What is the most dangerous thing in this world?

September 14, 2008 5:47am CST
What do you think is the most dangerous thing in this world? Let me start the ball rolling "Human Being" Because we could even kill our kind for nothing . Always trying to change the course of nature .
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5 responses
14 Sep 08
Global warming will eventually because it will melt our faces and we will all look the same and we wont be able to find our friends and then we will all be lonely and look like twins.
• Singapore
18 Sep 08
True, but guess eventually we would find a way to stop it from delepting the earth yea .
@urbandekay (18278)
14 Jul 09
Ignorance all the best urban
@balasri (26537)
• India
28 Apr 09
Breach of trust.This is more dangerous than murder,arson and looting.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
23 Sep 08
I have to agree on that. Human Beings are indeed the most dangerous. We are way too intelligent for our own good. We are greedy and we are willing to do anything for the things we want. On the other hand, some Human beings can be really loving, loyal, compassionate and etc. If the world has more of such people, it would definitely be a better place.
@joy4you (641)
• India
15 Sep 08
The most dangerous thing in this world to me is greed or rather the feeling of "want". Look at what happened to adam and eve. whenever humans have let their wants get control of them it has been the cause of all problems. What would happen if we lived our life without any feeling of want, what if we only wanted to give, what would the world be like? Happy mylotting.