Do christians live in a bubble
By shelley2
@shelley2 (55)
September 10, 2008 11:35am CST
In Sunday school we have been doing a study on how Christians live in a bubble. Meaning that we tend to socualize and plan our activities around our church and church friends thus cutting ourselves off from "non-Christians" to a large part. Part of it is a vidio series where a pastor interviews non-Christians to see how the feel. It seems that to them this is true and i do see it more then i would like. After all are we not suppose to be spreading the news of our Lord and Savior to save the lost? If that is so as i believe it to be how do we do that from our bubble? What do you all think?
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19 responses
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
10 Sep 08
If you have to watch your every move to keep from being effected by non-Christians then you are not qualified to be trying to help them. Remember what it says in the 7th chapter of Matthew. "Don't try to help your neighbor get the small splinter out of his eye until you have removed the saw log from your own". Non-Christians can easily be driven farther away from God by people trying to help them find God that are not qualified to do so. Be friends with non-Christians and try to live before them where God will show in your life. If they ask you a question do your best to answer it. After all we are supposed to be teaching by example and not with words only. One of the big problems with our churches is the fact the teaching is aimed at the members of the church that already consider themselves to be Christians. It must be done this way to keep the members paying the bills to keep the doors open.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Hi Arkie,
About that last part. Teaching to the congregation who are already saved is called exhortation. We who are saved are to move from "Milk" to "Meat". Teaching encourages and strengthen our walk with Christ. I'm thinking you must have really been hurt in a church setting at one time. The money argument ALWAYS comes up in a situation like that. I'm sorry for what it might have been.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I wasn't hurt in a church but lets say disgusted. I heard an Indian describe a church he had gone to and I feel about the same way. Someone ask him what he though of it. His reply was; a strong wind, loud thunder and no rain. I just can't see any fruits in the local churches. Maybe I just expect too much from people.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Oh, Arkie,
I wish you knew the church as I know it. It is my safe haven. It is a group of people that I have chosen to stand beside and walk together with. It is a group I pray for. They are the precious saints of God. The ones who lifted me in prayer when I lay in the hospital delivering my stillborn first child. The ones who gathered around my family when my husband's addiction came to light. The ones who Praised God when we all became whole again. In fact, these were four different churches in four very different cities but really one family of God. We laugh, cry, struggle, grow and serve one another. We are not perfect but we are family. I can't help but think that a God who knows our need for love would want us to go it alone.
I'm praying for you. Not a platitude but the truth. Right now.

@neeens (61)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I know for sure that I do not live in a bubble and neither do a lot of Christians I know. This is probably why they're so exposed to temptations, failures, and hurts, but I feel like all of these give us the choice. With a choice, God knows that we're choosing to love/obey/follow Him... not because we don't have a choice and are forced to. I feel like living outside the bubble is a great way to be able to know your own choices and see how all the worldy things really aren't worth it. And yes, you do need to get out there to show the love to non-believers. REMEMBER it's not about just saying and forcing people to believe in God, but it's showing the weak, the broken, and the people who are undeserving of love.. to show them that love that you found through Christ.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I do NOT live in a bubble at all and do not agree one bit that I fall prey to temptations etc. I am FIRM in my beliefs as a Catholic and nothing can ever change that. And I do not like when someone trieds to "prove" to me thir faith is better than mine, only God can judge that. And If you want to quote things, "Judge not lest ye be judged. Noone has the right to tell me I am weak because I do not agree with them. That is called intolerance and I believe that is a SIN.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I understand your frustration. There are many overly pushy Christians too. But I'd just like to clarify two things:
1.Intolerance is not listed in the Bible as a sin. It is an overused word that simply means, I can do anything I want and no one can tell me I can't. Wonderfully true if you like a world filled with anarchy.
2. "Judge not....." is always pulled out of context and never interpreted correctly. "Lest Not" means "in like manner". So if I were to judge someone (and isn't that what our system of laws does) then I had better be prepared to be judged in like manner by God too. In other words, Is my conscious clear on this one too? We need to not be guilty of the same sin as the one we are judging because we too will be judged of that thing. We musn't use snap judgement. And yet without any kind of judgement, it would be a free for all. They are not the 10 suggestions.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
14 Sep 08
We are not for this world, what we gain here will be accounted there.Actually Christians are supposed to live as a Chirst lived.
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I think that christianity in general has strayed far from what it is supposed to be. I am not a christian myself but far too many Christians are either far too detached or the other extreme, pushing their faith on others. If you believe in spreading the word, my advice is do it, but only to people who want to know. In general I believe religioin should stay with those who care to share it with each other. If someone asks you about it, feel free to share what they want to know. If you begin to share with someone and they refuse it, leave them be after the first time. I find that personally if I am pushed toward something by someone, it actually pushes me away. When I was a kid, I voluntarily went with several friends to their churches because I was curious about their beliefs. I was not raised in religion but I was interested in it. As I got older though, I began being pushed toward it by various people and it resulted in pushing me away and people just don't seem to get it. If I want to know about God, I will ask.
My oldest memory of being pushed and my most recent.
