Have you got unusual pets?

September 16, 2008 6:51am CST
For anyone out there who has pets i'd love to know what kind of pets you have! Does anyone have any unusual pets or the more bizarre? I have three dogs and love how they are - they can cheer me up when I'm down and are so much fun - they make me laugh all the time with cute things they do so just wondered with the more unusual pets what kind of pleasure do they give you that made you want an unusual pet?
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6 responses
• India
16 Sep 08
Choosing an unusual animal for a pet can be fun learning process, but should not be undertaken without proper research. Both adults and children can benefit from owning an exotic pet, and there are many that are easier to take care than traditional pets. Of course, there are unique responsibilities when choosing to bring an exotic pet into your home. While some exotic petsrequire special licensing to own within a Country, many only have minimal, if any, guidelines. Consider these when choosing your exotic pet. I have fishes as my pets and try to get the exotic ones.
16 Sep 08
I don't plan on getting any exotic animals myself - I was just curious as to what people had : )
17 Sep 08
Wow a Wolf dog! Cool! :) We once had a some sort of a reptile. It's sometimes violent but I love it. Hehehe. The only exotic pets I would never have are arachnids, bugs, and scorpions of the kind.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
16 Sep 08
My pets are not all that unusual. I have 2 Black Lab dogs (Tobi & Taylor) & 2 black cats (Romeo & Kip). Tobi & Taylor are outside dogs due to their size. I love coming home to their smiling faces. They are ALWAYS soooo happy to see their Mommy!!! Romeo & Kip are not litter mates but were adopted from the same place & were about the same age. They were cell mates at the Humane Society. They think they are brothers & fight accordingly. They take turns hiding until the other walks by & then jump out & ATTACK!!! When I'm sad they fight over which one will cheer me up first. They roll around the floor all the time showing off as to who is the strongest. I love ALL 4 of my babies!!!
16 Sep 08
I love too how my dogs are so happy to see me come home - they are always pleased you are back and they just appreciate you so much! x
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Umhmm & they cry when I leave.
@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Sep 08
Boa Constrictor - This is our pet boa, she is very soft and absolutely adores people.
Well I guess we could be classed as having unusual pets, we have a boa constrictor, a Royal Python and four cornsnakes. They are actually very interesting pets, and there is a lot more to a snake than just the way that they look. One of the cornsnakes has this thing of going down my sleeve, and then popping its head out of my sleeve and it sits there for ages. The picture I have put on is of my hubby with the boa constrictor she is bigger than this now too!
16 Sep 08
Thats pretty cool - I have never thought about keeping snakes but they are obviously a brilliant pet for you to have with having six!! x
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
16 Sep 08
We don't have unusual pets but, we do live in the city and currently have a bunny and over the weekend my son found a turtle so we had to add that to our collection. I'm thinking that if anyone else brings home another pet I'm moving out lol We currently have 1 dog, 2 kittens, 1 bunny and 1 turtle.
16 Sep 08
It's definitely an unusual mix though! : )
• Singapore
17 Sep 08
hii i got an iguana !!
17 Sep 08
Nice! : )
@dookie03 (578)
• United States
19 Sep 08
I have 2 bearded dragons but at one time i had 6 at a time in 3 huge cages. It got a lil crazy for a while but they were fun when they were smaller and more energetic. The older they got they were really lazy and weren't that fun any more. When i got them my brother in law incubated them and the whole nine yards. So he had the parents of mine, so anyway he hatched them all to make some money and instead gave most of them to me and his sister and the rest to the zoo. Basically their hard to sell and they ended up living forever. It ain't that bad i just wished they were a pet that only lived like 5 years instead they're 12 years old now and well you know.... Don't get me wrong they were fun but not so much anymore...
19 Sep 08
Thats a lot in one go! : )