Waiting for God's Answers

praying hands - when we come ourselves in prayers
September 12, 2008 4:58am CST
I believe each and everyone of us, has something we desired for from God. It might be financial aspect, a job, a friend or a loveone who is sick, and so many things. So friend tell me, what are your prayer concerns lately? Perhaps that was a long time prayer and you have never seen an answer yet, do you keep a grip of hope in your heart that God would still answer your hearts desire? Do you believe that God answers prayers ?
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40 responses
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
Yes, I do believe God answers prayers. I have a lot of prayers that got answered by God. I've been praying a laptop from God for months and I got one as a graduation gift. The thing is, God doesn't answer everything we are asking of Him because sometimes what we are asking is not what God has in mind. We just have to remember that God has only the best things for us. ^^
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@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Praying for a laptop? And you think god answered that? Hmm, I think the more likely answer is that someone close to you knew you have been wanting one and bought it for you.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Good for you divine ! God's goodness has extended to us even it is a "want", well, you be thankful to God for giving you wonderful people who have a generous heart !
@brisk123 (2823)
• India
12 Sep 08
I definitely believe that God answers our prayers. We should pray true heartedly with no evil intentions on our mind and God will surely hear our prayers.Whenever I am down,happy,in my troubled times,I had always turn to Him and seek his guidance and blessings.Sometimes,it may take time for God to answer your prayer but we should not stop believing in Him and always keep the faith.Happy myLotting!
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
It's wonderful to know that when we want something, we can turn to a God who answers prayers ! Appreciate brisk on your thoughts, have a wonderful day !
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
13 Sep 08
First that my oldest son overcomes his bitterness and comes back to salvation and God along with his wife and children. He is bitter and mad at God for 7 years now since his first babies twin boys were still born he has not and refuses counseling for this. Over the last 3 years my once very close family has gone through a lot of emotional and mental anquish and trauma. Now because of this and specifically because of one of my sons wives the sons are estranged from one another and one is distant from us and hardly ever talks to us. The wife of one tried to take the newborn baby girl of the other because the older sons wife is an attorney and wanted a girl and has boys. She lied and said her then best friend and sister in law and brother in law my son were abusing their 2 month old daughter. This was the day after Christmas and she had only seen them and the baby for the first time then. We were there too and had visited the accused son and wife home often prior to Christmas. They had not, it was trumped up lies and finally after 2 years CPS found it was all a pack of lies after they made them jump through hoops and hurdles and finally gave their daughter back to them. I pray for family healing and restitution. My husband and I will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary next spring and both of us will be also celebrating our 60th birthdays his February and Mine in August. Our daughter wants to have a big 40/60 party celebrating our combined 120 years of live and 40 years of marriage. But the way things are not all the family will attend and this breaks my heart. I miss my family they are important to me each and every one of them so my biggest prayer is the healing and re-nification of my family, children, siblings. The next is income to pay off my husband school loans. Those three are the big ones
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Those are really big, big requests for a Big God, hold on the faith and keep on with the prayers.
• Indonesia
12 Sep 08
well, i never pray to god since years ago, i don't remember when it was. before i used to pray as i had been told. i prayed when i needed somethings, wanted to thank god, admitted my sins and praised him. but i found that during praying, my mind didn't focus on god himself. instead, it focused on the objects i wanted him to grant, the objects i prayed for. it's really bewildering and disappointing, as i know that our highest desired spiritual state is when we can always think of god, remember of god and dominate our mind with the idea of god (not with the objects i want him to grant). moreover, god knows everything, he knows everything about us, even a single thought that emerges in our mind. he know once it emerges, even he knows before it emerges. so, what is the point to tell god what he already knows exactly (he even knows much better about us than ourselves do). isn't it the best way to make him irritated? if your father already know what you want and you keep telling him what it is, won't your father get irritated and upset? so, i stopped praying. but i always try my best to dominate my mind with the idea of god, to remember him, to always think of him. and so far, i think i don't have something that i (and the people i know) need but god haven't given me (and them) that. well, that's just my experience
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• Indonesia
14 Sep 08
no problem i am with you in saying that he longs for the fellowship and constant union with us. i just don't think that pray for asking something is the best way to keep the fellowship and relationship. supposed you have a beloved one or a relative who lives in a distant place. and the only time he/she contact you is when he/she need something from you and ask you to grant it. won't you will feel taken advantage of? won't you prefer he/she keeping in touch with you, regardless his situation and needs? so, i think the best way to keep the fellowship, to make god happy is always keeping in touch with him, by (well, i already mentioned) always thinking of god and dominating our mind with the idea about him. again, just in my opinion.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
I'm sorry if we have a different view on asking and re-asking, I don't think God would be irritated if we keep asking Him what we want though, God in his infinite wisdom knows everything, still He longs for the fellowship and constant "union" with "his child" on knowing and hearing his needs, in this way, we be able to see How wonderful He does in our lives.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
My concerns are not about myself. God has been very good to me. But I cry to the Lord for my loved one. My number one concern is for my mother be totally healed and be restored to her normal healthy stage. And I am always trusting that God answer prayers. God never failed me, not even once. People sometimes tire up for they thought God did not answer them. But, we just have to be more sensitive how He answers. It is not always Yes, it could be NO or sometimes wait. So we have to be patient: Psalm 40:1-2 I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Thank you my friend. There is power in prayer and when I hear friends saying they will pray for my Mother, I really am so delighted. Thanks a lot!
