Why isn't Obama's Popularity Winning Against Unpopular McCain?
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
September 10, 2008 9:25am CST
According to the polls, Obama and McCain are running neck and neck. With a few small bumps here and there, this has been going since before the conferences and naming running mates.
Obama is supposed to be this charismatic leader who inspires the masses, but when it comes down to it, all he's accomplished is inspiring the chior and basically attracted enough republicans to balance out the democrats who are planning on jumping ship to McCain in November.
If he is so popular, why isn't he trouncing unpopular McCain in the polls?
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12 responses
@medney1988 (560)
• United States
10 Sep 08
You have to take into account that McCain just shifted the playing field by added Palin as his VP. It's going to take a few weeks for the excitement and curiousity to wear down and for the polls to straighten themselves out.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
10 Sep 08
True, but they were neck and neck before they announced their running mates and the conventions.
I think the polls do take a couple of weeks to reflect an event, we'll see what happens.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Sep 08
McCain brought out a shiny new object for the public to be distracted by...a pretty woman who talks tough and is apparently a fantasy figure for a lot of men.
I think that the newness factor will wear off, Palin will have the opportunity to answer questions without the aid of a teleprompter, and people will find out where she stands and, hopefully, how capable she is. Palin is a distraction for now. Whether she has substance behind her remains to be seen.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
10 Sep 08
Haven't you heard? The teleprompter at the Republican National Convention malfunctioned during her speach. It didn't seem to slow her down or fluster her.
Thanks for your sexist, condescending and moronic comments though.
Were you born an idiot, or is this just a midlife career change?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Of course it didn't slow her down or fluster her...it was basically the same speech she gave a million times when she was running for governor with a few changes. I guess you don't realize that politicians practice their speeches beforehand even when teleprompters will be used.
[i]Thanks for your sexist, condescending and moronic comments though.
Were you born an idiot, or is this just a midlife career change?[/i]
Recent polls support my comments about the percentage of men (vs women) who approve of her and why so don't get your panties all knotted up. Your attempts to be insulting were lame at best and could get this thread deleted, which would be unfair to everyone involved so, if you can't play nice, stay out of the playground.

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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Sep 08
"Recent polls support my comments about the percentage of men (vs women) who approve of her and why so don't get your panties all knotted up."
Recent polls also support the claims that she's winning more women to McCain's side as well. You are right that eventually the newness will wear off. For Obama however, the newness is wearing off as well.

@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
11 Sep 08
In the beginning what Obama preached brought hope to many struggling families, He talked of change and how he was gone to help the middle class. As time went on he still says these same exact things but he has not mapped out at all how he proposes to do any of these things. He has some nice thoughts and good ideas which people I think are now starting to think are just pipe dreams. I really wanted to hate Mccain. I wanted to be for the democrats but Obama just sounds like a broken record, saying the same things over and over again.
And lets face it America loves dirty politics. Not so much dirty politics but we like seeing them stand up for themselves. Obama declares that he will not participate. John Kerry stated the same 4 years ago. People loved Kerry but he did not stand up for himself against the Bush accusations about his military record. I believe we tend to see that as a weakness when a person does not stand up for himself. The Polls are steadily repeating them self with Obama as they did with Kerry. Obama needs to start defending himself against McCain. He is looking weak by not defending himself, and lets face it Americans do not want someone who they see as weak running their country.
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Sep 08
The problem there is he can't defend himself. He has as little or less experience in politics as Sarah Palin. As you say he talks a good talk, but he has never walked the walk that McCain has. I think deep down O'Bama is probably a good man and means well, but I feel he has a lot more experience to gain before he can run this country. 171 days in attendance in the Senate, and voting present on almost every vote doesn't count for much in my opinion.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I don't understand a lot of politics, I guess because of that, a lot, (a lot, not all), of what Obama says sounds good to me. I've heard the claims that his ideas are old ideas disguised as new ones, etc, but I don't have enough understanding of politics to make such a distinction on my own. I've also heard that a lot of Obama's ideas would not work anyway, again, I don't understand enough about such matters to know if they would or wouldn't work. So a lot of what Obama says does sound good to me; however I am not saying that I will vote for him. Although what he says sounds good to me, first I have to figure out and decide for myself if it is good which is not easy with my limited understanding of how such matters work. Second, even if what he says is good and would work, I am not sure I trust Obama since there is so much negative press about him. I do know that there is and probably always will be some negative press on any political canidate, but not the kind that suggest one is anti-America and stuff like that, like I've heard about Obama...at least not that I recall...Maybe other people are not sure if they trust Obama either, even if they do like what he says...
What I don't like about McCain is that he against universal Health Care. I have health care, but I know not everyone does and I just don't understand why anyone would be against any policy that would ensure that everyone had it. I also read somewhere that one of McCain's advisors stated that every American already has health insurance due to the fact that anyone can go to and be treated at an Emergency room regardless of ability to pay or rather or not they have insurance. I think that statement is rediculous! Sure, you can go to the emergency if you need immediate care, but what about routine checkups of various sorts to ensure continued good health and things like that?
All I know for sure at this point is that I'm very confused and I do not know who I'm going vote for at this point. Sorry, I think I rambled again and may have gotten off topic a bit...

