what would you rather have?

@kayedanda (1850)
September 11, 2008 7:06am CST
a fun job that does not remunerate much? or a boring job that pays a lot? right now, i'd have to go for the latter, being a new mom and all. i find that having a baby somehow pushed aside my idealism (that of having a fun job although the pay is low). i mean, i gotta feed my kid. and besides, i think those jobs that combines both fun and high salary is really hard to find. what's your take on this?
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9 responses
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
I'd rather have a fun job than a boring job - like what I have right now. I think that it's nice but you can suffer from lack of money . See this article I've written about the evolution of being a career woman. Decades ago, the role of the Filipino woman was to be her husband’s partner in taking care of the children and of keeping the house tidy and in order. Her job is to cook breakfast early, wake the kids and help them prepare for school, help her husband get ready for work, juggle the grocery shopping while keeping the baby clean, plus doing the extra chores at home such as cleaning and washing the dishes and clothes, doing some ironing, and generally, to be at home. In the late afternoon, she waits for her husband when he comes home from work. Her husband works for money to keep their budget well provided for. Yes, the career of the Filipino woman was to be the home manager. Later on, women were accepted as secretaries to the big bosses. Women accept the calls and act as receptionists. Men still dominated the business world. Men ruled. Women followed. Corporations saw these office clad men inside their numerous cubicles. It was a stag affair. The chance of a woman ruling that stag office was very remote. The idea might even cause the executives to laugh. No, women just don’t belong to the corporate world. However, this idea had somehow changed over the years. Nowadays, women are dominating the world of business and technology. You can scarcely see an office where men are in majority. Look all around you, see all those women in business attire? They move fast to wherever their offices are. They move with confidence - a confidence which was not seen in the housewife of long ago. Women now occupy the higher tiers of the business ranks: supervisors, managers, board members, and CEOs. How did this come to be? How did the women invade the world which was long ago solely controlled by men? This might be attributed to the more liberated authorities who allowed women to go to school. Because women were allowed to gain education as part of their rights of being a human being, these increased their confidence. Schools and universities helped hone their talents and allowed them to work outside their homes to gain expertise in various fields of business, manufacturing, and other careers. Little by little the schools allowed more and more women to enter their halls. Though the business and manufacturing world was sceptical at first, the women proved that they, indeed, can work as well as their male counterparts. Little by little, the world recognized how this Filipina can meticulously get her job done, how she can close that difficult deal, and how she can manage a team of people under her supervision. Men recognized her wealth of ideas that she can contribute to developing the business that she was allowed to control. Little by little, year by year, it became easier for men to accept women as career partners. No longer are they restricted to the confines of their being a homemaker, a woman who waits on her husband. A lot are even managing both their homes and their careers as well as they have managed to fit in all the chores while keeping the children clean and disciplined. The Filipino career woman is now the epitome of confidence. No longer is this Filipina tied to her home; she has opened her mind to a wider horizon where possibilities never end. I guess then that it's better to have a paying job. I am contradicting my precious answer .
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
hahahaha!! you are funny! and good article, by the way. very insightful where did you publish this?
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
On my blog but I later removed it when I passed it for another blog site . Thanks.
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@Bobbysox (224)
18 Sep 08
A fun job sounds good to me ,but the fun jobs dont always pay enough money to keep the family and pay the bills,it would be great if we all could take a fun job,but there are a lot who have to settle for a normal pretty boring job ,one that earns enough money to cover all of the household bills and puts food on the table,sad though isnt it
@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
yeah. it's one hard truth about life. as one answerer aptly put it, we can't have the best of both worlds. but anyways, as long as i see my family live well on the salary that i earn on my boring job, then i guess that's enough for me
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
I rather have a job who pays more, boring as it is, but it pays the bills. It is really rare that someone enjoys the job and still get a lot from it, but my hubby does, he is a programmer and he enjoys doing what he does, I always tease him that is actually more of a hobby to him than a job, and it pays well
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
wow! i envy your husband so, so much!!