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
This is one of my favorite verses too ! It is a good reminder that waiting at God's own time I hope we eventually be thanking Him for the things He gave us, and never give up on our requests for our loved ones, I would be praying for your mother too salonga, thanks for posting that, glad to know this concern.
• India
12 Sep 08
Yes God answer but we do not read that or act on that. God is almighty and listen to each and every person send by him to the earth to discharges the given duties in life. These are we who do not perform rather pray and hope that the god will perform. God answer in the manner that you are going on and accomplish. If you have accomplished in a matter and your desire fulfilled it is the god doing it.
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@GardenGerty (162222)
• United States
12 Sep 08
God answers prayers, He just does not always say what we want him to. Currently, I pray for people online as they express needs both here and on another site. I pray for my own children and grandchildren. I pray for things in my life, but some of them I know I have to do for myself. God is not going to wave a magic wand and make me wake up organized and motivated, for instance, although he may send me the tools to help me get there.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Wonderfully said ! Thanks.
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@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Actually, I do believe God answers prayers. I think He does it in a discreet fashion. I pray as often as I can and do it while driving, or resting, or whenever it feels I have the space. I ask for things like finacial help, and fixing things that need fixing in my life. I have a sweet story though. I had asked God for love. I mean, true, hopeless romantic faithful love. I got that 16 years ago and was too little to know what that meant. God answered my prayers last year. I waited patiently and got that. I knew this man as a child all those years ago and was so blessed that he was so perfect. Funny how things turn out. We had a falling out and just started talking to each other again. All because of prayer. I hope things work out in the future. I am trying to be patient, but over all God answers prayers all the time, you just have to look for it and be patient.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Waiting is the key, we would be able how God works and molds us through appointed time, we just keep our hopes held high for we know that heaven hears what we need.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I always pray for my family to stay safe and healthy, pray for my friends in need and then I thank Him for all the blessings I have. I haven't asked for anything in ages. He's given me health, shelter, food and clothing and the love of my children, parents and siblings. What more could I want?
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Glad to hear that dragon, nuff said, well, isnt it time for a thanksgiving celebration to God ?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Sep 08
hi torchablazed I am still waiting for Gods answer as my son is outof work for a month now, we have a three day notice on our rent, and no lifeline yet in sight, I do believe and I do think eventually he will answer one way or another but I do wish he would hurry. I hate this situation and my son is really trying to get a new job as computer programer. I do not want to be here under duress but we just did not have money for the rent.pray for me mylotters perhaps united it will help.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Boy thats tough, I would surely love to include you in my prayers. I hope your son would be able to find job as soon as possible.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
12 Sep 08
The best way to deal with this thing about getting from God is to give everything to Him and He will give you what you need. If you try to get what you want you're likely to get stumped because God has a different perspective than you. He's not there to serve man, man is here to serve Him. So - give all and get all, kind of way, is the best.
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I agree with you 100%. I have made the statement on here that God operates on the barter system. If we are willing to give to Him then He will give to us. God always asks something in return. If it's nothing more than your attention be willing to give something to God before you ever ask Him for anything. God's main goal for us is for him to be able to teach and guide us to become His people that can function on this earth in a way that will please Him. God always has our best interest in mind no matter what it is. The main thing I ask God for is His help to improve my personal relationship with Him. Through that personal relationship everything we need is possible.
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@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Right now my prayers are for my church. We are struggling to stay afloat because we are a small town church with very few members. It's hard being in a small town with a bigger church nearby. My town is prodominently Catholic, so the majority of people go there. We hold onto the hope and faith that God will not let our small church go under because we have faith that he has great plans for us. Waiting for God's answers are part of what having faith is all about.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
I don't see any problem with being small in figure jezzebella, start sharing God's love to friends and loved ones, prayer does much you have to hold on it.
• United States
12 Sep 08
i believe he does answe prayers. i prayer for my children & grandchildren, friends who are sick or having trouble .i even pray for strangers on tv that are having bad trouble. i do believe he answers our prayers.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
I believe that He does too, in His appointed fulfilled time.
@khatri_50 (225)
• India
12 Sep 08
I always believe that the prayer never go unheared . GOD always answer for our true prayer. i heard that prayer is not rewardless.it is rewarded sooner or latter.if u think that your prayer is not answered then u have no faith in god.my dear friends! your prayer will be rewrded at the approperate time .HE will definately bless u at the time of your neccesity.
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
There is always a TIME under the sun, and for a believer, he knows that there is a perfect appointed time.
