A gift to people who think Obama is a closet Muslim.

@Latrivia (2878)
United States
September 13, 2008 5:12pm CST
I think I'm going to send all these people who thing Obama is secretly a Muslim a tin-foil hat for Christmas. Us Ron Paul supporters are the ones who are supposed to be a little kooky, but holy cow - I have never seen so many people outside of the creationist and 9-11 conspiracy realm who completely ignore all the signs that they are wrong. They take every slip as a sign that 'hey, he messed up, he's gotta be a muslim.' This is coming from someone who DOESN'T like Obama. If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's obviously an Allah loving cow. After all, we've got the video tapes that, if you put them in just the right context, sound like Obama actually is hiding his faith. Folks, if this guy was a muslim, he'd be committing a serious offense in his own religion for denying his God, even if it is just a front. If he was a muslim, he probably wouldn't be married to a Christian woman. If he was a Muslim, all signs would point to it. You wouldn't need poorly interpreted slip ups to prove it. This is conspiracy theory bull hockey through and through, and it's becoming tiring to watch all these people try to pull others into their delusional fantasy. Hey - he stuck a written prayer in the Western Wall of Jerusalem. Maybe he's a closet JEW! Do you not see how silly that sounds? Folks, if he says he a Christian, he goes to a Christian church, his family says he's Christian, he partakes in Christian holidays, he prays to the Christian God, and he believes in that God - that makes him a Christian. I don't know why some people have their fact blinders on regarding Obama's faith - but it's getting pretty ridiculous.
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19 responses
• United States
13 Sep 08
Thanks for trying, Latrivia, but those who insist on this Muslim thing won't be convinced. I know of three women who are otherwise perfectly decent and intelligent people, and they just won't let gos hateful lie. One even insists he's already chosen extremists for his cabinet who are prepared to destroy the US the day after the inauguration!
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I know I can't win - but if I could at least get one person to re-analyze their outlook on this then that's good enough for me. Someone who isn't even an Obama supporter has to tell these people that they sound nutters. They'd expect it from an Obama supporter - but maybe if someone who isn't really a fan of his points out how crazy they sound, maybe they'll at least be humbled into toning it down a bit.
4 people like this
• United States
14 Sep 08
Don't give up. Truth is worth a bit of hassel. My friend's husband told her she has some unpleasant friends, and after a lot of discussion, she got him to admit it's because I have an Obama sticker on my car!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Very well put, it's always nice when someone that doesn't support Obama will point out the silliness of the claim. Thank you very much. I'm sorry to see your candidate dropped out. I didn't start reading about Ron Paul until just recently, I really like what he says. You made a good choice in supporting him.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Thanks much. Despite his dropping out, though, if I decide to vote this year, I'm writing him in or something, because I honestly don't like anyone else's platform or voting record.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Good for you, if he has a lot of write ins maybe he will win, since no one really is talking about the issues come October when the debates start maybe lots of people will feel the same way you do. You should vote just so you know that you at least tried to get the person you thought best for the job in office. There are probably a lot of people just like you.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I agree with you. There are plenty of other things about him to worry people. I think what concerns a lot of people is his TIES to the Muslim community. But every body in their tin-foil hats can rest assured, truths about Obama are scarier than these lies and false hoods.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
13 Sep 08
*fellow Ron Paul supporter salute* =P While I wouldn't put it in so many words, I agree, and thank you for posting such a concise and light manner =) *also supports no one since Ron Paul dropped out* Btw, there'd be nothing wrong if he HAD been a muslim, but he's not...so who cares, really?
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
13 Sep 08
"*also supports no one since Ron Paul dropped out*" I'm writing him in. No one else is getting my vote - period. It's a shame Bob Barr is the libertarian candidate. I'd have voted libertarian if it weren't for him being the candidate pick. "Btw, there'd be nothing wrong if he HAD been a muslim, but he's not...so who cares, really?" Precisely - yet some people just can't drop this crazy belief he's some sort of closet muslim. It's like they just want him to be a muslim.
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• United States
13 Sep 08
I'm not old enough to vote quite yet, but I found that no reason not to support someone when I heard about Ron Paul. His base was twenties and under, right? Well, I was part 'o that. ^_^ I wanted to like Barr as well, but these days it looks like he's not what he says he is. Elsewise, I might've been leaning toward him, now that my feelings about Obama have solidified. I'm glad you're writing him in! I hear plenty of people are doing so. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for any alternative news publication mentioning record numbers of write in's for a particular person =) Maybe it's just easier for some people to believe that he is, do you think? Means they don't really have to watch the rest very closely and can dismiss him easily without much to do otherthan exclaimations of, "ZOMG".
