Big Brother 10: Who won the first part of the 3 part HOH competition?

@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
September 9, 2008 9:34pm CST
I know. Do you want to know? I can tell you but, you have to keep reading if you want to know. No, wait...get back here! I'll tell you! Ok, Jerry was off the plane by 6:05 BBT. At 6:45 BBT, Memphis slipped making Dan the winner of the first competition. So, now it is all on Memphis to battle Jerry in part 2 and hopefully, he pulls the win out there. So, yay Dan! I am thrilled because, he will at least be going into the 3rd part which, honestly, is farther than anyone I have been rooting for, has gotten. Tell me how you feel!
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14 responses
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Hey Star! I couldn't be happier. Everything is going the way it should. dan has kept his eye on the ball as they say. In my opinion and my husbands, he is the best player of that Big Brother has ever had. He has remained focused and strategic through out the game. All this nonsense from the other players about lying and cheating is beyond comprehension. Do they not know the meaning of the Game? This is not checkers or cards. You have to do whatever it takes to win. Dan is the true player and he deserves to win. He and Memphis have played as best any team could want to play. OK, enough of my rattling on. Till next time, thanks as always, your devoted reader... leenie
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Well said leenie.. I agree that Dan is the best player that big brother has ever had. Even with the spin of AP thrown in on him, he pulled it off and recooped from it.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Hey Leenie and Sunshine! Count me among those who see how well Dan has played the game. I have no issues at all with how he has played this game. You can't go into the game unwilling to get your hands dirty and tell a few...or a lot of...lies. BB is no place for a person who shys away from a fib here or there. Look at the past and the current. Granted, lying can also get you kicked out of the game but, you are far more likely to see a person who hasn't taken risks and who has played the game "nicely" get the boot because of the fear that you can't win against that person than you are to see a person like Dan, who has ticked more jurer members off than not, get the boot. He would be the guy I would want to take to the end. Someone who has played the game and deserves to win if that is how the jury looks at it, over someone who rode others coat tails and didn't make any waves. Dan is a man with a plan and he has been good at pulling the Dan Plan off! Yea...that's what I am going to call his game play now. the Dan Plan! LOL!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Thanks Sunshine, It's nice to know that someone else sees Dan's creativity and brilliantly played out plans. leenie
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Sep 08
Memphis may have more physical strength than Dan, a little to the obvious eye, but Dan has got what it takes to win competitions. He laid low for the first few weeks and then he's just been pulling in win after win after win. I'm not surprised Dan won and when it comes down to section 3 (which is usually true or false quiz or the like) Dan has the brains. I really think he has this in the bag as far as making it to final two. In the end it will be the voting that makes the decision and I think the jury may vote for him as well. They always talk nasty and angrily to the final two but in the end vote for the best game player and that is Dan.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Sep 08
And not nasty like the Evil One who won last year.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Yea! I think that Dan stands a really strong chance of winning this! I really hope so! There is no one in that house now that deserves it more. He is fierce, cunning and truly worthy of the win!
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Yeah- I was waiting for you to put out something about Big Brother! I'm so excited it's Dan! I hope it's him and Memphis fighting if out for the final HOH. I would love to see those 2 in the final!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Sep 08
LOL! I am thrilled for Dan. I haven't caught up yet so, I don't know if you saw it and if you did, if you responded yet but, I started another discussion about the winner of the 2nd part of the final HOH comp. I am very excited for tomorrow's show! I can't wait to see who the final 2 will be!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
10 Sep 08
That is great news!! I didn't think that Jerry would last long. Did Memphis really slip or was it like...oops, I slipped giving it to Dan? As long as the next one is physical too, then Memphis should be able to beat Jerry, but you never know. He is actually doing great for an older man.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
11 Sep 08
If Jerry ends up winning....which would be a shock....and if he won hoh, he would win this whole game. I hope he isn't at all in the final 2:(
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
According to Memphis, he did slip. So, it doesn't seem that he gave it to Dan but, he may have. As for Jerry, I really hope that he doesn't pull this one out of himself if it is another physical one. And, it should be a timed physical challenge if they stick to the pattern of previous final HOH challenges.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
11 Sep 08
I was so happy to see Dan win the first one. I know now that he threw that little tantrum out saying that he wasn't going to take Memphis to the finals after he evicted Keesha. I think it was a good move on their part evicting her as they are the ones that have the alliance. I hope that Memphis can pull out the second HOH against Jerry.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I will not spoil the winner of the 2nd part for you in case you haven't seen my discussion on it yet. But, yea...I think it was a good idea for them to evict Keesha over Jerry too. And, I like that they are playing Jerry by pretending that they hate each other now. LOL!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Hey Star Reporter/Brain Twin, I don't know wtf you're talking about because my brain is totally screwed up and I don't belong in this club anymore. I am having terrible personal problems which are making me forget when I'm supposed to watch BB. It's just not me anymore. I have too much on my mind right now and my life is falling apart so I'm sorry to all my mylot BB fellow fans that I am not able to keep up any other way except by what you are all telling me. I so appreciate your reports or I'd be totally lost! I will try to remember to go to the remote control at 8:00 (it is 8:00 isn't it) and sit down in the room where the tv is and turn to channel 2 and sit there and watch tomorrow! If anyone is near Yonkers, NY feel free to come over and hit me in the head so that I remember to watch!