Obama to Palin: You can’t just ‘make stuff up’

United States
September 9, 2008 6:32am CST
Refusing to allow the McCain-Palin ticket to usurp his mantle of change, Barack Obama accused the duo of repackaging themselves and ratcheted up his weekend criticism of Sarah Palin, accusing her of trying to “make stuff up” and “recreate” herself in some of his toughest language against her to date. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/09/08/obama-to-palin-you-can%E2%80%99t-just-%E2%80%98make-stuff-up%E2%80%99/ When I heard this on TV I burst out laughing! This is the most ludricrous statement I have heard in a long time. This from a man who has tried and is still trying to recreate HIMSELF into a man that would be of more appeal to voters by recreating his islamic and racially biased background. This is unbelievable and said Americans are not stupid...you got that right at least this American see you for what you are. Dangerously stupid. Any comments?
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10 responses
@pmenard (139)
10 Sep 08
Dangerously stupid? I don't know about that. What sounds truly dangerous to me? 4 more years of a republican in office. The only change McCain has made has been changing his moderate Republican standing to the cookie-cutter Repubican he is today - just for votes. What does that say about his character?
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• United States
10 Sep 08
I think I would have given more consideration to your response if your profile had shown what country you come from! What does that say about your character? I am not ashamed to say on my profile that I am from the USA.
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• United States
10 Sep 08
whiteheather, what business is it of yours where anyone is from? This is a discussion site, not a geography lesson.
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@pmenard (139)
10 Sep 08
I am not ashamed to say that I am from the USA. I AM FROM THE USA.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Whiteheather, Let's not forget these honorable mentions when it comes to Barack "making stuff up" or outright lying! The list just keeps growing and whether the liberal site "Snopes" does everything it can to disprove all of these they just can't get around the fact that Obama made ALL of the comments listed! Here is the list: http://www.theobamafile.com/ObamaLies.htm
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• United States
10 Sep 08
Wow!!! That is some list - unbelievable! Thanks for the link.
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• United States
10 Sep 08
Snopes has never been a "liberal" site. Don't be ridiculous. Just because the facts are not what you want them to be doesn't mean they aren't facts. The site you listed is just beyond stupid, by the way.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
10 Sep 08
http://www.factcheck.org/ A nonpartisan view of all the candidates can be found here.
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@GardenGerty (162244)
• United States
9 Sep 08
There is a cute e mail my dad forwarded to me about Columbo looking for missing documents. They were all the documents that substantiate Obama's many claims.
• United States
10 Sep 08
pmenard perhaps they were hiding in the secret no-country you claim on your profile!
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@pmenard (139)
10 Sep 08
Were they hiding in McCain's secret homes?
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Thats a good one! did you go on to read the comments of people that are really so blinded by Obamas glitz and clitter that they refuse to see that he will not bring change to anything and I think Mc Cain and Palin will.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Sep 08
uhn huh KEnnyrose. See he spoke and put his foot in his moutyh he hasnt changed religions at all. I dont see where any one in there right mind would think he would make a good prez. for him and wife with words and actions dont like America ! SHe didnt slip on her words of not being of America al her adult life. Hope this opens alot of eyes also
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Kennyrose, I don't think he made a slip. I wouldn't slip and call my faith something other than what it is. That's just not a mistake you would make, if you really are what you are trying to portray yourself as.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I won't say anyone is stupid but shame on Obama, doesn't he know by now that YES, conservatives can make anything up their little hearts desire because they're not only right, they're RIGHT! Annie
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Amen, RFmaster!
• United States
10 Sep 08
And you forgot righteous. Right?
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10 Sep 08
"He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." Mathew 25:33 NIV
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@mscott (1923)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Wow, Obama saying people are making stuff up? This from a guy who has changed his stance on how many different issues? Twenty years with jeremiah and now when the public is critical he decides that the stuff he has been preaching is no good. This from a guy who says I will wait and see how people react to the Georgia and Russia issue before I make a decision on what to say. lets not drill, wait the public wants it maybe we should drill. man, they are getting desperate. Why not just say what you will do instead of trying to make up stuff about others, not just him, all politicians. I guess that is what politicians do, not really a change there.
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10 Sep 08
Ya know what else. Obama's comment regarding Palin being for the Bridge before she was against it. At least she wised up on it, Obama voted for it not once, but twice, go figure.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Whiteheather, I read the article you enclosed a link to and the point Obama was making is a valid one. Ms. Palin did initially back the "bridge to nowhere" and Alaskans are the kings of earmarking. The average state collects $30-40 per citizen through earmarks. In Alaska (even under reformer Palin), the number is more like $400 per citizen.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Obama may find himself homeless in the near future, because people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and everyone knows he only owns one house.
• United States
9 Sep 08
Ha ha ha. Very clever! You are right he did make a point of letting the world know he only have one (one and a half million dollar) house.
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• United States
10 Sep 08
pmenard - Of course he (McCain) has more than one (we all know that) and that is the funny point that was made in this response. But at least we know he has homes in the USA not some "unspecified" country where you live or are you ashamed to say where you live??
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@pmenard (139)
10 Sep 08
Instead of McCain's 9 was it? I am pretty sure that his added up to more than Obama's one.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I'm not so sure about some Americans not being stupid. Every politician recreates themselves to some degree. Obama is no different. I saw something on C-Span this morning concerning Obama complaining that McCain was no Maverick and that he had lobbyist. Obama failed, according to the report, to mention he has quite a few lobbyist himself. I have yet to see anyone prove she has made stuff up. I see plenty who call her a liar because she doesn't go into great detail about what she did and how it turned out. The sale of the plane, for example. "Oh she didn't give us a play by play of what happened so she's lying about the whole thing." With some people you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. This happens on both sides so neither is truly innocent.
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• Alexandria, Virginia
9 Sep 08
The current presidential campaign ia marked name calling a total lack of discussions of the issues as 1. cuba 2. north korea 3 extention of metro in northern va to springfield to tyson to dulles airport 4 energy issue and employment issues Usa is headed for a depression that be worse than 1929. Clearly leadership is lacking and I am tired of hearing about mccain's war record. I for one want to hear about how the candidates will solve the pressing issues and I would suggest they all read the book Execution book is devoted how corporate leader accomplish their tasks or fail. Failure is not a option in avoiding the depression worse than 1929!!!!! The new media is notcritical in the covering of this issueless campaigns
• United States
9 Sep 08
The thought of this country approaching a depression even only remotely reminiscent of 1929 is absolutely terrifying. I think that this petty name calling is ridiculous when there are issues at stake which could affect every person living in the USA. The media is of no help. Even respected news sources seem to be all trying to emulate trash rags such as the "The National Enquirer".
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