Can the Democrats Destroy Sarah Palin? Not Likely!

United States
September 10, 2008 5:08pm CST
I just got an email from a conservative pollster saying that the Democrats are trying to destroy Sarah Palin. What a joke! No woman who has been through all that Sarah Palin has already endured can be destroyed by a bunch of slurs in the media. This woman is tough as nails and she is up for the challenge! And, I'm right here beside her and cheering her on all the way!
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7 responses
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
11 Sep 08
She's so tough that she's holing up in Alaska immediately following the convention and refusing to do any unscripted interviews. Yeah.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Sounds like Obama, only he did it for the better part of a year.
• United States
11 Sep 08
Let me ask you this. If you chose to go after a dream and you were suddenly attacked from people who don't even know you, wouldn't you take just a small amount of time to go back where you're loved to regroup and re-energize before facing the battle of your life? She's being smart. She's getting ready for the toughest battle of her life where she feels safe. I'd do the same thing in her place.
• United States
11 Sep 08
Please, Obama took part in over two dozen debates in the primaries alone, and does interviews commonly--he even went on O'Reilly. Do you think Palin would do something similar? If so, what's your explanation for why she hasn't nor has she made any plans to?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Sep 08
why would they want to destroy her, this is so silly. I am a democrat and I could not giveone fig for the woman.I just want to see someone rather than the old has been McCain in office, he looks like he is a candidate for a heart attack. Obama is my choice and dont minus me I have a right to have my opinion respected just as you do yours . so go Mc Cain and I will go Obama.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Good for you. Too bad so many people have to make up lies to attack their candidates opponent. It's nice to see that some can just stick to what matters.
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• United States
11 Sep 08
Again, the line came from an email from the media not me. I will vote for McCain but so are a lot of people I know. I think Obama can be charming but I don't think he's the right person in the White House and the fact that he wants to disarm our country's military scares the daylights out of me. I find him arrogant and wishy washy. And, I especially don't like his ideas to create more debt and more programs for people instead of encouraging self-support. All of these welfare type programs are hurting our economy and our citizens. The demands that the unions have put on our businesses have forced businesses to go outside our country to operate which has taken jobs away from people all over this country. People in this country who were born here are starving because so many in the Democratic party are willing to let illegal immigrants come in this country and work for dirt cheap undercutting our own citizens right out of food on their families' tables. There is no way I'd ever vote for people who are trying to socialize this country. This country was not founded or created to be a socialistic nation. It was created to be a land of free enterprise. Welfare programs are for people with a mindset of poverty. Free enterprise is a mindset of success. I've said this before but if the Kennedys and the Clintons and the Obamas ran their finances the way they run our country's finances, they'd be broke.
• United States
11 Sep 08
Whimsy said: ...the fact that he wants to disarm our country's military scares the daylights out of me I thought conservatives liked facts? The facts are that Obama wants to increase the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. He wants to replace aging Navy ships, make the head of the National Guard a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and reform Military contracting. These are just a few of his plans. He in no way wants to disarm our country's military.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Sep 08
They're scared. That's all their is to it. There were a lot of attacks on Obama over the last year, but in one week they've nearly matched that year with their attacks against Sarah Palin. The vast majority of their attacks are blatant lies with only liberal blogs as their supporting evidence. I'm amazed at how eager they are to believe such garbage. Of course, even CNN got fooled by that fake photo.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 Sep 08
They've both been attacked. there are truths and lies on both sides. We owe it to ourselves to differentiate(sp) between the truths and the lies and partisanism(if thats a word) should have nothing to do with it. Glad to be independant.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
"There were a lot of attacks on Obama over the last year, but in one week they've nearly matched that year with their attacks against Sarah Palin." WHAT attacks? How can you even compare all the attacks there have been against Obama to the way the media has babied Sarah Palin? Is criticizing her for not being willing to face any questions from the media an attack? Is the mere mention of her stance on choice and for someone to state they disagree with that an attack? I disagreeing with her idea of abstinence only education an attack? Is bringing up that she was for the Bridge to Nowhere an attack? I disagree totally with those who have said she has no right running for VP because she has five kids and other idiotic things like that but even that doesn't compare to the daily claims here on myLot alone about Obama's past as a radical Muslim or even claims that he's the anti-Christ! Annie
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• United States
10 Sep 08
Finally, someone who speaks some sense!
