Do you curse a lot?

@mchavez11 (1406)
September 15, 2008 7:46am CST
We all have our own ways of expression. Especially in cursing, some of us use it due from negative reaction, anger, amazement or simply using it as a filler. This kind of expression is what we called cursing. I noticed that even the religious people will still find a way to curse by re wording such phrases like oh sh**t to Oh shoot!. So you see its a vital part in our lives, it works as a small outlet of our different reactions towards a situation. The question is, do you curse a lot? Whether its profound or simply by using re invented words in order to cover for this certain behaviour. Me, I do curse a lot. I am a foul mouthed yob. However, I tried reducing my cursing from time to time by using other terms than the common offensive ones that the society dictated us. In my point of view, I also think that these words are just words, because no matter what we say it depends on the true meaning in it, that's what matters. Then again, society already gave definition to these cursed words so we can't do anything about it but we can do something about giving it a different positive meaning.
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48 responses
• Philippines
17 Feb 09
i only curse when i am really really angry and when i am driving haha and i encounter reckless drivers. most of my friends do not curse so i really try not to curse in front of them. one of my friends will even scold us if she hears us cursing, she will say, "there's no need to curse". my parents raised us not to curse, and we are scolded whenever my father hears us cursing. its a good thing im not around people who curse a lot. but these days, i usually here guys curse like my boss and a client who curses not because he is angry but because its pafrt of his expression. some people are offended because our boss usually curse but i guess it all depends on how you were raised and taught on how to deal with cursing
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
9 Feb 09
I don't hardly ever curse. Not since I grew up about 30 years ago. I am now 51 years old and know that I don't need to swear to get attention or to show that I am tough, or whatever. I don't like potty mouth on men and with women I think it is terrible. I used to have my day though, that I swore quite often. But it never got me anywhere or get me anything I wanted so it was useless to get that angry. It just made people be on the defense and then they treat you badly because nobody likes to feel that way. For example, why swear at your waitress when you don't like something, she just feels bad then and doesn't like you and makes you wait that much longer to fix the problem. But yet I see people do this all of the time. Alrighty then, talk to you later my friend, Have a good mylotting day, Chris
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
17 Sep 08
Your right we cannot control sometimes our self if we are angry & urse anyone that hurt our feeling, sometimes i did but in a few hours i realize that i curse someone i just ask forgiveness to god for what i did, of course not all the time just anger like im already explored my fired .
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• United States
17 Sep 08
I don't curse a lot but there are times where only a curse word will do.The only time I change expressions from R rated to Pg is when there are small kids present, which is rare for me.
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@punkix (658)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
i curse but not too much. yeah its sad that something bad becomes a vital part of our daily lives even becomes a habit. cursing has become a norm today, they even lost their true meaning coz we just hear it everyday, expressions used to express something positive :)
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Yah mate, that's what I noticed too. Aye aye.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I try not to be but sometimes i am carried away by my emotions.When i get mad alot or someone had hurt me so much i could help but curse the person.It is due to my anger that i could get even so i just try to be by cursing the person but after i had express my anger i actually didn't mean what i said.Who am i to curse a person like me?
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
15 Sep 08
I think that cursing is bad. It brings bad omen on you and those around you. So I don't use it because I respect God. When I am inclined to say such words, I try to use other silly words that might make me laugh.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
That is a good alternative romaldinu. Thanks.
• United States
15 Sep 08
No not really. I went a week without saying a single curse word. I usually think on what I say before I say it. Cursing is just plain rude.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
That is the key. THink first before you say it. Choose words that are proper. Thanks and happy posting.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Here's the thing we all do it I have never met one person who hasn't cursed at least once in their whole darn life. It's how you use it and when you use that matters. Say I drop something on my toe yep I'm going to be saying a string of them. Say some guy pissed me off and in my head I'm calling him a Jack A$$ but it will come out Jack Dog through my mouth or I'll simply and elequently tell him why he is what he is. We all curse wether it be silent or aloud. LOL!! It when and how your use an where you use it.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Yeah you are absoilutely right, sometimes we curse in our minds. Lol. Thanks.
• China
15 Sep 08
As to me ,I donot curse a lot.Since I am optimistic,especially when I am in trouble.When I have trouble ,I ofen tell myself that it is normal,and the most important is that I must find the way to cope with the situation instead of cursing .Love your life ,and let sth go,eventually you will get it!
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Nice self control you've got there. You are cautious and I'm glad you are. Thanks for the good example.
• United States
15 Sep 08
I actually watch my foul-mouth in front of little ears! But, yeah! I curse often and and am an adult. To me, we use these words as a "loud" way to voice our feelings. I'd just as soon hear someone say the real word instead of "friggin". Curse words aren't offensive to me. It does no one any good to as God to damn anyone, thats his decision. That phrase is the one I rarely ever use.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Well at least you are aware of it. Thanks and happy posting.
