Where were you 7 years ago today?
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
September 11, 2008 7:35am CST
This is NOT a political thread. Leave your ideology at the door.Leave your Bush-McCain-Obama bashing at the door please. I will not toloerate a single ill spoken word in this particular thread. Please, folks, a little grace and dignity here.
I was at work. I had just gashed my finger open on a utility knife and was on my way to the bathroom with my finger wrapped and bleeding. I had noticed that the music had stoped an all the radios and all I could here was unintelligable talking. A guy I worked with walked by and said to me, "hey1 did you hear?we're under attack, we're being bombed with our own planes as the missles!"
Shortly after I was at the hospital, the nurse was bringing in regular updates for me while I was examined and stitched up. by that thime, the last plane had gone down in pensivania. I remember thinking, "this is going to change us forever".
I was sent home for the day because they were concerned my wrapped and stitched finger would just get in the way and I was risking popping it open if I worked with it. I got home and my wife waas outside with a look of utter shock on her face. My neighbor's were outside talking, a few were crying. I walked numbly in to my house, cnn was on. By then the towers had alreday fallen. I looked on the tv and saw the gap wher the towers had been and my stomach lurched. I almost vomited right there. That was when the full scope of things hit me, and yes, I cried.
Never forget, America. NEVER EVER forget.
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31 responses
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I work at a facility that repairs and reconditions some of the vehicles that our soldiers use in combat. I remember that day so well it is almost surreal. When I first heard someone talking about a plane hitting abuilding in New York The first thought in my head was "private" plane, small plane, but as the morning progressed and more of the people who were able to get to a break room with a TV it became very appearant that America was under attack! That day involved a total shut-down of access to the facility of anyone not be absolutely necessary to accomplish our mission and the next day coming to work involved about two hours getting through the gate due to 100% vehicle inspections. It was a day and week and rest of the year we will all remember as we go about our work even today 7 years later.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I was at home at the time. I had just looked out the back door and commented on the beautiful blue September sky.
I went to the living room with my coffee and turned on the news, like I do every day. They were already talking about the first tower going down. I thought it was a horrible accident. My daughter came in to watch with me. Then I saw the second plane hit the 2nd tower. I was in total shock. I cried like a baby when I realized that it was a purposeful attack and not an accident as I had first thought. My daughter cried with me.
My day had started, really, with my interest in the beautiful blue sky. To this day, when the sky is that beautiful blue that it often is in September, I can't say it out loud. I always stop and think about September 11th.
@Teyjattt (126)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I had almost the same reaction. I was driving to work and heard on the radio about a plane hitting the first tower and thought what a freak accident and wondered how in the world that could happen. I got to work and turned on the t.v. to news to see how it happened (still thinking it as some accident) and watched live as the second plane hit. It became immediately apparent we were under attack, all I could think was "Oh my God". Needless to say it was an unproductive day for us all as we were glued to the t.v. set.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I cried too (I still do!).. I'm sure so many did.. My daughter's friend called and told her what was happening then we were glued to the tv for the rest of the day and I was tuned in for some days after that..
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Sep 08
I'm an Aussie. I was up late on the computer...it was about 11pm. I was getting ready for bed and for some reason my bedside radio was on. I could here someone describing the events but I didn't realise it was a news program as I came into my room before it began. I thought it was some radio show. When I went to work next day it was very strange...no-one knew what to say...it was as if we were all numb and disbelieving that it had actually happened...it was like the radio program War of the Worlds in reverse. On that show Orson Wells read a supposed news report that Earth was being attacked by Martians:
@crunkyjens (463)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I was at work at my old job scanning blue prints into a big scanner. One of my co-workers asked if I had heard what happened. When I shook my head no she told me and the first thing I could think to ask was "Are people hurt?!" If I only knew at that time exactly how many would be hurt, killed, and emotionally scared for life. A few minutes later I rushed to the cafeteria where there were tv's and it was there that I witnessed the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower, as I was sitting there, in real time. I couldn't believe it.
I don't think ANYONE who was old enough to remember, will forget where they were that day. It's unforgettable.
@jbl1975 (374)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I won't forget. I woke up at around 8:45AM unaware of anything at all. I had to be at work around 10AM or so to deliver an order of pizzas to a school (I was a pizza delivery driver). I took a shower, dried off, put on my uniform, and was sitting at my computer surfing the web (I even opened the CNN page, which was [and still is] my home page, and there wasn't anything about it there yet), when the phone rang. It was my mother. I answered it with my typical "Yeah, what's up?" and she coldly said, "Turn on the TV." I go, "Why? What happened?" She says, "Two planes have just crashed into the World Trade Center. One each into each building." I'm like "Oh s--t!" Turned on the TV, and sure enough, there were the WTC towers on fire. I don't remember much else from there, but I do remember calling my friends about it, and then there was me driving to the store when I heard about the Pentagon being hit. My jaw dropped on that one. I also remember getting to work and telling the manager there what happened. Believe it or not, she didn't even know what the WTC was! Here I am trying to keep her up to date when she didn't even know what was going on. When I took the first delivery of pizzas to the school, I heard about one tower going down, and on my way back, I heard about the other tower as well. When I got back, I told her about that, but it was kind of futile, so I asked if there was a radio there. She pointed to it, and I immediately turned on WWJ (I'm originally from Detroit) and just in time for the late Christopher Glenn to do a top-of-the-hour CBS News update recapping EVERYTHING! As I, the manager, and the assistant manager listened stunned out of our minds, I contemplated initiating a group hug, but I didn't, and it's something I picture doing but regret not doing. I took the final delivery of pizzas trying to make calls, which was at times futile, because EVERYBODY was calling EVERYBODY so the cell phone lines were jammed. Afterwards, I went home and just left the TV on all day. I didn't want to return to work at 4PM but I had to, feeling as uneasy as everyone else did, and still listening to the news. Unbelievable.
