The Circle Is Broken..........*sigh*

Regina, Saskatchewan
September 12, 2008 6:57pm CST
For over a month now I've been dealing with the fallout of a mylot drama that never should have happened. A little patience, a little 'going to the source' instead of the rumor mongers and conspiracy theorists, and so much heartache for a number of people could have been avoided. I've dealt with trolls - to use a myot vocab word, before. They don't scare me. Frankly, they often amuse me in their pettiness and lack of ability to rise above their obvious need to flex their cyber muscles and their resulting whining discussions about being maltreated. (AND NO! THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE IN PARTICULAR! IS THAT CLEAR?) For eight months an ever growing circle of friends here, posted, laughed, cried, cared and shared. Everyone was made welcome and everyone brought to the circle their own perspective and unique self expression, and contributed to the ups and downs and ebb and flow of mylot. Friends supported each other through attacks and rising and fallings stars and other concerns; through personal problems, online problems and whatever else touched their lives, and this circle of friends enjoyed each other's company and took comfort there. Well the circle is broken. Friends have been lost, users have left the site and new circles have been formed. Life goes on eh? Of course it does. But at what cost? This is not a site where real identities, the ins and outs of daily lives and the minutiae of our existences is supposed to be recorded. Not everyone has the same level of comprehension of the written word whether it be because they are not great readers (books, etc.) or because of language difficulties. That is a given on any international site. But regardless of skill level, we all have our own way of expressing ourselves. The only point of contention should be, that that self expression be respectful of others. People come and go here all the time for various reasons. People have user names for a reason. What their history is, what their agenda for being here is, is NO ONE'S business but the poster's themselve's and their choices and privacy should be respected. To make untrue, unfair and unceasing allegations against someone based on rumor, false information or speculation is not only wrong, it's harmful to more than the person being targeted. So many good users have now left the site, hurt, angry or just plain disillusioned. And why is that? Anyone who has been here for any length of time can answer that question. It's because of those who choose deliberately to 'speak their mind' against those they find wanting (for whatever reason) with no care or concern for the 'whole' person; they are simply speaking against ONE dimension of that person and feel quite justified in their right to do so. Or they work behind the scenes so to speak, to make that 'one dimension' the sum total of a person, in the mind of others. How cruel that is. We only have to look to ourselves to realize that if someone we cared about, 'wrote us off as a good person', because of a fault perceived by SOMEONE else, how much that would hurt us. And yet for centuries, humans have fed the gossip mill, closed their minds and hearts and even when the truth would set them free, refused to even entertain it or if they finally did, often claimed 'too little, too late', which in a lot cases might be true but not in EVERY case. People are going to 'read' into whatever they 'read', whatever they want. That's also a given. Perception, interpretation and understanding are really very subjective activities. But as supposedly mature adults, do we not owe it to ourselves and others to at least reserve judgment until we have ALL the facts? Or on a forum like mylot, do we not owe it to the value of the site, to diffuse the drama rather than perpetuate it? Or is the only way to avoid furthering dramatic 'behaviour', to be found by abandoning the site altogether? Sadly, abandonment seems to be the order of the day ------ or the threat of it at least. LOL JMO (just my opinion) - and in the words of sooooooooooo many people here: I'm entitled to express it. (It will be interesting to see how long that 'entitlement' lasts! LOL) What's your opinion on the internet as a new universe of gossip? Do you use it as your playground to build and tear down, or do you even care about the impact the you have on the people you 'meet'? Do you find the written word so 'personal' that your own perceptions of it becomes your only truth, or do you allow for the fact that some people just know how to write and perhaps you may be missing the entire point of things, not so much of what is 'said', but how? Are you careful how you write things? If not, why not?