• United States
11 Sep 08
Why is it that when conservatives are questioned is is perceived as an attempt to destroy someone? Why is it that Palin cannot make a speech on her own...without McCain standing beside her or behind her? How is it that some unknown to the country at large woman can dare to think she can get away without answering questions from the press? Would Obama or Clinton or Biden get away with this attitude of "don't ask me questions I don't want to answer?" No, they would not. One night, watching the late night news, I heard something I could not believe. Rick Davis (campaign manager) said that the media would not be given access to Palin until they started showing her "respect and deference". I almost blew a gasket laughing. Deference? Webster's dictionary defines the word deference as: respect and esteem due a superior or an elder; also : affected or ingratiating regard for another's wishes. Just who does the McCain camp think she is? That was absolutely laughable while at the same time making me want to vomit! How repulsive.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Sep 08
CherylsPearls, thanks so much for bringing up the "deference" comment by Davis. I'd been meaning to mention that but it somehow kept slipping my mind, then I'd hear it repeated on TV again, feel ill again while giggling (like you!), then I'd forget to write about it! Deference my a$$!! I must say, now that I've seen her first interview I can sure understand why they wanted to keep her hidden and under control. The VP debate is going to be one entertaining show! Annie
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Sep 08
They're only alienating more voters with that attitude. I am not necessarily looking for warm and fuzzy but I do have questions that I need answers to and gestapo tactics aren't going to play well with the general public, especially the swing voters. This is an election campaign, not a meeting at the State House.
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
10 Sep 08
Why? She is running with a man who opposes Equal Pay for Equal Work. What kind of woman could support such an idea? *That females should make less because they do not have flesh hanging between their legs?* She opposes abortion in the case of rape and incest. Believes a mother should have the child, obviously raising it without a father. Where does she get the money to support this child? Palin doesn't even help her get what she is worth... And think about it, this woman did not prepare, was violated, probably not the best mental state for a child. And the child might look like her attacker?! How can this be moral? Although she supports it if it endangers the life of the mother. Doesn't she believe in God? Doesn't God have a plan? But she thinks it's okay to save a life that naturally would have been lost.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Sep 08
"She is running with a man who opposes Equal Pay for Equal Work. What kind of woman could support such an idea?*That females should make less because they do not have flesh hanging between their legs?*" Sorry Pitgull, but that part is a lie. McCain pays the women on his staff more than the men. He supports the current law that any lawsuits for pay inequity be filed withing 6 months. He only opposed a bill that would have extended that time period. Since Sarah Palin makes more than her husband, I don't see how anyone would think she's against equal pay.
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
17 Sep 08
John McCain does not support Equal Pay for Equal Work, maybe the "concept" but no, he does not. He thinks these acts are a way to harm employers, when they are supposed to protect the people who need them more than anything. Palin running with McCain, regardless of how much she makes, is completely UNAmerican in ideology. NO American woman in her right mind would run with a man that has voted and said what he has about these bills. "More training?" I mean, seriously. There are true issues, where that is not the case, where women have to fight to get the pay they deserve, and have already worked for. Palin either supports it, or is getting something in return for being some doll for the Republican party. Either way, that is unacceptable. Too many women, have fought and come too far, to let this party throw us back into the dark ages. Cites ny times, and government websites.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I don't think anyone is trying to destroy Palin...that charge seems pretty out there to me. I'm sure she is tough as nails but it takes more than toughness to win an election and, while she has gotten a lot of press (as was intended by choosing her) I don't see the poll numbers taking large leaps in her direction. Keep in mind, too, that she has so far only recited scripted speeches. I want to see her answer some of the questions that are on the minds of voters and address some of the issues she supports that many voters, especially women, are opposed to.
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• United States
11 Sep 08
As I said in my post, that was the statement in an email I received about them trying to destroy Sarah Palin. I don't truly believe that they are trying to destroy her but they are trying to smear her the best way they know how to detract from her as they do with McCain and the Republicans do to the Democrats. As far as her responding to the tough questions you spoke of, I think she can handle that. It just may not be what you want to hear. Those of us who have strong beliefs against things like abortion never make sense to those who believe in it because it is a spiritual issue and isn't meant to make "sense." It makes sense to God and some of us are able to accept that without issue. I realize that this doesn't fit those who base everything on their mental capability to understand but the way I see it, God is a lot smarter than I am and I don't have a problem with accepting that He knows best. In this day and age, most people want to be able to understand everything, which I find absurd that any human being would be so arrogant to think they can possibly understand everything. I have had an intimate relationship with God since I was very small and I understand more from a spiritual level deep inside of me than with my mind and I don't feel the need to understand everything from a mental perspective. And, I don't feel any need to defend that perspective.
