Do you think Dan was really mad at Memphis for voting out Keesha?

United States
September 9, 2008 9:47pm CST
Do you think Dan was really mad or was he still trying to play the Renegade liaison game? Did you notice when Keesha left he said something like "if you think I'm taking you to the final two you're crazy!"? Was that for Keesha (who he probably knew could see those crucial 2 minutes) or for Jerry? Or is he serious. Those of you with Showtime and/or the 24 live feed might know more about what was really going on. Did he really want Keesha to stay?
5 responses
@Sarah1108 (310)
• United States
10 Sep 08
when he said "if you think i am takin you to the final two you are crazy" i believe he said old guy which would be Jerry. I think Dan is playing the game pretty well. I cant say i have liked everything that he has done but i dont think he has ever gone out of his way to wrong someone. I hope Dan can take memphis to the end because i am pretty sure he will beat him. Memphis is going to have a hard time dealing with all the questions the jury house has to ask them. Dan is a good talker so its going to be a walk in the park for him and he told keesha about him going on the beach trip and who he went with so she would not be mad and change her mind. he wants keesha to go to that jury house and talk so much junk about memphis.
• United States
10 Sep 08
hmmmmmmmmm, I didn't hear the old guy part. Now I have even more questions. If he did say old guy and meant Jerry - why would he say that? Out of the blue he wants to start something with Jerry. Oh well, it'll all be over soon and the guessing can stop, right? And you are so right, Dan could out talk everyone in that house and I'd hate to be in the end with him myself. Take care!
• United States
10 Sep 08
Yeah we have Tivo so we kept replaying it. I think jerry might have said something to him. i wish there was a way to find out maybe jerry will bring it up or somethng i am sure jerry will crying until he leaves the house on sunday right? i think they kept jerry around so long because he is old. they started killing off the stronger people first. I can see reneey telling Keesha "i told you about memphis darling" lol
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
11 Sep 08
It wasn't actually ment for Keesha to hear at all. Dan and Memphis want Jerry to be afraid. So by Dan saying if you think I'm taking you to the final 2 your crazy. It is actually working to Memphis and Dan's favour. They want Jerry to throw the comps so that they are guarenteed to go to the final 2. In way I think they wanted Keesha to stay but in all reality Dan and Memphis had to think for themselves on this one and say ok who is going to take me farther. Who can guarentee me in the final 2. We all know that at least one of the HOH final comps are endurance and it's always the first one. Keesha would of been hanging on for dear life. As well we all know Jerry is not good at endurance comps.
• United States
11 Sep 08
I'm so confused now, just can't wait till tonight.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I didn't get that either. I heard Dan say that and thought, What the Heck? I think that Memphis might be getting upset with Dan because of Dan getting Keesha's vote pretty well set. Wouldn't that be something if Memphis actually wins this HOH and takes Jerry? I doubt he would though, because so many don't like Dan who are on the jury.
• United States
10 Sep 08
Yea, I think Dan loved the fact that Memphis had to do the dirty work this week because you know Dan deep down wanted Keesha out because the last HOH always has endurance in it and Jerry is the obvious choice to go up against. We'll just have to see...
@pam210 (344)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I think it is an act for Jerry but I also think Memphis is stupid for letting Dan act that way. It is making Memphis look like the bad guy when Dan has been behind almost everything. I don't think Memphis has a chance if he is up against Dan in the finals. I think the house guests hate him but he did play a better game then Memphis. If Memphis wins HOH, I think if he was smart he should take Jerry. That would be the ultimate back door on Dan and Memphis would actually have a chance to win over Jerry.
• United States
11 Sep 08
I think I agree with you, it was to hide their alliance. Memphis is definitely stupid for letting Dan look good while he got his hands dirty. I think it would be a great "shake up" for Memphis to win HOH and take Jerry. What a hoot! I like Dan and think he played a good game but I don't like how he's been letting Memphis take the rap lately.
10 Sep 08
I don't think Dan is mad at Memphis. It was all for show! Dan is playing a great game. I just hope Keesha keeps her word and doesn't give Memphis her vote!
• United States
10 Sep 08
That is what I originally thought. Playing down the fact that there is an alliance so Jerry still thinks he has a chance. And yea, I really do think Keesha will keep her word and vote Dan the winner