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27 responses
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
13 Sep 08
Wow wrote about some heavy stuff and I have to hand it to you....I hope this doesn't get deleted cause its important.. I choose to ignore alot of gossip and not allow anyone to influence me to drop a friend..not that anyone has but if they did, i don't think they would be a true friend then..I hope as a friend here people see me as some one nice and caring and not as a troublemaker... I sometimes have problems writing but am aware that others don't expect me to be as talented as you are..i love your writings and always have..i just wish you could write things here again without anyone deleting you.. Well you are my friend and glad of it.. Huggs and Love
7 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Hugs to you too Rose and no worries, you'll see me pop up in your inbox from time to time and in various other places around the net. And I know exactly what kind of friend you are and value you highly because of it - and consider myself lucky to have your friendship. Now come try to steal fwidman's shoes from me ........ROFL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Shop BOGO fwidman and you'll never run out of shoes! ROFL
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
13 Sep 08
At the rate you two are going, I'm gonna have to buy me a shoe store just so I can have some shoes for myself
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I find that I am rarely careful of how I write things here and other places online. It is because of that uncareful attitude that I met you and became friends on here I do care about the people I interact with, either here or any other site. they are people just like me (okay, maybe not EXACTLY just like me) and they have feelings the same as I do. I do not like drama although I generally do not run from it. I'd rather try to add a little humor here and there and try to make the drama diffuse itself. Sometimes it works, sometimes I get burned. Life is too short to worry about trolls or drama queens. Life is for worrying about yourself, your family, your friends. And, of course, who is trying to steal my shoes today
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
13 Sep 08
If I go dancing, May i borrow them?..hee heee
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
13 Sep 08
oh no!..your beautiful shoes are gone..should i put out an alert?
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
13 Sep 08
It's okay, Rosekitty LoudNProud gave me this avatar to use. The other ones are still around here somewhere. Probably under the bed
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
14 Sep 08
myLot and the interactions herein are no different to the real world. Peoples feelings get hurt depending on your own standpoint. I can be thick skinned in some instances and a sitting duck in others, I hurt easily. People have the ability to disappoint me no end and so have had to learn acceptance that people are not put on this planet to make me feel good. myLot has been a good experience to learn diplomacy skills, writing skills, communication skills and social skills, as well as a few ethics as well. And guess who is gracing the myLot pages again?
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
15 Sep 08
That's a lovely sentiment from you sparks. Thank you. Have you tried Hubpages at all? It's one of the cleanest sites I know when it comes to writing. Content is many and varied and is a very good standard. Also has a forum if you want to get down and indepth.
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
Way back when it first opened I was a member there. Recently I had to do a complete system recovery on my computer and now all my files and things are gone. Could you pm me a link to it and I'll go back and see if I can remember my login info! LOL Thanks heaps.
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@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I do try to write things carefully. It is so easy for something to be misinterprided (esp. when I can't spell very well - for a native English speaker. Grammer was never a strong subject for me). I try to build people up. For me that's more rewarding. Gossip is hurtful. My friend's daughter was the target of a bully on mySpace and it was a terrible experience for her and her family. It got so bad that she was pulled out of school and is now homeschooled. Sorry, I meant to put more into this, but I have just been reminded that I have to take my son's friend home. Thank you for your post.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
No worries Suki. Actually your post illustrate a very important point - the fact that onliners all have REAL lives off line that will always come before what happens on line. To use the internet to affect those off line lives - as in your myspace example, is horrible, and hopefully soon the laws against such behaviour will become a deterrent to it. It just goes to show how important, respect really is when dealing with people on line. Thank you for your response - no matter how truncated it ended up being! lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Hey Hatley - well said my friend. I've so enjoyed knowing you, because I always treat the friends I make online the same way I would if they were at my kitchen table for coffee every morning. I'd love to keep in touch with you by email if you'd like. Pm me if you want to and we'll set it up. Hugs.