What Were You Doing When The 9-11 or Sept 11 Incident Happened?

September 10, 2008 12:40am CST
The September 11 attacks were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. Excluding the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died in the attacks. Another 24 are missing and presumed dead. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 different countries. I could never forget this terrorism act. What were you doing when the 9/11 attack happened? Where were you at that time?
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62 responses
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
10 Sep 08
My husband was on the computer in the computer room and I was still asleep since it was early. He woke me up to come look at the TV, that one of the Twin Towers had been hit. I jumped up and sat there watching it all happen, when the 2nd plane hit the other tower. We sat there all day, watching in horror the things that were taking place. It was hard to believe that those things were happening. We thought that the first plane just hit accidentally. But, when the 2nd one hit we knew it was something planned. Things like that just do not happen that way. No coincidence at all. We just sat glued to the television all day.
• United States
10 Sep 08
I actually live in New York and was able to see the whole thing. Firstly i heard a huge sound like a plane flying dangerously low and i heard a large bang. Everyone got up and ran to windows. I can see the twin towers from where i was at that point. Everyone was scared and my first instinct was how the hell am i going to get out of New York. Manhattan started to get evacuated completely. Everyone saw the second plane hit. It was so sad. I know people who saw people jump from the twin towers. One person actually told me a guy landed right in from of him. You hear big noises as if a huge boulder slammed into a car, it wasn't boulders, it was people. As we started running,away from the debris falling down, we saw pictures on the floor from the twin towers, it was pictures of little kids, babies, wives, husbands, it was the saddest thing i saw. I was lucky enough to get a ride from a complete stranger to Long Island. I was being criticized in the car because im a Muslim. However, i don't care what other people think. This was a very sad day in my life.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
29 Nov 09
I was at home. We had just got back from our native place after celebrating our son's first birthday with the extended family. And we were planning our trip to Africa the month after that. My husband got a phonecall and he switched on the TV and watched the news in horror.
@suruchi86 (1872)
• India
14 Feb 09
I'm so sorry for coming in so late. At the time of the horrible attack on WTC on 9/11 I was just got up from the bed as it was early morning here in India and I couldn't believe it to be real when I opened the TV first. I thought it is the seen from some latest action movie. However, after hearing the news I filled with horror immediately and ran to kitchen to tell this to my spouse. We remain glued to TV together for that whole day.
@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
10 Sep 08
I remember that day quite well. I was between jobs and living with my father and my stepfamily. My father was in the hospital I believe on that day (which is why I was living there he was very ill and they needed help taking care of him). I was asleep and the kid’s father (he was there doing some work and such), knocked on my door and said “They’re flying planes into the World Trade Centers”. I was seriously thinking that he must mean that someone had flown a light aircraft into the WTC. I turned on the TV and there it was, before the first one fell, smoke rolling out. So I did what anyone in my situation would do, jumped on line. I popped into a chat room that I frequented at the time (it’s gone now…) and started chatting; everyone was, of course, discussing the same thing. As I was chatting I had CNN on the television and would bring in new information as it was coming out. As we all know, the fastest source for new news is usually the Internet, but on that day they were trying to get so much information out to us that everything flipped. Well, as I said, I was throwing out new information as it was coming on the television and all the people in the chat room were trying to figure out where I was getting it; I said, “I’m watching CNN on TV.” Someone said, “Wow, I forgot about TV.”
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@razor123 (979)
• India
10 Sep 08
I was in school that very day. I didn't even know about what happened. When school got over in the early afternoon and I was coming back home I could hear many people talking about it but nothing kinda made sense to me. Then I went and asked someone as to what exactly happened and he told me in brief. I was like oh damn!!!!! I was totally shocked to hear what had happened. I just couldn't believe it that the Twin Towers had been brought down to the ground by terrorist attacks. When I came back home usually I never watch he news but I rushed to the TV and put on the news. There they were showing actually how and what happened. When I saw it I was in shock and awe. It was really sad to see what had happened. So many innocent people lost their lives. I would never ever forget that incident all my life.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Well, I remember the morning really well. I was sleeping, but remember my husband coming in the bedroom telling me that one of the Twin Towers was on fire. So I decided to go watch the News to see what that was about, and walked in just as the second plane hit. I remember standing there like Wow, did you see that? What is going on here. I was glued to the TV and watched the other things unfold and it made me shudder to think about all the lives lost, and such. It was truly a day to never forget as well.
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
13 Sep 08
In my place i was working, I just heard from the news. it so sad time of american people in this number 911. lot of life missing because of this bussiness & call cold game of al-Qaeda.
@msmargo (361)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I was getting ready for work and had the tv on so I saw the horrible images of the planes hitting the buildings. When I got to work, I joined my shell shocked co-workers. One man's fiancee was on a plane coming back from China and he was most upset since he couldn't reach her and he heard all US airports were being closedl. Like the day Kennedy was shot, this is a day that will not be soon forgotten.