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
13 Sep 08
If he is against "universal healthcare" why should his plan include anything even smelling of it?
You are right, our current situation isn't working for everyone, but it does work for the majority of the people. If we are going to overhauld the system, let's use a plan that identifies those who truly can't afford healthcare and works to help them, instead of a mindless "one size fits all" forced program.
btw, it isn't true that McCain has no plan, here it is on his own website. I can't say I agree with his plan completely, but anyone who says he doesn't have one is grossly misinformed, and apparently willing to misinform others (like yourself) who are just trying to find out a few things for themselves.
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Betsy, I think you won't find a Republican that is not in agreement we need change to our health care system, the problem with the Democrats plan is it will be forced on everyone, and if you don't like what you get oh well that's your problem. I disagree that you don't have the ability to choose a candidate, read what has already been said and done, look at where the candidates started , what they said in the beginning of their campaigns and what they say now, you will see very quickly who has stuck by their beliefs and who has wavered with the polls. Don't hesitate too long though, time is running out, educate yourself, don't let others think for you.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I did not say that I did not have the ability to choose a candidate. I said that I have a hard time understanding politics and how everything works. For example, when other people hear a political speech and seem know right off the bat rather or not a particular policy proposed by a canidate will or will not work for whatever reason, I don't have a clue what will or won't work without doing some extensive studying on the matter.
Also, Hillary's plan for health care did not give people a choice, but Obama's does. And again, what I don't like about McCain, is that he does not have any plan for health care and as far as I know is against universal health care as I have looked up each canidate and where they stand on the issues and McCain was listed as being against universal health care. It would be one thing if he had a different plan for everyone to get health care then what the Democrats have, but it is quite another thing that he has no plan for universal health care and is against the whole idea.
At this point I do not know who I am voting for because: I strongly dislike/ disagree with the fact that McCain is against a plan that would allow for everyone to have health care, as shown here : http://hubpages.com/hub/McCainpositions
After going to that link and looking under health care, it states that his plan would not cover everyone and that he is against universal health care.
On the other hand, there are at least of couple of issues, which I don't care to name for sake of not getting into more controversial arguments, in which I strongly disagree with Obama on as well, not to mention, I am not sure that I trust Obama.
No where did I say that I did not have the ability to choose a canidate.

@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
10 Sep 08
According to the polls I heard last night on the national evening news, there has been about a 15% swing toward McCain in the women voters and the other major swing has been the Catholic vote. This vote has been a cherished prize for every modern day presidental candidate and most don't get elected without it. The swing was betwee 15 and 20 points toward Mccain. I believe the negative rhetoric we are hearing out of the Obama campaign is the beginning of pushing the panic button and should only go downhill from here!
Also; I believe if Obama had at least offered the Veep job to Hillary, whether she had accepted or not, he would not be having the major swing in the women vote right now.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
10 Sep 08
What I am thinking and what I am hoping is that people are seeing that Obama really has no plan and nothing will get done with him in office and that he will just mess everything up. I hope that they're eyes have been opened.
Then the other factor there is that McCain has Palin as his VP and she is a woman. So he is more of swaying women voters to vote for him now. My vote is for McCain and it will remain for McCain is all I have to say.