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
14 Sep 08
While I did enjoy this great and timely piece I would just have one thing to add to this statement. What difference would it make if Obama was a muslim. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, a man has a right under God to be an anything he wants to be. He can be any religion he wants to and pray to any God he wants to. In this country, they cant blatantly yell out the politically incorrect term negro, so instead these fellow Americans will jump on the maybe he is a muslim, to keep him out. So here it is Christian, Muslim or Hari Krisna, this country was built on the premise that all men were created equal, therefore anyone can run for president whether they are a closet Muslim or not.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
13 Sep 08
Very well put. Still don't know what I am going to do on voting day but I know the silliness is getting old.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
Personally I don't understand why it's even supposed to make a difference. Even if he were a Muslim, why would that be a problem?
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Awesome post. I'll be highly surprised if you get any responses from anyone who believes the "closet Muslim" BS.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
14 Sep 08
"I'm a big believer of the so called BS you're referring to and if all of these facts were present on McCain (and it could be proven)" Except, in regards to Obama's faith, there is no provable fact that he is a muslim. Only lies and conjecture. I wouldn't say Obama is necessarily someone who you should trust - you can never fully trust any politician. However, when a person believes he's a muslim when all signs indicate otherwise...well that, my friend, is what we call "delusional".
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
14 Sep 08
"Lot's of big problems let's take a look at one for now,you said Mechelle Obama is a christian so what would lead a person to that thinking? the word Christian if you should look up the meaning of the word it means "Christ-like",there fore a christian is to be Christ like this is what indemnifies them as being a christian,ye shall know them by their fruits,peace,love and joy. I simply could not in vision the parent's of Jesus sitting in a church listening to the most vile and disgusting bitter hate fill message about hating the white race or the government,the white man gave the black man the aids virus,Jesus preached love not hate,so I question is Mechelle Obama really a Christian? Taking it a step pass that I question the parenting of the Obama's in general,if parents teach or allow to be taught to their child bitterness and hate is can only serve to breed bitterness and hate in the child." Ah, the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. These are not valid arguments at any time when they are used, so I won't bother trying to rebut them. "(Source of fact the Obama's preacher Jeremiah Wright you tube)I have no reason to question if Barack Onama is not a Muslim by birth,his father was a Muslim born in Kenya,his step father was a Muslim born in Indochina,Ann Durham the mother of Barack Obama registered Barack Jr then called (Barry Obama) in lower grade school as Muslim." The same document contained erroneous information, such as that Obama was Indonesian, and the wrong name for his previous school. His teachers were also quoted in the Chicago tribune as saying that Obama was likely to have been registered as muslim because his then-stepfather was a muslim. See link regarding the teachers here: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0703250340mar25,0,4122936.story In any case, the religion marked on his enrollment form is not really any indication of his religion. Also, since other information on it was incorrect, the credibility of such a document is called into question. "It is clear to me having a father and step father who where Muslims,and Barack having three very strong Muslim names Barack Hussein Obama,registared in grade school as a muslin by his own mother,yes it is so looks like a duck,walks like a duck,then it is indeed a duck." I was registered as a Christian in high school. My family is christian, and my friends are Christian. My name, as well, has very Christian roots. By your logic, I should be a christian. However, I've been an atheist since grade school. Obviously heritage and name is not what determines our religion. "Barack Obama's half sister and brother both are on record they say Barack Jr was raised as all the family a Muslim,(Source of Info Kenya newspapers,you tube viedos) Ralia Odingo Barack Obama cousin prime minister of Kenya is a muslim,it boils down to you all are calling Barack Obama blood family all liars." I assume when you refer to these news reports, you are referring to his brothers statement that "Barack will be good for the Jewish people despite his Muslim background." Not once in the full context of the interview did I here his brother say such a phrase. Even if I somehow managed to miss it be it poor reading or that particular part not being posted, "despite his Muslim background" does not mean that he is a muslim. It means he comes from a muslim background, which is true. Half his family is muslim. "History,documents,video's,all these facts speak for them self,people by the millions know 150% that Barack Hussein Obama Jr is in fact a Muslims." No, actually, they do not, because "history, documents, videos, and all these facts" do not point to Barack being a Muslim. There may have been a chance he was as a child, but it all depends on whether or not Mr. Obama actually believed the tenents of the religion. That, of course, we can not know for sure unless Obama tells us. As for whether he is a closet muslim currently - there are NO facts which indicate such a thing, and any conjecture otherwise is just that - conjecture.
