Today Was Just One Of Those Days

My Beanie Toy, Sledder Named Aslana - image of my Beanie Toy
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
September 12, 2008 11:21pm CST
No, this isn't a dire catastrophes happened, but it was one of those rare days where I just didn't feel like doing much of anything. Maybe it was the weather or something as it was a rainy, cloudy day. Then it didn't help that I went to be really, really late, even for me...uh, don't ask when I did go to bed. What kept me up for some reason I suddenly developed an "earworm" and just HAD to listen to one of my old cassette audio tapes, and don't laugh...the earworm was Rhapsody on a Theme of just why that entered my mind no idea. I hadn't listened to that in eons, but then it was due to my "I Got To Share This" discussion and talking about ballet, which led me thinking for some reason of that old movie The Story of My Three Loves, which had one segment with Moira Shearer the ballerina who danced to one part of the Paganini piece, which then made me think of the movie Somewhere In Time that also had the yikes, couldn't get it out of my mind so gave in, and found the tape and was playing it over and over again. So since today was a lazy day for me and I was filled with brain fog since I went to bed so incredibly late, I decided to goof off and do things I don't normally play games on the computer. Now how this came about was that yesterday when I went to my Walgreens they had the most adorable Beanie baby toy...named Sledder, a Siberian Husky (and wolves are my totem animal and huskies look like wolves) so yes got it. So each Beanie Toy has a "secret" code and you can log on to the website, and register the code and create your own virtual Beanie Toy...whom I've named Aslana. So that's how "Productive" I've been today/night...LOL...I was for the most part playing these silly games on the Beanie Toy website with my virtual Aslana toy. Okay to turn this into a discussion...on those "off" days where you're just not "with it" and maybe have brain fog, how do you spend you day/night? Veg out in front of the TV? Read? Play games on the computer? Sleep some more? Stare at the walls? Pick lint from your belly button? Floss? Squeeze pimples?
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16 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I had one of those days last week and spent half the day sorting through my digital photos - what I felt were savable and what I felt was 'junk'. It was productive as I cleaned out a few photos from my computer but compared to all I needed to do it was just playing around. One of my favorite things to do on days like that though is to watch old movies I've seen a million times and nap on and off all day :)
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Sorry :( I am guilty of 'saving everything' have been most of my life and the computer has just given me even more place to save save save. I took a break earlier and went through some of my favorites in IE - I'm guessing I have over 500 sites saved for some reason or another :( I deleted maybe 30 'site not found' figured no since in saving those :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Urgh...don't remind me...I could stand to clean out some files and extra photos I don't need anymore..oh, and go through old emails and decide which to delete...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I don't even have a clue how many sites I've bookmarked and saved...several hundred for sure...LOL
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Well, I spent the day mostly watching Ike. Now its 3 a.m. and Ike has made landfall at Galveston. This is probably as bad a storm as the one of 1900, but since most people were evacuated, there will be many fewer deaths.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Yes I've been listening to the news about Ike...hope it doesn't affect you...according to the news they said Ike flooded the whole area of Galveston
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Galveston is underwater - Austin didn't get a DROP
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I just hope people didn't leave their pets behind
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Sep 08
WHen I get one of those days I do alot of walking around the house havent any money to go any where so just wonder. Very restless and really dont light anywhere for too long get antsy just stting watching tv have to put it on pause to get up and walk around some more . sometimes this gets very annoying for there is nothing for me to do that I really want to and have the feeling I just dont know what I really WANT to do lol hugs
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Sep 08
same here hugs
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I'm an antsy pantsy person too--think I have a bit of the restless soul in me...LOL...I'm like you, even on my "off" days I have to get off my buns and walk around a bit..LOL
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Aw, sounds like you how a fun day -- sometimes it's good to be unproductive! Me? Well I'm struggling not to have a day like that today. I'm easily distracted and my mind's got a tendency to drift today. I'm trying to do things anyway, but I'm not sure it's gonna work, lol. Normally, I'll play some music from my favorite band, play some games on the PC (I rarely do that, either), and read. TV only sometimes plays into it, as I'm not readily attached to the box that sits in our living room lol.
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• United States
14 Sep 08
Right, often the body knows best. I can feel ya on the guilt thing, it's rare on not unproductive days I always fight, but I think humoring oneself is sometimes healthy.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I'm not much for the "box" either except maybe pop in a DVD movie of mine. Thing is when I'm having one of these unproductive days then I feel guilty as I always have a million things I could be doing...but maybe it's my body and mind's way of saying to slow down, right?
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
14 Sep 08
My days are at work..and then i come home and act like i care by answering meaningless discussions..sorry i started a discussion trying to act sarcastic like Michael..Hope I'm getting's probably so mad at
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Sep 08
aww--now why would you want to be or act sarcastic like Michael? You're a nice kitty...meowsy
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Hmmmm let's see...Beanies, I love them! I have a whole collection of them! I got those little iny weenie ones from McDonalds! I had to eat alot of Happy Meals to get those, but I just loved them and I wanted to add them to my other collection. And those Happy Meals, they didn't make me too happy because I don't like that icky food! I like wolves too! And Huskies! Nice name too!. When I have brain fog I don't know what I do because I don't really do anything. I sit in front of the computer like I'm doing now and mylot. Yes, I stare into space, at the walls, at the cats, at the mess in my apartment wishing it would just magically get straighted up and look all pretty and nice if I just blink. Being the Queen of Procrastinators I am really good at brain fogging. At least you put some motion in your fogs. I just veg out!