@djbtol (5493)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Actually Obama can be judged quite easily. He is a liberal democrat and that is all he is going to be if put in office. Forget all the hope and change nonsense. Obama will push to expand social programs and healthcare for everyone, especially illegal immigrants. He will raise taxes everyway possible. Programs that make people dependent on government will be expanded. He will blow a ton of money on failed energy policies. And he will be a pathetic commander in chief, partly because he won't want to side with America.
That is Obama. Where is the question?
@imakerules (9)
• India
11 Sep 08
Well trisha_nava82,
To predict what Obama can do and what he cant ....is easy ..
But to be very sure that he wont succeed is what is not predictable.For that i guess he must win. Only then can he show his quality.
Well being biased is not bad ...but being biased towards a person whom we cant judge is not fair.
I would like to go with Obama. Atleast he shows zeal to change.
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Oh I agree O'bama shows a zeal for change, every time the polls show he is losing points because of something he says, he changes his position. HUM I wonder if the polls show Joe Biden isn't an asset if he will choose another VP candidate?????
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Obama's popularity is shrkinking. The Magical Mystery Tour, where everything is done on teleprompter, is over. With each passing week people can see more clearly who Obama is; the people are not impressed.
He has no message of substance to share with the people. The message of hope and change seems to have dwindled. All he can do is attack his opponents. He is sounding more nasty and petty everytime he opens his mouth.
In Obama's recent attack against McCain/Palin he tried to use an anology about fish. A smelly fish wrapped up in paper is still a smell fish. Little did he know that he was describing his campaign perfectly. If you take two smelly liberal democrats (Obama, Biden)and wrap them up in some symbolic paper called hope and change, all you end up with is two smelly liberal democrats. That is the best democrats have to offer for the Whitehouse.
When Obama picked Biden, he could not have stated more clearly that change is not going to happen with him. When McCain picked Sarah Palin, he could not have stated more clearly that change is going to happen with McCain. Thus it is legitimate and true that McCain has stolen the 'change' platform from Obama Hussein.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Sep 08
Because people are suspicious of charismatic leaders like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Stalin, Lenin, and who put in new laws that seem to be for the benefit of their country but are for its detriment. And remember the leftist media was behind Obama one hundred percent, so much that I thought "Oh America has turned into a dictatorship and people hate Bush? Now a worse than Bush has appeared." And I figured it was the Democrats can get away with things that Republicans will get in trouble for. Then I read articles about Obama was like, and I am sure those in America also read those articles and they have the advantage that I a Canadian do not have. They know more.
@Wingedman (238)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Hitler was charismatic, too.
But seriously, I think people are starting to realize that Obama has no plan. He has no experience and he associates with domestic terrorists and thinks a baby is a punishment.
At least these last two items really don't sit well with most Americans. We can only hope that the rest of the folks that are goose stepping along behind herr Obama wake up before he is in office and decides to annex Pakistan as he threatened to do.
FYI- Pakistan is an ally. Duh!
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
12 Sep 08
EEERRR! Maybe the polls were another thing he doesn't remember in his long list of what he never was aware of? Ya think? Sorry the devil made me do it. Blessings Marilyn
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Obama's charisma would have inspired the masses much better about a decade ago. But in today's information age, people know too much about him to believe everything he says. After the convention many people were turned off by the way he portrayed himself and the way he 'channeled' Martin Luther King. He is not God but seems to think he is, lol. He plain and simply ruined it.
Anyhow, there is a lot of things he promises that are just not feasible. You can't have universal healthcare and not raise taxes. Every country that offers such a system has a much higher tax rate than we do. He contradicts himself. And people know that.
He is a person who can hold great speeches, he has been trained to hold great speeches. He went to Harvard Law. Yes, he is good at it. But apparently in Q&A he sucks!
Now, McCain is plain Vanilla, you know pretty much what you get. He is also more grounded, lol. And he pulled all the attention away from Obama by picking Palin as a running mate. She is young and no-nonsense. Despite her many faults, people like that better than Obama's 'God-like' attitude.