ketchup or grayvie??

@punkix (658)
September 16, 2008 9:13am CST
actually, when i eat my chicken i eat it with ketchup coz its more available than grayvie but when i dine out, i pretty much ask for honey mustard for chicken fillets and grayvie for chicken parts :) when you eat your chicken, do you put it with KETCHUP or GRAYVIE? a simple thought would be nice :)
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12 responses
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
16 Sep 08
I like gravy for fried chicken! Actually here in Egypt KFC and Mc Donald does not serve gravy in their fried chicken, so whenever I have take out, I need to make my own gravy sauce.
@punkix (658)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
how come they do not serve it there at your place? hmmmm
@berkee (46)
• Ireland
16 Sep 08
where the hell DO they serve it??
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@berkee (46)
• Ireland
16 Sep 08
they dont do it here in ireland either...i didnt think they did it anywhere!! be cool if they did, i love chips in gravy!
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@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
I am a ketchup person. I seldom touch the gravie when it is being offered. I can eat anything with ketchup. There's this popular sauce named Mang Tomas, and having mang tomas partnered with chicken is yummy too.
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Now that you mentioned it, my baby(2 year old) nephew deeps everything he likes to it in a ketchup and he seemed so fascinated with the taste.
@punkix (658)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
yeah its the all around sarsa. i use that too :) i have this friend, his grandfather is a big ketchup fan and he just use it on almost every food he eats including pancakes!:)
@berkee (46)
• Ireland
17 Sep 08
My brother loves ketchup, it sick how much he uses, he puts it on everything!!
@mchavez11 (1406)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
It really depends. Like if I eat Max's Chicken which I dont eat that much often, would definitely prefer ketchup. If its Kentucky I would go for gravy. Their gravies are the best. Even mix them with my rice. Yum.
@punkix (658)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
wihte, hot and a bit sticky rice is the best for the grayvie :)
@berkee (46)
• Ireland
17 Sep 08
Rice and graxy, i will have to try that! sound really yummy. what type of rice do you use?
• India
16 Sep 08
I am very much fond of chicken but generally I like baked chicken. I prepare my self. I first get the chicken marinated in garlic ginger paste with egg for two hours and then cook it in the microwave for 15 minutes thereby grilling it for 20 minutes and when spices and lemon on it with salad and white sauce it is mouth watering. By reading it are you mouthwatering or not. Please comment and have a nice chicken parts with ketchup.
@berkee (46)
• Ireland
16 Sep 08
sounds nice..garlic ginger and lemon..mmm
@punkix (658)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
yes i am coz that sounds great.. you must be a pretty good cook :)
@berkee (46)
• Ireland
17 Sep 08
yeah i wish i could cook, i can only do the basics!!
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
16 Sep 08
As more time passes by I am making my chicken with a side dish or rice (roasted or chicken fajitas) I do not feel it needs ketchup or gravy.
@punkix (658)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
i know coz the discovery of different kinds of herbs, they can make a meal so tasty that it can be eaten without any accompaniment such as ketchup, grayvie, etc..
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I love this marinated chicken that I buy like that and just throw in the oven, and I just add rice. I use to add veggies but almost no one eats them (only me) I am making more and more dinners with two dishes, main and side.
@berkee (46)
• Ireland
16 Sep 08
mmm...has to be gravy on roast chicken definately, nice on chicken and chips too! not a ketchup lover so i would use mayo instead!
@punkix (658)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
hmmm im not fond of just plain mayo, garlic mayo is better :) yeah there are a lot of better accompaniment that can be substitute for ketchup, way better :)
@berkee (46)
• Ireland
16 Sep 08
mix ketchup and mayo together..yum
@jahrock (111)
18 Sep 08
Never with ketchup for me, but then again, growing up in Jamaica meant learning to enjoy food without a lot of additives coming from bottles, and in the case of chicken, everything depends on how it's cooked. For example we do a lot of different chicken casseroles, so there's no need for anything extra, because the dish has a very tasty gravy. Then chicken lends itself very well to open fire cooking, from the basic to barbecues to stir fry, and in nearly every case, the most important thing is the preparation, the marinade you make for the chicken, and at the end of the preparation, the last thing you should need is something else to pour over it, because the taste should be great if you got every- thing right. On the other side of the coin, we have to admit that there are many people who would prefer to go hungry if they could not pour something from a bottle, whether tomato ketchup, special sauces or even one of the many varieties of mayo! I know people who would be insulted if you offered them a meal without a bottle of very hot pepper sauce on the table! For those people, the addition of additives is what brings out the taste for them, and I guess it's understandable if you stop to consider the difference in taste between any meat you have killed and cooked on a farm, compared to the shrink-wrapped stuff you get from the supermarket. At the end of the day, it's horses for courses as we say, to each his own and all that, but the real question has to be this......what do you enjoy more, the taste of the meal or the taste of the additive? If you cook, like me, then you prepare meals to satisfy the taste buds of those you are feeding, and sometimes you will provide a great gravy, for example with any roast meat, and sometimes you will serve a meal with all the bottles on the table for those who want them. Choice is wonderful, isn't it?
@gobispo (81)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
when its from a fast food resto,gravy is the best. but when i eat in maxs in particular, try mixing their ketchup and soy sauce. its delicious.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
17 Sep 08
i love ketchup specialy french fries, fried porchop and rice hmmm yummy.
@arjai_12 (40)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
i love gravy
• Singapore
18 Sep 08
i would pefer ketchup cause it goes well with more of the things that i enjoy.many too love ketchup than grayvie.grayvie is more unhealthy than than ketchup as it kind of stinks because they have garlic.i hate garlic cause it stinks and has a bad taste.ketchup can also be added to dishes like italian,spanish and frenh food and i relly like them because they taste soooooooo good as it has a sweet smell.
• Singapore
18 Sep 08
Actually, i like kectup, mayonaise, chili sauce and mostly tomato sauce. I'm the person that likes spicy stuff like egxample, i like to taste tom yam soup. but some people may not like spicy stuff because some people have different tastebuds depending on what food they like. about grayvie, i prefer it the most, because it can be used in many dishes, macaroni, spaghetti etc. the gravy i like most is chicken stock with boiling water. there's one soup i hate, that's pea soup.
@punkix (658)
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
wow thats something different right there :) pea soup? i do not hink i have tasted that yet