Do you have a daily routine in cleaning your face?

facial products - different kinds of facial products
@iskayz (5420)
September 14, 2008 6:43am CST
Well, I don't have any special routine in cleaning my face. I think I'm the only girl who doesn't haha. But I do clean my face! I just don't use those facial products that are out in the market. There's so many to choose from, astringents, cleansers, facial foams, day creams to over night creams and etc, etc, etc. I admit I have tried some of the products but I just can't do it diligently. I somehow have a hard time making it a routine everyday except for washing my face with a facial wash and water and then that's it. I don't even put make up or powder on my face whenever I go out. How about guys? How do you usually do your routine when it comes to cleaning your face? What do you apply first and whats the last? Do you think the facial products you use are effective? Do guys use facial products too? Happy mylotting everyone!
8 responses
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
14 Sep 08
i am cleaning my face in a natural way.washing with warm water and some cream.
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
I use warm water too before. My mom said that its effective in cleaning your face cause it can open the pores and wash the dirt away thats stuck inside the pores. Hmmmm... that reminds me, for a long time now I haven't done that. Maybe tonight I will wash my face with warm water. Happy mylotting!
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
14 Sep 08
theres no harm in trying.
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@dolcias (302)
• Egypt
25 Sep 08
i do have a strict routine for my face because i used to have skin problems(which have disappeared somehow since i started that routine)...i steam my face to open the pores,wash it with my medical soap,clean it with the cleanser,scrub once a week,then moisturize it...haha i know it sounds like a long routine but it only takes minutes though
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Ow?? You use steam on your face? Hmm.. That's new. I guess if you're use to doing a routine it would seem a lot quicker to do. I think also medical soaps makes the skin dry. It's good that you use moisturizer. Keep posting!
@badkat83 (1620)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I don't have any routine. I don't even have to wash my face. I take a shower every day, that is about it. I never had any problems with my skin.
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Oh I envy you for not having problems with your skin. Me, my skin is kinda oily and whatever facial wash I use, after a week of using it, it seems the product doesn't work anymore so I just usually wash my face with water. Ciao!
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Hi there iskayz! I do have a daily regimen that I religiously follow. In the morning, I wash my face with baby soap then apply toner and moisturizer with sunscreen. I rarely wear make-up but since I am exposed to a not-so-clean environment, I make sure I also clean my face at night. Before I sleep, I wash my face using facial foams and facial scrub which I use every other day. Meaning, if I use the facial foams tonight, then I will use the facial scrub tomorrow night. After that, I would apply night cream. Well, I find them effective.
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Hi! How long have you been doing your daily regimen? Don't you get to miss any of it? You're really a girl I think hehe. Me, I like to have a daily regimen when it comes to cleaning my face cause i know its important but I get tired just by thinking of it haha.
• China
14 Sep 08
oh, i think you are not the only girl, i don't do that too. i did that before, but now i am tired of it. i only have one face, but there are lots of products, i don't know which one is better, and which one is suit me. all the seller will tell you you should try theirs, and it is better, but i don't trust them all , and i can't text that on my own face. make up, it is waste of my time, haha.
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Hello there! I'm glad I'm not the only one. My mom and sister would always introduce me to so many facial stuffs. I will try them for several days but like you I get tired doing it everyday. Sometimes also if you get to use one product for a along time, I think the effectiveness disappears. It's like your skin gets immuned with the products. And make-up?? Uh uh, itchy on my skin. Keep posting!
• India
15 Sep 08
well....i wash my face on a regular basis with a good facewash product.That is before going to bed and after getting up.This is my regular routine.But apart from this I wash my face after reaching home each time i go out...
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Hi! I totally agree with you that we should wash our face once we get home. Our face is exposed to dirt when we go out and washing immediately will prevent skin diseases and pimples. It also feels greasy sometimes because of dust and perspiration. Keep posting!
• India
15 Sep 08
Yes ofcourse, even if I don't have time to take bath, I atleast wach my face with some gentle facewash.
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@zykon84 (165)
• Portugal
14 Sep 08
not realy. i donk make anythin special about that