Friends or Foes

@Zelda414 (149)
United States
September 12, 2008 7:27pm CST
Just when you think a friend is a friend you find out they are more like a foe! I knew this one lady for about 4 yrs, she is like 22 years older than me and i thought that she was a friend until she moved in with me for me to help her because medically she was going down hill and her depression was awful. You would think she would appreciate the help and the fact that since she really has no family out here that she would feel loved like family because me and my fiance took her in. No!! I thought so wrong and was really fooled by this person, medically she was ill yes and suffered from severe depression no doubt but friend she was no she is definately a foe, a sad case! Basically after a month of being here she decided to try and destroy everything about my life. she tried destroying my name, crediability, home for living, make me lose my baby as i am pregnant 3 mths, my relationship with my husband, my relationship with his children in a matter of a few hours. No joke i have never done anything to this lady and when i confronted her about it she told me no i havent done anything to her but that she was angry and depressed an mad because her life was messed up and her brother wouldnt talk nice to her. i told her why would you do something like this to me? you took it out on the wrong person, crazy very crazy but one lesson learned i will never forget. Be careful when you pray because it will be answered and you may not like how , is answered. All of this stated because we were going to move into a house together that there is no way for only my husband and i to afford on our own so i prayed and ask God if it was his will for us to move in with her, i got my answer but i didnt like how i got it but i know that either way it doesnt matter how i got the answer it just matters that i was answered quickly before a worse mistake was made. Becareful with friends you never know who your true friends are, i only have a few. Zelda
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