For least favorite celebrity, the winner is..........

@rocketj1 (6955)
United States
September 11, 2008 9:48am CST
Is there an actor, you just can't stand watching? A comedian that you wonder "Who thinks this jerk is funny?" How about someone who is always in the news and you just don't understand the media's facination with them? How about a singer who's voice makes your skin crawl? Come on, let it out! Who drives you nuts in the world of famous people?
4 responses
11 Sep 08 far i can't stand seeing Heidi Montag and boyfriend Spencer. they're so fake!! if they ever do a movie i will not waste my money on them that's for sure!!
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I will admit that I have just recently seen her name in celebrity news and I am clueless as to what she has ever done! Thanks.
• United States
11 Sep 08
Joan Cusack. Dont ask me why, as I really cant tell you. She seems to be an okay actress, however, her voice is very annoying to me and so that initally turned me off to her. Now anytime im watching something, if her face or voice is involved, it has to be turned, no matter how good the movie or show might be otherwise...i just cant stand her for some reason.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I actually like her but I admit there is something unique about the way she talks. It's like she contorts her face in odd ways when she talks. I know her brother is John Cusack and I don't see him doing that. Thank you for the post:)
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I have never been able to stand Gilbert Godfrey he just screams and it is sooo annoying! I also can't stan Mariah Carrey everyone loves her but heck my 5 year daughter can scream at the top of her lungs for 3 mintues which is all she does. I can't stand her!
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I think Gilbert Godfrey does great cartoon voices but I can't figure out what else he is famous for? I'm with you on that one. thanks:)
@savmot (261)
11 Sep 08
penelope cruz does my head in. I don't know why, I can't watch any films that she is in. I also avoid anything with will ferrell or vince vaughn. And jim carrey. Creepy, odd little man that he is, with freakily straight white teeth.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I can only take Jim carrey in small doses too. Maniacal could be the word. Thanks:)