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• United States
14 Sep 08
I'm a big believer of the so called BS you're referring to and if all of these facts were present on McCain (and it could be proven), you guys would be concerned too. Someone on another post challenged everyone to take a look at the video at the link below: http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/video.aspx?RsrcID=2036 Go watch it, THEN come back and tell us that we still have nothing to worry about. The video isn't twisting ANYTHING around to anyone's favor. It's just about the facts that have been laid out on the table. No matter WHO he was born to or was forced to do as a child, his choices after becoming an adult haven't been stellar by a long shot - and THAT is what will count in the end.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Great post!! I couldn't agree more and i think your last sentence sums it up perfectly. It sure is ridiculous but my theory is these people with their "fact blinder" on don't want to know the truth because if they used some actual common sense like you just did, what would happen to all their talking points? There's one poster here in particular who writes several times a day about Obama's mother enrolling him in GRADE SCHOOL as a Muslim and under his Muslim name. Of course, this same person has repeatedly posted how we should be afraid of Obama because he said in kindergarten he wanted to be President of the United States someday...lol! I've responded to that by telling of how my grandson had said the same thing at about 2 1/2, adding that he also might want to be a race car driver or a garbage man. Annie
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I try to ignore those posts, because it honestly infuriates me how some people could be so stupid and fear mongering. It's just been getting on my nerves lately how so many people keep saying Obama is a muslim. He's not - there's no evidence to indicate he is. Of course, there's no point in trying to convince the already convinced, but I just couldn't sit around in silence for so long. Someone had to say something, ya know?
3 people like this
• United States
13 Sep 08
I'm really tired of hearing this false rumor. And, yes, people do believe it although solid evidence has not been presented. And really, who cares what religion his is? Will it make him perform the job of President any better? We have a Christian in office right now, a God-fearing man. Look what he has done to our country! If you are looking for a preacher for your church, then religion is relevant. Sure it's nice to have someone in the White House who has strong faith & a belief in a higher being. But let's take religion out of the equation! BTW, kudos to Ron Paul for not offering his support to McCain. It's too bad that have such a strong two-party system that won't allow another party to join in & have a fair shake. I am a strong Democrat but I believe we should be offered more choices.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Sep 08
hi latrivia I am voting for obama so dont minus me because you want Mccain. its a free world so vote for whoever you wishjust dont badmouth me or my my choice.give me the same respect that you like given to your choice. sad................................................................;;;;;;;;;;;; respect as y ou would have me give to your choice.lets be adults not schoolyard bullies tormenting each other over our choices. its american we are free r {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Kindly read the original post before you reply next time.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Good post Latrivia but conspiracy theorists are a hardy bunch. Common sense doesn't enter into the picture when the boogie man is hiding behind every corner so they must be ever vigilant.
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• United States
14 Sep 08
thank you very much for this post. one thing i'd like to add is this....people keep coming up with these outrageous lies about Obama and Muslim faith. So what if he was he's not now. Are we going to criticie every christian out there who once was a non-repentant sinner? no..because we all have a past and can change.
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@Sarah1108 (310)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Thank you for posting this! Everyone is so quick to call him a Muslim. I am not sure where they get their news from but i am pretty sure its not good news. He is not a Muslim. Do they think once he gets to the white house he will drop the act and say "gotcha I'm a muslim" i doubt that will happen and i think people need to stop pulling for anything they can find that says he is a muslim. i guess if he really is a Muslim we should not have made such a big stink about Rev. Wright because its not like Obama would really be listening to that Christan guy anyways. Sorry you guys cant have it both ways either he is a muslim or he was friends with Rev Wright. Take your pick!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
I do not think he is a Muslim, but I do not think he is a Christian. I think he is a Christian in name only and I think he is a Muslim in name only. In other words, he is straddling the fence. He is what we call a wantobe. He does not act like a Christian, because his views on abortion and same gender marriage is anti-Christian and of course, he does not act like a Muslim either. So he is neither. It also might be if he were raised a Muslim and then joined a church and renounced his Muslim faith, that many Muslims would regard him as one, but the church he joined did not act like a Bible believing church believing only those of a certain ethnic group worthy to be saved. In the Bible it says even the devils believe and tremble.
• United States
18 Sep 08
cyntrow, how do you know that?
• United States
18 Sep 08
Did I miss the Gift?
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I don't think it's necessarily that people think Obama is a closet Muslim, but that he was exposed to Mulim idealogy as a child and attended Muslim schools. I am a psychology student currently and through my studies I have learned that ideas and beliefs that people learn when they are young tend to "stick" with them. It can be hard for people to sort of deprogram themselves to think differently and changes those beliefs and ideas once they are young. The only reason that I am a little sketchy on Obama is because I'm not sure how much of that Muslim upbringing stuck with him. In my religion classes, I have learned that Islam is not at all a violent or hateful religion, but religious leaders of Islam through time have thrown in their own hateful and vengeful messages into Islam through the years and it has morphed into something different from the original faith. I'm not knocking Muslims, but it is a fact that some Muslim religious leaders do preach messages of violence and hate.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
14 Sep 08
The same can be said of any other religion. Obama's muslim influence, from what I gather, was very lax. His stepfather was very much an unorthodox man. He drank, smoked, and violated a lot of the tenents of his religion. I'd imagine not much of it stuck with him, going by what I know of his beliefs. Obviously it was so little that he it was no problem for him to decide to become a Christian.
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@Magene (103)
• United States
14 Sep 08
obama 08! ! ! ! ! !
• China
14 Sep 08
it seems so many people dislike OBAMA now.