• Canada
13 Sep 08
My prayer is and has been for a long time to be able to feel happy to be able to feel that I belonged some how and that I would find my purpose for being here !! I can't remember feel total happiness except for a few times in life and would like to know what it felt like to be happy all the time . To not stress and worry about things all the time . To be content with what I had and to feel accepted and loved for who and what I am . I would like to be able to hear a joke and think it was funny because I was in a good mood and not feeling so down in the dumps about everything in life .
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
I don't know what you been through my friend, but I wish you would find the way on the joy that you longed for, just keep your faith to God !
@littleowl (7157)
12 Sep 08
There is a lot of power in prayer and if your answers don't come straight away they will do when you need them the most for whatever the concern you have..it has happened to me...littleowl
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• United States
12 Sep 08
I firmly believe that God ALWAYS answers prayers, but who are we to know what we want/need? We may think that we may need something so bad, but in all reality it's not Gods plan for us. Either way that we look at it God takes care of each and everyone of us, and He will always be there for us. There is no reason to lose hope, hope is all we have. I remember when I was younger I prayed for a babydoll that i really wanted for Christmas, and I didn't get it. I was so upset and thought that I had prayed for it, and prayed for it every night but did not get it. I couldn't understand it. Quite a few years later at a yard sale, my son who I believe was only 2 picked up a doll and told me he wanted it. I looked at the doll and something inside of me said "This was the doll that you were praying for". It looked so meke and useless now, however, at the time it was everything to me. It was that day that I learned that it's not my time ( I am just a season), everything is on Gods time and he knows when it is right. So low and behold I have the doll now and I never play with it lol. I think i might have put it in another yard sale that I was hosting, hopefully it will help someone else as much as it did me. Great Discussion.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
It is tough sometime to think that when we ask something in our prayers, it doesn't come immediately and most often comes "delayed". But when we saw the other side of it in the near end, we realize how perfect it was being answered. Great story :)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
It is tough sometime to think that when we ask something in our prayers, it doesn't come immediately and most often comes "delayed". But when we saw the other side of it in the near end, we realize how perfect it was being answered. Great story :)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
Hi, torchblazed. Your post reminds me of one of the few message-quotes I've been saving on my cellphone for the past two years and it goes something like this: "When God gives us 'NO' for an answer, keep in mind that there's a much greater 'YES' behind it. His 'NO' isn't a rejection... but a redirection." As for your question, yes, I do believe that God answers prayers, even those that we don't actually voice out loud. Of course, I had my own share of 'redirections' in life and, in retrospect, I find that it was all for the best. For example, there was this one thing I was praying for during my graduating year in college, something that I really wanted and was willing to do anything to achieve. Well, to make the long story short, I didn't get it. I was devastated then, couldn't even look certain people in the eye for quite a while, but, looking back, I think that if God had granted me that one wish, I don't think I would be as happy as I am now. Of course, I've also had a lot of prayers answered and I'm extremely grateful for them. God is good. =)
@riyasam (16556)
• India
13 Sep 08
there is light at the end of the dark tunnel,however dark it might be.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
good quote, its a reassurance to me, thanks for sharing that one, and yeah, God is indeed good !
@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
I believe God answer all our prayers. Sometimes it will takes time, and sometimes He wont grant our wishes for the reason that He has a better plan for us. Remember our thoughts are not what God thoughts is best for us. God knows what is best for us. I know cause i have experience that one too. And it is true at the right time He answered my prayer and i am a happy married person. I married a man who i believe is what God wants me to be with for the rest of my life. It took years before He answered it but it worth all the wait. At first i keep on wondering why i always have a failed relationship no matter how hard i wanted to work things out. And now i know the reason why...Because God wanted me to be with someone who would be faithful to me. Someone who would love me not for a span of time but for the rest of my life. So i know that whatever you wish for, God hears it. In time youll see why God never answer your prayer that soon. All you need is patient and faith. If you have faith in God then youll know He only wants the best for you.
@zhuuraan (961)
• United States
12 Sep 08
It is arrogant to think that god answers all our prayers. I do not believe as I have said before, but if there really is a being of much greater power than we, it is arrogant of us as humans to believe that they would answer every single prayer, especially when they are greedy ones, one of the outlined sins of your own holy book. This is an example of the hypocricy of christianity that I pointed out before. No matter who or what god is, he/she/it would not possibly answer the prayers of everyone, especially when there are over 6 billion people to hear. Granted not all are believers, but even if only 1 billion were, that'd still be a lot of people to hear and answer and it is arrogant to think that he would take the time out to hear and answer every one.
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
dear zhuuraan, I was wondering if you know that God knows the count of every hair in your head and mine, He knows how many stars are there and the number of the sand he does knew, I can hear a sparrow, man can count men, it is just a small figure for God to listen to.
@blitzkiba (641)
• Philippines
12 Sep 08
I ask God for help but im not asking for a miracle..... im just asking for some guidance in what i do and what i should to.... sometimes i also ask for signs that im doing the right thing.....
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• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Seeking guidance from above gives us the peace within !