My Baby Shower
By seasons1981
@seasons1981 (299)
United States
September 9, 2008 9:57pm CST
So I guess I am writing this just to vent... on Sunday I had my baby shower for my little girl. I had my mom, her man, my dad and lil sister, my cousin and her man, my older sister with her man, my man, his brother and his girlfriend and my mans friends Justin, Danny and Jed here. Well, I had invited quite a bit more people which included my best friends and some friends from High School. Well, we had a total of over 30 people coming but the people that showed up were the ones up on the top of this discussion. It was going to be a BBQ because no one was really "throwing me a shower" which was weird in itself. Well... to get to the story... everyone canceled at the last minute (basically within an hour of people coming over) and then the people that did show up (besides my family) were all about the booze... they acted like it was a friday night bash at my house... which ticked me off...
My man got so drunk that he blacked out, didnt remember a thing and scared the crap out of me because he started to twitch and stuff like that (which I will get into more later), my sister decided she was going to flirt with everyone at the party even though her man was here and that was driving me crazy too and then the latest... my mans wallet and our checkbook got stolen... great friends huh?
Well what happened was my man was suppose to be the one in charge of BBQing everything... that didnt happen since he decided he was going to drink for the next year. So his brother was put in charge of it *which didnt turn out that way* ... he cooked just enough so him and his woman could eat and then stopped and ended up talking (in the bathroom no less) to my man *which seemed like hours *especially for a pregnant woman who has to pee all the time* ... then I started to babysit... my man of course... since remember - he blacked out... well I hadnt seen my cousin for a few months (since the beginning of May) or my dad (almost 17 months) and I didnt even get to spend time with them. I ended up watching John instead (my man) because first he was so drunk he couldnt talk or walk. Then he broke a lightbulb in his hand and was bleeding... but wouldnt let anyone clean or look at it. Then passes out (standing up no less) in his closet. Well I got a phone call from him while I was trying to talk to my dad and cousin and it was from him but there was no answer on the other end, so I went in to see what he wanted... he ended up falling over in the closet and breaking glass all over the closet. So I go and get my moms man to help me get him up (he is too heavy for me to lift - especially pregnant) well by this time my cousin had ended up leaving because my sister and her flirting. well, my sister, my moms man and I got John out of the closet and onto the bed where he slept for a good 4 hours (this whole time I am watching him and when everyone left (which was about 7:30 at night) he started twitching... I finally got him to talk to me... but he was repeating himself and acting really weird - finally talked myself into calling an ambulance... they get here and he refuses to go with them, so they give him a breathalizer... 4-1/2 hours AFTER he quit drinking he blew a .157 ... they didnt do anything else, just left him in my care. Well he is still pretty wasted at this point and cannot walk because when we went to lift him a vacuum got in the way and so we ended up hurting his back (which I do not feel bad for) he ended up going back outside and throwing up (which is what I told him to do in the first place when he started the conversation with his brother in the bathroom instead) and passing out outside. It gets pretty cold here at night now, 35 degrees farenheit or somewhere around there so I threw a jacket on him (I was cold I know that and I didnt need him freezing... this whole time I am trying to watch a 16 month old while trying to drag a 225 pound 6'1 man around the house cause he cant decide what he wants to do and where he wants to go. Finally get my son to go into the bedroom without screaming and go to check on John. He is passed out outside on the deck... trying to wake someone up with a .157 alcohol level is pretty difficult... I finally get him up and into the house where he goes in the middle of the living room floor and passes out. I left him there, went and got my son, got him something to drink and laid him in bed with me for a little bit (his dad scared him) finally getting him calmed down I bring him into his room and into his crib (about 11:30 pm or so) and go and lay down myself. Not sleeping well because of this I woke up quite a few times and checked to see if he was doing okay (both him and my son) then would go lay back down. Get up yesterday around 9 and he is awake (somewhat) and not knowing what happened. Told him I was mad at him and told him some things that happened but he didnt remember...
oh the best part... I got gifts from my family... no one else... my mom and her man and my cousin brought clothes for the baby, my sister gave me $20 and my dad brought us food. I opened 2 gifts... the rest was given to me like it was nothing...