@corngrass (727)
• Malaysia
15 Sep 08
Nope. I don't curse lots. Only once in a while i will accidentally "blurted" it out. I don't like cursing because sometimes it might hurt people around. And I don't like it.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Good for you corngrass. I will make sure that I beat you to it by making my cursing habit way lesser than yours. Thanks for the metrics. Happy posting.
@izhuce13 (158)
• China
15 Sep 08
cursing a lot is not good for our body. even it can release our pression in some way. but when we get used to this situation, we will becaome a people that always complain about the life and we will lost a lot of happiness.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Yah, these words can be draining too. Thanks for the reminder.
• United Kingdom
15 Sep 08
There have been times in the past when I have been so angered by someone that I literally cursed them under my breath! Worse still, I almost purchased one of those voodoo dolls! I don't know whether they work or not but I was so tempted to try the thing out!! On a serious note though, I guess it's a bad thing start cursing people! I have stopped doing this now thankfully. I think that, over time, your curse will eventually come back to haunt you! They say it relates to the law of karma or something along those lines! Anyway, I guess the good thing to do is start blessing people instead and wishing them well, I guess you will find yourself feeling a whole lot better. Bless you by the way!! Andrew
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Bless you too Andrew. Thanks.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
15 Sep 08
At least you are honest and admit to cursing, I hear it so often now that gangs of youths in the street every other word is a curse word, they can't string a sentence together without adding a curse word in there, it's a shame, a real shame that this is what we are reduce to hearing nowadays, sure I curse when I get angry, if something doesn't work properly and I am aware I have anger issues but they are more at things, rather than at people. Ever heard of the expression words cut like a knife, I have been on the receiving end of someone verbally attacking me and it's not very nice at all and it's very threatening and can be scary if you are in that situation.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
That is kinda or may I say really scary. Its a disgrace that most of the youths are just cursing a lot. There is also media to blame for. We should do something about it by starting teaching right to our children. However, when these mongrell making moneys which is the media uses this as a form of profit generating thing, then we parents or simply elders will have a hard time to bring back morals to our society and most of all to the youth. Its just sad. Thanks for sharing your opinion. Have a nice and peaceful day.
@gobispo (81)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Well, i have to admit that i am fond of cursing...but that is just my way of releasing anger or tension. Just today, i lost my brand new cellphone. My Samsung G600 which i only used for nearly a month! I was so irritated and angry to the person who intentionally got it. I can't understand why people do such things! Well, i am the person who believes in "karma". So i just wish that person "good luck"...=)
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Oh that is such a big hassle. A bit advice, in order for you to eliminate cursing try to avoid hassles like this. Most people nowadays are really having a hard time surviving especially with our current economic situation in our dying country. Poverty just keeps on increasing almost everyday. As a result, you must take extra care of your belongings by being a bit obsessive compulsive or just always put your stuff in proper order. I learned this mostly from the brits. They're not just sharp in clothes but they're also carefully sharped with their stuff. If you are the type that is a bit careless and burara (a filipino slang for disorderly human being) then these things will happen to you no matter what curse you use. Don't live with karma if you can avoid headaches by taking care of yourself as well as your stuff. Thanks and I am sure you'll have a better replacement. You'll lose some to gain some.
@rkrish (3003)
• India
15 Sep 08
I never fired any people as i know how much it hurts them, but often i end up in cursing myself since i made himself involved in this matter and end up so...what you feel about this...
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Wow that is quite hard. I think you should try to just let it out but not to yourself though. Maybe taking a breather might help. Thanks.
@Anchopy (1453)
• Paraguay
15 Sep 08
I curse a lot.. every day.. all day to everyone... is my way to express myself.. I use profound words, when I'm talking with my family I can control better my mouth but with friends and people that I know, but with other I'm filled with bad words..
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Whew that is wild. Well it is your choice.
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
When I was a kid a used to curse a lot even for only expression purposes but as I get older I slowly understand that it is really not a good habit and it wouldnt help you in any way in your life.Also when you curse a lot they will look at you as a person who does not have any manners or a person who is not educated.Hope you liked my response and have a nice day.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Nice response. Again, this will certainly refrain me from using foul languages. This is what I like about Mylot, not only you get paid. You also learn from other people's opinions. This community can make a change and can give good impact to all that matters to humanity. Thanks and take care.
15 Sep 08
Cursing small time is sometihng that most of us do,we utter silly little things when we are mad,but im definately not into big time swearing in fact its a pet hate of mine .If there are people really using expletives that I cannot beat to hear then I will move right away from their uncouth presences.There is no need for profanity,its an excuse for having nothing better to say,those who cant find the words to express them selves use the swearing,it makes them seem big,tho little do they know how small it makes them look in the eyes of many.
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Well said chubbycheeks. Its a sign of lack of knowledge or something good to say. It all boils down to the word "LACK", lack of everything. This just makes me want to stop cursing completely. Thanks so much and happy posting.