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Very well written sparks. You have expressed my (and a LOT of others thoughts) better than most of us could. People everywhere hide behind the anonymity of the internet to say and do things they would NEVER do in real life. Here, I try to stay out of any drama. Because of that, I am happily, blissfully, unaware of the bad things that go on here. I only know of 1 riff between 2 people here and I don't even know if THAT has been resolved. I always try to keep my posts as light as possible. When I respond to "heated" discussions, politics especially, I try to make my comments a neutral as possible. When I respond to someone asking for help about something going on in personal lives, I give my opinions and gentle advice. I do not judge someone that posts here based on the few words they type. Entitlement to one's opinion is the one of greatest things one can have. It saddens be that some of the most beloved members here have opted to leave this wonderful community. It makes me happy to see that one of those members has just logged on 3 hours ago. As in real life, I do not perpetuate any gossip I might hear about someone here (happy to say I have never heard any here). It's pointless, rude, hurtful, mean and downright stupid. It serves no purpose other than to hurt someone. I work in a place that is 95% women. So you know the rumors fly. They come to me from team leaders (who are also my friends) That rumor stops with me. I am no longer in high school and haven't been for almost 30 years There is no reason to keep the sh*it going. As for the written word being "truth" HA! I don't believe most of what I read and only 1/2 of what I see, especially when it comes to politics. As we have seen, the crap that has been spread on both sides of the political isle has been debunked. I could go on forever sparks, because like you, this is something I feel very passionate about. I hope everyone who chooses to read your post will learn something and will think twice before starting sh!t with anyone here. That is NOT was this forum is was intended. Thank you for taking to time to thoughtfully and neutrally compose your thoughts and speak for a lot of us
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
I love your avatar and would use it myself if I could. Haven't a clue how to alter them though! LOL No worries, dizzblnd - I am who I am and if you're familiar with any of my stuff here, you'll know that sometimes trolls go after you simply because they can't BE you! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Hey dizz - THANK you so much for getting the tone (neutral) of this post. And like you, I've not been in high school for over 30 years, and to see good friends and posters get so hurt over 'gossip' just makes me see red. I've put off writing this post for over a month, in order to make sure it was written this way and not come across accusatory. It would only have defeated the purpose to post in anger and that would have only perpetuated the drama. Hell, I didn't post about it all, even though I was the 'reason', and it still went on and on.................some people just NEED drama in their lives I guess.*sigh* As fwidman says, don't we have enough in our everyday lives? LOL
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
13 Sep 08
As fwidman says, don't we have enough in our everyday lives? Yes we do, which is why I altered the "stop the drama" icon (Which is my avatar again when it updates for you all) to read "Stop the drama I want to get off" I originally created it for another on-line group (who I met on greedbay) that I belong to. Several in that group ha left a different ebay related group because there was too much drama going on. One person was still a member of the other group and she kept dragging that group through the mud in our group. She wouldn't stop. SO because no one (including myself) like confrontation, I changed my icon in mid discussion to the stop the drama one that I made. It took her about an hour for her to realize that the reason we all left the other group was because we didn't want to be a part of all the crap, and she quit.. Some people are thick. See... I didn't even know some of the stuff was about you.. THAT'S how much I pay attention
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• United States
14 Sep 08
It saddens me to hear that this same crap is still plaguing you. This online/offline facade has become a real issue. Some people doesn't realize that there are those of us here or on other sites, who chose to do so to escape from the heavy burdens we carry all day/every day. We are here to kick back, relax, share stories, and download all the ick we've been carrying. These people are on this network for a different purpose, and it will probably never matter much to them. Because they more than likely live the same hateful, hurtful, meaningless lives in their offline world. Using up all the resources they can possibly get their hands on, burning every bridge that is set before them, and tearing down every fence that is built. Real emotions, cares, and life mean nothing to them. Unfortunately, these people steer clear of discussions such as these, because it would cause them to look deeper into themselves and maybe, possibly, admit they have faults and room to change. The rest of them flock to such discussion because they see them as weakness and great opportunity for attack. I wish you all the best sparks, and look forward to finding you in other places on the net. loves and hugs!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
