Have you noticed that most kids nowadays dont have the good values anymore?
By eve301345
@eve301345 (658)
September 12, 2008 12:32am CST
I feel sad to see that kids attitude have change so much in a very short time. I am only 24 years old but because I grow up in a province I still experience the values that you should respect the older people than you whoever they are and what ever they are but this time kids can just yell at there parents, say bad words to other older people and no more respect to older sisters and brothers. I am really sad to see this.
I have experience once that I will never forget. We were in a Coles supermarket in Australia couple of years ago doing our grocery when this old lady drop her groceries in the floor. There are many people at that time but nobody want to help this lady to pick up her groceries so I came over and help her pick up her stuff. After that She said to me "thats is very kind of you young lady, thank you very much" and she give me this beautiful smile and the look on her face of how amazed she was with what I did was unbelievable. I feel so great that whole day.
Don't you think it would be better if our kids still have attitude like these? Do you think it still possible to restore the good values our parents and ancestors have before?
Thank you for your time Myloters
Happy Myloting
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18 responses
@migsmartinez (1293)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
I see the decrease in good values in kids nowadays too. Here in the Philippines, we were taught as kids to respect our elders. Now, there is a lack of respect for the elders and I even see some kids disrespecting and embarrassing their parents in public. I think this is due to the lack of disciplining by their parents. I think we should train our kids to respect their elders the same way we were trained to respect our elders when we were young. Hopefully, the next generation will not be full of young, disrespectful people.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
It's a sad fact of life that the world has changed... for the worse, ethically, morally and behaviorally speaking. A generation is growing up with a different set of behavior patterns and value systems. It is a 'me first' generation, where people think more of themselves than for others, although not everyone behaves like this. This attitude to life affects the way the young generation now show respect to authority, the elders and to those less privileged than themselves. They demand more rights and independence, more say in their lives and do not like to be subjected to authority. I think all these patterns of behavior we are seeing today are influenced by factors such as world events, the internet giving people space to express themselves, more freedom of speech being exercised everywhere, faster pace of society resulting in people wanting to get ahead and having less tolerance for others, amongst others. It's hard to change peoples' attitudes for the better, but we must try. Otherwise it will get worse with each new generation.

@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
Frankly, I worry somewhat for the next generation. If the current young generation of people do not change their habits and bring all the bad traits with them into their adult life, they will inculcate these same habits and values to their children in future, and the world will be worse off for everyone.
@eve301345 (658)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
I agree with you and the sad thing is I don't think people understand that that kind of attitude is actually affecting on our world. The people start not to care of everything therefore others are becoming the same and if there are few that are not like this its not enough to save what we have lost.

@mobilecubie (820)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
I'm just ashamed on how human behavior seems to be on a downwards spiral nowadays. I've noticed this as well and I can't help but blame the people who didn't want to spank their children a few times, the media, and the parents or guardians. Even though brutality isn't the answer, a good couple of spanks (not done with very excessive force nor with the intent to harm) will do wonders to children. Society nowadays just wants the youth to be disciplined in another way, but the sad thing is its not working. Juveniles should be corrected early on or we'll face the hard reality of no longer having the ability to help them. I also blame the media because of what they show on TV or what they release on publications will definitely be imitated by the children. No amount of warning will prevent the children to see what you show or publish, what ever they though were good rules before are useless now. And I blame the parents or guardians of those children who are left unsupervised. They may have their reasons and their reasons may be good, but its hardly an excuse to neglect you duties. The really sad thing about humanity is that we love to complain but we hate to do anything about it. Well enough of that, moving on, I want to say that I applaud you for what you did for that old lady. Its rare that you get to help someone and even rarer that you can help someone. Kudos for you great act. I hope this means humanity still has some hope left.
@eve301345 (658)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
Hi Mobilecubie, I agree with you about this rules and restriction they have for the parents to discipline the child on their own way. The thing is I don't think they see what really going on around because they are too busy of wars. Do they realize that unless children have better view of real life when they grow they can be one of thus warrior? As I see it with our grown up children now that did not get a chance to be discipline they don't care about others its all about there selfs. Sad to see this really but what can we do who want better changes, nothing because its been taken over now with bad attitude.
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@mobilecubie (820)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
Indeed its a gloomy world we live in. The focus on things are just not right nowadays. Instead of peace people focus on war, instead of helping others most people focus on helping themselves. Its a pity we needed to come to his point in time. Well perhaps we can't change the products of our mistakes, but we can change and protect those who isn't tainted by evil yet. I guess being a good example to people is a good way to start change in our world.
@blueyankee44 (43)
• China
13 Sep 08
Have you noticed that their parents,have very few values to learn from.There is less values and good people on some of these Internet Forums,which could benefit
from some good members,as well.I joined two other forums,and the people on them are
so incredibility ignorant,of the rights of another members.They were turned in to
the moderators a few times,but they never offered to do anything to stop these
people.This site is one of the best.You can really appreciate MYLOT so its good to
be happy here. Thanks James
@iceblizzard (749)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
The values of children has greatly affected by media. Like those arising new technologies and others. Children are great imitators, they tend to copy what they see. It is said the a child is the father of man, its basically true. Whatever the person will become when he grown up is a product of his childhood experience. The environment plays great factor in molding the characteristics of a child. Because of the new media and the changes in society, the children behavior evolves so fast that you can expect it to be that way.
@tparring (108)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I agree....kids are more disrespectful now a days. one parent family house holds are increasing every year. Which means there is know body at home (because the single parent is working to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads) that has the time to teach these kids how to respect the people around you. Of course there are many factors to contribute to this lack of culture and respect...but that is just the first that came to mind.
The thing with teaching people about culture and respect...and have them be almost religious about it...I believe you have to start implimenting and enforcing these values in people at a young age...before thay are effected by the out side world (the peolple outside of family, like their friends), and continue to implement and inforce through their whole growing up part of life (childhood, adolecence, teen hood, and even early adult hood)
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
Well this is common because nowadays the influence of the stuff around us affect the child yea .When people have the power already they tend to do something immoral.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08