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@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Sep 08
Ah, yes, where are the cleaning faeries when you need them?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08 really are my long lost sister...I'm not much of a fast food eater but will go to one and get the kiddie meal when they have a toy with it....Like when Happy Feet came out, I collected those toys...LOL Yes it would be nice if we could be like Samantha Stevens twitch our noses and our homes would be magically cleaned
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I've been having that sort of week myself...I'm just not with it ya know..Zero motivation, I'm tired, cranky, generally feeling blah and so on...Partly thanks to "aunt flo" and the crappy weather but I can't nail the last thing and I know there is one.... I usually just shuffle around the house, play computer games, watch tv blah blah blah..
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
With me I think it's been the weather....the change of season type of thing...I felt a tad more energetic today....taking advantage of that as tomorrow we're supposed to be back up in the 90s again...sheesh
• United States
13 Sep 08
Usually if I'm not feeling up to doing much, I tend to just space out and get lost in playing games on my computer. Usually one can find me playing bingo online at Gamesville, or playing Tri-Peak Solitaire online at Pogo. Though for my birthday, my husband bought me this game called Apparitions. You are a paranormal investigator inside a supposed haunted hotel, and you go about the different rooms looking for evidence to prove whether or not the hotel is haunted. It's almost like going out on an actual ghost hunt. So some of my free time or "lazy time" as I like to call it, gets put towards playing that game.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Heehee..that game sounds fantastic....but that's all I need....NOT. I'm not really much of a game player for the most part...I was always dying to get a Playstation and thought better...I'd be wasting too much time parked in front of it playing games when I would know I could be doing something....ah, but it was nice to play some of the silly games yesterday on that Beanie website...My Mac computer has a few built in games that I'll play once in a blue moon
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• United States
14 Sep 08
Yeah I have to be real careful when playing Apparitions, I can get caught up in it and before I know it 5 hours has passed and nothing I had planned to get accomplished, got done. I use to play Spyro all the time on the Playstation, and just like Apparitions, I spent many hours just playing It was fun, but I get to much into games and end up losing focus of what I have really wanted to do for the day, so I just play them when I have no plans on doing anything other than lazing about all day long.
@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Sep 08
Nap...zzz...nap some more... Which wasn't too difficult yesterday (Friday) as I started the day with an endoscopy... took a lot out of me, literally (the prep) and figuratively (an invasive procedure). And we're slated for up to 100mL of rain this weekend thanks to Hanna and Ike... zzz...
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@BarBaraPrz (48796)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
14 Sep 08
Oh, I'm ok. I did the colo-rectal screening thing and one of my samples came up positive for FOBC and my grandmother had some kind of "stomach cancer" so my doctor wanted to be sure...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Why did you have an endoscopy...hope you're okay
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Sep 08
pye I mylot then tune into my mozart collection and just enjoy enjoy and enjoy. the music is so beautiful and I have a big collection, sometimes I go to beethoven and listen to'Ode to Joy and then sometimes Hungarian rapsody. then back again to Mozart. I even have a collection of teaching comp;anys tapes on Mozarts life, his operas, his other works, his association with' Haydn and on and on, I listen to the lectures and reallylearn a lot. my favorite time to just chill out a bit..oh I also love beanie babies and have thirty of them, including my favorite Garfield the cat. lol.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Sounds like you have a large classical do I but mainly on old audio cassette tapes...but do have some on CDs. You know what is a beautiful piece of music? Sheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov....I was introduced to that when I was only a little kid and still love it
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Sep 08
most of my days are like that. i thought it was due to not enough sleep, but lately have been sleeping a lot like im tired all the time even tho i dont do anything. anyway, i play games online. at club pogo and winster. where do you play?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
You might be feeling tired as you're getting too much sleep...I know..speaking from experience..LOL..When I only get about six hours of sleep I'm fine...the times I sleep 8 hours I tend to feel more tired...try to figure that one out
• United States
14 Sep 08
It is coincidental that i also had a day like that today. I woke up really late and just sat around playing computer games and watching tv which is totally unlike me because i am a pretty active person who likes hanging out with friends. Today, i just sat around doing absolutely nothing important or fun really. I hate days like today and i am probably going to go get some sleep and hope tomorrow is better.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I'm pretty active as well and actually feel guilty when I'm no always doing something...but I guess we all need days just to goof off, right?
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
13 Sep 08
Squeeze pimples!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
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• United States
14 Sep 08
Haha squeeze pimples. I tend to sit and wach movies all day. I rarely have those days though.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I don't often have these kind of days myself....but heck, I guess once in awhile it's just nice to goof off, right?
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I have had many of these days. Some of these days I have actually been having today. Almost had to force myself to come online tonight. If I would have not chosen to take a nap for a bit, I probably would have not come online tonight at all. Part of mine just depends on how I am feeling for the day as well. Like today I had another one of my Migraines, and that effects what I do or want to do as well. But it does not hurt from time to time to take a Break as well. Just enjoy the time away, and come back when you feel like it.
13 Sep 08
Hi pye, That must be very relaxing to listen to those beautiful music while you do nothing all but play around with beanie toys he he. When I feel like that I just do some suduku or play with my cats and chat to them, I think sometimes they think I've lost the plot I myself didn't go to bed till 30 a.m. and one time i nearly fell asleep so I just took myself off to be. Bright Blessings. Tamara
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I have my beanie toy, Aslana right near me now...she's sort of my little mascot..LOL...Yes, I don't often take the time just to sit and listen to music...was really nice