Well observed and well said my friend! Don't know if you've found it in your inbox yet, but I sent you a invitation to the other site I'm now posting on. I've just posted one of tales there. You'll find the link to it on my profile. See you there. Hugs and much love sweets.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
16 Sep 08
All I'm going to say is, there are two sides to every coin. I have seen the exact thing you speak of, but coming from a direction most people are probably not aware of. Simply, because that group of "friends"(and I use that term loosely) takes it upon themselves to judge others merely by how well they express themselves. Everybody is different, we all come from different cultures and walks of lifes and have different ways of expressing ourselves. Some people manage to write posts dripping with sarcasm but innocent looking, to where only the insulted person knows they are being insulted and upon defending themselves get made out to be the instigator. Other people are straight forward and get right to the point and express themselves open and simple. Which doesn't make them less intelligent or less caring, even though some people like to think so. There are a lot of language barriers here, since this site is for people worldwide, which can often lead to misunderstandings and also excuses to attack people in a subtle but hurtful way. Yes, everybody is entitled to express their opinion. But just because they express it in a different way,(some not as articulate as others), doesn't give them any less rights to express it. This seems to be the common problem here. Some people who have the gift of writing, or think they do, seem to feel entitled to express their opinions but in the same breath try to squash other people, (who don't have the gift of writing) from doing the same. This is the real problem here, people with a superiority complex who think they are better and smarter and therefore have more rights to express themselves. That's where most problems start. But mylot is mylot and nothing will ever change here, so the only thing I can say for your future endeavors is following. Practice what you preach and treat others as you would like to be treated, that way you can never go wrong.
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@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
16 Sep 08
VERY well said Riptide!! I couldn't agree with you more.
2 people like this
• United States
16 Sep 08
There ya go Sparks, You have drawn your accusers out, HAPPY NOW????? I fully believe that this was your intention. I for one can not abide by it any longer.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
A very interesting response on many levels Riptide, and I'm having a hard time not reading into it more than was probably intended. I've always practiced what I've preached regardless of what others keep saying to the contrary. Some people refuse to see that though because it would mean admitting that perhaps they were wrong in their allegations. But as you say - mylot is mylot and nothing will ever change here, and just how sad is that eh? I may not like a lot of what goes on here, but I say, have always said, and will continue to say, that mylot is the best site of it's kind on the net. But it only takes a few to make it unhappy for the rest and I for one refuse to feed the few and have been very careful not to do that over the last while despite provocation. I hope you will give me that at least. If not - no worries.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
14 Sep 08
xxx more to come, please forgive for the moment, Sparky my sweet friend...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
If nothing else, I'm very patient! LOL Will await with bated breath, further words of your wisdom.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Spark, I hate that you are so down. I understand it though. So, to answer your question, I think I build people up here. At least, I hope so. I don't want to hurt anyone because, I feel guilt with every fiber of my being and it tears me up from the inside out so, I try not to hurt anyone, if for no other reason than the fact that I don't like to feel guilty. But, I also just know how wrong it is to hurt others. I think the internet is what each individual makes of it. And, unfortunately, that means that some people will use it to further gossip and as a playground to tear others down. But, for every person who uses it in less than kind ways, there are others who even the playing field out by using it to better themselves and, through kindness, the world around them. I am careful about how I say things. I probably slip now and then but, I do my best to behave.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
My dear friend - anyone who has baby bunnies in their yard is putting out great karma and couldn't really hurt a fly. I've never seen you come even close to troll like behavior. I just don't think you have it in you. You are too smart, too sweet and too full of common sense to let that happen to you. So no worries. Like Plunk, you are one of the good guys/gals! Hugs.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
Me sweet? LOL The general public might not agree, but I'll take it from you! ROFL Hugs to you darlin'. As for Plunk..................too bad you're married, you two would make a great pair!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Thank you Spark! You are one of the sweetest people I have met here on myLot so, for you to say such a kind thing to me, means a lot to me. And, I couldn't agree more about Plunk!
