Sarah Palin: Assault Weapons and Abortion
@thegreatdebater (7316)
United States
September 12, 2008 6:10pm CST
In the interview with Charles Gibson tonight Sarah Palin said that she felt that Roe vs. Wade should be over turned, but also said that she wouldn't support a ban on assault weapons. Even though she avoid almost every question she was asked, she did answer a few questions (I am sure her handlers weren't happy about that). Even though 70% of Americans, and the vast majority of law enforcement approve of the ban on assault weapons, Sarah Palin said she wouldn't. She said that she is a lifetime memeber of the NRA (apparently that means that you are opposed to law enforcement, and the over all safety of Americans), and that in Alaska they treasure their firearms. She also said that she feels that Roe vs. Wade should be struck down, and it should be up to the states to decide. My question for you is: Why is it that Sarah believes that a women shouldn't have the right to choice what happens to HER body, but they should have the right carry a gun that is ment to be used to kill hundreds of people(if you need an assault weapon to go hunt a deer, than hunting isn't your thing)?
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4 responses
@totalcomments_com (167)
• United States
13 Sep 08
The drivel that you just spewed is very disturbing.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Sep 08
What is disturbing is electing a 72 year old man with very little experience, and a 44 year old who's experience is mayor of a small town in Alaska, and governor for two years. If you are a republican, you should look at her socialist history, and I am sure you will be very disturbed
@totalcomments_com (167)
• United States
13 Sep 08
"A 72 year old with very little experience" are you kidding me? That is incredibly ignorant. John has more experience than I can list and Sarah Palin has ten times more experience than barak obama.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Total, look up his voting record sometime and look at all of his experience. I posted part of his history, and you will be shocked by his lack of voting (he has missed 768 of 4,093 votes since 2003, including his horible voting record on veterans issues), and his most well known bill has been destroyed by his own party, and he doesn't even approve of it anymore. You would think that being in office for 24 years he would have a very impressive voting record, but he really doesn't, and I hate to say it, but being a POW really isn't political experience, if you feel it is, then I will go down to my wife's uncles homeless shelter, and find a few presidential candidates for you.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Isn't it obvious what McCain was thinking? He was thinking "This pick will put me over the top!" Prior to choosing Palin as a running mate he'd been trailing Obama by 2-9 points at various points in time. After picking her he quickly gained the lead and he's been holding onto it. For the first time he's actually leading amongst white women voters. You may not like his pick, but you can't deny that it was a brilliant political move that is paying off.
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@totalcomments_com (167)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Maybe if you got your information from more than the Barak Obama fan club, that is the main stream media, you would see Sarah Palin in a more positive light.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Sep 08
total, have you actually looked at the Socialist poster girl's past? I think that once you get over your initial shock from how great she is, and actually objectively look at her, you will be shocked by her Socialist history in Alaska.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
13 Sep 08
First, let me say that I don't believe it is really nessesary to hunt with an asault rifle. but I don't thhink banning them is any good either. You can just as easily kill someone with a small caliber pistol and just as many in some cases.
AND hunting laws are a state issue. It is up to the state to set the regulations and laws of hunting and fisahing, including what weapons and methods may be used. It shouldn't even be a federal issue.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
15 Sep 08
"X, I know alot of hunters myself, and they agree that we should ban assault weapons. If you need thirty shots to hit a deer, I don't know one hunter who wants to be in the woods with you"
lol, if you need 30 shots to hit a deer, you should probably become a vegetarian. But seriously, if people in a state, including hunters, feel asault weapons should not be used in hunting, than it should be up to the people of that state to get hunting laws changed to reflect the will of the state's residents.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I think those two statements seriously hurt McCain's campaign. There are millions of women who support a woman's right to choose, regardless of whether they would choose to have an abortion themselves or not, and will not vote for someone who would support returning us to the dark ages of backstreet abortionists. The arguments against abortion do nothing to sway those who believe in this right. No one can walk in anyone else's shoes so ultimately, the only person who can legitimately make the decision to end a pregnancy is the person who is pregnant. It's not the government's business and the women of this country would be stupid to support someone who's goal was to take away any of their rights.
As far as assault weapons go, there's no rational reason for them to be legal. They, more than any other weapon, put our law enforcement presonnel in grave danger, so there goes the support of anyone in that field and the family members who love them and wonder if they're going to make it through their shift.
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