My hands are Sweating!
By byfaithonly
@byfaithonly (10698)
United States
September 12, 2008 10:20am CST
Well, hope I did it right but it's done now. I submitted 4 articles to Associated Content. All 4 are under memoirs and about different things that happened in my life that I've had setting on my computer for ages doing nothing.
But now the really hard part comes - I've submitted them and can do nothing but wait. Will they publish my work? Is someone someplace in the world setting there laughing at my work?
When I'm nervous or stressed my hands sweat. It's really embarrassing at times - like shaking hands with people I've just met - I avoid it if possible.
Does your body react physically when your waiting on acceptance/rejection of your written work?
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20 responses
@SydneyHazelton (4586)
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
I reccently sent an article in for AC but was rejected, but no reason stated. My body does not react physically that way, although I do have sweaty palms sometimes. But I feel a little anxious and want to check the email all the time. How are you doing at AC? How many articles have you written there? I want to write more at AC, but I can only receive performance payment. I wonder if it's worth it.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Oh no they rejected your work? Now I'm even more nervous - these were my very first submitted at AC. I have a few at Helium too but not as 'personal' as these pieces are.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Sep 08
These first ones I didn't ask for upfront payment, just views because of them being more 'true life stories' that really don't have much to offer as far as helping I'm guessing they would take them either way but I have a list of 20 or more I plan to write that I will ask for upfront payment.
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@SydneyHazelton (4586)
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
Oh God, I did not mean to make you more nervous. It was just a personal experience. I suspect they think I plagiarised my work because I have published it previously at Triond. I may have to write to them about it. I have published two original articles at AC and they were published successfully. I'm thinking of putting in more articles at AC, but I may have to think of new articles to publish there. I hope you get your published! Tell me if you do. You may even get upfront payment for them.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Yes I have a physical reaction to nervousness to put it nicely my tummy gets upset. LOL I am sure that your articles will be accepted and do fine. I need to write some more. I have been focusing a lot of energy to my photography though. I hae been entering contests at redbubble and entering challenges there too. So i have been a real shutterbug.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Sep 08
LOL - I was up till after 3 a.m. making a list of article ideas but need to go to the store before I start writing more. That first step is always the hardest :)
I occasionally have the tummy problem too but always the hands thing.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
12 Sep 08
You will get them published. But I heard that now you have to critique other works. I have no idea how many. That is another reason why I quit Associated Content besides them not paying Canadians for the quality of their works. Does that mean I cannot submit my book to an American publisher? I will have to find out. When I get time, I will look for a site where I can get paid for submitting fiction, other than a hail fellow well met. Anyway good for you.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Hummm I haven't seen or heard anything about critiquing on AC - I know at Helium you do and it drives me crazy - do 2 or 3 and they all look the same to me :(
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Sep 08
LOL - the first time I got married my father walked my down the aisle. I was holding his arm in the oh so traditional way but as we were standing in the doorway waiting for the bride's grand entrance Daddy looked at me and said 'I think my arm is going to be waterlogged before this is over.' His tuxedo was soaked all the way through where my hand was :(
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
I have never submitted anything to associated content, but I have to other places. I don't usually react physically when I'm nervous. I sometimes tend to get a bit silly if I"m really nervous, but that's sometimes I am aware of and can control.
I am sure your work will be accepted and you will feel much better the next time you submit something:)
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Oh yes, I knew that feeling Tuesday, when I went to take my test..My stomach was in knots and I couldn't sit still until I got the results..But I am sure yours will be fine and I wouldn't mind if you PM me the link when they do publish it..
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Oh thank you dear and I'll gladly send you the link - I keep going back and forth between email and refreshing my profile page to see if they've published yet (they'll send me an email and my count on profile will change from 0 to 4)
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I'm trying hard to control this 'waiting' period. They said 1-2 days and it's only been a few hours but I want them NOW :) I am anxious for others to read them and give me their opinion. These actually were written originally with the intention of putting them in my book - collection of short stories about my life, "The Ramblings of Faith"
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Sep 08
Looking forward to reading them..
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@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
22 Sep 08
Hello there :)
yes I'm a nervous person when it comes to waiting and anticipating, there are things that you can ignore and forget about for a while especially when you are busy with other things but sometimes it's hard to divert your attention ..
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
Yes, i also feel something like a part of my body is aching. Like when i go to job hunting and I am waiting for a final interview or result, my tummy is aching like it will burst an air. When i go to the ladies room nothing happens. Perhaps this is what they call acid reaction. I have a little knowledge on this pardon my innocence, but I heard it during the interview.
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@paid2write (5201)
13 Sep 08
When I submit assignments to online publishers I have to work to a deadline, but the publishers can take weeks to make a decision. I have so many articles under process at the moment, it seems to be taking forever for them to make up their minds.