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I don't know why I'm not getting my notifications, but I'm not. I get a few here and there, but not yours and not any about a discussion I started for any response I got on it. It's mystifying, so that is why I didn't respond here until now. I didn't know. This site tends to be representative of the world as a whole. We have good neighbors, bad neighbors, selfish neighbors, gossipy neighbors, angry neighbors, bullying neighbors, rich neighbors, poor neighbors, educated and uneducated neighbors, meek neighbors and bombastic neighbors. If they exist in the real world, they exist here. It's unfortunate, but it's real. It shouldn't happen, but it does. It's not fair, but it continues. But, just like in the real world, we should stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves, defend the defenseless, stand up against the bad guys, and be as good to one another as we can be. However, because we are "faceless" in a way, it's easier for the bad to come out the same way it's easier to pull a trigger than to use a bayonet. A rather extreme analogy, I know, but it really brings the personal nature of it to light. As for what I write - yes, I do tend to be careful what I write for a couple of reasons. Sure, I don't want to be on anyone's "hit list", but it's more that I don't want someone to misinterpret what I mean as a personal attack and because I have a couple of times said things I should not have said and was called on them for good reason; so I have pulled back and re-evaluated how I was presenting myself in certain discussion topics. I like it here too much to walk away. I like being able to offer insight when possible on different topics. I like that I can keep my brain active even as I remain unemployed. It is good to see you again, Sparks.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
Good to see you too sweets - late or not! LOL Notification alerts are always a wonky situation, so no worries. And if I hadn't already given BR to Hatley, you'd have gotten it for sure! I like what you said and how you said it. RIGHT ON SISTA! Hugs.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Thanks, Sparks. The thought of it is as good as the real thing!
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
13 Sep 08
When I write a response I try not to make it personal...unless someone has taken it up a notch, but even then it is a sarcastic remark...nothing worse than that.... But I look at it this way. I have been criticised and yes I see black when somehting makes me sooo angry....but then I have a read of it again and I try to always look for something to come of if I need to work on something communication wise. Plus, like you said we use screennames, but I try to always give my honest opinion. And I realize we are not all the same. I work the gossipers at work like this as well. Like you said you go to the source it stops right there. You go to the firing range and of course the bullets will keep flying. Just ask them, they might even point one at you. LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
LOL - taface, I understood you completely, whoozy or not! You are closer to the mark than you realize too and I do so agree with you. I've not answered a lot of your discussions, but I have followed your responses, and I consider you one of the best here. Hugs.
2 people like this
13 Sep 08
Hi Sparks my dear friend, It is so nice to hear from you, How right you are, there are so many friends being bullied here and leave it reminds me of school ground bulleis who gets away with it while the victim suffers and removes himself from the place he loves, we shall not give in to them. I have read some people complaining about others mylot users' grammer not being good but to me its how they come across and its good enough for me. although I'm from the England my grammer is not that good nor my spelling but I am trying and I never critesie anyone whose spellings are bad but people do complain and some are downright rude. I just wish all my friends that has decided to leave will change their minds and come back and stand up to those people, they do not own Mylot. Well it nice to see your name in print again on here and hope you will be here doing more discussions. Love you lots. Tamara XX
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Hey sweetheart. No worries - your grammar and spelling are just fine and I see improvement in your posts all the time. But unfortunately, online it's almost impossible to 'neutralize' trolls - lose one, and another pops up. Sad but true. Stay safe sweets and true to yourself and you'll be just fine. Hugs.
