if you witnessed someone being beaten up what would you do?

September 15, 2008 4:30pm CST
This happens a lot, not so long ago an old man was being attacked by couple of younger guys outside or near a pub.. he was punched and kicked by couple of drunks.. There has also been times of a woman being attacked and mugged.. what would you do if you witnessed an attack? would you be a good citizen and help in some way? how would you help? it can be difficult situation i know, as you not want to risk your own life on a stranger, but could you just walk away and do nothing?
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4 responses
• Pakistan
15 Sep 08
Well if I will witness someone being beaten up I would look at the situation I would see if the person who is beating is a bully i will just take a side and if the person doesn't seem to be bully then " I AM IN THE GAME " and will get them away from each other. Regards, tAstY-moOn
15 Sep 08
hehehehe... so you would then jump in there and get in on the action eh sorry it sounded funny hehehehe.. sound like you would enjoy diving in and getting in on the action.. thanks for sharing.. i cant stop laughing now..
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I would do something to intervene, but I wouldn't physically jump in for fear of my own life. I would probably call 911 and hopefully they could dispatch a patrol car. My sister was driving my mother home one day, and saw a man being beaten up by three guys, luckily the police precinct was nearby and she went in and told them what was happening. They were able to catch the guys and call for an ambulance.
15 Sep 08
i did this because also not far from my home a man was beaten up, not sure if he come out of pub or was passing by when the younger guys come out. It was quite bad but as remember a witness shouted out OI and the young guys run off leaving the man on floor with his ribs broken.. It could have been worse if it hadnt of been for the guy that called out.. Well if call for help thank goodness for mobile phones yes Anyway i would hope that if i was in trouble someone would try and help me thanks for sharing that... your sister was a good citizen take care
@MOMMASAM (1004)
• United States
16 Sep 08
i would immediately dial 911. i would also hope i knew whether i was within the city limits or not. that just causes additional time if i don't dial the state police or the city police as needed. if i was in my car, with all the doors locked, i might try to scare them off. laying on my horn or trying to swerve near them. i would never just say "oh" and drive off. i can understand fully, a woman alone not wanting to be attacked for STOPPING the attack. but, i can't understand people doing nothing at all. how could you not care?
@jaffna (778)
• India
16 Sep 08
i don't want to risk ma life for a stranger.there are so many important things of ma life that i should focus upon so i will better concentrate on that rather than involving in witnessing matters