Oldest: I forget how old I was, but I visited a friend's church and after the services, the pastor asked me if I wanted to be baptized. I knew even at a young age that for one thing I did not, and for another I did not know enough about the faith to do so, as well my parents were not with me, and I was young enough that they would've had to approve. I told him no more than once but he just kept asking, telling me about all these benefits and junk. I know lots of christians who don't think you need to be baptized anyway, but since I was not one anyway, his pushing me like that made me feel uncomfortable.
Most recent: This one was not direct pushiness, but it was a jerk that did this. I posted a sign on my door that said no soliciting and no missionaries. Now at my apartments, soliciting is prohibited anyway, but they do it anyway and unless the office is open, there isn't much that can be done. Well my mom came over once and saw the sign and in a different color and handwriting, she saw the words "And no fun" clearly written by someone else. I had to take down and rewrite the note. That was not a direct incident, but it still explains how immature people can be. I have no idea if itw as a youth or what, if it was a soliciter or missionary or something or just an immature adult who did it, but if people really respected each other, it wouldn't have happened at all.
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I'm a Christian myself and I know where you're coming from. At the same time that's being a bit unfair toward ourselves. Think about it. 'Birds of a feather flock together' is a saying for a reason! LOL!
Most of us like to stick with our own kind. That's what helps us blend in on a social level. More often then not you see whites with whites, blacks with blacks, gays with gays and so on and so forth. I'm not saying that whites don't talk with blacks or gays don't talk with straights, but, for the most part staying with our own kind helps us to feel like we belong. I believe that is what gives us the courage and helps us feel secure within ourselves to step out of our comfort zones every now and then to intermingle with those of different backgrounds and such.
The bottom line is that we Christians are no more living in a bubble than other people of different races, ethnicities and religious beliefs, economic persuasions and so on communing together.
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
@divinegwapa (914)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
Christians living in a bubble can happen though not in general.
I've been a Christian for over five years now and I got to a point where I believed I lived in a bubble. Everything in my schedule are all church related. Almost everyday we have a meeting in church or an activity for the church. Basically, my life revolves around the church. I learned now that there is nothing wrong with that. As the saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together. Being with other Christians is normal because you share the same beliefs and you understand each other more.
The downside of it is that we tend to place ourselves on the extreme side of the spectrum. We forget that first and foremost, God's command is for us to be witnesses to the world (to the non-Christians). We overdo things and we forget about what's more important. That happened to me years back and I've learned my lesson. We just have to put balance in everything. I guess, a very helpful question to ask ourselves is this: Do we still have friends (by friends I mean people we socialize with, share our lives with and spend time with) that are non-Christians? I think it would help if we ask ourselves that from time to time.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Very well put - I agree totally. It's up to us as Christians to go out into the world, take up our armor for protection, not keep ourselves in a bubble.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
11 Sep 08
They are in a bubble and they live in a bubble, another one of the many reasons why I left the Catholic church (also known as "the church") because everything seemed to be just about them. I did not want that. I did not want my life to completely revolve around religion, which is all the Christianity is, it is a religion. You can be spiritual without being religious, but some people never see that. I am Agnostic, and I get pleasure in helping out other people or helping out cats and dogs. I clean my house as part of my meditation and write as part of it too. I really do not need religion to keep me sane or stable.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I have seen many Christian groups that do this - you are expected to socialize and connect yourself only with those in the church.
I am blessed, my church encourages Christians to go out into the world and also to invite the world in. We have several yearly activities such as 'Trunk or Treat' which is at Halloween - the entire community is invited and I've known people who come from miles away just for this. One year as a church member my job was riding on a hay wagon to make sure everyone stayed safe. I was blessed to have a couple of the people share with me how much they appreciated the church doing this, they didn't go to church but they came for this every year. We also have an Easter Egg hunt, and a huge yard sale each year. All of these are held on the grounds, not inside the church so people that aren't Christians don't feel like their being forced to 'go to church'. And, there is no 'preaching' at these - we are to set an example by our actions not our words for these events. Different groups in the church also go out in the community and help such as yard work, shoveling snow, home repairs. We even do a 'vacation bible school' not at the church but at a local trailer park that is loaded with 'unbelievers'. The kids come and go and all have a great time then at the end of the week the church puts on a dinner - the men's group grill hotdogs and ladies group bring passing dishes, everyone in the trailer park is invited and we've had as many as 200 people join us for dinner.
I wish all churches had the attitude that mine does.
@trieschman (272)
• United States
11 Sep 08
It is our human nature to gravitate towards what we are comfortable with most. however, it is also a sin. Recognize Satan at work in your life. I imagine the culmination of your study at church will provide avenues for you to reach out as a congregation. If you want to do so before hand, look towards your food pantries, women's shelters, boys and girls clubs... Decide what it is you want to share and what gifts you have to do so with. Then find a place that can use your talent. It doesn't have to be earth shattering, every little bit helps.