@Essedel (12)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
I'd rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well. I feel if you do have this high paying job and you go to work all the time, it will suddenly become as just another extra chore for you to do. And we all hate chores to some extent right? I really am more for doing something that even if it doesn't pay well, you feel accomplished, or you won't be guilty of hating what you're doing because...well, you really love what you're doing. And at the end of the day, you don't feel tired, or even super exhausted and get drained from work, and if it keeps on going like this, you might even curse the existence of your own job and become burnt out by it. And getting burnt out is somehow even worse. At least with a job that I really enjoy, I wouldn't have to worry about trying to motivate myself over and over just to go through an agonizing day at work. And I wouldn't even think of it as a job, I will come toy think of it as a hobby even, LOL, cause it's really that fun to do! :D So yeah, loving what you do is VERY important for your own sanity and overall satisfaction with what's going on in your life.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
hi kayedanda. Nice topic of discussion, i really can relate to this topic. Cause at present im also experiencing that problem. I cant decide on myself whether to look for a job that is fun or stay at my current job that bores me but pays nice. Im working now in a company that bores me cause i cant use my skills and my work now doesnt really need to exert more effort but i receive a good salary compare to my previous jobs that really requires alot of effort but will pay you on a minimum wage. I dont say that my work is effortless but compare to my job now im more relax than working on other company which requires you to work overtime that you tend to loose time for your family as well as time for yourself. I decided to stay in my job cause i love my job and also eventually i realized that im getting a nice pay why should i look for more, thus i have to save more money for my future. I have to be thankful to God that im blessed. Im already more than 3 years in our company. I should stay longer and on the right time if opportunity knocks on my door If God permits me then il grab it tightly. Again it should be on the RIGHT TIME. Just be patient.=)
@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
we are almost in the same situation. my job pays well, too, and it allows me to stay at home with my child. but after a while of doing this, i got tired, you know. i know i am asking for too much, because very few people possess the same opportunity that has been given me (i know persons who'd want to do what i do, given the skill in writing, because, as i said, it pays well and it allows to watch over the family), but i guess it's just human nature to be unsatisfied with what one has.oh well, i guess my job has more pros than cons so i think i might stick with this for a while longer thanks for the input ralph!
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
Well i think you cant have the best of both worlds at times... i would prefer a job with high income even though it might just kill me with boredom!!! but i would definitely compensate it with a more happening after work plans!!
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
yeah your correct bizyogesh. At times like this which our country is in economic crisis we should be practical. Having a nice paying job is a blessing. If you are bored on your work then make your work more dynamic and meaningful for you to enjoy. You can compensate it with lot of enjoyments after your work. Theres a solution in every problem. Just be greatful and feel lucky that you have job compare to others that are unemployed. There's alot of people who are trying to find a job but cant find one. =)
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• India
11 Sep 08
Having a fun job gives us lots of satisfaction and lots of peace, while on the other hand a boring job makes us to just count days for us to quit the job. So far, I have always done and joined jobs which are fun rather then boring, I would never go for boring jobs even though the pay is more. Ofcourse the payment is important but if it is somewhere near then we can just go for a fun job only. and these days sometimes I do feel in my job that I am doing the job for earning purpose and not for fun and would like to change myself a lot so that more of seriousness is there when i work which enhances my performance better.
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• United States
12 Sep 08
I was blessed with the kind of temperament that can find fascination in just about anything, so I've never held a job that wasn't fun and interesting. It's not that the jobs are interesting - looking back, they're not the type of jobs that I'd think interesting - an aide in a nursing home, an administrative assistant in a homeless shelter, an overnight aide in a program for developmentally disabled teens - but while I was doing them, they were totally engrossing. Heck, I even had fun in the job where my main duties were counting the number of boxes of screws and nails on warehouse shelves and counting out 100 screws at a time to package them up for sale. Given a choice, though, I'd certainly pick a job that I love that also pays a lot of money!
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@blitzkiba (641)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
well if i where in your position right now id pick the job with the high salary. Right now fun isnt an option for you its all about how you take good care of your baby.(i think)
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