A few months ago this would have worried me, and I would have had a hard time waiting, but I now know that it's all part of the process of being a writer and it's better just to get on with more work and be patient.
If I keep sumitting articles every week I should eventually be in a situation where I am getting acceptances and payments every week too. Any rejections I receive will be less painful if they arrive with a batch of acceptance emails.
I've read some of your articles at Helium, and I'm certain you have nothing to worry about at AC. They must get thousands of submissions every day, so it's to be expected that you have to wait for yours to be accepted.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
13 Sep 08
That's what I decided last night I need to do - rather than waiting to hear from them just keep myself busy producing more :)
Thank you so much for the compliment, it means a lot to me. I think I'm more concerned about these 4 because they are different than what I've done at Helium - these are personal, from the heart and soul.
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@iakulchen (615)
• Singapore
13 Sep 08
I did notice my heart beating "just that little bit" faster when I first submitted my work and it got published. I have kind of gotten used to it though, after having gone through several cycles of writing, acceptance/rejection, publishing.
Don't worry too much. IF AC does reject your work, chances are it won't be because it's no good, but because of
1) Formatting
2) Some other thing that doesn't relate directly with the quality of your work.
I have been rejected for some pretty silly things before (not on AC though, but on Triond), like submitting an empty file
. If anyone deserves to be laughed at, it would be me, for making the classic mistake of submitting the wrong file and submitting an empty file.

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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Oh goodness and empty file that sounds like something I might do - I actually did just the opposite one time. I tend to keep notes when researching - information I've found all over the internet. I keep these so if I need to I can refer back. Well, one day I sent my 'notes' rather than the article - the man I was ghostwriting for emailed me back 'um Faith this is a little long I only needed about 600 words on this' (my notes were several 1000 words :( I knew the second I read his email what I had done and corrected the error :)
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@leafygreens08 (754)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I have done very well at AC. And I was not shy about asking for upfront pay. I submitted a couple of non-fiction stories and 3 articles and a poem. ALL of them except the poem got me an average of $4 each UP FRONT!! Now I am getting page views. If you want to see what kind of stories and articles I had done and gotten paid for here is my blog. The Triond and AC stories are linked on the left side.
Make sure you remember that with AC, you can't get Up Front pay on POETRY. Only page views. And don't be afraid to as for Up Front pay! The worst that can happen is that they say no. Let them. Don't do it to yourself. You may be pleasantly surprised. :)
Also, feel free to ADD ME there and at Triond if you like and we can help each other with page views. GOOD LUCK!!
@zhxcumt (22)
• China
13 Sep 08
I like writing some years ago,but now i have to time to do it.Sometimes i still write in the arena.My hands doesnt sweat whatever the result is.Absolutely,i'm nervous like you,but my body does not react physicall that way.Maybe you make writing as a job.
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@mythicalphoenix (35)
• United States
22 Sep 08
I have been working on Associated Content for over a month now and am loving it. I am fairly new to online writing, but am not a novice at writing either. As a writer you will get rejections. Associated Content has already rejected several of my articles - remember rejection is not failure. Just go in, edit your document, and resubmit it. And even if someone laughs at your work, there are going to be a whole lot more people who love and appreciate it.
Publishing on Associated Content is a slow process, so be forewarned. I have had articles go into the system and not come back as reviewed for almost two weeks. It just depends on the topic and how badly they need that content at the time.
I don't have a physical reaction to rejection anymore when it comes to writing. I look at the comments, change the article if I want, and if I like it the way it is I just submit it somewhere else. Remember - you like what you wrote, you know others will like it too, and if they don't like it you can just go to another site...its their loss not yours.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Not really, I do my best not to worry about it because if I do it will drive me nuts. I have to just let things happen. If it happens, then it happens, and if it does not, then I do not worry about it.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
12 Sep 08
What's wrong in giving it a try? You have to be a sport and accept other's people judgement even if it might be a negative one. Believe in yourself. You will succeed. Usually in a situation similar to yours I get nervous, agitated and prefer to be on my own.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 08
hi byfaithonly I get goosebumps down my back like someone
just dropped cold water down my back.All just nerves as I
wait for the news about acceptance or rejection of my
work.At least you had the nerve and the guts to try and I am
still trying to convince myself I could do that too;I am a good writer.I would like to sign up and try. maybe really soon too.
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@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
13 Sep 08
Hurmmm.. I dont think I will sweat waiting for responses to my writings but when I get nervous I usuallly shake my legs and do random things rapidly like playing with anything I am holding.. I get that when I am around someone I have a crush on.. ^^
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@ujum881016 (39)
• Malaysia
13 Sep 08
when im start to nervous my hand wet to.i dont know why this thing happen..