@rekcart83 (149)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
I don't think that's true. It's just there are kids who has values and kids that don't. Maybe in you place kids like that are the majority. Just like here there are kids who are rude. But nice kids are still the majority. If I sometimes encounter kids that have no manners I just think on what kind of parent do these kids have.
@stylioJ (403)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I think our over-reliance on technology has kind of dumbed down a lot of people and made them not understand how to be truly appropriate in social situations. I also think a lot of parents aren't around enough for their children anymore or they are too easy on them because they try to be their kids' friends instead of parenting. I think there are just a lot more rude people today...I don't think it's limited to the younger generations. I'm definitely happy to hear your story at the grocery store. Keep it up!
@wildspirit722 (179)
• United States
12 Sep 08
You couldn't be closer to the truth. My daughter said the f word to me several times and she doesn't believe in GOD and she just has no respect for her elders. It is because we used to be able to scold our kids for doing something disrespectful, but today, they would just tell their parents moms or call child abuse and totally exagerate everything to make us look as bad as they can. Why? Because they can. Values were much different back when parents used to be able to not let their kids get away with anything. They knew if they did something wrong or disrespectful, they'd get in big trouble for it so they didn't do it near as much. They thought first before doing it. Now, forget it. We've been shielded against teaching our kids right from wrong. I try very hard not to let the system controll my child raising, but it can be difficult at times. Luckily, my children are really good kids except for the daughter that has no respect at this time in her life, other than that shes a good girl. But I try way too hard and shouldn't have to.
@mkl3377 (2)
• United States
12 Sep 08
It is sad to see kids not growing up with the right manners and etiquette. A lot has to do with the way all our lives have been so compound with so many responsibilities that parents nowadays just dont have enough time to raising their kids with the right values. Daycare and sitters dont care. They just stuff them in a room and turn on the T.V. Also with the teenage pregnancy rates increasing every year, we have kids raising kids. Kids, who have not been taught the right values, are having kids themselves. Those values will be lost forever in those families. It's just so sad.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
While bringing back the good values of the old days rest on the shoulder of the parents. Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child and it is up to the parents to take that away form him. Parents must train their children otherwise they will grow up disrespectful. Parents must not neglect their number one responsibility ... that of nurturing their children and raising them well. Not just working all day and even all night to give them comfortable life but more than the physical needs, they must also be given quality time to feel the love and care and time to be taught of what is right and what is wrong. And it is also very important that parents should live by example.
@Adeliza1220 (877)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I agree that now days things are tending to go sour in that sense and yes it is devastating because respect, values, and morals should be taken seriously and now days is taken as a joke. I have encountered several friends who tend to disrespect their mother by insulting them and yelling at them and I always tell them, "She is the one who brought you into this world, you should treat her as if she is an extravagant diamond because she is very valuable and one of a kind." I have a daughter now and although I am concerned about what is going on in the society I am going to do my part and try to guide her the best way I can to respect, values, and morals and hope that she applies them to her everyday life.
@shamikabsb (602)
• Sri Lanka
12 Sep 08
This is a very important consideration of the world. The main reason for this change is the envioronment. Kids do come to the world without any of these qualities. Parents behavior and the environment decides how kids shoudld be.
Through many media and other ways, kids get many bad inputs. It adopts their behavior.
Parents have great responsibility in making good kids. They are the first and foremost influencing party. If they can produce good kids the society in future will also be better.
@hiphopburiki (283)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
I agree with you some kids today just don't have manners and good values.I think it starts from home on they copy what they hear and see from their parents and they think that it is right to do such actions,and even if their home is a values oriented home the child could also get bad manners from his environment like his friends and peers.