do you ever get brain freeze just as you thought you had a great idea for a disc

@Hatley (163776)
Garden Grove, California
September 9, 2008 3:47pm CST
hi fellow mylotters am wondering if this also happens to you? I just a few minutes ago had what I felt was a great idea for a discussion and a little while later went to write it up and brain freeze had set in.I could not for the life of me remember what that great idea now am making 'a discussion on losing a great idea and wondering if Iam 'alone in this. love your take on the subject. wish I had written my great idea down at once.
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11 responses
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I have had what you called "Brain Freeze", but I always referred to it as a "Senior Moment".. My husband has it quite a bit and drives me crazy trying to make me help him remember what he was going to say.. I usually just forget it and go on, I will remember it sooner or later.. Welcome to the land of the many, many "Senior Moments", they will drive you up the wall..
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Sep 08
hi donna well I got one the other daywhen I was with my best friend Nelda. I wanted to tell her something and right smack in the middle of it I forgot completely what I wanted to say. talk about embarrassment. of course I remembered in the middle of the night. lol
• United States
10 Sep 08
Whatever we call it or whatever it medically is, sounds like we all have it..
• United States
9 Sep 08
Hatley, as I don't post too many discussions to begin with, I have not had this problem. However, I have done it more than a few times when starting to respond to a discussion or e-mail. I have to go back and re-read the start of the discussion. If that doesn't remind me what I was going to post, I go through the other responses to see if I was going to respond to one of them, instead. If it still doesn't trigger something, I leave the discussion. I will see it again on a list, and go back in and reply immediately, instead of reading everything on the page first.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Sep 08
hi bohemianheart I know that feeling. oNe minute you have it all lined out in your mind and zap it is gone. You have worked out a great way to trigger remembering in your mind and it usually does work too. Ithink the key for me is to write it' down then you wont forget and too if its really not such a great idea you will see that too at once.
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• United States
9 Sep 08
True. And since I always have paper and pen here on the desk, right in front of me, it shouldn't be that hard to do.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Many a time this has occured to me. Now I tend to write things down on paper prior. I take a photo of things that remind me also of a discussion in my head. Anything to assist this old mans brain to function normally. I keep paper and pen and camera handy with me to help me recall things for discussions most times. Good luck and keep opaper handy. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• India
10 Sep 08
Superb Idea i will try to use these things to remember Nice topics
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
10 Sep 08
well yeah i did sometimes..and when i try to type and re read it didnt seems correct on what i had imagine it will turn out to be..that it takes me minutes to re compose it again to make it perfect to my liking ..i mean the topic of my discussion..
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Sep 08
hi vanities that is so irritating isnt it when you are typing then you have to recompose it again but you finally do get
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
10 Sep 08
[i]Hi Hatley, It happens to me also and most of the time, i have to wait for another day to remember it! LOL! That is why when I am out here like I'll go out with hubby, and when I can think of a nice topic, I will tell him remind me about this later or I will write it down when I have pen and paper! LOL! maybe we are just thinking about so many stuff and tend to lost it sometime![/i]
• India
10 Sep 08
Exactly it happens to me also really i feel lazy to type the discussion when time comes i like to write on paper but what to do ???
@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
10 Sep 08
this happen to me many times here,so you're not alone. But our mind is very flexible. Even you close your eyes for a moment and think about something then I'm sure it will be refresh and you will come up with a new ideas or topic to discuss.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Sep 08
agihcam hi yes I went on to do some other stuff and saw this discussion about a fiance going to a bachelor party and his fiancee not wanting him to go. and bang I remembered what I wanted to make a discussion over. trust in marriage. wow.
@balasri (26537)
• India
10 Sep 08
This has occurred to me many a times.I am so relieved that I got a company in you.
• Singapore
10 Sep 08
Hello Patsie, Sure I do. This is akin to the writer's block which most writers experience at one time or another in their life. Sometimes, I do have that flash of "brilliant idea" but if I did not keep trying to remember or jot it down somewhere, I just forget everything about it and can't remember it anymore. So nowadays if I am in a mood to start discussions, I will make sure to write down soonest possible whatever comes to my mind. Cheers!
• United States
10 Sep 08
Hi Hatley. Whenever I think of a topic for a discussion that I think would be a good one, it's usually when I am not near any paper and pen so that I can jot it down. Then, when I get to my computer, I cannot think of what it was that I thought of earlier. I can't even think of anything when I am at the computer. Go figure.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Hi Hatley! You are so not alone! I forget things like that all the time! things pop into my head and just as fast as the pop in the pop right out again and I can't remember that they were about at all. If I don't write it down at that very second it could be gone! This happens quite often and it is very annoying! Once in a great while it may come back to a bit later, but most of the time it will disappear. It is extremely frustrating! At least you were able to turn it into a discussion!
@prudhvi27 (414)
• India
10 Sep 08
i think 24 hours is not enough to think Nicely it could be more, More than half of the time we use to think about Job and Family few times i use to get superb ideas to write at that time i use to be another work not infront of the system. Some times our Mind is a big monkey it always doing silly things which are not usefull for us........... Please help me and submit ideas how to remember good Topic in our Brain??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????