Personally I have my reservation over who REALLY did it and what REALLY happened, but those shall be saved for another time.
@chileman (967)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
Bush-McCain-Obama, who are they *wink* As an Aussie who loves americans and the close connection we have with the US it was a terrible day in history of course but even more, a day when the hearts of Australians went out the the US as we know in a smaller scale what terrorism can do to a nation and it's people. God bless!
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I was online in a chatroom with the TV on. Keep in mind that I had cable-modem, but no cable TV. I live close enough to have lost almost all of the antenna television channels, being that quite a few broadcast companies had their transmitter & antenna facilities/sites on the top of Tower I, the first thing that was hit. Being that internet news was not quite as advanced as it is nowadays, I ended up getting most of my news in the chatroom from others who were in the chatroom & either listening to their radios or watching it on their TV's at the same time.
Anyway, I mentioned my experience of that day over at:
& at:
@weeleybridge04 (77)
12 Sep 08
I too remember where I was,I was at work,working as an operations manager in London UK,had the TV on for the lunchtime news when it came over that a plane had hit the first tower,then while we were watching we saw the second plane come around and hit the second tower. The office went silent,everyone was numb with shock,we all said at the time that it had to have been a terrorist attack.Living in the UK we had lived with the threat of terrorism for years but this was something else,I too felt physically sick. NO ONE SHOULD EVER FORGET.
@halynn (1809)
• United States
13 Sep 08
i was in the office that day catchin up on billing when i heard about it. I was 6 mo preg @ the time. I as i'm sure most others will never forget that day. i rem seeing the plane hit the 2nd twin tower & idk it was So horrible. I also rem thinkin what a sad world 2 bring a baby into. i felt so sorry 4 my child @ that moment too. IF this is happening now what will happen later when he's a grown man u know. its so scary. God bless everyone effected directly on that day. best wishes.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Don't worry we won't but kids just being born will feel about it the way that present ones feel about pearl harbor. These things get a lot softer with age.
and tahtn God that they do or we'd never be able to forgive. Forgetting is a different thing from forgiving isn't it?
@thickchic (41)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I had just gotten out of bed just dong some things aond the house . At tht time I worked the evening shift. It was unbelievable what i saw.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
11 Sep 08
It was early morning at my small home in Pomona, California, and I had just gotten out of the shower, and went into my room to get dressed, when I suddenly had this urge to turn on the television, I do not know if anyone else had the same urge, but I did, and it was like I was watch a film being made. It was unreal. I had heard that "Spider-Man" was being filmed at this time, so I thought that it was about that at first. I turned up the volume. So, I turned on the television in my living room, just to be sure. I got dressed and ate breakfast in a hurry because I had to go to high school at this time. I was in my junior year at Ganesha High School, in Pomona, and everyone at school was either silent, in a state of shock, or talking to others about what was going on. The subject of course was the World Trade Center Towers in New York City. Every television in every classroom was turned on. We could stop watching the carnage and destruction that was going on in NYC. We were shocked, silent, helpless, you name it. We were wondering if anyone we knew was there at that moment, and we wanted to get in contact with all of our relatives. It was unbelievable. My brother was alive back then, and for the first time in our lives, we knew life would be dramatically different from what we were used to. We feared war and a draft would happen. We were right about the first one.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
11 Sep 08
I was working the afternoon shift at the time and was fast asleep when the first plane hit. My hubby had the TV on and woke me up to say a plane had just flown into the world trade centre. I had barely even heard of the world trade centre. I got up and put on a coffee and sat down in my housecoat on the couch where I stayed for the next 7 hours glued to the news. I remember thinking the world will never be the same. As America's neighbour to the north I wasn't sure if we would be next. It felt like the world was being attacked. To this day I can remember watching the second plane hit and the way it made me feel. I don't think anyone that watched it unfold will ever be the same. I for one will never forget.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
11 Sep 08
I was in the shipping office where I worked in Port of Spain, Trinidad at the time and was listening to the broadcsat on the radio from New York.
Everyone was nervous. We all thought it was something like World War III that was on.
People were trying to contact friends in Miami and New York and Toronto.
It was a frightening time for everyone.
@BinaryKat (735)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Amazing how 7 years has passed since 9/11 happened. I remember I had just started my freshman year of school that fall and I was with my dad at his office as he is a teacher there also. His colleague came to my dad's office and said listen to the radio and they were talking about the planes crashing into WTC. I remember I was in shock and could not believe it. Then sometime later that day, school admin told everyone to go home because of a running rumor a plane was heading to Chicago and aiming for the Sears tower. So my dad and I came home and watched the news. I was devastated by the destruction of 9/11 and remembering wanting to cry. I was full of mixed emotions that day. So every time 9/11 comes around, I have my own personal moment of silence and a prayer for all the families that lost a loved one in that tragic event. We will never forget and God Bless everyone.
@Erin88 (348)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I was in an early morning anatomy and physiology class. I remember thinking how much I resented having to get up so early for a class and counting down the minutes until the class ended. I didn't have to wait long. There was a knock on our classroom door. Our professor stepped out for a few minutes. When she got back, she told us that a plane had crashed into the trade center. She dismissed class and told us to go spend time with our families. I drove home feeling numb. It made me realize how short life is, and how important it is to cherish every moment.
@lizard211 (240)
• United States
12 Sep 08
My oldest sister came rushing in my bedroom and said - or yelled - that the Twin Towers were down. Now I have never been a morning person and it takes me a good hour to wake up but let me tell you, I woke up. For most of the day, we just sat in front of the tv, believing and not believing that this (along with the Pentagon and Pennsylvania crash) actually happened. It was so surreal.