Education: How can we make it better?
By medney1988
@medney1988 (560)
United States
September 9, 2008 6:27pm CST
Our education system is seriously flawed. We ave a lot of students dropping out or just failing. I believe that it's not only the school job to make sure our kids are getting an education but also the parents need to be involved in some way or another. Depending on what area you live in you may have a better education system than others. I live in florida and I know or a fact I could have had a much better education than i did. Where do you live and how do you think your education system works? Do you spend time with your kids and go over homework? Do you talk with the teacher regularly? Do you know what's going on in your kids schools? How active are you and do you think that it makes a huge difference versus parents who don't spend a lot of time with their children and school? What can we improve and how do you think we can do that?
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19 responses
@soooobored (1184)
• United States
10 Sep 08
One thing (and I know its no panacea) would be to increase parent accountability. Maybe schools should require that kids who are doing poorly attend regular study sessions with the parents? Make sure that the parents are interested in helping?
I'm not sure, I don't have kids... but I know that I've met a lot of parents who are just indifferent to their children, I know that there are laws holding parents accountable for truancy, but maybe more should be made including performance?
I'm very interested to see other responses!
@medney1988 (560)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Yea i know what you mean. For some reason parents are no longer being help accountable for their kids and I think that's ridiculous. I mean what's the point in having them if you don't want to be involved in their lives?
@soooobored (1184)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Wow, morethanamolehill, that had nothing to do with what I said, besides the first sentence. Why don't you just post your own response, and keep bizarre rants out of mine?
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Wow a three minute response time, you must have no life. Sorry for stepping on your glory miss thang. I thought we were supposed to be able to post where we want and since your simplistic answer triggered my "bizarre rant" I put it where it belonged. Why don't you actually read it and comment on it instead of just telling me to get off your lawn.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
10 Sep 08
First of all I thnk you asked exactly the right question in exactly the right way, how can WE make education better?. Parents are still the most important force in education reform. Involve involve involve! Go to school board meetings, force your way in to "closed sessions" talk to teachers, show up in class, chaperone field trips. VOTE VOTE VOTE out usless beurocratic school board members. DEMAND better, more usefull and basic curriculum. Vote for state reps that support local and state control of education. Vote for congressional candidates that support the same. DEMAND the end of the NEA.
who's kids are these anyway, the federal government's? or OURS?

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
10 Sep 08
absolutely. while my kids were growing up and in school I was a regular fixture in classes, stopped in durring the day and had luncj with them, chaperoned, spoke out at meetings and showed up at the superintendants office. My eldest grandaughter just became kindergarden age this year and my daughter plans on homeschooling her now.
@medney1988 (560)
• United States
10 Sep 08
A big problem we have is useless spending. Parents need to get more involved and find out what their tax dollars are paying for. They need to research. if you're thinking about having children maybe you should look for a community class that prepares you for schooling your kids and will allow you to help your children more when they come home with homework. there are a lot of things we can do.
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
14 Sep 08
One thing about budgets that needs to be changed...if a program has a $100,000 dollar budget for the year, and they only spend $90,000, Then the next years budget will only be $90,000. So they Make Sure they spend it all. If that ten Thousand dollars was put into savings for the next year. Things would improve, But as it is, You just have a system full of bureaucrats who are judged on how well they can work the system. And I'm not talking about efficiency either.
This is government wide, not just in the school system.
@texmama (62)
• United States
10 Sep 08
We need to get the Bible back in the schools. The Bible teaches basic respect, and that is lacking in schools these days. The Bible teaches right from wrong, it is black and white. The current school system has everything in the grey area and it causes problems.
I would also like to see corporal punishment brought back!
@animeniak (425)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I kind of enjoyed going to school until I became high school freshman in Georgia... and my gosh... this discussion just reminds me of my middle school years, and I MISS IT SO MUCH!!!! (cough cough)
But by the time kids become high school students, I think the schools should offer the students to take the courses that they are interested in learning.. I really think it's utterly ridiculous that kids have to pass all 4 years of english class, all 4 years of math class, 3 years of social studies and science (in my county) in order to graduate high school. By the time the kids become high school students, they are probably starting to think some stuff like "why do i have to learn this?", "am i really going to use these stuffs im learning in the future" stuff like that. And trust me, I heard those phrases like million times already!!
What I really find that is like the most annoying with the education is SAT tests and ACT tests, and I honestly think those tests are just plain waste of money... if you really think about it, SAT tests and ACT tests really don't test you on what you learn at school, they just throw random questions that some of them don't even make sense, or some of those multiple choice questions just don't have any of the correct answers for the students to answer!! On top of that, I read this on the magazine 2 years ago, there are many errors found whenever they grade the SAT and ACT tests!! What's worse is that if you truly think that they made a mistake when grading your SAT and ACT tests, you have to pay them extra $40 or $50 just to fix the mistake -_-;; And then again, most of the colleges require you to take SAT tests in order to get accepted...
I honestly think that the education nowadays have become business-based education, the education system and the board of education become too much business based, all it does is just take our money to fill their pockets with our money, and does not do anything effective... that's my opinion there.
I am truly curious about what other people think :)
@medney1988 (560)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I agree with you about the standardized testing. I think it's ridiculous because the average student hasn' learned the material that is placed on those test. Also some kids are just not good with tests. If a childhas made straight A's in school but can't pass a test like SAT or ACT why should they be punished?? obviously it's not because they are dumb. they just aren't good at taking tests.