@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I was doing my morning walk/run on the cross country course at the local high school. I was listening to talk radio that morning. I remember the host talking about a freak accident that had occurred the night before. A teenage boy was killed on a roller coaster ride at a local fair. I was thinking how it must be one of the worst things in the world when the host said he had breaking news about a plane crash at the world trade center. A little while later he was shouting into the mic that another plane had hit, and it was not a freak accident. We were under a terrorist attack. I left the cross country course and started to run home. I debated about whether or not I should stop at my kids' school. Did anyone there know? Should I pull them out of school? I didn't want to seem hysterical, so I headed home. On the way, there were some construction workers renovating a church. They were frozen on the scaffolding, listening to the news on the radio. When I got home, I watched the news, getting home in time to see the first of the towers collapse. I still get chills whenever I think about it.
@gtdonna (1738)
12 Sep 08
I was watching TV in the enclosed patio and suddenly the screen just changed to show the firts tower after the plane had just crashed into it and as I sit there watching in horror the second plate hit...I raced from the patio screaming, turn on the other TV's look look US under attack, we were just shocked...
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
30 Jan 09
I was at work. I worked at a lumber yard and I was in a different building than the office part since I worked in a different department. I heard something on the radio about it but only caught a little of it so I walked over to the main office building and as soon as I walked in the door I knew it was something really serious. Everyone was crying. I never knew at the time but found out then, that some of the girls that worked there were Americans and moved here to Canada a short time ago. So they took it really hard and that was why everyone was crying. I was in total shock when I found out more about it and I will never forget it. It was a horrible day. Alrighty then, talk to you later my friend, Have a good mylotting day, Chris
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
14 Sep 08
On Sep0t 11th 7 years ago, I was taking my morning walk around the neighborhood. A neighbor hollered at me to come in and see what had just happened. I went inside and we watched her TV together for a while. We each had a hard time believing what we saw.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I'm on the West Coast and I was just going into the bathroom to get ready for work. I couldn't believe it when I saw the first building on TV, it didn't seem possible that such an accident could happen, then the second building got hit and I knew it was an attack. I didn't go into work but watched the whole thing. I didn't want to but couldn't turn away and when the buildings fell down I thought I'd be sick. It seemed so unreal and yet I knew it wasn't. I knew USA was way overdue for this type of attack, they happen all over the world, why not us and yet I felt so terrible that we had joined that group. I know we are not safe now and that it's impossible in this world for us to ever be. We are use to natural disasters and now are use to unnatural ones, life goes on.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I was just waking up and had switched on my television for some noise in the house. It was a black period in my life as I had lost my Mom a few months earlier. I watched in disbelief, thinking that it was some sick joke. It took a few minutes to sink in and I sat and cried! Then, a few months later we had an earthquake in Paso Robles California. The epicenter was less than a mile from my house. With earthquakes there is a loud boom before they hit. I heard the boom and thought that it was another terrorist attack on the coast of California. My house shook and I was thrown across my family room (a good 15 feet) and things were thrown all over. The power went off and there wasn't too much news for about two hours. Then, when the power came on I found out that it was an earthquake. What I find so devastating is that the United States was so open with information and that we were providing the terrorists with information they needed to commit their horrific acts!
@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
11 Sep 08
I was at home playing on the playstation. It was in the afternoon around here (I live in Belgium) and my father asked me to turn it off 'cause it was time to eat. When I put of my playstation it automatically turned on to CNN and I saw something must have happened. We watched for a while until we knew what happened and we saw the images of the second plane crashing into the second tower. Even though it was in the United States and it was far from our home, I got very cold inside. I know a couple of people in the USA and I was scared for them. [b] Have a nice day[/b]
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I was living in my camper at that time. Watching our local fox 31 news good morning show and preparing to go to work when it happen. Saw it as it happened.
@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I remember exactly what I was doing. It was my day off from work. My husband had just taken my daughter to school. My husband loaded up the fishing gear and went to fish. We ran out of bait. I went to Walmart to get some more. I heard on the radio that the world trade centers had just fallen. (When we left to go fishing only one plane had hit and everyone was thinking it was a plane accident.) I get back to our fishing spot and I tell my husband what had just happened. We loaded up and went home. We watched the news for the rest of the day. I automatically knew it had been Osama with Al Queda and that's what I told my husband. One plane was an accident, two planes was terrorist activity. Then we find out about the Pentagon and the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. That was a horrible day. The feeling that one has no control of the event of their day. Our country at a loss as to what to do. President Bush did exactly what needed to be done at that time. And he is still doing what needs to be done. Keep those Al Queda jerks hiding under their rocks in the middle east and maybe they won't have time to hit us again.
@Ina926 (172)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I was dropping off my daughter at school. I remember coming home and my husband told me that an airplane had crashed into one of the twin tower buildings. I was pregnant at the time of the incident. My son was born 9 days after 9/11. When I think about it, the thought that people can be so cruel and take the lives of innocent people for no reason at all, scares me.
@candymarie (1368)
• Canada
11 Sep 08
I was in high school still, in 12th grade, art class, and remember seeing it on the t.v. we have in there, and just thinking, this can't be real....what is this? Please say it's not real, pass footage, a MOVIE, just not real... I was so shocked that day...and for the rest of the week actually.