@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
11 Sep 08
i have christian friends and also non-christian friends...actually with different religions like Muslims and Born-Again,,,they are nice...we seldom talk about religion as a respect with the others religion...but if the other friend ask about the religion,,,we willingly give out information and everything we can share about each others religion.
@Abrynn (54)
• United States
11 Sep 08
well i dont know about a bubble but they certainly are very scheduled and dont seem to have much time. I think one way is to kinda slow down your life and make time ive noticed from watching christain relatives that they are always so busy with events church is like 2 or 3 times a week the only ppl they ever see are from church so it kinda just does that it seems. i cant say much about the spreading the news part as i feel christianity does more harm than good but thats my own opinion ^^
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
That is the reason why your Sunday school is teaching you of the fact that you ARE living in a bubble. It is to encourage you to reach out to others and become aware of other people's religions.
I do not think that most of us live in bubbles. As a matter of fact 3 out of our group of 7 (girlfriends) are not Christians (and they don't even belong to the same religions) - we are a mixture of 4 religions in our group and we like sharing our faiths with each other. It helps us understand better where our faiths stand.
@astrodevilster (109)
• India
12 Sep 08
Yes, certainly agree with your statement, we Christians live in isolation with other communities. I know this form my own personal experience- it goes this way...
I am a student of a convent school which also has students belonging to different communities, for us Christians they have catechism classes every 3 days a week which is taken by a Brother.
Once he told us that a Christian teacher's daughter (of our school) had got married to a boy belonging to a different religion; it was actually a love marriage so they had to agree with their daughter as the boy was well set it in his job and earning a good amount of money. after the marriage was done that teacher one asked the Brother if there is a scarcity if well born and brought-up Christian boys????
To my surprise the Brother also agreed with him !!!!!!!!!!!
Friends especially Christians i want to ask you does this mean that there is a dearth of well born and brought-up Christian boys.
In my opinion the answer is NO !!!!!!!!!! its all because we Christians don't want to get into interaction with people of other communities or religion !!!!!!!!!!!
I think we should try and change that attitude of of community !!!!!!!
@bxsage1 (32)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I too am a born again christian and it breaks my heart to know that their is such a dark image of what a true christian is, but I also understand that we tend to have such a "bubble" around us. However, according to my understanding of the Word of God "The Holy Bible" there is a balance to make. Meaning as such, we are indeed not to mingle with angry people, double minded people, and sinners(without grace) because those who are good that dwells around those who practice wickedness tends to develop corrupt habits. Thats just the way it is. On the flip side, christians(sinners with grace, through Jesus Christ) are not to abandon themselves from socializing and being with others who are not on the same page as themselves. If I recall the scriprtures, "For ye are in the world, but not OF the world". There is a big signifant difference. I believe that we christians have to take the time to learn balance. Balance between "human religiocity" and the true faith. Balance between acting in the spirit of God, and maintaining our lives in the physical. Balance between spending quality time with friends, and knowing how far to go. And balance between being zealous for God, without overpowering or over bearing others. Hebrews 12:14 "Follow Peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see God".
Of course, it goes without saying the importance of spreading the Gospel to all nations (NOT SHOVING IT DOWN THEIR THROATS). For what christians fail to realize is this, people are drawn to God by the character and nature of the christian. Remember, 2 corinthians chapter 5 We have been given "The ministry of reconciliation" so therefore if people observe us and see our peace they will want that and be drawn, thus opening the opportunity to preach Jesus to that person. Thus in turn, fulfilling an old proverb: A soft answer turns away wrath. In application: A gentle approach availeth much.
Christian or Non-Christian, I think these principles can set us all in order. Amen.
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I think you definitely have to get out of the bubble, but you have to be careful how far you go. It is easy to pick up undesirable habits of others and be led astray if you are not careful. Be sure you are firmly grounded in your beliefs and have a Christian friend to keep you accountable. Then go out and spread the good news!
@emarie (5441)
• United States
11 Sep 08
growing up there were a lot of church activities, but i never thought about only socializing with church people. i didn't really like them at all. i'd prefer my school friends who had no practicing religion. the description you gave with only socializing and eliminating the 'outside' world seems more like cult then a religion. just my own opinion though.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
10 Sep 08
our family attends a baptist church and i totally have to agree with you, but we are trying to branch out to become friends with non christians. it is easy to only hang out with other christians, shop at christian stores, get milk from a christian cow (sorry, that was from a steve taylor song from the 80's on that very subject).
think outside of the box!
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Christians do live in a bubble, and everybodys trying to let the air out because they don't understand what it is to be a Christian. The church is not the walls or the preacher, its the people who follow God's direction and go out and tell others about Christ. If you spend a lot of time at church then it might seem like you only plan for Christian activities but if your church wants to outreach then it should invite non Christians to those functions. Let God do the rest, just invite them to come to church.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I agree that this can happen. I think it's good to challenge ourselves with this question every now and then. It can almost sneak up on us. One minute we are serving in one area of church and a moment later we are busy with 40 church things and our life is filled with only church life and our witness to the world is very weak. I think it is a great, big, safe, cozy, warm, comfortable temptation to withdraw from the world.
Awesome question!
God Bless!:)