Has ur cat ever bitten u?

September 12, 2008 1:32pm CST
We all love our cat. but they some time reaaly get to our nerves. has ur cat ever bitten u?
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17 responses
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
15 Sep 08
not a hard or big bite. just a small one, probably trying to get my attention to get up and feed him. animals have their own way of communicating to people. sometimes if i tease him, he bites me with a small bite.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Our cat frequently nips us when he wants attention. He also tries to really bite when I do something he doesn't like such as rub his stomach. I can always get my hand out of the way, so I don't think he wants to hurt me, just to let me know he didn't like what I was doing. Except for that, he's the most loving, gentle cat we've ever had.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
14 Sep 08
My Maine Koon bit me only once, and that one time it drew blood. I happened to have a newspaper in my hand and thumped him on the head to let him know that it isn't accepted behavior. Cats do have a habit of giving gentle little bites that are classified as "love bites". These bites don't draw blood but they are a little firm. They are bites that they give each other to show affection, and they also will give them to the humans that they love very deeply. I have a semi wild cat that will give me love bites right after I feed him, it's his way of saying that he loves me and appreciates the food.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
14 Sep 08
My two adults cats never bit me but my crazy 12 week old kitten always does. We found him when he was about 5 weeks old stranded in a rainstorm on the highway. He was so scared and such a mess but we fixed him up and now he's NUTS! He is terrorizing me as I type this by jumping on me and biting me but only for play. He isn't mean, just very energetic. My older cats never bit me out of anger or anything. Then again, I rarely do anything to warrant them being mad at me. I pet them, feed them, and care for them. I have given them pills and they didn't like it but never bit me. They don't like baths either and have scratched me trying to escape but never bit. I just hope this nutty kitten grows out of his playful phase soon. He's tearing the house (and ME0 up with all his energy and his menacing.
@Pompon (1757)
• Poland
13 Sep 08
My cat has beeten me dozenz of times. He's a little wild so he can bit me out of blue when just a while ago he was frienly sitting on my lap. Well, I sitll love him
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
13 Sep 08
I've been bit more times than I can count. It's mostly love bites, but some of my cats get overstimulated easily and bite. No big deal. They are all inside only cats and I have been vaccinated for rabies.
@rebekkahm (149)
• Canada
13 Sep 08
I've been bitten many times. 99.9% were little play bites. Only twice have I ever been bitten hard enough to bleed by my cats. Once was during a vet visit (my cat had a urinary tract infection and was mad about being made pee in a cup for analysis) and once was at home and my cat went loopy on me. The first was annoying, the second was scary. Cats are very dangerous when they are aggressive. I've got the scars to prove it.
@agni610 (127)
• India
13 Sep 08
i love my cat very much.it came in handy when there was a big rat in our house.it attacked that rat and killed it.My cat is very friendly with me.
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Some have, some haven't, Scamp kind of chews around the fingers - like he doesn't know how to lick them (and trust me, this cat can LICK.) I've had kittens bite, but they have to learn from other cats not to do so, or you have to teach them. I've been sent to the hospital twice for cat bites, mostly because of either the seriousness of the bite, or because I'm so dominately right handed that I couldn't treat the bite - on my right hand.
• United States
13 Sep 08
Only play nipp'n & scratching when we are playing otherwise no.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Right now we have one fat old lovable cat named Mrs. Missy who at times can be very annoying,but she is also very loving,and makes good company even though she likes to be petted a lot,there has been a time or two in which I remember Mrs. Missy biting me either because I was messing with her,or because I picked her up,because she does not like to be picked up,and she will try to get down,and maybe even throw in a hiss or two at you.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
13 Sep 08
Unfortunately the cat we currently have at my parents house bites quite often - he's a real predator and that's why were giving him away to someone else because he's been terrorizing us for the 3 months that we had him for. We tried everything to calm him down but we just couldn't make him stop the biting.
@lemayan (188)
• Germany
13 Sep 08
not even once, i am the type who constantly nags the cat, sometimes i just want to pet the head or rub the stomach and as you know most cats unlike dogs do not like their stomachs touched, so usualy i play with the cat for awhile, and sometimes she gets aggitated and then she bites, but i have also discovered when she is riggling her tail from side to another it does not mean now we are bossom buddies, she usually trying to tell me she is getting pissed.
@blogs86 (370)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
yup my cat has bitten me already many times..but that's only a play bite. there were times also when i stepped on his foot, in which i did not intend, he bit me hard that it bleeds profusely..that day i didn't give him a food, but his cute face and meow struck my heart. i love my cat very much..
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
12 Sep 08
No never cos ours is gentle. But I don't dare to touch her food when she is hungry.
• United States
13 Sep 08
well ive never been bitten but when i was smaller i guess i got too close or something but i did get scratched right beneath my right eye. about 1 cm higher nd i wouldnt be able to see...i still have the scar too...and its been 15 yrs... anyway i dont think that morris has ever liked me since that because i was his normal scratch post form then on...
• United States
13 Sep 08
No none of my cats have ever bitten me...except maybe 2-3 times over the years just from playing.