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@MOMMASAM (1003)
• United States
14 Sep 08
first, i love all the facets of you. i love all the dimensions of you. i love you. i love our friendship. now, when did the internet become meshed, diffused, and confused with real life? i missed that one. this isn't supposed to replace anything which is missing in your REAL life. it's not your husband. it's not your wife. it's not your child. it's not your job. it's not your bible. it's not your life. it's not your personal soapbox. it's not your "mine is the only opinion that counts !" it's not your "my post, discussion is always correct !" i'm here to make friends. i'm here to make money. i'm here to learn. i'm here to offer opinions. i'm not here for political reasons. i'm not here for control reasons. i'm not here to shame you. i'm not here to flame you. i'm not here to kiss the trolls. i give everyone a blank book when we meet. i give everyone an uplift to their being. i give everyone the benefit of the doubt. i give everyone their own space.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
You give everyone the warmth of your Soul Sam and that's a priceless gift! I treasure it. And I loved your 'poem'. It should be front and center on the mylot sign up page!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
Lot Poppers? LOL
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@MOMMASAM (1003)
• United States
15 Sep 08
heck, i was thinking more of a hip-hop with you blowing into your hands to make a drum noise ! what should we call ourselves?
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• United States
13 Sep 08
I do try to be careful how I write things, but as I have stated a couple of times, my brain and my mouth(fingers) don't always play well together. When this happens, I try to correct it. I am not here to hurt anyone. My online friends are just as real to me as my real life friends. I know there is a real person on the other end of the line, living, and feeling things, just as I do. If I say something that is hurtful, I will certainly try to make amends. The words I read on the screen are not just words, they are a real live person's feelings, and I must respect their feelings, even if I don't agree. I am the same way here that I am off line. Some days I am a crazy person, some days I am quiet, and other days, I am as serious as one can be. In real life, some of my friends do not get along with each other, but that doesn't keep me from being friends with all of them. I just wish that people on here, and other social sites, could see that it is ok for one of your friends to be friends with someone you do not particularly like. It is not that difficult to keep the two separate. And, now I am rambling. So, for what it is worth, I have enjoyed the bit of insanity you have brought to the lot. I have laughed and cried at your discussions, and I appreciate the insight I have gained from all of them. Thank you, sparks.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Thank YOU bo. I've so enjoyed getting to know you. And I can identify with everything that you've said. I feel the same way. I've often said that if I got all my 'real life' friends together in one room they'd end up killing each other, they are so diverse. But to ME, they are my friends because of their differences, which I value highly. I've never ever come between friends just because one or the other is not someone I get on with. That's not my place. Different people elicit different things from us, and just because one person doesn't see in someone what I see, or vice versa, does NOT make that person of lesser value to someone else. It's like I always told my children - just because Daddy and I couldn't make a go of a relationship, doesn't mean that he's no good for someone else. It's the same with friends - both off line and on. Hugs to you my friend.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
27 Dec 08
I might have responded to this before. I just re-read it. I miss our special circle of friends and the discussions we have had. Happy Holidays to you, my friend.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
27 Dec 08
LOL, check above fjaril's comment and there's YOU! ROFL Happy holiday to you to sweets and happy and healthy New Year. I miss our circle too...................*sigh*
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I try to be careful when I am writing. I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to spelling and grammar and punctuation. That does not mean I am perfect. I try to do the best I can. I am also capable of making mistakes. I do enjoy reading what others write. I learn a lot from them. Many opinions and view points can make for good learning lessons.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
16 Sep 08
Doing the best you can is all anyone should expect. No one has the right to judge another's skills. Good writing however, is of value when come across, because you can certainly learn a lot from it as well as life lessons from the content. Mylot has done that for many people, and is, I think, one of the best things about it.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Sep 08
Yes I do seriously consider what I post here. I certainly never post anything that attacks anyone else. I think that would be a terrible thing to do. I try to post thoughtful responses to people's discussions. They do tend to be long posts as I like words and I am careful to try and make sure that what I say cannot be misunderstood. I am well aware that people can read something other than intended in a piece of writing. I do not post many discussions as I often cannot think of anything to start a discussion on. I also know what it is like to be bullied. I remember my school days and I was bullied all the time as far back as I can remember but I am a different person now and if anyone tried to bully me now they would get hurt not me. I learned to stand up and fight back but it took me many years to find the strength and the courage to do so.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