• United States
11 Sep 08
I'm not being testy nor am I trying to force my beliefs on you or anyone else. Truth be told, it's the people who believe that abortion is alright who are forcing it on us because the liberal Democrats have managed to get bills passed in Congress to force us all to pay for abortions we believe are wrong by way of taxes. My taxes contribute to pay for women to do something I consider abhorent and I'm forced to go along with it unless I want to disobey the law. So, who's forcing who if truth be told? I'm not interested in forcing my beliefs on you or anyone and I don't believe Sarah Palin is either. I think she stands by what she believes and when you stand for something, you vote accordingly and there's always going to be someone who doesn't agree with you. I think what I admire most about her is that she lives as she believes. That doesn't mean she hasn't made mistakes but I think she's learned from them and tried to correct her life accordingly. I don't see that in Obama at all. I think he changes his mind over and over again just to make the public happy enough to vote for him. The fact that Sarah Palin has strong stances on things makes me feel really good about her. I don't think you are an undecided about her. I think you've already made up your mind and will vote for whomever will agree with you. Sarah Palin isn't going to do that. What you are looking for is someone who will compromise their beliefs and I don't think Sarah will do that. I know I wouldn't.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Whims, it's been a long campaign and I realize that nerves are getting frayed but you're not helping your candidate by being testy towards the swing voters like me who have not committed to either candidate. It just may not be what you want to hear. Those of us who have strong beliefs against things like abortion never make sense to those who believe in it because it is a spiritual issue and isn't meant to make "sense." It makes sense to God and some of us are able to accept that without issue. I agree, it may not be what I want to hear and that would be unfortunate for the Republican party because the religious right has never won a presidential election. I'm glad that your faith is is mine and I'm sure you'll agree that having a strong religious base is comforting and important in our daily lives. The fact that I am pro choice, that I care about the lives and welfare of other women, does not necessarily mean that I have or would ever have an abortion myself or that spiritual issues don't make sense to me. I'm not so rigid that I would force my beliefs on others and I object to those who believe that they have the right to. Do you also agree that s*x education should not be taught in school and that abstinence is the only acceptable form of birth control? I realize that you don't feel the need to defend your perspectives, and no one is trying to put you on the defensive. I think I've been very civil although we disagree on abortion so my questions to you aren't meant to be confrontational. I am trying to get different points of view so, if you agree with Palin on this as well, tell me why. After all, this is a discussion board so lets discuss it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
What has she endured that millions of other women, women with far fewer resources than she has, have not? You can call her tough as nails which may be true enough, I feel she's hard as a rock and cold as ice, but that's just my opinion. Anyway, the way she's been hiding from the media for two weeks already, just giving her same speech over and over again but taking no questions, does little to show her to be up for the challenge! I'm being honest here and I'm doing my best to be respectful but can you or anyone else who reads this post be honest with me and tell me how it is that voters and the media having questions about this woman constitutes trying to "destroy" her? Maybe this pit-bull better get back on the porch with the Shi'tzu'! (At least they're very lovable and affectionate!) Annie
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I'm not for either candidate. I have researched and it seems there are many more lies about Obama than Palin. Maybe it's easier to lie about him. I don't know. But Taskr and Annie, you are both arguing partisan politics. Both sides are wrong. I don't like her, for her social views differ too greatly from my own. That's not lies. I'm not a fan of obama because of his experience level. Also not lies. From my viewpoint, I dislike her more. But none of it is based on propoganda
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Sep 08
"People are trying to destroy her by making up countless lies. Come on Annie, you've seen all the lies spread by liberals on the internet and on these forums. I don't think any of the right wing bloggers can compete with the disgusting things said by the scumbags at DailyKOS." Taskr, I don't make a habit of reading any of these partisan blogs from either side on a regular basis but I've read many of the things that have been put out there about Obama right here for what seems like years now; you're actually saying that anyone has been saying things about Palin that's worse than the crap that's been posted here about Obama? I'm quite serious here in asking for an example of this because I honestly have not seen it! If you're referring to the nonsense about her baby being her daughter's, that was rotten and I've said so but do you really think that's even close to being as rotten as those who have said Obama is some kind of a terrorist with a plot to destroy America? In my own opinion, there's really no need for anyone to try to destroy her because I have a hunch she's going to self-destruct before our very eyes. Nobody has to make a thing up, it's all right there in her words and her record. Annie
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Sep 08
People are trying to destroy her by making up countless lies. Come on Annie, you've seen all the lies spread by liberals on the internet and on these forums. I don't think any of the right wing bloggers can compete with the disgusting things said by the scumbags at DailyKOS.