@Twitchy164 (128)
• United States
10 Sep 08
As a recent high school graduate, I was relieved to finally be done with the pointless education. My biggest problem with the system is the requiring of certain classes or certain types of classes. I know it's important to have knowledge from all fields, but requiring four years of language in high school really aggravated me. The main focus in these language classes was writing. Now, in my opinion, it would make more sense to incorporate writing into every class, rather than require writing in a single one. By high school, I think students are ready to diverge in a selected field or interest. The educational system, with its requirements, prevents students from truly getting a head start on what they know they would like to do! Another problem I have is that learning goes at a fixed pace. I know it is unreasonable to think that each individual student should have a different workload, but it would deliver ready students to the world more quickly. Some students just learn at an accelerated pace and I often saw it over looked.
Overall, it seems to me that those in charge of the school system is a bunch of old fogies that have no idea how students feel about their education. I think if there was more student input, then education could be better.
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I'll say one thing,those writing classes have paid off. You write better than most of the recent graduates I've seen who can't even spell "diploma". and believe me the problem of old fogies has been around since the beginning. You think you will be different when you get older and then you get older and realize they had it pretty much on the mark.
@lookscool (61)
• Uruguay
15 Sep 08
I think we can do it better all time, just make more shcools is not the best way, we need people to teach childrens. But the most important is to get free of wars, so the childrens will start her life in a pacific mode.
Have fun!
@shana123 (2095)
• India
10 Sep 08
Im in my college and in my place the education system is good but i just want to make the system to be more advanced by teaching and training the students theoretically as well as practically and while we are seeing and doing something practically will make us remember things much easier.. and in my college level im satisfied with the syllabus and things
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
10 Sep 08
I believe that education systems in all countries and parents everywhere generally underestimate children and adolescents. And that is, in my humble opinion, the basic flaw everywhere. When I look at us adults, and the state we find this world in, how can we possibly assume that we actually know more than our children? We've been around longer, and have aqcuired 'maturity', which I translate as arrogance.
@miracleworld (201)
• India
10 Sep 08
i think education shoul dbe holistic should be a startegy to figure out the potential in the child by following the childs passion...and then i think everything will be successfulll
and ofcourse ....diversity makes the unity strong ...
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
10 Sep 08
Good day... Your correct in saying education differs depending where you live or what country your residing. In here, our education system sucks. One can only have a quality education when you have the means, if one is rich that is and that accounts to roughly 10% of our population. Our public education system is so poor that not only the system is inefficient but defective altogether like, they don't have enough teachers, the ratio is like 1:60 and they don't have enough classrooms that students need to study under the trees and things like that. I mean what the heck? These are the future generations we're sacrificing. I don't know where our country is headed.
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
10 Sep 08
the present education system is seriously flawed because of commercialisation of education. everything is based on the money. profit is the motive behind starting every school. all that is taught in schools are irrelevant for the overall growth of the students.
this education system sows the seeds competition while disregarding co-operation and collaboration. they want evry one to be follwing the herd rather than charting ones individual pursuits. half baked teachers are the culprits. the education system is not designed to make man a better living being.
@AamidMS (73)
• India
10 Sep 08
We can improve education by extending support to commonly spoken languages, educating students in subjects of their interest, and one can only excel in subject of his choice, because he will have all potential in him for that subject and he automatically succeeds in it. Unless students are given to think what they like, we will see dropping outs only.
These education board are not bothered at all, they just need publicity and crap, enjoy money.
People are suffering due to poor education system, parents wasting money, low paid teachers, unhealthy conditions in developing countires, no national support, the board members don't know what's happening, just frame rules and are not bothered to see whether they are followed and obeyed.
Teachers themselves are not educated properly, they enjoy more than students, come to school have a chat, waste government's resources, teach like radios and move, not bothered whether students understood or not; its a large scal degradation of education, ppl must resolve it or atleast start resolving it.
Hope for a better tomorrow.
@Damien2213 (90)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Here is an idea:
How about we actually start paying the teachers that want to teach a decent salary. Instead of spending a Billion on a War that shouldn't exist maybe we should try to spend that Billion towards education. Think of the kids that have struggling parents that could go to college if the politicians would focus its money spending on something positive. We live in a country were it makes no sense for our youth not to have the opportunity for a positive education. Same goes for people that are homeless but that is a discussion for another time.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Well, more parent involvement for sure. I think that most children learn by doing, so more activities and hands on actions would benefit them greatly. After school tutoring because most children to not catch everything that they are taught, and more physical activities (believe it or not, most children learn well when they are well fed and in great physical shape). Making education fun works very well for most students.
@xiabingfeng (4)
• China
10 Sep 08
yeah it is a complicated problem that need the whole society to try their best to help
@iceblizzard (749)
• Philippines
10 Sep 08
Education must first be learned at home where the parents or guardian acts as a teacher in a family setting. Parents are responsible to nurture their children at an early age, so their children will find it interesting to go to school someday.It is said that the child is the father of a man. That whatever the child will become when he grows up is a product of his childhood experience. Childhood development is the most vital element in a persons life. When you can instill you child with good values thus, education will follow. It is not something that he can just acquire, he also needs guidance, and it is something that he must earn. The school is a child's second home, and that whatever he learns at home will be applied at school.
@jzjqdkd (273)
• China
10 Sep 08
In my country,education is put to the first place in a person's life.when you are very young ,you are eagerly expected to be well-learned learner,if not ,you won't get some respect from your peers!so almost every children takes advantage of any time to study to get a high mark,to get the reward or praise from your teachers or your parents!And it makes so many near-sighted students!It only improves their abilities to get high points ,not the abilities to live in this world!