14 Sep 08
Yes I imagine it would be easy to do on the net and they are at a safe distance as well since they do not have to face the person they target. That is not good.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Hello sharra. Bullying is a terrible thing, I agree, but unfortunately, on the net, it's so EASY to do. So stay strong, hold your ground, don't stoop to their level, and you'll be just fine. Well done you!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
Exactly. They think their 'anonyminity' keeps them safe. Frankly, I think it just makes them easier to spot. lol
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Sep 08
sparkof insanity wow this is a great discussion. Youhave dug deep within and touched on some things going on here that should not be.We may all have aright to our own opinions but when we see that other have different opinions we as adults should respect them and not start to harrass, belittle, or change the other persons views. We are being too too judgmental here and we have no right to judge others at all. i do try to be thoughtful about what I write so I am not hurting someone else by some careless wording.I have seen some of the best and kindest mylotters leave here because someone hurt them so much they no longer enjoyed mylotting. we are to have fun here, not try to convert others to our own convictions. we should enjoy our differences as it makes all of us unique just like your Mad Meg we all are somebody. we should treat eachother with love and respect for them and for ourselves.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 Sep 08
Bravo Hatley. Your response could stand as a discussion all by itself and so perfectly captures the meaning of my own! Well said my friend and thank you so much for being a part of my time here. You are a true treasure!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 08
thanks sparks so much and I do misss you so manyof my best mylot friends are not here and someoone did that to them thanks for best response and for being sparks.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Sparks, I've always watched what I write on the Internet. You never know when it might come back to haunt you. People have a hard time agreeing to disagree, it seems. So they go the only way some know - gossip. I'd rather just pull out from a friendship rather than trying to hurt someone because I was hurt, angry or whatever the cause may be. True friends are few and far between. To me, that means nurturing the friendship you have, not trying to dismantle everything the friend says that we don't agree with. I have some close friends both on the Internet and off. I want to keep those friends. And, no, we don't all agree all the time. But we are adult enough to know that we are individuals and have a different opinion on different subjects. And we don't mind letting the other express those opinions. Mylot is a great place to chat with friends we've made. I don't know a lot of people, but I'm getting to know a few as the days go by. I have many on my list of friends, but we all haven't 'connected' like I know you and some others have who have been here for a long time. Even if I lost a friend here for some reason, I see no reason to gossip and make them feel uncomfortable enough that they would want to leave. What right does anyone have to do that? People have problems and why should I add to them? If they don't like me, they don't like me and I can't do a thing about it. But I can swallow my pride and be nice. I think it shows the true character of a person who can let things go without having to keep a racket going.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
Well said, and I do so agree. I'm always open to mending fences - but sometimes you just can't get the damn cow back through the gate, you know? LOL (can you tell I live in the country? ROFL). But you make an excellent point about friendship. I too would rather let it go if it's only going to cause the other person problems. I will not indulge in gossip before, during or after either. All friendships, held and let go of, should be treated with respect.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 Sep 08
LOL - the first time I saw once get 'tipped' I laughed so hard and then felt so bad for the poor cow, but the damn was still asleep and never knew the difference! ROFL
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
14 Sep 08
YOU are hilarious! But, being from the country, and having cows at one time in our pastures, I know what you mean. They have a mind of their own, don't they! And I never liked to fight with cows/cattle anyway.
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
(sigh) how true. I am a member of some sites and a lot of old mylot members have posted their rants about the site and the people there . I guess times may have changed. I can't say cause I'm new here but for them it is.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
I suppose every site has it's problems joyadalia, and it's problem posters. I hope you have a better experience here. Happy mylotting.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Sep 08
Mylot is certainly the most user friendly site on the net. Sad that the users can't all be as friendly. LOL
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Nope, they were actually pissed about mylot . But it's alright, there are some people who are unfriendly but I generally like mylot.
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