I did end up calling my cousin and dad and apologizing for the whole day and to tell them I was embarrassed by John's little charade he did.
Oh and the checkbook and wallet were in our bedroom... the only people alone in this room with John when he was passed out were his brother and John's friends - no one else. So I had to call and cancel my cards and checks that night (I think I did this around 12-12:30 am)
Fun day huh?! I so badly wanted to just scream at everyone and everything... I didnt enjoy myself at all!! I wish I would've been able to but apparently I have to babysit 25 year old men who think that baby showers are all about drinking.
Well thanks for listening to my rant. LOL I hope it was enjoyable lol
4 responses
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Oh my gosh. I cnat belive this happenend to you. You should have been able to enjoy yourself since it was suppose to be a special day. You also have every right to want to yell at everybody that was acting like little brats. They should have not ruined a day that was suppose to be special for you and your unborn child. I also have a famialar story. I was 17 and pregnant. It was my prom night and my boyfriend at the time was 24 years old who was a A**hole. Old enough to act like an adult. Well I finally found a dress I burrowed off a friend who was plus size so I knew the dress would fit over my baby bump. I looked so beautiful and was excited. Well my father who told me I looked very beautiful and I wanted to cry cause he was very disapointed in me for getting pregnant so I never thought he would think of me as his little angel any more and when he said that I wanted to cry. And then it was time to get to the building where the dinner and prom was going to be. We get there and we start eating dinner and then all of sudden my boyfriend was swallowing the goldfish that was in a bowl on the tables. I told him that enough was enough and to start acting 24 and he got mad at me. Then it came time to the dance floor and I asked him to dance with me and he said no because I was to fat. I was so upset that I told him he helped me get into this postion and he basically told me that I was the one that allowed him to do it. I told him that it takes 2. So when we were done with the prom we went from there and went back to our home town for the prom to dawn. Ok so I thought maybe I would feel better since where we were at it was a bigger building and wasnt so stuffy. I mean being pregnant a girl wants some space for her beautiful belly. So I was finally calmed down and enjoying my self. Then they started playing music and I thought I would ask him if he would dance since there was more room and he then again said the same thing that he said at the prom. So I said whatever and went and did my thing. I got bored and came back to talk to him and caught him staring at this girl that was dressed sluty. I asked him what the hell he was thinking and he got pissed and said come on we are leaving. He thought I was gonna go home and I told him no I dont think so and that I was gonna stay at my parents and that is what I did. With all the stress he caused I thought I was gonna go into labor. So to me I did the right thing by staying at my parents. I feel for you, I wish you could of had a better fun day for you and your unborn child. Well thank you for listening to my story. Oh yeah by the way I am 24 now and married to my hubby for 3 years who is so much more mature then my ex was. My hubby also danced with me at our wedding and I was pregnant. I'm glad I found a guy that didnt care about the baby bump.
@seasons1981 (299)
• United States
18 Sep 08
oh wo that wouldve made me so mad the way your ex treated you!! I am glad that you found another man that treats you way better than the one before!! I know he shouldnt have acted like that and he knows it too.... he is still trying to make up for it lol...
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
10 Sep 08
OMG!!! I would have been so mad...Holy crap...No way...I wouldn't even speak to him and he is lucky you didn't hurt yourself or the baby because of his stupidity.....You shouldn't have to apologize to anyone..he is the one who should be doing the aplogizing...
Does he do this all the time?...I wouldn't put up with it....I would have left him outside in the cold and locked the door....That is not something kids should see and he should be ashamed of himself...
This was for you and your baby..but he made it a party for him...
Nightmare for sure...I am so sorry you had to go through that....
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I so belive that you have a point, he should not have ruined this day for her. I thinks guys that act like that need to grow up some there's no need to act like that.
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
10 Sep 08
There are certain events when drinking is appropriate. Baby showers and pretty much anything involving children are not those type of events.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
14 Sep 08
You learn from experience, I would never in this life time throw another baby shower, party, BBQ, a day in my life. That is one of the worse get together I have ever heard of. If my man would ever come in contact with a drink again I would threaten to leave him and put him up for child support.
If I need things for my new baby I would just have to put them on lay a way.