and I really hate that kind of game play. Pick a side and stick to it. LOL!
@lilcee (2703)
• United States
8 Sep 08
LOL, I don't know what to think. It would be funny if Keesha votes Memphis out. I'd like to see her and Jerry go to the end. I used to like Dan but he's been lying too much. I know it's just a game but still. I don't know what to make of him.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
LOL! Sorry this is a little late. I guess we know how it went down now.
Anyway, I still like Dan. Yes, he is lying in the game but, the history of BB is such that those who don't lie don't make it very far. I have liked how Dan has played the game. He has been really good at seeing his plans through and, the way he has played the game has been sort of unique. He didn't try to pull an Evel D*ck or a Dr. Will. He has used his own skills to get him as far in the game as he has and, I have to respect him for that.