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Awwww...Brain Twin! I am sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I'm here for you if you need to talk about it! I may not always know what to say and, I probably can't fix anything for you but, I have good hearing, better eyesight and can read really well which, in the cyber world, amounts to listening well. So, I will be here for you. As for BB, I am glad that I can be a little helpful there. LOL! No worries, if you can't make it to the remote in the room where the TV is tomorrow, I'll try to get a good recap in. Until then, it looks like it will be Memphis and Dan at the end as Memphis won the 2nd part of the HOH competition. So, it will be Dan versus Memphis in the 3rd part of the HOH competition and, whomever wins that, to happen live tomorrow night, which is at 8 pm, and, whomever wins the 3rd part of the HOH competition gets to immediately chose who they want to take with them to final 2 and who they want to evict. So, try to take a deep breath and clear your noggin and, I am here if you need someone to vent to.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I felt so sorry for Keesha tonight. The guys must be worried about beating her in the HOH and the game. They should have given her a chance at least. I am glad that Dan won the first part. I can't help but feel things aren't exactly fair to Jerry, he is an old man. The guys are younguns. I don't want Jerry to win, but Dan and Memphis have to watch getting too cocky. Things could still back fire on them. Thanks again for the update.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Hey Polly and Plunk! Polly, I don't really feel bad for Jerry because things aren't fair for him given his age. He went into BB knowing the physical challenges are all a part of the game. And, he has lasted a lot longer than most people thought he would so, I can't feel bad for him. I do agree that Dan and Memphis should watch the cockiness. That has been a downfall of lots before them. Hopefully, though, it won't be the case here. Plunk, I felt a little bad for Keesha too but, she put all her eggs in Memphis' basket so, she sort of did herself in there. Never rely on one person in the BB house. In the end, every single person in that house is out for the same thing you are and, if you start to look like an obstacle to that end, you become a target. If she had the chance, she wouldn't have given up the chance to win that prize money by sacrificing her chance to Memphis either so, why should he?
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Im not surprized at all that Jerry was the first out. The plan worked they knew they could beat Jerry in an endurance comp they should be proud lol. I think Dans on the way to winning the whole thing.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
It didn't help that Jerry didn't have a great hold with those ropes either. He didn't position them like Dan and Memphis did. He had them pulled up higher so his arms were around his chest holding on. He needed to position the ropes so that his hands and arms were level with his pelvis to control his center of gravity better. But, that is fine with me! All the better for Dan and Memphis and, I am keeping my fingers crossed that Dan can take this all the way!
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I would love to see Jerry in the final two. But I'm glad he made it to the final three. I'm happy Dan made it but I want Jerry to win. Keesha almost had me in tears last night, but I'm glad she is gone. Thanks for the spoiler!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I felt bad for Keesha too. In the end, I started liking her a little. Not enough to root for her too much. But, yea, it was sad for her.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
10 Sep 08
yay for dan again
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
LOL! And, I hope that that is not the last time we say that! LOL! Here's to more "Yay for Dan" moments!
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
10 Sep 08
haha i read that the same place you did. i was just coming on here to get the link to give to my brother. Well i really hope Memphis wind the second part. I am kinda irritated with all Dan's lies this week but I still want him to win!!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I just can't get mad at Dan for how he is playing the game. It never behooves anyone to be completely honest in that house so, basically they have to shed their truth telling morales at the door and, Dan is no different.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
10 Sep 08
If i didn't know any better it was like they did this on purpose to dump Jerry what a waste of BBAD now...soooo boring..I might go the way of dreamland since this isn't Hey Hun..I'm going to miss Thursday night..I know but my 10 yr old Grandaughter has a play that night... darn school.. so Please Please Please keep me posted on what happened on Thursday ok... huggles
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Hey Rosekitty! I will keep you updated! Enjoy the play! And, yea...BBAD was boring last night without the challenge. LOL! I can't believe it only lasted about an hour or so. The people on Morty's site were a little ticked that it probably took hours for them to set that set up, it was used for around an hour, and probably took less than an hour to tear back down. LOL! People are feeling a little jipped about this leg of the competition since it was nothing for Dan and Memphis to beat Jerry and then, it didn't really matter, after that, which one took it.
• United States
10 Sep 08
That definitely makes me happy although I was pretty certain Jerry wasn't going to do well on this one. I want the final two to be Memphis & Dan. How do you know all this? Do you have the live feed? Only time will tell right?
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I don't get the live feeds because, frankly, I don't want to spend money on something I would only watch now and then and probably not much because it would be too boring most of the time. There are people who create websites to chronicle the live feeds. One site is that is the site I go to and have for most of the time that I have been a BB fan.
10 Sep 08
Thanks for the update! I was irritated last night watching them evict Keesha. I'm glad she had nothing to say to Memphis. She was good to him and this is how he repays her - game or no game. Dan is who I want to win now. He's played the best game. I've lost all respect for Memphis. Jerry, I dunno. With his rants and "Your going home" crap he's turned me off. Can't wait til Thursday!!!!!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Sep 08
My pleasure and, yea, I felt bad for Keesha too but, in the end, they are all out for the same thing and that is to win the money. So, while she didn't do anything against Memphis, she might have had she gotten any further in the game. I am really looking forward to tomorrow too!